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3.............................................................................................. .
3 ................................................................. unit one *
8......................................................... kinds of letters 33................................................................ unit two *
38.................................................. parts of the letter 93........................................................................ ...... *
33................................................................... ......... *
37..................... secondary parts of the letter 73........................................................................... *
79........................................................... unit three *
74................................................................................ the five Cs 85............................................................................ *
84........................................................................... ... *
88.........................formal quality: paper quality size 97................................................................... ......... *
98................... three rules paragraph 43.............................addressing the envelop 49........................................................................... *
82..................................................... punctuation (capital letters) 88..................................................................... *
29............................................................................. never divide 28..................................................................... *
353 ............................................................. data and information 358..................................................................... *
358................................................................................. unit four 335................................................ FOB, C&F, CIF, EX WORK 333 .................................................................. *
332................................................................ *
395......................................................... Commercial documents 397.................................................................. *
335................................................................... *

333............................................. Abbreviations used in business 338..................................................unit five (Letters of enquiry( 334.................................................................... *

338............................................Sales related enquiry 379.......................................................... Asking for information 377................................................................... *
378................................................................................... unit six 385....................................................................... *
383.............................. Replies to enquiry, quotations and offers 383........................................................... *
397............................................................. *
398............................................................. *
392............................................ Voluntary letters or sales letters 347........................................................... *
347..................................................... unit seven writing orders 385........................................................... *
383.............................................. unit eight (applying for jobs) 389.......................................................... *
329........................................................... *
322............................................................ *
322....................................................... The kind of applications 959............................................................ *
959............................................................... types of application 939......................................................................... *
937................................................................... how to write C.V 993......................................................................... GLOSSARY *

, . ,
business letters theory and practice in
: English and Arabic
. . . .

Unit one

Although, telephone, telegraphic communications and
recently the internet are widely used, the ability to write
appropriate business letters is highly valued in the business world,
because most other means of communication need to be confirmed
and detailed in writing.

, .

. ,
For business purposes of every kind and every level of
performance writing, the written letter remains the most important
means of communication.

For the following reasons:
1 Letters are inexpensive (cheap) and useful means of
communications when asking or conveying information (exchange
) .information

2 They provide a permanent record and an evidence of business

evidence .
3 Well written letters are considered the best method of
informing customers about new products etc.

any transaction

any modification product new mark you'd
entered .

how to produce interactive or dealing with any party
end users .customers
4 Written communication is vital to the network users who
interact from homes and places of work nearly in all aspects of


.) (
Written business letters, let we see what is the kind of letters. In
general what is the kind of letters?
1 Personal letters
Letters we write to our friends, and relatives using informal style
as in conversation over the telephone or chatting through the
, ,
, style

To use the surname or the first name, it depends on how close is
the correspondent.
For example: we can say Dear Salem or my Dear Salem.

My Dear Salem it will indicate to the strong relationship between
the sender and the receiver.
2- The official letters
The second kind of letters is the official letters. The official letters
and the business letters are our core subject.
Official letters are: letters which are written by ministers and
governments departments generally using formal phrases and
typed on an official headed paper.

generally using informal style personal letters

and typed on an ,
official headed paper

, ,
at the
same time

The brand name, and the name of the company or the name of the
firm or the name of the university.
3- Business letters
Nearly all letters written in business situations to accomplish
various processes in trade transactions; ranging from enquiries
quotations, sale letters, orders, complaints .etc.
, , ,
, orders ,
4 Semi-personal letters
Semi-personal letters: are business letters using less formal
language when intimate relationship exists as a result of long term
dealing (take into your account that it is still formal but it's less
formal language).
When you deal for along time with a particular supplier or
producer during the time the relationship between you and the
other party becomes stronger and you became close to him so
while writing the letters try to use some features as a personal
So the semi-personal letter


personal letters
Official letters, business letters, and semi-personal letters, we can
put them on one group as official or business letters or whatever
name you want to give them.
This table shows you the difference between personal letters and
both business and official letters


1 Exchange between
firms and persons engaged
in trade while official are
sent by ministries
government, departments
2 The subject is
commercial (business
3 Display is very
4 The signature is very
5 Sender's address, date,
and the reference should
always be inserted.
6 Business and official
letters are typed on
standard measurements
(size) of paper.
7 Copies of these must be
8 - Mostly typed.

1 Sent to friends and

2 - Private matters, social

3 - Not necessary.
4 - Not necessary.
5- Not necessary.
6 Can be written on fine
decorated papers.
7 Unnecessary to take
carbon copies.
8 - Frequently handwritten.

Note: business and official letters are put in one group and one
side and personal letter on the other side. And semi-personal
letters is included in business and official letters

business and official letters

. personal letter
We have eight differences between them. Let we try to
concentrate on these differences.
Exchange between firms and persons
involved in trade

While official are sent by ministers, governments.

While in person letters, letters to friends and relatives as we met
business them before
and official letters the exchange is between firms and persons who
are involved in trade.
The second difference between them, that in the business and
official letters the subject is commercial, the subject is commercial
business transaction
. , ,
private matters personal letters
... , , , social occasions


In the business and official letters display is very necessary

. .
So we try to make the noise in the less level and if so display is
very necessary in business and official letters while in personal
letters it's not necessary to go to the details.
The forth difference between them: that the signature is very
important in t business and official letters while in personal it's not
Why is the signature very important?
Because we want to know who has written the letters and who will
take the responsibility for any action. So if we want to do any
reaction, we need to know who is responsible for and who has the
authority to write that letter and to deal with him.

. ,
not necessary

sender's addresses, date and reference
. always be inserted
So we cannot write business letters without writing the address of
the sender, also we should insert the date and the reference.


.Senders address :
the date : .
reference : .

. .in business and official letters
Sender's address, date and reference should be inserted. While in
personal letters it's not necessary to write the date or the reference
because there is no reference.
Sender's address, date and reference
personal letters
Business and official letters are typed. It should be typed on a
standard measurement (size) of paper.
. quality
. standard .
personal letter it can be written in a fine decorated papers

. standard
personal letter .
business and official letters
copies of those must be filed .


. .
. Original letter
If you want to send an original letter to the supplier, it necessary to
show the number of copies but in general, we can take copied and
put those copies and send them to different groups. Okay, while
the copies in personal letter arent necessary to take carbon copies.
business and official letter
frequently hand- personal letter mostly typed
. . written
. business official letter
. .
parts of the letter
. .


Unit two
. ,
We talked about the importance of business letter. And we
mentioned four reasons why the written business letter is very
important, and then we talked about the type of the letters. In
general we have four types: personal letters, official letters,
business letters and semi personal letters.
We tried to give a definition for each kind of letters, after that we
explain the difference between official and business letters as one
group and personal letters on the other group.
And we mean here by the word letter the business letter or the
commercial letter even it is official letter or business letters and
semi-personal letter. All of the three kind or three types are
business letters.
business letter
letter .letter

. the main parts of the letter (A)
. (B)

, .

, , ,
. ,
How can we write an English letter or business English letter?
Let we start:
(A) The main part of the letter is
(1)- Printed heading (letter-head) which is usually printed at the
The heading contains:
1- The name of the firm.
2- The telephone number, fax, telefax.
3- The telegraphic address.
4- e-mail address
5- The telex number
6- The line of business
7- The trade mark.
8- The registration number (usually appears in small print)
9- The banker
10- The type of the ownership (Co- Est. - Inc-Ltd.)
11- Branches
The first main part of the letter is what we call the printed heading
or (letter heading).
. .
. 33 .
. eleventh items
1- The name of the firm
So the heading should contain the name of the firm.
. :
2- The telephone number, the fax number, or the telefax

3- The telegraphic address

4- The e-mail address

6- The telex number

7- The line of business

. .
7- The trade mark
trade mark
8- The registration number
Usually appear in small .
. print
9- The bankers
10- The type of the ownership (CO- Est. - Inc- Ltd)
. .
the type of the ownership of .
company or estimated or the company
. lited or whatsoever
11- The branches:
. . :
Try to concentrate on this note. In some cases they (the branches)
are put at the very bottom of the page as we mentioned before, but
sometimes the heading contains the name of the firm only.
Now from the main part of the letter, we only discussed the first
main part which is the heading or the letter-head and we said that
it contains eleven points.


The second main part of the letter is the date. Any business or
official letter or even a semi-personal letter should contain at least
the three main parts which are
1- Sender's address
2- The date
3- The reference
So the date is the second main part on the letter.
(2)- The Date
The Date is typed at the top right-hand corner, except when the
fully blocked style is used.
1- Don't use figures for the month.
2- Put a comma before the year.
Any of the following forms are correct
18th June, 1999.
June 18, 1999.
June 18th
The first one is recommended.
at the top right-hand corner date
except top .
when the fully blocked style is used
. Blocked style
another five styles
. blocked style top right hand
1- Don't use figure for the month.
. . figure
12 January confusing 9
Don't use figure to express .
. about the month
2- Put a comma before the year.

June 38
. 38
June June 38 ) comma (, 3222
1- Don't use figure for the month.

2- Put a comma before the year.
comma .
any of the following forms are correct
You are free to choose any form of the three forms which we
have. We have three alternatives here. All of them are correct. So
you can choose any one of them.

18th June, 1999
June .3222 eighteen
. June
7 8 9 June
. 3222 Comma
misunderstanding confusing 38 June
3222 comma
: comma before the year
June eighteenth, then we should put commaJune
June 28th , 1999

the first one is .

18th June, 1999
(3)- The reference
The third main part of the letter is the reference; the letter heading
may contain a special position for the insertion of the reference.
. reference
It's usually placed on the top-left-hand corner, remember that the
date should be put on the hand-top right corner. And the reference
should be placed on the top left-hand corner and in the same line
of the date.
It should typed at the . date
same line
. reference
The reference gives the initial of the person who signs the letter.
So the reference gives the initial of the person who signs the letter
or the number needed for filing or classification.
. reference
filling .
. .
Because, if we need to reach any information or take any
information so it will be easy to deal or react with that letter.

file filling
: reference . good classification
Example: SR/NA/1999
SR: What does it mean?
It represents the first letters of the name of the person who writes
the letter.
R S Saad Rayhanny
G .
. B
NA: it means a new appointment.
1999: it indicates to the number of the year of the date which the
letter was written in.
the forth main the main part of the letter
. part of the letter
any business letter or official
. business letter
It should contain thee things:
The first:
the inside address
The second:
the reference
The third:
the date
(4)- The inside address:
The name and the address of the individual or the name of the firm
to who the letter is place in its proper envelope.
Addresses are generally typed at the left-hand Again Addresses
are generally typed at the left-hand.

. date
Always in a single space with three lines space below the date or
the reference.
If I ask you a question, why did the writer her say three lines
below the date or the reference? The answer is because the date

and the reference should be typed on the same line. So when we

want to write the address we should leave three lines below the
date or the address. Remember that the date and the address
should be written on the same line. Also in general, all the
contents of the letter begin at the left hand margin except the date
when we use the file style but when we use the blocked style we
can also use it and start from the left hand margin, as we
mentioned before.

. . .
external countries overseas countries
Mr. =mister
for addressing a male person
. .
Example: Mr. Gameel Taher
Is used for addressing two or more person who are in a
Is used for addressing unmarried woman.

E.g. Miss Johnson
For addressing a married woman. And you should make sure that
she is married.
E.g. Mrs. Johnson

Is used for both married and unmarried woman. And you use it
when you aren't sure that the woman is married or not.
Misses is a plural of Miss.
Misses is plural of miss.
q S capital letter E
. small letter
Esq. = Esquire: always follows the name and is considered as a

e.g. (example):
Ghazi Newer Esq.

Mr. and Esq. .are not used at the same time.

Mr. and Esq. .are not used at the same time.
But it's not correct to use both . Mr. Esq.
at the same time.
sq E Esq.



. ,
, useful hints .
Useful hints:
1- Use the (For Attention Line) if you want your letter to reach a
certain person e.g. Wadi seer college P.O BOX 216. For the
attention of Mr. Ali Nemer.
2- If you are writing to a person holding a particular position,
write (The) before the position. E.g: The Finance Director. Or the
Human Resource manger.etc.
3- use C/O
O Slash C
. . care of
And it means "care of", if you want the recipient to send on the
letter. E.g Mr.Yuonis Shawki
C/o Hammam Shawki
4- It is recommended to use the following order.
In general try to use the following order:
(a) The name of the person forms the first line.
(b) The name of the house or building and the name of the street,
(c) The name of the town or city.
(d) The post code.

(e) The name of the company.

England . ,
Industrial house
34 Kent Road
Bolton B1 48 TF
. Capital letters
(5)- Salutation:
The main part of the letter is the salutation.
. date reference branch
The date is at the top-right corner. The reference and the date
should be at the top-left corner. So the reference and the date
should be at the same line. After that the address comes between
the line in the inside the address it should be one space and the
distance between the reference and the address it should be three
lines space.
salutation address
The opening words of greeting in letters are known as the
salutation. It's typed at the left hand margin.

.) (
Untied Kingdom ,
. salutation
Thee lines space below the address or the attention line if used.
The form which is used in business includes the following.

salutation ,
Dear sir or Dear sirs .
S . dear Mr.. or Dear Madam.
salutation .
For governmental and municipal officials the forms generally used
sir or sirs.
This table shows the kind of letter and salutation form and the
complimentary form, and how you can end your letter.
complimentary .

complimentary clauses .

complimentary clause
. .
It's very important to make a good matching between the
salutation and the complimentary.



1- general business Dear sir
Dear sirs
Dear madam
2- official
3- semi-personal
Dear Mr. Harris
Dear Harris
4- personal
Dear Ted
My dear Ted

- Yours faithfully
- Yours truly
- Yours
- Faithfully
- With kind regards
- Yours sincerely
- with best wishes
- very sincerely
- your

. , .
. - -
complimentary salutation
Whatever the kind of the letter, general business or official or
semi-personal or even it is personal.
Kinds of salutation:
In general Business we have three alternatives of salutation we can
use when we write in general business Dear sir or Dear sirs or
Dear Madam.

complimentary clause .
yours truly yours faithfully

In official letter we can use as a salutation "Sir, Gentlemen or

Madam" and at the same time on the complimentary clause when
you use official letter style you use Yours Faithfully.
general official yours truly
yours faithfully . official business
as a
official letters general business
semi- . complimentary clause
Dear Mr. Harris or Dear Harris personal

. semi-personal
So it depends on how much close are you to that person, to the
receiver. How much the strength of the relationship between you
and the receiver of the letter.
. semi-personal salutation
with kind yours sincerely complimentary
with kind .
you sincerely regards
semi-personal .
. official and business letters less formal structure
Dear Ted directly personal kind of letters
. Dear Ted or My Dear Ted Ted
. , my

You are free to choose any alternative of them, My Dear Ted or

Dear Ted.
complimentary clause .
personal letters
With beat wishes or very sincerely yours or yours affectionately.
. personal letter


(6)- The core of the letter (THE BODY OF THE LETTER)

The sixth main part of the letter is the core of the letter, or the
body of the letter. So the body of the letter is very important and it
represents the core of the letter. So we should give more attention
and we should give more care, more concentration, more focus, on
the body of the letter.
body of the letter
The body of the letter consists of three paragraphs:
The subject matter of the letter is contained in the body.
. ,

What is the purpose of the letter? And what is the aim of the
letter? It is the body of the letter or the core of the letter. So the
subject matter of the letter of contained in the body which we
usually divide into thee paragraphs for easier reading and
the the core of the letter the body of the letter
reading body of the letter
the body of the letter understanding
The body of the letter should be divided into thee paragraphs
for easier reading and understanding. So the body of the letter
should be divided into three paragraphs. Why? In order to make
the letter easier to read and to understand.
The firs paragraphs:
the firs paragraphs is an opening
that brings into the mind of the reader

. mood
what the subject of the letter - -
what is the purpose is
to help him link up the letter on his of the letter?
. file files
What is the pass should the message .
. . follow.
. reader to help him him
. the second part of the paragraph
The second part of the paragraph:
It contains information and facts about the important points you
would like to know, to do, or to ask for.
facts information
you would like to know the important points
. .
he can take
or to ask for something an action

. second paragraph
The third paragraph of the letter:
its the last paragraph
. closing that ends the letter
A gain the third paragraph is consider as a closing that ends the
letter with points and sentences such as requesting an early reply
or promising further assistance ..Etc.

The body of the letter consists of thee paragraphs.

The first paragraph :
Is the opening, and the salutation and it should give the reader an
idea about what is the main idea and the subject of the letter. And
what is the purpose also?
The second paragraph:
Represents the core of the letter and it contains information or
facts that make the reader take action according to.
The third paragraph:
It consider as a finishing sentence before the complimentary
clause. And it indicates to the reader that the letter is about to
. :
. :
information or facts
So the reader should take an action .
according to the information or the fact in it.
. :
the most body of the letter
. important part of the letter
complimentary clause
. complimentary clause
Note the difference between complimentary clause and the third
paragraph of the letter. The third paragraph of the letter should be
as an introduction and it should end to the complimentary clause.
Then the complimentary clause should always follow the third
part of the letter or the third paragraph of the letter.
(7)- The complimentary clause
The last paragraph of the letter should be followed by the
complimentary clause which must match the salutation.

complimentary clause
good match .
According to the complimentary clause there are some points
which are better to indicate to:
1- The complimentary close should be typed tow lines space
below the last line of the letter of the final paragraph at the leftmargin (Blocked Style).
complimentary clause
blocked style
indented style
. tow line space
There should be tow lines space between the third paragraph and
the beginning of the complimentary clause.
2- Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.
e.g. Yours truly
So in the beginning of the sentence, the first letter in the first word
begins in capital letter.
. capital letter
. Your Y
3- When the name of the company or the firm follows the
complimentary clause it should be typed in capital letter.
Yours faithfully
CO= company
and LTD= lited
) ( .
. capital letters
capital letter


body of
the letter . .
. signature .
(8)- Signature
The signature is always done by the hand in (blue) ink.

As a proof that the letter is original .
. scanner
. the complimentary
clause yours faithfully . Mrs. Nadi Banna
The authorized person signs within the space between the
complimentary clause and the designation.

Your faithfully
Mrs. Nadia Banny
So the authorized person signs within the space between the
complimentary clause and the designation. (About mention the
position on the business letter) if a woman likes to indicate to her
marital status she may add (miss) or (Ms.) to her name.


. .

, .
. the main
parts of the letter
letter head reference date
salutation the body of the letter
the complimentary clause
the signature .

. .
The signature is always done by the hand in blue ink as a proof
that the letter is original. The authorized person signs within the
space between the complimentary clause and the designation.
?What is the meaning of designation

complimentary clause designation
position . designation
?What does the word designation mean
. position or business title
your faithfully
complimentary clause .
position .
.your faithfully and Mrs. Nadia Banna
. .
Hand-written in blue ink .


When someone signs on behave of the term "per pro" (p.p) is used
and means for and on behaves.
Yours faithfully

p.p Azzam Amin

Managing Director
p.p . " "
manger director . (for and on behave on)
. position

slash .
" "
. for and on behave per pro p.p
yours faithfully complimentary clause
. p.p

What are the main parts of the letter are and as we mentioned
before that any letter contains two groups. The main parts of the
letter and we gave them (A) or we call them (A). And B, are the
secondary parts of the business letter.
1- Your reference
. , .

. reference .
. reference
your reference
the . our reference
addresses reference where know is typed first
but since the reference is mentioned our reference
...... in the context of the first paragraph
It's not commonly used. Example:
Your ref: AL/98
. A Al
The letter (A) indicates to the first name of the person who send
the letter or the person who signed the letter. But the second letter
(L) May be indicate to the father's name or the family name or the
second name.
3228 slash AL capital letters
Our reference .
what is the number of the current letter? current letter
What is the reference of the current letter?
our reference
position . slash )/( .
. secondary part of the letter .
2- Mailing reference:
Any mailing instruction which have been shown and the nature of
this letter which have to be shown on the envelope. Should be
typed on the letter immediately above the inside address.
post office :

personal . ,
. ........
mail classification

the envelope, which indicates to
the nature of the letter.
SECRET: it should be typed in capital letter.
. capital letter PERSONAL

So it indicates to what is the nature of the letter or classified the
main envelope. It should be written on the envelope and the sign
of the letter should be easy to be noted by any one.
3- For the attention line:
If you want a certain person to deal with the letter the attention
line is sometimes inserted between the inside and the salutation.
salutation inserted attention line
. main part of the letter . inside address
letter head
date reference .
The reference should be written on the top left-hand of the letter
and the date should be written there.
. reference date
The inside address, should be written below the reference or the
date with leaving three lines space.
salutation the inside address
the body of the letter which should consist

three paragraphs rule three paragraphs,

complimentary clause .
For the attention line. If you want a certain person to deal with the
letter he or she attention line is sometimes inserted between the
inside address and the salutations.
inside address and the salutation
e.g Princess Sarvath College
P.O. BOX 3179

For the attention; Miss Khawla Qawasmi

This form of addresses will ensure that the person is dealing with
the subject. And will have the letter brought to his notice.

This will save time as well money and it will increase the
e.g Princess Sarvath College
P.O. BOX 3179

For the attention; Miss Khawla Qawasmi

for the attention Miss Khawla Qawasmi
for the attention line
fonts line

. underscoring for the attention


(4)- The subject heading:

This states briefly as possible what the letter is about.

( ....

.... subject heading
, .
per pro
. information
shortage .

delete .
. .

Time is money. So you want to save both time and money. And
you want save the cost as well in order to increase the total
performance, the performance of any manager or any official.

. " "

. .
. .
How to manage the time. As we know it's very important matter
so that the subject is very important. And we will find the purpose
in the subject heading.

What is the purpose of the subject heading?
multiple choice or open question or
true or false.
The purpose of the subject heading is to indicate at a glance to the
content of the letter.
.spare parts machine
2- To be assistance when the letter is opened in the mail room and
when the letter is being filled.
. ,
. .
. .

subject heading .
That we may .
filling take an action upon that letter.
The subject heading should be typed tow lines space below the
. between every item and the next one
salutation tow lines space below
. salutation
tow lines space below the . tow lines space
must salutation and may be underlined
In order to give more concentrate on the subject heading you can
put underline under the subject heading as we see in point four.
And the full stop is not necessary at the end of the heading.
" . heading subject

True or false:
The full stop is necessary at the end of the heading.
false not" "
A full stop is not necessary at the end of the heading.
Dear sir
Note that it will indicate to the subject heading.
( 9 )22

. .



(5)- The Enlosure:
The fifth part of the secondary parts of the letter is the enclosure
Enclosure: is indicated at the foot of the page below the signature,
the enclosure accompany the letter (document, catalogues, price
The label method is sometimes adopted, the labels are generally
printed in bright colures.
What is the purpose of this thing?

For two reasons:
1- To remind the typist of enclosure of the document in the
2- To draw the attention of the person who will open the envelope
that something has been enclosed
) (
Note: that the abbreviated form is used (ENC ORENCL)

(6)-Carbon copies:


carbon copies

- Carbon copies:
(C.C.) is typed at the bottom left, hand of page, when copies are
sent to other people than the recipient.
( )C.C. capital letter
, , .
Sometimes the recipient has not to know that other people have
)received copies, in that case (b.c.c.
Blind carbon copies are written on the copies but of course not on
the original.
Carbon copies are arranged according to:
)- The rank (it means the range
- Job priority

- Geographical location

-Alphabetical order


The seven part of secondary of the letters

(7)- postscript(p.s):
An apostscript is apart added to the letter. It may, however,
consist of certain important or a statement to which special
attention is drawn.

-Nota Bene N.B: mark will also can used for the same purpose.
The postscript is used:
1- To give emphasis to an important point
2- To add a paragraph after the letter has already been signed.

The writer should add his signature at the end of the postscript.

(8)- Initials:
Initials are typed at the left corner to identify the writer and typist
for future reference.

(9)- Continuation sheet:

-For letter requiring more than one page, continuation sheet will
be necessary.
- The continuation sheet should be plain (not headed) and of the
same size and quality of paper.

-continuation sheet usually begin with a line containing the
number of the pages, the date, and sometimes the name of the
, ,
- Some firms use what is described as (catch words) to insure
correct continuity, i.e.: the last word of the first page is shown at
the top of the second page.
catch words
: ,

(10)- Topping tailing:
The writer may add a personal touch to semi personal letters by
writing the salutation and the complimentary close in (Bold), this
is know as (topping and tailing) enough space has to be left when
the letter is typed.

- Personal letters.
- Official letters.
- Business letters.
- Semi personal letters.
) (
personal touch. ,
What is the form of the personal touch?
- If you type the letter and you do not want to use write handing, it
is ok but in the salutation and conclusion you should use the bond.
This will indicate that you will give a high greet to the receiver


Unit three
The features of a successful business letter

The essence of effective writing is to give the reader the feeling
that he understands what he reads in a natural tone.

. .
. coding.
, ,
* , Feedback
and noise
* .
The system of communication consists of input, output, feedback,
issues, information and internal environment and external
Internal environment external environment consist of many types
and many items so any change of any item will affect in all the


* ,
, , , .........,

External environment is out of control of any firm.

, .
Continuous interaction between all the parts of external
environment and internal environment and the same time between
the part of external environment and internal environment from
one side and other point of a system.
Any change occurs in the external environment will affect in
internal environment.

Here are five points that help in making your letter successful
* The five Cs
The sense of the affective writing is to give the reader the feeling
that he understands what he read in the form what the sender

The five CS
The five Cs
(1)- Clarity:
What clarity is mean? Let we see
Clarity is mean that convey thoughts in a simple style using direct
. ,
Shortest distance between any two points is the straight line by
this way we can reach our goals in a simple style but we should
using direct sentences.
Make all the necessary points in a logical sequence.

: .

- Avoid repeating an important word with different meanings
, ,
, ,

- Use abbreviations only if you are certain that it can be easily
recognized by the reader.
- Use abbreviations but you should care of that the receiver can
understand the meaning of these abbreviations.


. ,
- Take special care when using prepositions and relative pronouns.
* ,

- Use the punctuation marks properly.
* ,
, .
- There are some confusing and the level of it is high so how can
we reduce this to be clear sentence.
We refer to your order

- We refer to that point.



Your enquiry dated

- Your latest enquiry.



Your confirmed order.

- Your firm order.



. ,
2- Conciseness
What is the meaning of conciseness?
It means that the writer should not go on the unnecessary details.
the writer should . details .
go directly and clearly to the to the point and use the shortest
distance in order to reach his desired end. The reader attention
should be drawn particular item.
, .

. .
So how could you do that?
You could do that by avoiding using or mentioning the
unnecessary details. So the reader attention should be drawn to a
particular item. And we should focus and emphasize upon what
we need. We need or a certain item.
The line of business. .
what is the core of the letter? And what is the body of the
But the letter shouldn't be too short.
. .
The letter should not be too short that it leaves vital information.

. . vital .

The letter should not be too short that it leaves vital information.
It's annoying for a customer to write again and to wait for further
information to be sent.

. action . business
And we want to save time and we want to reduce the cost and we
want to reach our goals at fast as possible.
spare parts . .
time is money . .
. .

INSTEAD OF: writing a confusing sentence we should say the
clear sentence. So instead of
- You are kindly requested to advise us.
, (
. go to the point directly
- Kindly advise us.
But when we use short sentences we can reach our goal, we can
reach our objectives, and we can make the reader understand the
letter as we want.

kindly , , kindly advise us
. polite
He will take an action, a direct action, you can save your time, you
can reduce the cost, and you can get and achieve your goal
INSTEAD OF: will you be good enough
: please
- "Will you be good enough" you can replace this sentence with
using only one word it's "please"

ideal letter and ideal written business letter

You will acquire knowledge about what are the features of the
written business letter or what is the ideal written business letter.
The third feature of successful business letter is the completeness.
3- The completeness.
. .
Some level of confusing or there may be some level of noise but
we should pay 100% from our effort to reduce the lower level this
means that it's better than nothing. The letter should state all
necessary information and answer fully all the reader's enquiries.
. all necessary information
all the and answer fully
reader enquiries


sufficient information .
It should cover all the doubts and all the enquiries of the reader.
The worst letter that gives every piece of information about a
product-except the price.
Especially if the target market or the customers of the target
market is sensitive for prices.
, sensitive to the price

. .
We can make . shortage of information

. segmentation
Three steps should be followed directly, step by step. When we
want to deal with any market, these three steps can be used as
abbreviation STP. (S) Is a short for segmentation. And (T) is a
shot for targeting. And (P) is a shot for positioning. And we
should divide the whole market according to difference in need
and the want of our customers in it's segment and give it and call it
segment (A) or segment 1 segment (B).what is the criteria that he
should use in order to make the segment process of market. We
can make segment according to geographic criteria or we can
psychological make segment according to psychological criteria.
Demographic valuable. There are many criteria.
. .
There is a difference between the need and the want. The need is
sometimes met (fed). The need should be satisfied. We need food,
air, water, and so on. So the need should be met. About the want,
it's the means that we can use in order to satisfy or met the need.
we can use to met our need device
So as a market as a sender as we want to use the promotion and
promotion her means any promotion. When you use advertisement

that means you want to send a letter to the target market or the
target segment of market.

As the advertisement on the newspaper or on the magazine or
any thing written. So it represents a written business letter.

We should give all the necessary information in order to avoiding
the misunderstanding of the letter, and in order to make the
receiver satisfy and take action in a proper way.
INSTEAD OF: we allow you an extra discount

SAY: we grant you 10% discount
We allow you and also the meaning of allow you, when we said
allow this means that you have the authority to allow or not allow.
Also how much the level of the allow
When you say an extra discount, how much is that discount? 10 %
or 20%. Ten percent is a discount and twenty percent is also a
discount. So this confusing and not meet the desires of the
So we should say we grant you 10% discount and there is a
difference between we allow you and we grant you ten percent
discount, so if I want to buy I know that I will get a specific
number. I will get ten percent discount.

. 25

How much the magritude, how much the total amount of discount.
By specific number, determined number not an extra discount.
Extra! How much is this extra? It's ranging from .0001 or any
number to the infinity. So we should be specific, we grant you ten
percent 10% discount. And now this is the fifth feature.
4- The courtesy
. polite
You should be polite. The shape or the form of your writing the
letter and the sentence of the letter and the words on the letter
should be polite and should be courtesy. You should use some
diplomatic language.
The language of your letter, it will reflect your image your good
well about your self and your firm. You should reflect the positive
side and you want to give the good impression specially the first
impression because it is the last and the permanent impression, so
we should use this thing, it's a courtesy.
So what is the meaning of courtesy?
It means that the words of the letter must be friendly and

Her are some hints that make the letter more polite.




, .
five points that helps in
making a successful letters (five Cs) . C
) (five Cs
clarity .
we should take care
. confusing sentence
clear sentence
. . conciseness
. . instead of
some confusing sentence
we should say the correct form of the sentence
. .
instead of say
. courtesy
. . five
5- Correctness
Correctness is as accuracy. Accuracy is important with special
attention to the title, the core of the letter and the subject.
the title the
the core of the body figures the subject
address reference
prices prices . five Cs
. .


The layout and the presentation of the letter are very important.

Why are the layout and the presentation of the letter important?
Because they give the first impression of the firm.
the first impression is very important .
Because the first impression will remain in the permanent
memory. and it will also reflect the good image and the good well
of the organization or the country or the product. And it will
reflect your self. We reflect our self in the product we send
specially the first letter. So the first impression is the last
impression. So its very important to take care about this point.

If we send letter overseas to outside country we should reflect our
selves out product and in the mind of our receiver or the party that
we need to deal with. So remember that the first impression is
very important and it will last in the permanent memory.
And it will reflect the good image about our self or our product
and bout country. And we should market our self. We should
marker out product and we should marker our company and our
country as well.



1- paper quality and size
Using a prober size and a good quality paper and well designed
heading create an impression of carefulness and good taste.

. ,
. .
So it's essential to know the main paper size used in business. So
study the following table.


Foolscap 13*8

Long letters

Quarto 10*8
Sixto 5*8
Octave 5*8

Medium length
Short letter, memo
Compliment slips,
post cards
Note: sixto is half the foolscap
Octavo is half the quarto
. 9298
. standard
size at your left hand
. used for
8* 33 foolscap

Thirteen multiply eight. And this size of paper used for long
The second type or the second size of paper according to British
size is (quarto)
ten multiply eight and 8*35
it used to medium length.
The third type of British size of paper its size is 5*8, five multiply
eight and it is used for short letters and for memos.
. memo
And its size is 5*8. And it is use for compliment slips.

In business field we should take care about business compliment
and the customer, so we should use what we call "recover
strategy". We should solve all the problem of the customer.
Because we want to satisfy our current customer in order to attract
anew customer and an expected customer.
In order to make a good relationship. And in order to maintain a
good relationship with our customer.


. long term .short term
You will succeed in keeping your customer not necessary in order
to the amount of profit that you will get from that current
customer, it is not the point. We should avoid the negative words

of mouth. May be the customer will speak in bad way about our
company, about our product. So how can we prevent this? How
can we avoid this? We can do that by resolving the
So Octavo is eight multiply five. And it's used to complaints slips
and it's also used for postcards.
Sixto equals half foolscap.

Octavo equals half the quarto.

Sixto = half foolscap.

Octavo = half the quarto.

The most widely used for general printing and stationery is the A
series, and all over the international level.
A series
. A5 A4 . A

international size A A series
Son it's a standard size or . ,
standardized size and we call it the international size.





Long or medium
Short letters
Compliment slips, post


- The basic size is A0 in the same proportion.
- A2 is half A1 and so on.
- B series is for postcards.
- C series is for envelopes.
Note that: A4 is the most widely used. And it's 8.3*11.7 and it's
used for long or medium letters.
3324 823 A4
.the basic size is A0. A0
. A1 A2 A2 is half A1
B series and used for postcards B
C series and used for envelopes C
True or false:
B series is used for envelopes.
. :

business letter theory and practice
print out .
. .

%25 .
concepts .
. in
your own simple language
. .
. .
. .

2-The margin
right margin or left margin

Both right margin and left margin should be parallel with printed
printed heading

paralleled .
The top and the bottom margin should be equal. And the left and
the right margin should be equal too. The left-hand margin should
never be less than one inch (10 letters space).

. ten
letters space . space
The line must be typed evenly and if necessary
You can divide long words at the end of the line. .

general appearance of the letter. it create the first
impression .


, .
margin , line
spacing .
3- Line spacing
With the majority of letter, it is preferable to use line spacing for
the lines.
double spacing for the paragraphs .
. . word
single space or
double space etc distance
. single space
double space .
. three paragraphs rule .
4- The paragraphs:
When there is a slight change in the subject, it is recommended to
add a new paragraph.

. .
To make writing letter easier
. the core of the message

, .
divide the letter into three paragraphs
. three paragraphs rule


They are:
1- Opening
2- Middle paragraph
3- Closing paragraph
The form of the paragraph refers to the style of display.
style .
The appearance of the paragraphs contains three styles. Or it can
be written according to one of the three styles.


Three forms:

Intended form

Blocked form

Hanging form


Indented form:
, .
. .
Blocked form:
Hanging indention from:
indented form five
spaces or more in the first line
. blocked form, all
lines begin at the left margin
. hanging form the first line is
brought out to the left margin .

. blocked form
indented form hanging
indented form . three
.rules , the middle paragraph
.the closing paragraph


Suggested diagram for a business letter showing of each part

and the number of spaces between them


Co. Ltd.
File: 22222
Tel: 676774
P.O file 2206
Ref -------------Dear.----------2
Inside address
------------------- -------------------2
Subject Heading

Suggested diagram for a business letter showing of each part

and the number of spaces between them

real estate investment company L.T.D
. P.O date telephone number telex number
the distance between the reference and the inside
inside . address are three spaces
the attention address
attention and tow spaces .
the salutation
True or false:
The space between the inside address and the beginning of the
attention are three letters.
. tow spaces false
Is this a right order?
The inside address salutation the attention
The inside address the attention salutation

( the attention ) (
) ( subject heading )
.the body of the letter
7 the complimentary
.the signature 8


The body of the letter should consist of three paragraphs, and we

should apply three paragraphs rule.
the position of the writer of the letter
position .
. the enclosure the insider Inc
three spaces signature and the enclosure
a copy of the two spaces enclosure
. carbon copy
And this shape is a suggested diagram for business letter showing
the location of each part and the number of line spacing which we
should leave between any two parts. And we call it the British
simplified style.

.the British simplified style
styles 9
: .the British simplified style
.complete in Blocked style
the . the appearance
. envelope
. the first impression
We should care about the shape of the envelope, and the type of
the envelope, the kind of the envelope and the size of the paper of
the envelope.


Because it will reflect the image and we will reflect ourselves

when we send a message. Also the envelope is a part of our
message. In addition, it will reflect the first impression. And will
explained the important of the first impression.
5- Envelope:
Business firms usually use envelopes of the same quality as the
paper of their letters.

They are printed with the name and the logo in the top left-hand
the top left-hand corner the logo
On the reverse side, envelopes are manufactured in various shapes
and size.
and here are
some example
Commercial envelope:

the commercial envelope

A4 .
A4 .
commercial envelope .
and it folded twice
It is the most popular take 4 sheets folded twice. Again it is the
most popular.

Window envelope:

. .
It will reflect a good image about the bank, company, and the
sender specially the firm or the company which dealing with the
service. Because the service is intangible. Service is not good, not
physical, not product and services is not tangabile so It deosn't
have a physical part which is the most important part of the
market. So by that way we can convert the untangible to tangible
in the seervices product.
. physical evidence
So it consider as physical evidence by which we can change
intangible into tangible. And it also reflect a good image about our
self and bout our product.
About the shape of this envelope we can consider that it has a cut
out through it the address can be read.
:By Airmail envelope


By Air maile envelope: it has a red and blue borders. And the
words BY AIRMAIL are printed on its outside in the bottom left


Trap envelope:
It permit content to be examined without being spoilt. And it
called Trap enveloped.
Trap enveloped trap
.security .
. .
post office preference:
Post office preference envelope: This kind of envelopes which is
mostly used in Britain.
. style of letters
envelope . .
addressing the envelop
. .

Addressing the envelope

The three important requirements of addressing the envelope are:
1- Accuracy
2- Clearness
3- Good appearance
. -3
Useful suggestion to ensure speed delivery

1- Type the name and the address in the part of the envelope and
start from the middle. The Blocked style is recommended.

. Blocked style
2- Type your correspondent's; full name, post town, postcode.
3- Type the post town in Block capital letters, unless the post
office approves the abbreviation. Therefore, instead of writing
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia you can use K.S.A.
K.S.A .
U.S.A .
4- Fix the stamp on the right-hand corner.


5- Mailing notation should be typed in Block capitals as

CONFIDENTIAL or PERSONAL. And they should be
6- If there is an attention in the inside address, it should be typed
in a similar way.

7- Use one single space when typing the addresses.
, ,



general appearance of letter
boy of the letter

Styles of display:
Letter display styles have rapidly changed and developed from the
older one "fully indented" to the Blocked.
fully indented
. Blocked
Choosing any of these styles is decided by the firm concerned and
may depend on the employer's reference
And may depend on the employer reference and these are called
rules of the house.

"rules of the house"
What does it mean?
It means the type of style that the company or the writer chooses
to write the letter.
1- the fully indenden:
(the oldest one)
This style has become obsolete and rarely seen nowadays because
it is time consuming and the parts are scattered over the page.

Why has the fully indented become obsolete? Because it's time

and the parts are scattered

disadvantage of the fully indented so it's rarely
. , seen nowadays


Our Ref KJ/BG .
Reg BG/

The general trading co

P.o 7225
Amman Jordan
Dear sirs.
We are pleased to inform you that items dispatched by
you with your advice dated 12th march have arrived in
good condition.
The special container has today been returned to you
by trucks carriage forward and we shall be glad if you will
credit us with the sum of ID5 charges for these items.
Yours faithfully
Ghaleb Pustangy
Fully-intended style (1)
Arab finance corporation
heading ,
, heading parts
our reference KJ/ and your reference .
So the date and the reference should .3229 date .
come on the first and on the same line.

General Trading Company

. .
Dear Sirs, we are pleased to inform you that items dispatched by
you with you advice dated 12th march have arrived in good

Because the letter is small, so we can sometimes- use two
paragraphs but, it's betters to use thee paragraphs specially if the
letter long or medium.
8 spaces , space
. ten spaces
We left space on the first line of the first paragraph about ten
spaces and we make the same thing in the second paragraph.
The special containers have today been returned to you by trucks
carriage forward and
we shall be glad if you will credit us with the sum of JD5
charges for these items.
Yours faithfully .
. enclosure
fully-indented style
and to know how to arrange the parts of the
style letters according to a particular style
2- the smi- indented:
This style was very common but nowadays it's rather old fashion.
The essential feature of this style is the blocking if the inside
Arab Finance indented
.semi-indented Corporation


Our Ref KJ/BG .
Reg BG/


The general trading co

P.o 7225
Amman Jordan
Dear sirs.
We are pleased to inform you that items dispatched by
you with you advice dated 12th march have arrived in good
The special containers have today been returned to you
by trucks carriage forward and we shall be glad if you will
credit us with the sum of ID5 charges for these items.
Yours faithfully
Ghaleb Pustangy
Indented style
our reference, our reference and the date
P.O Jordan the general trading company

distance dear sir our order no. fully indented
, our older
yours faithfully .
Galeb Pustangy
semi-intended . enclosure .

The Balgiam General style (with close punctuation)

. P.O. trading
semi-intended semi-blocked semi-intended fully intended
. style slightly and step by step
The semi-Blocked:
This is another step forward the blocking.

. according to time
Another step towards fully blocking is to have the paragraph
vertically blocked in addition to the inside address.
semi-indented .
the inside Blocked
. address and the salutation
the . the subject heading in the middle
complimentary close and the signature remains in the right side
. semi-blocked



Our Ref KJ/BG .
Ref BG/

The general trading co

P.o 7225
Amman Jordan
Dear sirs.
We are pleased to inform you that items dispatched by you
with you advice dated 12th march have arrived in good
The special containers have today been returned to you by
trucks carriage forward and we shall be glad if you will credit
us with the sum of ID5 charges for these items.
Yours faithfully
Ghaleb Pustangy
(3) Semi-blocked style
. Arab Finance Corporation
your reference and our reference and the address
our normal order date Blocked
semi-blocked .
We start on the left margin. All the paragraphs especially the first
line should be started from the left margin with leaving spaces in
the beginning of the first line on the second paragraph and so on.
So we should be care about this point remember the title also Dear
The writer name remains at the left margin as well as yours

4- the fully blocked:

This style has been adopted by American firms.
Semi-intended fully indented
fully blocked . semi-blocked
. .
All parts of the letter start at the left margin.
1- Easy to follow information.

2- Easy to type with as the display is less involved.

3- More production with open punctuation

fully style form
Blocked style

You should pay more effort and you should consentrate and read
that if you can't do this that means that your understanding fir the
material is not enough. So you should pay more attention.

. style
This is the American style or what they call the fully-blocked



Our Ref KJ/BG .
Reg BG/
The general trading co
P.o 7225
Amman Jordan
Dear sirs.
We are pleased to inform you that items dispatched by you
with you advice dated 12th march have arrived in good
The special containers have today been returned to you by
trucks carriage forward and we shall be glad if you will credit
us with the sum of ID5 charges for these items.
Yours faithfully
Ghaleb Pustangy
(4)Fully Blocked [American]
Note ARAB FINANCE CORPORATION is in the middle. But
our reference comes in the left side. And the salutation comes in
the same side and aligned with it. So the salutation and Dear sir
and the Address comes according to the normal order. Paragraph
of the letter starts directly form the name of the writer of the letter.
5- The British simplified (refered to as Blocked)
The fifth style is the fully-blocked style or the The British


Our Ref KJ/BG .
Reg BG/
The general trading co
P.o 7225
Amman Jordan
Dear sirs.
We are pleased to inform you that items dispatched by you with
you advice dated 12th march have arrived in good condition.
The special containers have today been returned to you by trucks
carriage forward and we shall be glad if you will credit us with
the sum of ID5 charges for these items.
Yours faithfully
Ghaleb Pustangy
(5) The British simplified (refered to as Blocked)
The British simplified
After using the fully-blocked style many firms has decided to
move the date to the right side of the page to return to its normal
place. Because it makes the filling and the references esier and the
letter looks more balanded.


. ,
: punctuation
Type of punctuation, and we mentioned three typed of
punctuation; open punctuation, mixed punctuation, and closed
punctuation. And we that there are no punctuation marks at all in
open punctuation.
open punctuation
mixed punctuation .
salutation, complimentary clause, reference and the date
the body of the letter which contains the three
.paragraphs and which we call the core of the letter
fully punctuation
space . ,
This table explains the indication of every punctuation mark and
when we should use spacing and the correct space which we leave
between the last letter of the word and the mark. And let we start
with the full stop.
Full stop [.]
It indicates to the completeness of a sentence (in a long phrase).
full stop .
2 space after
Comma [,]
It's used between items in a series (short phrase).
. :

Full stop [.]

Comma [,]
Question mark [?]
Semi colon [;]

Colon [:]


Hyphen [-]

Solipus [/]

Complete of a
sentence (long
Between items in
series (short phrase)
When a direct
question is asked
Before two
sentences closely
related (longer
phrase than a
Before a question
introducing a
number of things or
stating items
To indicate
possessive case, to
indicate short form
In compound work
to indicate division
of a word when last
letter of prefix and
next letter are like
e.g. (co-operation)
Fraction / per e.g.
525/ton, N
At the price of (at)


2 after

1 after
2 after
1 after

2 after

No space

No space

No space
Before the figure

one space 1 after .

Question mark [?]
. .
. Tow spaces
And it is used when a direct question is asked. And we should
leave tow spaces after it.
Semi colon [;]
It's used before tow sentences closely related. And it is usually
used in a longer phrase than a comma.

Colon [:]
We use them before a question or introducing number of things,
Or in stating a list of items.
( , :
. ) 9 3 :

It's used to indicate to the possessive case. And it is also indicate
to short forms as in (dont = do not).
. :
Hyphen [-]
Its used in compound words to indicate to division of the words
as in co-operation. And it is also used with prefixes.

.suffix or prefix
Solipus[ /]
It's also called slash. And it's used for fraction. And it means per.
Example: the speed of the car is one hundred kilometer/an hour.
Or 100 km/hour
/ 355
. 355 .
) (
It pronounced as at. And sometimes it indicates to the price. And
it's needed to be used in e-mails.
As in:
remember that in the hyphen, apostrophe, @, and solipus there is
no necessary to leave space between them and the next word.

. co-operation
. @
Capital letters
When do we use capital letter?
capital letter
. :
The following is the principle of using capital letters in writing
1- at the beginning of a new sentence
capital letter

You should put a full stop at the end of the sentence and after this
full stop you should leave a space before a new sentence and after
it you should start the new sentence with capital letter.
2- all proper names:
How could you indicate that this is a proper name or an adjective?
We could do that with writing the first name of the proper name in
capital letter. So the capital letter in the beginning of the word
indicates that this word is aproper.
3- All the nationalities:
All the nationalities should start with capital letters.

4- The pronoun (I):
capital I
. letter
5- Titles should begin with a capital letter.
: capital letter
. The Prime Minister
6- title of books
Business Letter Theory And
capital letter Practice


7- Days of the week and Months of the year:

: .
Days of the week:
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
And months of the year:
January, February...November and December
8- The abbreviation:
H.K.J (Haahimain Kingdom of Jordan)
. Capital letter H.K.J
. K.S.A (kingdom of Saudi Arabia) :
. United States of America USA
9- The first letter in each line in the poetry:
10- Names of the streets:

We underscore the word in typing want to highlight or concentrate
or emphasize a certain word or a sentence.
Maybe we can use underscoring with the phrase (in the following


When I say in the following cases that means that I will mention
more that one case. And note that according to punctuation when
we use the underscoring we should use the colon (:) if it.
. underscoring
Again, in typing we use underscoring when we want to emphasize
a word or a sentence.
so the underscoring may be used in the following cases:
1- To emphasize any particular word or sentence.
2- For foreign words
. :
3- For subject heading

4- For marketing of rules lines in columns of figure.
5- For titles of the books

. underscoring
general appearance of the letter
Dividing the words at the end of the line

When you write a long word like CONGRATULATION at the

end of the line while the space which remains in the line is not
enough then the computer sometimes accepts part of the word in
that line and put a hyphen in the end of the word and complete the
word in the next line.
. divide the word

A special care should be given in the division of the word at the
end of the line as this enables the typist to produce copies with
even a good left and right margins.

1- One syllable words
hyphen eed
2- plurals of one syllable words.
box boxes
3- Proper names
Proper names like in the name Azzam you cant divide it. If you
do so it will make a confusing for the reader of the receiver of the
. confusing

4- Figures and sums of money.

e.g: JD100
5- Abbreviations
Example: B.B.C
If write it as above it is well known but if you divide it it may
mean another word. So never divide it.
6- The last word of the page
A void division the last word of the page. If you divide it the
reader may became confused or a misunderstanding may happen.
So avoid the division of that word.
. :
7- Avoid division when there is a doubt.
So if you have a doubt, consult the dictionary. The dictionary will
tell you if it is allowed to divide this word or not.
If necessary divide according to the following:
1- Between the root of the word and its suffix.
friendship suffix
. ship friend hyphen
Example: (friend-ship)
2- Between the prefix and the root of the word.
Example: (dis-appear)
3- Between double consonants.

Example: planning. The word has double consonants (nn) so we

can divide it by putting a hyphen between them like this (plannig).
4- Between tow consonant if they separately pronounced.
There are many words in English which has many consonant.
Example: (sentence). We can divide it by putting a hyphen
between the fist two letters and the rest of the word like this word


. , .
General Appearance of Business
: . letter
Types of punctuation. And we mentioned that they are open
punctuation, mixed punctuation and close punctuation.
The rule of dividing the words. And we mentioned dividing the
words by using a hyphen between two parts from the word as
between the prefix and the root of the word.
Example: co-operation
Or between the suffix and the root of the word.
Example: friend-ship
Or between two double consonants in the word.
Example: plan-nig
or between double consonants.
Example: sen-tence
sounds in the word. And we also talked about dividing the word
at the end of the line.

. co-operation prefix
. friend-ship suffix
. pla-nig
. sen-tence
Error to be avoided
general appearance of business letter

1- Wrong spelling.
spelling .

. spelling
2- Irregular line spacing:
3- Incorrect punctuation.
question mark exclamation mark .
comma .
4- Omission of letters, words or lines.
5- Incorrect division of words.
at the end of the line
6- Incorrect spacing
We should follow the right amount of spacing after or before the
words or the punctuation marks, according the table which we
have studies before.

. .

8- Mistakes in address and the receivers address

9- Margins:
Whatever it was left side or right side margin, upper margin or
lower margin, if they have a bad appearance they will reflect a
negative image in the mind of the our receiver.





Caps./change all letters to capital.
( capital letters
U.C. / change the underlined letters into capital letters
L.C. / change to the lower case
Trs. Transpose
What is the meaning of transpose?
It means to change the order of the words or the letters.
h.o [h and circle with a point inside it]
change the order of h
words or letters

]N.p. / [begin anew program after the bracket

Related to each other

z handwriting Run on
No new paragraph joins with line

Delet mark in the text

It means that it is a damaged letter so you should replace it with
the proper or the good one.
Circle round damage letter to indicate that it should be rewritten.

Move to left

Move to right



vertical straighten margin

aline margin
text .

take out space and close up

Let it stand draw dotted line
section to be left .
Inset space
space .
double space .


. orally
Other styles of display
six types of display .
other style of display
1- Fax message

How does the fax machine facilitate the business and increase the

The word FAX comes from the word facsimile.
. face and mial
The fax works on a system similar to the telephone with an
advantage of sending exact copy of a document.
. scanner photo
The fax has been widely used on the past few years and its still
used by a large number of offices.

. .
Here is a suggested display of a fax message

Fax message
Messge for: Mr. Sharif Hamawi
From: Publishing Director
Address: ATC
Date: 5 August 1999
Fax No: 4201163
No. of page (1)

Dear sir,
We are very pleased to inform you that the first draft of your
book has been completed.
Yours sincerely
Amed Yazouri
Publishing Director
Message for: Mr. Sharif Hamawi

. .
From: Publishing Director .
body of the letter Dear sir
We are very pleased to inform you that the first draft of your book
has been completed.
that the first draft of your book
Yours sincerely Amed Yazouri
Publishing Director .

action .
approval .
. .

)2- Electronic mail (E-mail
electronic mail .

39 .

laptop .
You can send your message by using your laptop through the
internet with your e-mail not in a particular place in the
organization. So you can keep working and achieving your

business while you are in your home or on your journey in the bus
or nay where.
Subscibers to e-mail needs a personal computer, a telephone line,
and a modem which is a device for converting signals to text.

modem modem

So by the e-mail you can send messages and data across the
So what is the difference between data and information?

information , Data
Data + treatment = information
= +
So we can make use of information easily while its difficult to
use Data in its raw state?

. data
. information
So by e-mail we can exchange data. We can send data. We can
receive data.
Fax status enables you to fax e-mail, messages and other

to any file attachement documents
any computer fax machine in the world

. print out

When you send an e-mail message you must Take care about
some points:
1- On the toolbar, click the new mail button.
new new mail click
2- In the (To) and or (CC) boxes, type the e-mail name each
recipient, separating names with comma or semi-colon (;).
. recipien CC To
To add e-mail names from the address book. Its very easy to get
any new addresses book and you can send a letter to that person.
And then select the name, so to add e-mail names from the address
book, click the book icon in the (New message) window next to
TO, CC, BCC and then select the names. To use the BCC box
click the view and then select ALL HEADERS.
3- In the Subject box, type a message title subjest.
4- Type your message and then click the SEND button on the New
message toolbar.

one click
new bar send




, .
fax message another display of letters
.telex message
3- telex message

The telex message is typed as with a normal typewriter but
sending a message needs operation skills and command of
abbreviation recognized internationally.



Layout of a telex message:

]Telecommunication corporation [tcc 70
Serial no, date, time, pocede to select
][ z13421 JUN 03 99 0150 PTS
serial number date time
procede to select [213412]
serial number JUN 30 99 date
Time .

called Called No. (t end of number [215214]

plus end of number number
. plus + 21321

answer back [21521 SON CO. JORDAN.
Text Senders NO 21444 REMCO JORDAN



proceed shipping Pls

ASAP LC CFM Accordingly rgds
Senders NO [214444 REMCo JO]
bodyof the letter senders NO
. answer back
Answer back wru 21521 SUN CO JORDAN
. [Time 01. 1 Minute]
Layout of the text message
Telecommunication, corporation [tcc70
Serial no, date time, procode to select
[213421 JUN 03 99 0150 PTS
Called NO. end of number [2154214
Answer back [21521 SUN CO JO
Senders NO [21444 REMCO JO]


Senders No [21444 REMCO JO
Answer back WRUL [21521 SUN CO 10
End of line [MMMM
Duration [Time 01.1 MINS
. action

document .
4- Telegrams and cables;
air cables
Telegrams and cables are sent from the post office or dictated by
the telephone.

When you want to write a telegram the following points should be
1- Us the telegraphic address e.g JWICO
2- Cables are usually written in capital letters

3- The word if used instead of fullstop.
. full stop word stop
4- Its better to use words rather than figures.




whtever message you want senders telegraphic

addressing telegraph body of the letter message
three paragraphs rule sender
telegraphic address telegram and cables
unit four

Unit four

Common business terms, documents and abbreviation.




Documents and abbreviation
?What does it mean
Fob means free on board. The goods are placed on the board of
the ship by the seller at a port of shipment named in the contract.

The risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred from the
seller to the buyer.

. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods

transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the
ships rail.

. C&f
abbrevations .



f on o board b
C&F cost and freight .
cost C .freight f
So F&C means the cost and freight. And in this system the seller
must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the
named destination.

. destination
But the risk of losing or damaging of the goods as well as any cost
increases are transferred from the seller to the buyer when the
goods passed the ship's rail.

. .
. C&F

So C&F means cost and freight



CIF means const insurance and freight

cost freight CIF
cost freight insurance .

You as a buyer should trade between the benefit and the cost and
then you will take your decision.

rationality ok
then you will take your decision
?What is the meaning of CIF
CIF mans cost and insurance and freight.
C cost I insurance f
. freight
This term (CIF) is basically appears like C&F but with the
addition that the seller has to marine insurancing against the risk
of losing or damaging the goods during the carriage.
The seller contract with the insurance and pays the insurance
Ex work , Ex
abbreviation .external


External works means that the seller responsibility according to

external works is to make the goods available at the premises (e.g
work or factory)

. the seller .
In particular the seller is not responsible for loading the goods in
the vehicle. The vehicle should be provided by the buyer.
unless other agreed
The buyer bears the full cost and the risk involved in bringing the
goods from the work or the factory to the desired destination.

Bringing the goods from the desired destination, This term
represents the minimum obligation for the seller.
minimum obligation

multi choice WORK

The seller responsibility is .
a)... b)..... c)... d)



, ,
business letter FOB CIF

. .
EX. external
?So, what is the meaning of external ship
ex ship
ex ship means that the sellers shall make the goods available to
the buyer on the board the ship at the destination named in the

?Note: what is the rule of the seller
?What is the responsibility of the seller
. external
ship ex
The seller has to dear the full coast and the risks involved in
bringing the goods on board ship.



Ex quay means that the seller makes the good available to the
buyer on the quay (whaf) at the destination named in the sales

distance , .

external external quay .
. ship
The seller has to bear all the risks and the full coast involved
bringing the goods there.
There are tow ex quay contracts in use.
: ex quay
First: ex quay (duty paid)

Second: ex quay (duties on the buyer account)
the seller should pay
In which the liability to clear the goods for import to be met by
the buyer instead of the seller.
Parties are recommended always to use the full description of
are recommended
always to use the full description of this terms



, .
Parties are recommended always to use the full description of
these terms.
Ex quay (duty paid) or ex quay (duties on buyers account or else,
there may be uncertainty as to who is to be responsible for the
liability to clear the goods for import.

Delivered at frontier:
delivered at frontier .
frontier boundries . .

delivered at frontier
Delivered at frontier means that the sellers obligations are
fulfilled when the goods have arrived at the frontiers but before
the customs border.
. .
. .

, ,

But before the custom border of the country named in the sales
contract. The term is primarily .
intended to be used when goods are to carried by rail or road
respectively of the mode of transport.

Fas means free alongside the ship.

Under this term the sellers obligations are fulfilled when the
goods have been placed alongside the ship on the quay or in

This means that the buyer has to bear all coasts and risks of loss of
damage to the goods from that moment.
It should be noted that unlike FOB the present term requires the
buyer to clear the goods for export.




multiple choice or essay
question or true and false ,



A workhouse where goods liable to customs duty paid are
deposited until duty paid.



Bonded .
Its a penalty imposed by the shipping company for not taking
delivery of the goods within the time limit.

( )
97 spare parts

, .
, ,

(errors and omission excepted). It means that if there is any error
or omission, they may be rectified later on.
) (:
it should consist of spare parts
items accessories 1,2,3,.
, .
, E.O.E

May be certified later on
The buyer is take charge of the goods whenever they happen and
is responsible for expenses incurred by moving them.

The price of the goods only without transit charges. The price
which mentioned in the contract is only without expenses goods.

. ,



: .
The seller undertakes to deliver the goods and play all costs
including customs duties to the buyer's place of business. The
price includes all charges cost; insurance, freight, customs duties,
carriage loading, and every possible charge.

) (.

. .
Carriage paid:
The cost of carrying the goods is included in the price quoted:
carriage to the purchaser's place of business is paid by the
Carriage forward:
The quoted price doesn't include the cost of carriage that is the
purchasers must pay the cost of carrying goods.

Trade discount: to encourage customers to buy in large

We want to encourage our customers to buy large quantities, we
offer them trade discount. This benefit us and benefit them, you
can make what we call the advantage of the economic.


Cash discount:
To encourage the payment.

Over- draft:
The drawing of more than what a person has standing to his credit
there, interest is charged by the bank upon the over draft. The
drawing of more than what a person has standing to his credit
there, interest is charged by the bank upon the over draft.

During the last years. How much your movement in the bank
according to this, they will give you facilities.

. .

over draft .


Quantity discount:
The percentage my vary according to the amount order, the
larger, the order .the higher, the discount.

%95-38 %35
Commercial documents
Bank draft:
Is a document or a form of a cheque, drawn by a banker on one of
its branches or some other bank requesting payment of a sum of
money to the order of a person or the bearer.(it is a cheap method
of remitting money).

)..... , (

) (
Dispatch note:
It is sent by the department responsible for the packing and
dispatch of the articles. It informs the purchaser that the goods
have been sent.




Credit note:
A statement sent to a customer giving particular of an amount, he
is entitled to be given for, such as returned goods


Debit note:
An advice of indebtedness sent by one trader to another.

A statement giving descriptions, quantity and price of goods.

Goods received note:
A note signed by the purchaser when the goods arrive at his
stockroom, describes the name of the suppliers, the quantity and
date of receipt.


Delivery note :
Is a document sent by supplier to the purchaser who check the
goods against the delivery and signs one copy and give it back to
the driver.

Bill of exchange:
UN conditional order in writing addressed by demand or affixed
determinable time in future to the order of a specified person, or
the bearer.
Bill oh lading (B/L):
The bill of lading is a principal transit document which gives
description of the goods, weight, packing, and some special
instructions sent by the shipper and signed by the carrier (the
captain of the ship) to safe guard the ship owners against claims
for damage.





Delivery note:
It is a document sent by supplier to the purchaser who checks the
goods against the delivery and signs one gives it back to the diver.



Bill of exchange:
UN conditional order in writing, addressed by demand or a fixed
determinable time in the future to the order of a specified person
or the bearer.


) .
Bill oh lading (B/L):

The bill of lading is a principal transit document which give

description of the goods , weight , packing , and some special
instructions, sent by the shipper and signed by carrier(the captain
of the ship) to safeguard the ship owners against claims for



Proforma invoice:
It is similar to a quotation shows the purchaser how the invoice
will be written out of decides to buy the goods.
(it is demand for money)


Letter of credit (L/C):
A method of payment in foreign trade, it is safe and quick method
but more expensive to the importer, where by the important
arranges for a bank in his country to open credit in favour of the

exporter. If the credit can be altered or can celled at any time, it is

said to be a revocable credit where as credit cannot be altered or
with drawing during a creation period, usually six months is an
irrevocable credit and is much safer.



( ).

Price list:
A list issued by the manufacture or whole seller giving the price of
the goods and the terms of sale.

Certificate or origin:
It is a certificate issued by responsible authorities showing the
places of manufactured of certain article.


. .

Customs declaration:
It is a form which is deposited which customs authorities showing
the details of the goods regarding contents, weight and value etc.




recycle .

The quotation:

A quotation is sent in reply to an enquiry and states the goods

available , the current prices and delivery dates. a printed
catalogue or price list is frequently sent with the quotation.



technical affairs .


. cost benefit


the statement of account:

At the end of every month or other agreed period a copy of the
entries is made on a statement of account, which tells the
purchaser the total sum owing for the period.

packing list:
The number, weight and volume of parcels, crates, etc. in which
goods are packed for shipment.










Abbreviations used in business
)first-class (ship in Lloyds register
)Against all risks (insurance


After date

Ante meridiem (before noon)


bill of exchange

bill of lading

bill (s) Payable

bill(s) receivable



Cost and freight


Cost, insurance, freight

credit note


care of

cash on delivery


Cash with order

documents against acceptance

delivery order


errors and omissions expected



free a long side quay

Free along side ship

for your information

for information only

free on board

free on rail

Free on steamer

Free on truck

Green which mean time


Ltd .
Limited liability Company

Letter of credit

Messieurs (fr.)

Nota been

Per annum

please turn over

payment on delivery



replay paid

steamer ship


Steamer ship

by way of, through

Very important person





Unit Five
Kind of business letters
Letters of enquiry

Most business transactions begin with an enquiry. An enquiry can
be made by telephone, through the internet or by postcard. If you
need more information, you will need to write a letter of enquiry.




Status enquiry

It's a business letter of confident all nature, usually sent by a
supplier to business references: banks, chamber of commerce or
names of references, to be sure of the buying capacity of a
prospective buyer specially if he wishes to buy on credit for the
first time.


Status enquiry may be making on the following points:
-standing of a firm

-Reputation of a firm

-Character, moral standing of a person

-Financial standing of a person or a firm



status enquiry


c .v

Good relationship will establish between them and all party even
supplier and buyer should keep this relationship.

Status enquiry may be making on the following points:
1- Standing of a firm

2- Reputation of a firm

3- Character, mural standing of the person

4- Financial standing of a person or a firm



Sales related enquiry

A letter sent from the buyer to the seller to obtain detailed
information about the goods or service. The buyer usually sends a
letter of enquiry to ask for:
- The supply and the availability of goods

- Leaflets, catalogue or samples

- Quotation or price

- Term of payment, discount, delivery dates


First enquiry

If a prospective buyer approaches the supplier or the first time, it
is advisable to include.

-The source of information from which you obtained his name.



- Some indication to the market in your area.

It is helping you to make yourself attractive as a buyer.
The kind of goods you are interested in, and details of what you
would like the supplier to send you, (Catalogue, price list, samples

- A conclusion or notes of hopes that price and terms are

. .


First enquiry:
In case of routine enquiries, it is not necessary to give a lot of
information as what you do in the first enquiry. A short enquiry or
a postcard that briefly points out your particular interest can do

. full details



To make writing letters of this type easier. Divide your letter into
three main paragraphs.

, three paragraphs rule
Ordinary enquiry

?Mention briefly how did you hear about the firm you are writing
Addresses can generally be obtained from the following sources:
( )
the newspapers
international fairs
General catalogue
trade magazines
trade associations
Yellow pages


You can exchange the data and the information between the buyer
and the manufactured. In this paragraph, you may include:
A short paragraph about yourself pointing out your particular
interest. If necessary, indicate the state of the market.



You should determine the current situation of your market.
According to your feeling about what is the important thing that
increases your project, which you should take decision on it.
-Your embassy here in Amman has advised us to get in touch with
-we refer to the visit of our representative to you stand at Torino international fair

- Your firm has been recommending to us that you are
manufacturers of
- We have seen your advertisement in the world of commerce
-we are indebted with thanks to the commercial attache in your embassy for providing us with your esteemed name
and address


a good image about your organization .
- We invite quotations for the supply of
- We have heard of your products through
- We are Al- Masry co. the largest spare parts distributors in

You are creating first impression in the mind of the
manufacturer about yourself so he will give you a high

-We are most interested in household appliances

Asking for information
The details state simply and clearly what you would like your
prospective supplier to send you.

- will you please send us your catalogue and the price list for

- Please send us a Performa invoice for the following at your

most competitive prices
- Kindly give us your lowest prices for
- We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed
- Could you please send us your current catalogue and price
list for?
- I would appreciate more details
- We would like to know what trade discount you allow
- We normally affect payment by letter of credit



asking for information

the style of writing

-I would appreciate more details about
-we would like to know what trade discount you allow.
-we normally effect payment by letter of credit



;Usually a short paragraph is sufficient to close an enquiry

however, you could appreciate an early reply or a repeated hope to
get a competitive price.


-We are looking forward to hearing from you very soon.
-we hope that this would be an opening for an intimate business
relationship between our firms.

- waiting your earliest reply.
-If your price and terms prove to be competitive, we shall be in
opposition to place a substantial order.

....... )
You will buy many times and in the long run so the total profit
from the dealing with you will become very important.
-We shall be grateful for an early reply.
-We shall be very grateful for any assistance you can
give us in this matter.



Al Bank Al Saudi Al hollandi
Mr. Sharif Hamwi
Amman training college
date: 12/11/2002
R.O.BOX: 484
Amman Jordan
Dear Sir,
Mr. Ahmed Naji, whom we intend to hire, has introduced your
name as a person reference.
We would gratefully appreciate your advice about his moral
standing, character and suitability for employment with us.
Thanking you in advices for your valued co-operation, and
looking forward to your reply with interest.
Yours faithfully
Waseem Imran
Status enquiry: from a bank to a reference about person
space date :
. order each item






) ( . .
Abed Ali Mustafa
Prince moly d St. Hajjeer Market
P.O.BOX 20074.Tel 21696
Date: 5th Oct. 1999
Messrs Quella international
Europas crosstes wersandham
8150 Furth 500
Dear Sirs,
I visited your stand at Frankfurt international exhibition and I
was very interested in your display of fashion wear catalogues.
I should be grateful if you send us a proforma incoide for up-todate men-suits fashion catalogues for the winter 2000.
Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.
Yours faithfully,
Samah Mohad
Enquiry for quella catalogues.

) (


Unit six
Replies to enquiries, quotations and offers
The reply to an enquiry provides the prospective buyer with the
request information. Progressive firms look upon an enquiry for
their goods as an opportunity that must not be missed; therefore,
the reply must be built up into a sale or a good will.

About the prospective buyer, we can say as a manufacturer or
supplier that this information will help him and increase the
relationship and facilities of relationship and can go more steps
forwards and complete the transaction between the two parts.

first impression
First impression about each part in the mind of the part is very
important because when we sit about crazy action there will be
exchange has many terms
- There should be at least two parties and each part able to deal
with the other and has the authority to deal with the other.
After this point each part like to take something value in the
mind of the other part, we exchange the value, exchange the
benefit of the product even physical product.
Marketing is a social and administrate process that shoud be
met and need of our customer by producing the suitable product
and the product here means any team we can sell any team we

can market physical product, or service or information or data

or anything.


If we overcome the threat, we can convert the threat to new
In answering an enquiry satisfactorily, the seller should
consider the following points:

1- Expressions of thanks for the enquiry
2- The validity of the quotation.

It is a good opportunity, new opportunity, tries to use it.
3- Details of the quoted price (packing, carriage, insurance,
delivery dates, discount, etc.)
All items you should explain it in order to convince the buyer to
buy from you not others.
It is very easy if your power answer not agree with him, he will
switch off and go to other competitive especially at the
beginning so try to catch him and keep current customer by
using positive word of mouth.

4-Extract description of the goods through enclosures, booklets,
leaflets, catalouges, price list etc.



( ...... )

crack on your skin or face

Some person remembers us about the advantages, which attract
the customer, by using catalogues leaflets, booklets, pricelist

5- An expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted
and assurance of goods service and further assistance.

6- Follow up the quotation.





Unit six
Replies to enquiry, quotations and offers
The reply to an enquiry provides the prospective buyer with the
request information. Progressive firms look upon an enquiry for
their goods as an opportunity that must not be missed; therefore,
the reply must be built up in to a sale or goodwill.


opportunity .

You should keep our current customer by providing him the
suitable information and suitable product.
You should delivery the product or service to the customer in
suitable time and suitable place and suitable price.



According to the new marketing concept, we must care as a
manufacturer or supplier about the complete.
The complete transaction is important but the strategic goal for the
manufacturer is to build good relationship with the buyers.

short run ,
long run

I try to reach the point of loyalty.

You should meet the expectation of our buyer.

My offer should be more than the level of expectation of our
customer or our buyers.
The buyer or our customers will satisfy when he enter the loyalty
I should deal with the buyer as a center of benefit.

We should keep our current customer.
Reply to enquiry:
It should be built in good design and we should take in our kind
all the subject and we should produce or reflect good image good
features about our manufactured company about our product.

We should position our self in the mind of our customer.

In answering an enquiry satisfactorily, the seller should consider
the following points:
1- Expression of thanks for the enquiry.

3-The validity of quotation.




spare time
strong points .
3- Details of the quoted price (packing, carriage, insurance,
)delivery dates, discount, etc.


We should give many benefits, which the buyer will be persuaded.

4 - Extract description of the goods through enclosures:

A booklet, leaflets, catalogues pricelist, etc.


5 -An expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted and
assurance of goods service and further assistance.


all your tools

More than one send reply letter to the respective buyer so the
buyer will choose from those entire alternative that is suitable for
him to deal.
6 - Follow up the quotation.

business letter
three paragraph rule
The letter should be reply enquiry consist of three
Opening sentences:


-we thank you for your enquiry of 18 June appreciates your
interest in your products

-we are very pleased to receive your enquiry dated
-we thank you for your letter of 16 Jan in which you enquiry
...... 39
-we are very pleased to know that you were impressed with our
-we think you have made the best choice in catalogue us
You should start to establish a good relationship.
it is a best :

How to communicate with other? How to affect with other? What
is the impact of your expression?
Providing the necessary information:
How can us providing the necessary information:
-we have the pleasure in sending you our latest illustrated
catalogue which give full information about..
: 055

) ,
In case of the information that we received there are two
problems. Classified these information what is important or not. I
have special time how can I deal with the much information.

: I need some level of information if I reach the amount of
information least than required this mean that there is some
information absent.


. e-mail
-please find here with the enclosed price list
-we have sent you today separately our general catalogue together
with a full range of samples
-in reply to your telex of today, we send you here with our revised
price list
-in reply to your enquiry of 8 august, we are enclosing full
particular of our export models



?How can we providing the necessary information
We face two problems:
The increase of information more than required it is a problem and
when information become least than what is required also it is a
problem so we should choose the suitable point or middle point or
ideal information who can reach this level of information.


: , ,

. :
Providing the necessary information:
- We have the pleasure in sending you our latest illustrated
catalogue which gives full information about..


You should create good image in the mind of our buyer and

him for the first time, you should create first image If we deal with
and you know the first image.

Please find here with the enclosed price list..We have sent you today under separate cover ,our general catalogue together with a full range of samples..
-In reply to your telex of today, we send you here with our
Revised price list
-In reply to your enquiry of 8 August ,we are enclosing full
particulars of our export models.

-the models have now been improved
* There is continuous modification, continuous progress according
to the change of need and performance of our customer or our
buyer. This means that we care about our customer. How are they
thinking? The way of thinking what they prefer, what is the
change which may be happy in their need, performance, and style?
You should continuous matching our customer and this will be
done by the research department.

They should scanning the environment (macro &internal)

We should use this change in efficient and effective rule to

converse it to opportunity, also if there are some threats how can
we avoid it?
How much the negative effect of this threat?

-prices are valid until.
If you want to give lower price or something during specific time
try to encourage your buyer to buy now.
-can we send our representative with various models.
-our price is fob.
Details about the price. )Full)
*Note: he use short sentence (our price are fob), it is efficient but
the buyer should understand what fob means?
-the enclosed catalogue will give you an idea of our standard

. .
- We look forward to the opportunity of service.
- We hope that you will find our terms satisfactory, and we assure
you of our full co operation and attention in this matter.


Positive process
How do you reflect your self (your product) in the mind of your
customer? And we assure you of our full co operation.



-we are looking forward to hearing from you and assure you that
your order will receive our immediate attention.

May be cause what we call (it represent you need resource)
A resource may be physical or not.

This means that as you a buyer you will obtain a competitive
advantage or reach to a competitive advantage point. Through this
you are dealing with the manufacturer.
If you went to define the competitive advantage how can you
define it?
Competitive advantage is something special unique to distinguish
your self and your product in something difficult to discolors from

your competitor and difficult to duplicate your imitate from the



-please do not hesitate to write again if need further information.
. .
If any time you need any information just write or phone we are
always to help you and give any information for you
By this way you can earn his mind and his heart.
-we look forward to the opportunity of business with a firm of
your standing.

We want to make good relationship with you and continuous
business, continuous transaction.
-we will be pleased to supply any information you require.
-we will take in to consideration all your particular requirements.
. ) (
-we look forward to receiving your order.

Quotations with tabulated forms
Many quotations are made on special tabulated forms that make
information more organized easily understand and complete. In
this case, a covering letter should be sent with the tabulated
quotations. The covering letter includes the same opening and
closing sentence with the addition that the quotation is enclosed.

Quotation form

( )

Quotation form or the price list

. .

Opening paragraph, middle paragraph and closing paragraph

Specially business letter, you should committee with three

paragraph letters

Trade with the Arab countries

Kronvic trading co ltd.
London, England
Dear Sir,
With reference to your enquiry about the activities of the real
estate in vestments
Though it has been established for only a short period of time, the
company due to the efforts of efficient and reliable directors is
expanding rapidly towards the instructions of idea. Housing
quarter in selective areas of the capital.
Yours faithfully,
Enquiries office.
Reply to a status enquiry (reputation and financial standing)
, *
: *





Voluntary offers:
Many manufacturers should market him self his company and his
product through what we call marketing mix.

The items of marketing mix are consisting of four bases: the first
base is the price, the second is product, the third is promotion, and
the four is the place.




?How can the product satisfy all needs
, .

- We can use a business letter as a devise of promotion.



- This will increase our marketing share and this means that
prospective ten buyer come to buy.
This means that our sales will increase and our profit will increase

Voluntary offers or sales letter
- Companies aiming to strengthen the existing business or to start
new business connection, write "sales promotion letters" to
prospective customers.

-these letters are normally sent out in the form of circular letters, a
direct advertisement or TV commercial.

- All these devises we can use but what is the type of our
advertisement because there are many type of advertisement.




-when writing such letters, one must see that they are persuasive,
convincing, price and impressive regarding quality..etc.

.) (
, *
Good sales letter are based on four fundamental points:
- There are four requirement should satisfy if we need our
business letter or advertisement or what we call promotion to be
1- Attention:

- To attract the reader's attention (arouse his curiosity)

to read further, so the opening paragraph and induce him
should perhaps be more direct and personal, and more original
than in other letters.

Every one is different between the needs and performance of the
persons. It is difficult to find two persons have the same needs, the
same performance and the same way of thinking.


If you want to applied new marketing concept, you should meet

the needs, performance and wants of the customer. You should
deal with the customer in good and suitable way according the
way of thinking.

We should create the feeling that this product is made special for
the customer or the buyer.
You and just few others were chosen.
. *
" "
2- Desire:

for - People buy things because it satisfies something they want

their own (profit, pleasure, success.etc.)
- It's different between needs and wants.
Needs is limited (food, water, respect, reach to your
Goal) but the wants is a devise not limited so for one
Need we use many wants so as marketer you should
Deal with the wants as you can affect in the customer
And create the attention of customer by concentrated on the
, :

. *


. .
. *
, *
The firms are represented a system and the person is represent a
system. Any system consists of many items (input, output,
feedback information, internal environment, external environment
and communication between all these parts).
. *
Continuous changing in the environment this is fact, the old fact in
this life is change so any system have at least three goals. The
third goal is to achieve some benefit or achieve some profit.{profit
is one part benefit} so any system want to meet all three goals it
should adapt by good communications with other.
The suitable method to communicate with other is written
business letter.



Voluntary letters or sales letters

In these days of rising prices and falling incomes,
You not only need for a career but also for a better

3- convincing:

-you should create convincing in the mind of your

Prospective buyer.
-to convince the customer that your product or your off
Has special merit and that is in his interest to accept it,
Supported your statement by facts and experiments tests


The career's digest gives you the latest ideas to
Enhance your opportunity in life.

4- Action:

In order to make this final step as easy for him as Possible, use
stamped and addressed envelopes, Or prepaid postcards so that it
doesn't cost him Any thing, all you ask your readers to do is to
Sign a form or card enclosed in your letter.
* First impression generate when the buyer see the envelope. The
shape or the form of envelope will enter in the forming of the first


* Total impression more than seventy percent will formed
according the first impression. This means that the first impression
is very important.



*By this way you can using what we call direct marketing or data
base marketing.
*In British they use direct marketing.
In American they use data base marketing.
-when you have as a manufacturer data base marketing about the
buyers or customers this help you and benefit you too to know
exactly what is you need and prefer of our customer so you can
easy plaid a new marketing concept and produce the suitable
product and service.
- Remember that anything can be marketed By this way you can
produce the product as a customer need.
-By this way you can achieve your goal and increase your benefit.


Please send us your subscription at once.
. *
. *
When the current customer buy from you and complete with him
and take about a particular product disappoint he will take with
him self and thinking about his decision what the price it's suitable
or not , he is afraid from quality and the risk is low, how can we
remove all these thinks? He is hesitating between benefit and cost.
By this time, he will not recognize if his decision is true or not .so
any action will increase the desire side as a manufacturer if you

send him a letter. But thanking you for dealing our product. You
promise give assistant for any problem face.
This will reduce the feeling of afraid and encourage him to buy.
By this way you can keep your current customer.
. *
Follow up letters
*It's a second letter sent by the seller, if the buyer hasn't placed an
order or even replied to the seller's offer.

The good follow up letter contain the following:
-reference to the customer enquiry and that no response has been
received after the seller's offer.
) ( *
-wonder why in a helping manner.
. *
-reassure promise of service.
. *
Our purpose is to satisfy the customer to met the need of our
customer and also not only satisfy him but also give him more
than the level of his expectation in order to enter the loyalty stage.
We can reach the buyer to more than loyalty stage by giving him
more than what he expects.
This is some physical evidence in the life about this mechanism
about reach our customer to the loyalty stage.

( *
-repeat the hope that the customer will take advantages of the
. *
Dear Sirs,
Following to our quotation dated 5June 1999 which we offer our
new design of men's shirts.Not having hear from you since we
sent you our latest catalogues. Please let us know weather you are
still interested in the above mentioned offer.We would like to
point out that prices are rising steadily and this offer is valid until
the end of the year.We can be of further assistance. Please send us
your special requirement and we'll do our best to serve you
Yours faithfully,


. .
Voluntary offer that seller or manufacturer may be sent to the
expected buyer when he modified his product or incease his
business or start new business in order to inform the buyer about
the new product or new business.


. ,

Unit seven
Writing orders
Orders : is a letter in which the buyer asks the seller to supply
him with specified quantities of goods.
Order form:

The use of serially numberd printed order forms facilitate
references, all essential information is given where the order for
two or more items should be tabulated.








Part Qty. Rent
_ 276D 50

89C 120




Serial No.

Pine wood rose table

Pine wood rose chair

Pine wood coffee table


You should explain the description of all items and also part No.
and quantity.
Dear Sirs.
This is to confirm the conversation regarding our order of 1000
floor mats required urgently at the usual price ($ 0.500 each )
Please proceed with shipping accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Geeneral manger

. ,
You should make semulation,try to write different type of order



Any order whether printed or not will generally state the
1- Reference to the offer, quotation, samples, etc.



2- Confirmation of the agreed terms.
3- The number of the orders as the buyer may have subsequent
4- Exact description of the goods requierd (quantities, qualities,
and the part number if used).

5- Giving full directions for (date of delivery, means of transport,
packing, insurance) and any other conditions.

( , , ,, )
6- Any special documents which may be requierd (consular
invoice, invoice, certificate of origin,etc.).

Order should be start with opening sentense and then letter and
then closing.

Opening sentence:
1- Thank you for your offer of 2 July, which we accept on the
terms quoted.

2- Will you please arrange immediate dispatch of
3- Kindly dispatch by parcel post
4- We enclosed here with our order No.
5- Please arrange to supply us as soon as possible with the
following items.
6-please deliver at the price and terms agreed upon as given

Encouraging the supplier to executive the order with care.
1- Your early attention to this order will be appreciated.
2- Please note that delivery is required by 5 APRIL.

3- As the goods are urgently required, we shall be garteful for
immediate dispatch.

4- Kindly advise us when the goods are dispatch.
5- If this order is satisfatorily executed, we shall place further
orders in the near future.



, ,

Opening sentence when we write order and the closing sentence
and what we should take in our kind and what is the type of the
sentence that we can use even on the open sentence or in the
closing sentence.
. .

By this way, you are establishing good relationship and as way set
before you should marking relationship.

Relationship in marketing will reflect in all party and in
performance of delivery order so you satisfy customers by this
Acknowledgement of order:

When the seller received for goods that will take him some time to
be prepared, acknowledgement should be sent straight away,
stating the expected date of delivery.

) (expected date of delivery .

It will affect the relationship between the buyer and seller.

Dear Sirs,
We were very pleased to receive your order No.313 for car
accessory. We confirm supply of all items at the price and terms
stated in your order and are arranging for dispatch in 15 days S.S.
with wave
Yours faithfully
An acknowledgement of order
accessories .
( .
) S.S. with wave
(keep in touch)

(without any
) stress )(to lose the current customer
By this way we can decrease the waiting coast.

If we do according to lower marketing, we should satisfy our

If the total performance of the goods equals his expectation, he
will be satisfied. If he finds more than his expectation, he becomes

Execution of orders

When the goods are prepared for dispatch, the seller sends a letter
advising the buyer that his order has just been executed. The
invoice and the other documents are usually enclosed, in order to
enable the buyer clear on his goods as required by customs


full data .
. .
The letter usually contains:
1- Reference to the receipt of the order.

2- The name of the carrier, or the forwarding agent.
3- The prospective date of delivery.
4- Reference to the enclosed invoices.

so the (unit of profit)

seller should deal with the buyer as strategic partner and he
should use strategic planning and achieve strategic goals. This is
only through satisfying the buyer or the customer.
The strategic goals enable you to achieve these adjectives only
through satisfying our customer. This means that you will increase
your profit, market share and your sales. So by this way our
customers will take about us in a positive way. This means
satisfying our customer. They will do what we call promotion with
any planning from the seller. So by this way, we can attract
previous customer and new customer. And also we transit from
success to another success and add value.

Dear Sir,
Your order number 33188
Thank you for your interest in our offer of caned milk and we are
please to advise you, that your order has been dispatched by Road
Transport Services LTd.
Yours faithfully,
Export manger
Execution of order.


Unit eight
Applying for jobs & letters of application
. ,

social level or
political level or economic level
How can you .
?market your self
Any one has a good quality so can he increase that good qualities
and how can he attract the attention of the others upon his


advantage of verse praimovier .
Applying for jobs & letters of applications.
- How can we apply for jobs and what is the type of letters that we
can use for applications.
- The application or the letter, in which you offer your services
and qualifications to the employer, may be most important letter
that you will ever write. Because it may change the whole course
of your career, it may move you from a student to an employee. It
may change from one post to another.


professional .
student stage

employee stage



, ,
Applying for jobs &letters applications



, . .

The range of bearing to stop breathing is from two or three
minutes (to the divers).
. .
98 .
95 .


. . .

. .
The letter should cover as shortly and simply as possible the
following points:

. .

human resources manager
Some indications of the source of information from which you
have learnt about the job (vacancy).
advertising on the TV
1- A formal application for the past and expression of interest
of the particular work required.


by using evidence, education, education, experience.

. .


how to communicate and affect the other
How to adopt with other? .


the total value
you can imagine
how much he benefit us and our company.

You are able to learn and able to get training and make what we
call a completed value. How to treat with this a completed value in
your mind also skills experiment.

. .
2-personal data: name, mailing, address, telephone no.

contact with you .

3-Education, qualification, school college's universities night
classes also mention certificates and degrees obtained.


You should indicate the limit of education, school, colleges,

universities, night classes; also mention certificates and degree
C.V .
, ,
, .

you are
the suitable man for this job
converse more down
the alternative

scanning .
4-past experience which has a particular bearing on the job
and any other skills.


5-A statement of the writers readiness to keep any
appointment for an interview and to carry out the duties
devotedly if appointed.

How much .
? can you work under pressure and stress
. simulation

. reaction
. services
There are many differences between service and goods. Goods
means physical product. It is easy to evaluate the performance of
any service due to the features of services.

Services are intangible. Why physical product tangible? This is
very difficult. The condition of risk the conition of afraid if closes

so you cant store the service.
The level of performance of any service is not the same even
services are not the same one time and another time. The person
who is produce and deliver the service. And buy the service is a
person. The person is the most important thing in this life which it
features in this level.
as a total service
The man who provides the service is recognized by the customer
as part of the service.
When the customer or the buyer went to evaluate the performance
of service that he get and evaluate the total benefit from that
Past experiment which has particular bearing on the job and
another skills and statement of the writers would keep any
appointment for any interview and carry out the beauties devoted
if appointed.


application and letter application



, ,

?How to introduce an application and how write an application

. getting the first job demand
1- Photocopy your certificates (more than one copy) because
you may apply for more than one job at the same time.

You should have more than one copy of any document or
certificate because you may for more than one job at the same
time. And you should be ready.

skills .

2- Contact your reference= stuff member, friends, placement
sections, etc.


classmen section .
3- Checking advertisement each day and getting appointment
for interview.

This represents an opportunity for you. So try to not miss this
opportunity. And you should take your chance to make interview
so may be you will get this job.

4- Send copies of your letters and C.V to the companies that
might have an opening.

control scanning .


the advantage of face proverb .

?What is the kind of application

Kinds of applications are:

1- In reply to an advertisement.
) ..... - - (
You should reply to an advertisement by sending the C.V and all
requirements to the particular.
2- Using an introduction.
3- Unsolicited.
Its written in response to an invitation, usually in the form of
. .
Usually in the form of advertisement, in the opening sentence of
your application letter you will refer to the advertisement for the
advantage to the applicant in writing a solicited letters of

good well and good image

Create a good first image so maybe you new that
Proximity and maybe lose that job.

1- He could assess his qualification in light of the employers


skills experiences
your nature
way of thinking . your life style

You dont feel that its a good job and you try to leave to another
one. At this point you waste time many years and effort and
finally you get nothing.
2- The certainty that the opening exists.

Announcement wanted

A leading company in Amman requires executive secretary to run

a well organized office.

Applicants should have a good command of English language and
typing speed not less that 30w.p.m short-hand would be
. .


If interested, please write to P.O. BOX. Amman enclosing copies
of you certificates.
Good salary and convenient working conditions are offered. (The
atmosphere of job).
. .

. .
" "
Reference is made to your advertisement NO. in Al-Rai the
post of the excusive secretary.
..... ....... ()
() . .
Using an introduction:
If you have been informed or recommend for the job by a person
who is well knowledge or one of the company's members, you
should mention the name of the adviser and his position at the
beginning of your letter.

) ,
You should make sure that you are honest, polite and go to point

The primary advantage to be obtained that the person who gave
you the introduction will generally be able to give you some hints
as to the main points that you should emphasize in your
application so making your task considerably easier, and the
employer will already be acquainted with your qualification.






?How can you turn on the threat to good opportunity
According to system the purpose of your study is to discover
opportunity, reach opportunity and avoid threat and how to make
the negative effect of the threat is very well, the how will you
overcome the threat? And remove that threat and convert it to a
good opportunity.


Example 1:
Miss Saadet Hameed. The Dean of princess sarvat community
college, has information me that you have enquired whether she
could recommend one of her student whether she could
recommend one of her student for the past of secretary in your

Example 2:
MR. Naseem Imran, who has represented your firm in Lebanon
for many years, very kindly gave me your address before left
Beirut and allowed me to refer to him.









Its opportunity tries to use it.
The kind of applications


The kind of applications
1- In reply to an advertisement.



May be finding good matching between you and your

Qualification, skills, and your experience.
2- Using an introduction.
3- Unsolicited.
. ,
In reply to an advertisement
* It's written in response to an invitation, usually in the form of
your application letter. You will refer to the advertisement for the
advantages to the applicant in writing a solicited letters of
1- He could assess his qualifications in light of the
Employer's requirements.
2- The certainly that the opening exists.

................. :
. *
Some points we should take in our account while we writing the
written response to advertisement.
, *


It will waste your time.
Team who check your application will avoid and remove it from
the beginning so try to use your time in effective way.

Search for an advertisement witch can meet the requirements of
the source of the advertisement.

Announcement wanted
A leading company in Amman requires executive secretary to run
a well organized office.
Applicants should have good command of English language and
typing speed not less than 30 w.p.m. short hands would be
If you are interested, please write to p.o.box2161Amman
enclosing copies of your certificates.
Good salary and convenient working conditions offered.




Reference is made to your advertisement No. in ALRAI the

post of executive secretary.
Using an introduction

If you have been informed or recommended for the job by a
person who is well college or one of the companys
members, you should mention the name of the adviser and
his position at the beginning of your letter.



The primary advantage to be obtained that the person who
gave you the introduction will generally be able to give you
some hints as to the main points that you should emphasize in
your application, so making your task considerably easier,and
the employer will already be acquainted with your


He will guide you and explain to you how to write
application what is the point you should mention or what the
point you should focus and concentrate to it, what the team of
work human resource you should refer to, may be sometimes
you have strong points for the company but the director who
run on the company want special needs.

Example 1:
Miss SAADET HAMEED, the dean of
Princess served community college,
Has information me that you have
Enquired whether she could
Recommend one of her students for
The post of secretary in your firm
Example 2:
Mr.NASEEM IMRAN, who has represented your firm in Lebanon
for many years, very kindly gave me your address before left
Beirut and allowed me to refer to him.




Unsolicited applications

An unsolicited application is written to a prospective employer
who has not advantage.

Your letter will not have to complete with dozens of other
applications and will be considered for any future opening.

In such situations you must try to find something about the firms
activity and shows how your qualifications and experience could
be used.


Example 1:
Please allow me to subject this application to you asking if you
have an opening which you think fits my qualification.

( )
Example 2:
Please, consider me one of the candidates for any future opening
for a typist or any clerical job which fits qualifications.
The information, sentence, the conclusion and other information
will be the same in all the mentioned kinds of applications.





Types of application and kinds of application
Example 1:
Please allow me to subject this application to you, asking if you
have an opening which you think fits my qualifications.

Example 2:
Please, consider me one of the candidates for any future opening
for a typist or any clerical job which fits my qualifications.
The information, sentences, conclusion, and other information will
be the same in all the mentioned kinds of applications.


Letter of application
Personal manager
12 may, 1992
Jabel el-Hussein
trading co
P.o.Box (8123)

Dear Sir,
Reference to your advertisement in Al-Rai daily newspaper
in which you advertised the position of clerk-typist.
I'm Jordanian, 20years old, single, I have a diploma in business
and office practice, practice, my typing speed is 45 w.p.m and my
short hand dictation speed is 75-90 w.p.m, also I posses other
related skills: business correspondences and filling , I will
appreciate it if you consider my applications ,and give me the
change for an interview at your convenience.
Yours faithfully,
, , ,
. 78 , 48 25 .
( ).



. .







Hints on writing letters of applications
1- Try to address an individual whose name appears in the
advertisement, if not make the salutation read dear sir



It will reflect positively in the mind of the person who deals with
your application.


2- Indicate the source from which you've learnt about the
vacant post.

3- Layout the letter and write neatly as well

. .
The appearance of your letter should affect in the mind of the
receipt your application.
4- Recount briefly the abilities that you feel will quality for the


By using this way you can marketing your self better than others
and may be get chance to obtain this opportunity.

5- Make sure that your letter is correctly worded and contains
no spelling or punctuation errors.

6- Revise it carefully before sending it.
This is the important letter in your life because your future may be
depending upon this letter.

)Using a curriculum vitae (C.V



It's a common practice to write the application in two parts:
1- A quite brief letter setting out the main points referred to as
)a covering letter used with the C.V (data sheet


2- The C.V which shows the employer in detail, the
qualifications, and the post record of employment it must be
neatly arranged and attractively laid out, so that it allows the
employer to choose the area about which he might want
further data.
( )



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A brief letter covering the c.v.

Dear Sir,
Im applying for the position of executive secretary
advertised in Ad-Dustor, 9th march, 1999
I have held several responsible secretarial Jobs for a large
organization, Based in Amman. The enclosed C.V. gives a more
detailed outline of my education and experience.
Yours faithfully.
( )




The C.V. generally may contain:
1- Personal data: date, place of birth, citizenship, marital status,
address etc.
. , , :
2- Education: name of college, institute and any courses taken or
degree obtained.
3- Employment record: name and address, nature of work, name
of position held.
4- Reference: name of persons (receiver) to whom you are known
for a considerable time and who are ready to testify to your ability,
training and general character (listed at the end).
.) (
5- Affiliations: Activities in social originations.
6- Publications: foreign language, and any other skills.
The c.v
The C.V. is not a subject for a letter of application but is used to
give clear and systematic information along with the covering

. .
Through the c.v. the reader can make what we call the real image
about the person who write the letter. And he knows full
information about the person who gives the application.
Example how to write C.V.
Personal date:
Name: Hassan Zeyed
Age: 20 years/single
1984-1987 Al-Amir Hassan secondary school
1987-1999 Amman trading college, Business, practice course
Excellent Arabic spoken and written
Fluent English spoken and written
1987-1990 part time secretary for National trading co. filling
typing , correspondence.
1990-1992 Aramco purchasing Department.
Special skills:
Driving licence
Jordan development commity
Reference: Mr. Azzam Abo Khaled
Amman Trading College 5207168
Dr. Mohamed Amoura
Amman Trading College 5217169

) (


Personal Data:
Name: Ghleb Mohammed Mohammed Al-Bostangy.
Gender: male
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Jordanian
Religion: Islam
Place & Date of birth: Thannieh on the 18th of December
Correspondence Address: Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn saud
Islamic University
Faculty of Economics and Admistraticve scinces
P.o Box 5701- Alriad 11432
Mobile: 55-966-595310967
Summary of Qualifications
- wide experience in teaching all levels of undergraduate classes
covering intensive courses in general Business and marketing as
well as specialized departmental programs.
- Wide experience in teaching postgraduate subjects in the field of
business and marketing.
- Extensive experience in performing R&D project in the field of
operation research, marketing, management, project management,
product management, engineering, and construction services
- Total quality management. Human resources management and
internal and interactive marketing.

Academic background:
* Ph. D degree in marketing from Amman Arab university for
graduate studies 2006/2007 with an average of (3.70 out of 4.00)
rating (excellent).
* Master degree in business administration (MBA), from Jordan
University. Jordan, 2001/2002 with accumulative average of 3.5
with very good.
* Bachelor of business administration from Mutah University,
Jordan 97/98 with a cumulative average of 84.7 with excellent.
And a certificate from the department of admission and
registration at Mutah University certifies that my standing was
the first among all students who graduates at the same academic
* Associate degree (diploma) of three year program in mechanical
engineering, Al Balqa Applied University Amman, 1980.
Work and Experience
* August 2009 up to date / Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic
Assistance professor.
* August 2007 to 2009 Zarqa private university Jordan assistant
professor during this period I have taught various business and
marketing modules such as;
- Production management
- Operations research
- Marketing management
- Principles of management
- Marketing resources
- Distribution management
- Principle of marketing
- Quantitative methods in marketing
- Sales management
- Business administration (2)
- Human resources management
- Services marketing

- Industrial marketing
- Marketing and strategies
- Marketing of banking
- Computer application in marketing
* August 2007 to August 2009, Hahsemia university, Jordan,
parte-time lecturer in the department of business and marketing
modules in English language such as:
- Production and operation management
- Operations research
- Small business management
- Restaurants management
- Projects management
* August 2001 to August 2009, Arab Academic for financial and
banking science, Jordan part-time lecturer in the department of
business and marketing. During this period I have taught various
business and marketing modules in English language for post
graduate students such as;
Advance marketing management
Total quality management
* From 2 / 2003 to August 2007 Mutah university, Jordan. Fulltime lecturer in the department of business and marketing. During
this period I have taught various business and marketing modules
such as;
- Operations research
- Production management
- Marketing management
- Principles of management
- Public relations in business
- Math and statistics in business
- Consumer behavior
- Electronic marketing

- Planning and developing products

- Marketing researches
- Distribution management
- Tourism marketing
- Principles of marketing
- Quantitative methods in marketing sales management.
* from 15 / 2 / 2003 to August 2009 work as accountant for
several companies and institute in several related field like
development and reinstructing organization, human resources
managements and quality assurance, internal and interactive
marketing, strategic and marketing plan, . Etc.
* From 25 / 11 / 2001 to 15 / 2 / 2003 laps chairperson in
engineering faculty, Mutah University, Jordan.
* From 1 / 9 / 87 to 25 / 2001 lap supervisor in engineering
faculty, Mutah University.
* From 1 / 6 / 82 to 1 / 9 / 87 supervisor in operation and
production management, quality assurance division, Arab potash
co. Jordan.
* From 2 / 80 to 6 / 82 military service in the Jordanian Military
Language skills
* Excellent command of spoken, writing, and reading English
besides my first Native Arabic language.
Computer skills
* Certificate in icdl in Cairo lunic co.
* Ability to use spss.

Training courses:
* Improve faculty performance, 18 credit hours (Mutah
* Electronic learning with using (moodle) system in developing
and quality assurance unit 12 arqa private university.
* Member in several academic administrative committees in
Mutah University.
* Member in several academic administrative committees in Zarqa
Private University.
* Member in marketing department board in Zarqa Private
* Marketing department coordinator in Zarqa Private University.
* Member in environmental protection association
* Member in consumer protection association.
* Member in Jordanian construction association.
* Member in several nonprofit and voluntary associations.
* Member in Alqasem co. for contracts board.
* Participate in several scientific administrative and engineering
seminars and conferences.
Able to learn new skills. Searching for up to date knowledge.
Friendly, comprehensive, and self motivated person.
Published paper

* Bostanji, Ghaleb (2008) impact of the application form (7.2) to
milkens on the performance of corporate marketing department
Jordan industrial / applied study publication, sixth scientific

6-7 May 2008 to Zarqa Private University, issues contemporary

economic and administrative in the early twenty first century,
challenge, opportunites, per spectives
* Bostanji, Ghaleb (2009) Actual Usage of Marketing Strategies
by companies of the Hordanian construction sector and its effect
in the level on their performance.
* University of Sharjah journal of humanities and social sciences,
vol. 6, No. 3 October 2009 AD.ISSN: 1996-2339
Work and Education
. .



Advance marketing management
According to
At least

Bill of exchange

Computer applications
Certificate of origin
The core of the letter

Date Of birth

Delivery note


First enquiry
Foreign trade



General performance

Human resource



International fairs
Involved in


Letter of credit

Marital status



Operations research

Place of birth








Production & operations management

Proper way

Proforma invoice

Price list

Packing list

Projects management


Restaurants management
Responsible for


Sciences Sales
Small business management
Specific number
Statement of account

Trade associations
Total quality management


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