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I pretty much agree.

You grow up listening to all this stuff about the home of t

he brave, the pioneering spirit, all that, and then you leave school and it grad
ually occurs to you that what America really wants is an army of obedient worker
s with no guts and just enough education to carry out the simple instructions th
ey are given.
For the duration of the Greater Depression, you will be far more comfortable if
your temporary role model is Mr Normal rather than the Unabomber. For the durati
on, play the game. (Unlike your coworkers, you will know it's all bullshit.) Put
a clean shirt on in the morning, go to the office, remember the manners your mo
ther taught you, do your job. The worst that will happen is, you have to swallow
some shit from the little prick in charge.
If you can't hack that, then forget about hunting knives and extreme weather pro
tection and all the rest of that crap. The only survival gear you need is a pass
port. I'd suggest somewhere warm and cheap, with good food and cute women. Bangk
ok is getting more expensive now, but just for starters, how about Manila or Jak
arta? Much better than a tent in Montana. Get a room, find some damn thing to do
to make a few bucks, relearn the pioneering spirit.
Night scopes. Sheesh.
The importance of time cannot be underestimated. Too often time is sacrificed fo
r lack of planning and/or knee jerk reactions to marketplace developments. For s
ome reason, in this new era of instant access to communication and information,
people assume the speed of thought has increased as well. In reality, lightning
rarely strikes right away. You need time to build the static charge.
Compra solamente lo necesario, no lo conveniente. Lo innecesario, aunque cueste
un solo cntimo, es caro.
Lucio Anneo Sneca, 2 aC-65. Filsofo latino
Information is no longer a scarce commodity. But attention is. Why give it away
so easily? You are not that irresponsible with your money, your reputation or yo
ur health. Why give away your mind?
The only way to win is not to play. Hopefully people will be able to figure thi
s out for themselves. For those who don't, there is always natural selection.

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