Graphic Organizer For Investigation

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Graphic organizer for investigation

Concept or scenario: Event- Before presenting students with assessment is extremely important to discover students prior knowledge and mold
students learning to the assessment requirements. The experience needs to be real life and interesting to them as learners. This will ensure students
are engaged and interested. This may take extra time and scaffolding. Depending on the individual needs and number of students, a smaller cohort of
students may be a requirement to ensure student success is meet.
Known or agreed upon- What do people already know?
* To help students understand the process of investigation, backwards design

Confusion or contradiction- What confusion do people have about the

* Teachers believe they cant use the same assessment as mainstream

is a process required when planning lessons for all students.

students and need to adjust the assessment for intellectually impaired

*Time is an issue in mainstream school programs.


* Teacher aid time is less in most mainstream classrooms.

* Confusion of how to implement real life experiences to make assessment

* Inclusion knowledge, experience in implementing strategies is limited

real and meaningful.

amongst most Pre- service teachers.

* Need to understand the different types of investigation: Definitional,

* Resources may be limited to scaffold students learning.

historical and projective and how real life situations can intrigue all

* The learning materials may need to be tailored to suit students learning



* Understand the importance of questioning during the process section of

the unit that can reflect prior knowledge and allow students to feel the
reward of success. Teachers may not do this and lessons the students
already understand or not teach areas they are confused about.

Resolution: Suggestions- By using the backwards design approach as discussed in the case study above the students can be engaged in the process
of investigation using key questions to scaffold their knowledge and allowing them to meet the assessment task requirements. By following the
Dimension of Learning 4 process of Investigation and putting into practice the different processes follow the same basic process of clearly identifying
what is already known, deciding on the confusion or contradiction the students may feel towards the topic and finally developing a plausible resolution.
Please see the page titled- Dimensions of learning 4- Reasoning process to gain strategies and ideas that will guide you as a teacher through the
process of investigation.

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