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Tusculum College Lesson Plan Template

Summer 2013
Name: Roxanne Shepard
Subject/Grade: Skill Themes in Dance
Estimated Time Frame: 20 minutes
1.1.3 perform selected rhythmic activities and dance sequences
1.2.6 properly execute traditional and popular dances
5.2.4 - demonstrate sportsmanship during physical education class

Big Idea(s)/Essential Question(s): Use streamers and twirl streamers in front of the body, to the side, figure 8s, overheard, lasso- like circles in front
of body, walk the dog, snake like movements, and high to low level and keep time with the music.
New Learning:
Vocabulary dance, counting (8 counts)
Concepts Use streamers and twirl the streamers in front of the body, to the side, overhead, figure8s, lasso-like circles in
front of the body, walk the dog, snake like movements, and high to low level while keeping time with the music.
Skills Keeping time with music, move ribbon in side circles, front circles, figure 8s, overheard circles, lasso circles,
walking the dog, forward and backward movements like a snake, vertical movements high and low.
Applications Keep the ribbon moving in time with the music.
Learning Target(s)/Objective(s): I can keep time with the music while using a streamer and making it move in a variety of ways.
Summative Assessment: Students will demonstrate moving a ribbon in side circles, front circles, figure 8s, overhead circles, lasso circles, walking the
dog, forward and backward movement with the ribbon, move ribbon like a snake, and vertical movements high and low.
Instructional Strategies/Activities: Demonstration, Observation, Drill and Practice

Materials and Resources: Music, Ribbons


Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and Strategies to
Address Them

Students will enter the gym and find their assigned seats. Warm up will Observe students as they Some students may not warm up
begin with a variety of stretches and then jogging down and back 2 times warm up to make sure they properly, they may not want
the length of the gym.
are moving and being active. participate.
Demonstrate the proper way to use the ribbons for the activity.

Demonstrate the proper way

to use the ribbons and have
Demonstrate what moves will be performed.
students model what they
are being shown and give
Discuss using a ribbon and moving it in a variety of ways is a good way to corrections as needed.
work the upper body.
Ask if they are any questions
Have students get a ribbon and go back to their assigned sitting.
about how to use the

Students with learning disabilities may

participate in class activity. If needed
will pair the student with another
Some students may have a hard time
maneuvering the ribbon in circles.


Content Input ( I do activities): Review the proper way to use the Observe students to make
ribbons and the skills we will be working on and have students model the sure they understand the
same arm movements.
proper way to use the
Discuss what not to do with the ribbons.
Assist students as needed if
Guided Practice (We do): We will practice together the different they are having trouble.
movements with the ribbons. Use the ribbon on both the right and left
arm. Count to 8 for the right arm and the switch to the left arm and count Give encouragement.
to 8 for each task done with the ribbon.

Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and Strategies to
Address Them

Students may not be engaged.

Students with learning disabilities may
have difficulty understanding the
instructions and may need more
Students may play with ribbons instead
of participating in the activity.

Independent Practice (You do; may include Homework): Students will

perform the different skills by themselves. I will call out which skill we are
working on and they students must demonstrate they know which skill
that is and perform it properly.
If time permits students will work with a partner and ask each other to
demonstrate different skills with the ribbon we have worked on in class.

Assessing Questions Ask students if they enjoyed using the ribbons. How do your arms feel after using the ribbons?
Advancing questions - Do you think using ribbons is a good way to exercise your arms? Is using ribbons a fun way to exercise?
Students will get feedback as we go through the exercises and they will be given corrections as needed and will receive praise when they do a good
Reflection on Lesson Plan and Delivery (to be completed after lesson is taught):

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