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Study Guide for Historic Indian Quiz

Schrote- November 24th

Kuntz- November 25th

Chapter 3 Lesson 2 SF Ohio Text, Ohio as America online text Unit 1 chapter 3, Ohio 4th Grade
Social Studies Workbook p 21 bottom and top of 22

Displace-drive off the land
Clan-a group of related families
Totem-plant, animal or other natural object used as a symbol
Wigwam-dome-shaped hut
Sapling-small tree
Wampum-beads strung together and used as gift or money
Shaman-religious leader
Historic Indians
Indians mentioned in written records are Historic Indians. The six tribes that
were most prominent living or hunting in the Ohio Country when Europeans
arrived were the Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandot, Miami, Seneca and Ottawa.
Why Ohio?
Indians moved to Ohio because it was good for hunting animals such as deer and

Indians also moved to Ohio because they were forced out of other areas by more
powerful Indian tribes such as Iroquois. ( conflict)

Algonquian Lifestyle
All of the historic Indians were Algonquian and spoke a family of languages called
Algonquian except the Wyandot Indians.
The Algonquian culture/ way of life included:
Living in clans with each clan having its own totem
Living in wigwams made from trees covered with bark or animal skin
Traveling in birch bark canoes
Wearing clothing of animal skin
Used strings of beads called wampum as gifts or money
Shamans led religious activity
Believed in a Great Spirit that existed in everything including animals, water and
The Indians lives were changed forever after the Europeans arrived. One way
Indians cooperated with the Europeans was by trading. Indians traded animal fur.
The Europeans traded items made of iron such as guns, knives, axes and
cookware. They also traded clothing and woolen blankets.
The Iroquois obtained modern weapons and goods from the Europeans that gave
them an advantage over other Indians. They were the most powerful.
Europeans also took over the American Indian land and forced them to move.
( Conflict)

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