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Some people think that the family is the most important influence on

a childs development. Others, however believe that other influences

(such as TV, friends and music) have a bigger effect on a child today.
.Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Intro: Child development is an important issue regardless of the culture we live
in and familial and social influences clearly impact on a child as they mature. In
general each aspect can be considered equally significant. The important point
however when considering child development is not to prioritize social or
.familial influences in general but to consider each case individually
P1, View 1: The family is undoubtedly important as an influence on child
development. During the first five years in particular, most children will spend
the majority of their time with their parents and siblings. During this period
basic behavioral characteristics are formed through modeling, imitation and
direct tuition. These influences will affect a child psychologically, sociologically
.and physically
P2, View 2: As a child matures, influences external to the family become
increasingly significant. Televison, friends and music are typical examples.
Children often try to imitate behavior they have seen on the TV or internet, can
be easily manipulated by peer group pressure or influenced by the lyrics of the
.songs they listen to as they grow
P3, Own Opinion: Familial and sociological factors are equally important in
terms of the effects they have on child development, with the latter increasing
in significance after a child starts school. To prioritise one or the other however
is somewhat artificial as cases will vary between individuals and cultures. Some
children do not mature in a typical family context for example, while others
may develop in a family context that is excessively restrictive in terms of social
Conclusion: In general, both factors, familial and sociological are equally
significant in terms of affecting the development of children. Each case
however needs to be considered individually as individual circumstance will
.vary and as such the importance of social and family influences will vary too

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