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Arora 1

Akul Arora
Mrs. Smit
AP English Lit. and Comp.
2 November 2014
The Spoon Fed
Marxism states concepts of power, and how it is distributed and conserved within
society. It outlines that power is spread out between classes, where the wealthiest and
most powerful are part of the highest class. This class is then responsible for maintaining
its power through the oppression of the classes below it. In George Orwell's post-WW11
paradigm, 1984, 'the Party' sits at the top of the hierarchy, using the unseen 'Big Brother'
as a symbol of oppression. The Party uses many tactics to maintain power and control its
subjects, but its main resource is its overwhelming propaganda.
Within the first few pages, Big Brother is established as an overbearing power.
The posters of the "black mustachioed man", who is definitely referring to Hitler, can be
spotted everywhere. The many copies of the man are so compelling that they make
everything around them look colorless. This poster serves to show the power of Big
Brother, and in turn the power of 'the Party'. The term "Big Brother is Watching" serves
to keep citizens paranoid. It creates a psychological influence that mirrors a gaze over
their shoulders. The multitude of the posters shows the omnipresence of the 'the Party',

Arora 1

stating the not only are they watching, but they are watching all the time. Then the
intimidating face reminds the people that 'the Party' not only knows what they are doing,
but also has the power to act upon them. 'The Party' creates an all powerful, godlike
image for Big Brother, which is to be feared by all of Oceania.
After creating an air of superiority, 'the Party' forces its ideas upon Oceania by
STRENGTH." Again, the repetition of the slogan is key. The citizens see it constantly
and thus except it as a part of daily life. Also, the paradoxical nature emphasizes 'the
Party's ' power. The slogan completely contradicts common notions of society, yet the
people accept it. Of course there is no peace in war, or freedom in slavery. 'The Party '
has brainwashed society to the point that it blindly follows whatever they say.
'The Party' has also gone as far as to control the only source of media that Oceania
has, and converting it into negative publicity for their enemies. "The Hate" serves to
provide a scapegoat that the people can release a catharsis of negative feelings towards.
In a sly propaganda trick, the opposing party is showed to give an outlet of irritated
emotions that would otherwise be directed towards 'the Party'. Also, the terrible noise
coupled with the faces shown creates a subconscious link between pain and irritation and
those faces. The noise is a loud screeching that makes all of those who are watching
cringe. The negative feelings translate over to the faces, so when society sees the faces
they automatically have feelings of hate surface.

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In this post world war rendition of the world, where 'the Party' is the
overwhelming power, and Big Brother-eerily described as Hitler- is their mascot/figure
head, propaganda is the main oppressing topic. The people of Oceania are brainwashed
into believing everything the oppressors say. Nobody questions them except Winston,
Julia and the Brotherhood. These three fill the last and crucial part of this Marxist story:
the rebels. For as long as there are oppressors, there are those who stand against them.

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