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Answer these questions about When Fear Takes Over Your Life.
Fill in the bubble next to the best answer for each question.

Test Prep
Common Core
Anchor Standards:

R.6, W.9, L.3

use with:

When Fear Takes Over

Your Life, p. 8

1. Which sentence best summarizes

5. One major difference between fears
this article?
and phobias is that .
A Fear of mascots is called
A many phobias are about things that
arent dangerous
B Some people, like Kyle Hargreaves,
B with a phobia, the scared feeling
suffer from strong fears called phobias.
fades quickly
C If you avoid what you fear, your
C you must take medicine to overcome
phobia will go away.
a phobia
D Kyle went to Disney World.
D only 19,000 Americans suffer from
2. In the phrase mascots caused him
such distress that his dad thought
6. Which statement does the text support?
he was having a stroke, the word
A Anxiety can cause a person to have
distress could best be replaced
trouble breathing.
with .
B More than 19 million Americans fear
A coughing
B joy
C Kyles masklophobia was hereditary.
C suffering
D Hockey is Kyles favorite sport.
D surprise
7. Kyles treatment happened in steps.
Why might doctors have chosen to
3. Below are four things that people
expose him to mascots in this way,
sometimes fear. The article mentions
rather than having him walk into a
all of them EXCEPT .
room full of mascots all at once?
A heights
B small spaces
C spiders
D the dark
4. The section tells you how Kyle
overcame his phobia.
A Total Terror
B Fear vs. Phobia
C Dont Avoid It
D Facing Fear

8. Based on the final two paragraphs,

how do you think Kyle felt after his
day at the clinic?

Scholastic Action Magazine May 5, 2014

2014 by Scholastic Inc. Teachers may make copies of this page to distribute to their students.

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