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Table of Contents
Arcadian Lands & Projects ........................................................................................................................... 2
High-Rise City ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Factory Restrictions .............................................................................................................................. 3
Arcadian Lands ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Economic Dominance ........................................................................................................................... 5
Lonewolves an Ally? ............................................................................................................................ 6
Strike from the Past ....................................................................................................................................... 7
SkyAndAtomMC .................................................................................................................................. 7
War on AztecGods ................................................................................................................................ 8
Aperture & AdvanTech......................................................................................................................... 9
Spence & A Desperate Gamble .......................................................................................................... 10
Formal Surrender ................................................................................................................................ 11
United Arcadia ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Arcadian Might ................................................................................................................................... 12
Rise of PandaSquad ............................................................................................................................ 13
Return of NOL .................................................................................................................................... 14
Skandia & PvP .................................................................................................................................... 15
Republic of Arcadia ............................................................................................................................ 16

Arcadian Lands & Projects

High-Rise City

In Era7, Arcadia proceeded to build a city much similar to its city in Era6. The only
difference was that the city was going to be more symmetrical, and be on an island in the middle
of the sea. Originally the plan was to find somewhere deep inside of a mainland to build a city
that could branch out and expand with the other Arcadian factions nearby, however, with the
world seed being primarily water (At least 90%) after 15,000 blocks of travelling and finding a
large mushroom island, Arcadia decided to settle there.
Spending nearly a week to dig the city through likely the toughest terrain to turn flat
(Short of Extreme Hills), the city progression moved slowly and never truly picked up as the
server reset was announced a little under a month that city construction began. For the most part,
the city construction was built upon the idea that people would build more skyscrapers than
homes, this is mainly because 75% of the house plots in the last city were left empty. However,
this is more a result of the fact that the city was over 50% house plots, while the new city was
barely 25% house plots. This change left it so that there were too few house plots by the end of
the era, and too many empty skyscraper plots.
The idea of the city although sound and intending to make a beautiful skyscraper
landscape, was destined to fail for the simple fact that unlike in reality, and in a democratic
faction where people were allowed to build what they wanted, trying to force plots towards
certain building categories would inevitably lead to them remaining empty. The end result,
although not as successful as intended, was a city with a few high-rise buildings and several
housing plots. Nowhere near the grand beauty Era6 was, but still far more technologically

Factory Restrictions

Something similarly new to Arcadia, although not completely, were the restrictions on
factories. Historically throughout Eras 2-4, Arcadia had dealt with lag issues as a result of its
habit of building factories. In Era1 this wasnt as big of a problem as the few factories there
were, werent in close proximity to anything and were all on abandoned-mushy Skandian.
However, as the other eras had proven, having so many factories in such close proximity created
devastating fps lag, and on occasion, lag districts.
This problem wasnt evident in Era5 as Arcadia was on Voltz, but coming back in Era6
Arcadia once again dealt with the issue that had managed to appear again despite, in Era4, being
temporarily irradiated following the Arcadian Coup. In Era6 as mentioned briefly, the factories
were all kept in the middle of the city to reduce lag in the outer regions, this however, was not as
successful as was hoped for and lag districts still popped up in the city. Therefore, in Era7, a
new approach that completely restricted factories was attempted. The goal was to put all the
factories in the center building, lend out floors to Skandias capitalist companies, and then have
them build and supply their materials from there under restricted usage.
For instance, every factory was hooked to a redstone mechanism and required to use
redpower tubes (In hindsight is a bad idea). The factories were all controlled by a timer on each
floor that could be manually turned off shutting down all factories, and controlled by a lever on
the first floor that would stop all factories in the building. For the most part this eliminated lag
while the factories werent active, but failed to account for the lag that the factories themselves
made as well that the redpower tubes made. Realizing this Arcadia set in place a new policy for
Era8, as the reset was already set to occur, that would ban all factories from the city and require
them to be at remote and isolated locations for either the government or Skandias companies to

Credits to _Bosnian for lending the
Skandian Government permission
to use his island.

Arcadian Lands

Something unseen since Era4 in Arcadia however was the unity of lands around Arcadia
City. Void was living to the North, Phoenix to the South, and Araluen to the west. To the east
were several islands that were used as remote vacation spots and one of which was where
BosCo Industries was centralized at. For the most part these regions served as the homeland of
the Arcadian Factions, with most of the territories added later in the era living in their respective
bases. Seeing as the base was at sea, with the only forms of land being islands (of which were in
quite abundance in the location of the base), Arcadia managed to remain completely isolated
unlike in Era4.
Similarly due to the close proximity between Arcadia and the other Arcadian Factions,
large bridges were erected that were several hundred blocks long to connect them to the main
city. High speed rails were put on the bridges for the exchange of people and goods. This
allowed for Arcadia to have its own internal economy. For instance, where Skandia shipped
Void CF Foam, Void shipped Skandia Nuclear Reactors, and Araluen shipped Skandia MFSUs
which Skandia in return occasionally shipped to Void. This network of trading made the factions
more reliant on each other and allowed them to become closer to each other as well.
Had there been more time before a reset, as well, Arcadia would have erected a wall
around its territory as to discourage any visitors. In Era4, such a wall was proposed but never
completed involving the use of an NCE Barrier (NCEs were a weapon that instantly killed
anyone nearby), however in Era7 where NCEs no longer functioned correctly, a lava wall was
proposed and never erected instead. Regardless of what was never completed, Arcadia managed
to create an environment of harmony inside its own borders if not on the outside.

Economic Dominance

Arcadias most memorable accomplishment during Era7 however was its dominance over
the Economy. By the end of Era7, Arcadia possessed a total of 30% of the servers total wealth.
This dominance over the server economy was generally a result of Arcadias market forces that
allowed it to mass produce items to sell in both PvE and some items in PvP. In PvP there was
almost no competition which allowed for certain sellers to simply sell their goods without any
worry. In PvE however, where there was competition, Arcadia engineered its success through
low prices, sales, and ultimately, securing the entire inner rim of the market and turning them
into Arcadian businesses.
Arcadias factories, despite rarely being on, allowed them to constantly have items in
stock, and because all of its markets were working together, they were able to equally distribute
its items at a fair price through each type of item it was willing to sell. The money however was
unequally distributed between the factions and the richest people in Arcadia. As a whole, over
50% of Arcadias money ($1.9 Million) was inside of Skandia, and 75% was with the 10 richest
people in Arcadia ($2.7 Million). Despite the unequal distribution of this wealth, because
Arcadia was self-sufficient and the money was ultimately kept in reserve and used primarily by
the Arcadian Council for government needs, this never became an issue.

Arcadian Control Over Economy

(2 Day Intervals)





Server Money vs Arcadian Money

(2 Day Intervals)





9 10 11

Lonewolves an Ally?

One of the most major events at the beginning of Era7 however was the growing amity
between Arcadia and Lonewolves. It had been just the Era before that the two factions were
butting heads with one another, yet due to a building relationship between Lonewolves and
certain Arcadians (Gashimahiron primarily), Lonewolves was seen more as a potential ally than
an enemy in waiting. For the most part this change was possible for a total of two main
factories. Primary among them was the fact that Lonewolves as a faction moved to PvE instead
of PvP allowing for a much stronger relationship between each others members. Secondary of
which being the fact that Lonewolves was open to being more of an ally to Skandia rather than
an enemy.
This alliance hit its peak when a vote for Lonewolves to become an Arcadian Territory
went through Arcadian Council. Although individual votes are kept a secret, the vote finished at
2-1 with 2 votes never accounted for due to the fact that a unanimous vote is necessary to pass
territorial status. The reasoning behind the denied vote was, Lonewolves may be asking to join
us now, but they only wish to control us in the future. At the time, Arcadia was entering an
escalating conflict with AztecGods and that was a primary motivator between the request in the
first place (See Next Section), but as the war came to a close the reasoning behind such a
decision became more evident.
Following the end of the war the reliance upon the two factions began to diminish, and
many of Lonewolves open violations and hostilities to Arcadia began to return. Neepneep3 was
showing more and more ruthless violence in PvP, which Arcadia condemned despite it being
against the very enemies it was fighting against claiming that it was Unnecessary. Similarly he
was openly inviting enemies to Arcadia who had, in the past, openly condemned it and wished
for nothing more than the demise of Arcadia. Worse so was the fact that with neepneep3
devoting himself to PvP, his PvE members were constantly leaving reporting that conditions in
their PvE faction was ruthless, but protection less with griefers constantly arising. The
combination of this all showed that the negative vote towards Lonewolves joining Arcadia likely
saved Arcadia from having to deal with such problems, and helped end the relationship between
the two. Despite being a primary ally during the war with AztecGods, Lonewolves was not what
Arcadia was looking for in its allies.
Arcadia instead chose to ally its leaving
PvE members such as Tekknic making
their own factions which were ProArcadian, and chose simply a neutral
policy with Lonewolves.

Strike from the Past


SkyAndAtomMC was undeniably an enemy to Skandia following the Arcadian Coup.

However, months afterwards in Era6 while Arcadia was attempting to look into the future, he
and Tonymai1 bargained a deal that if he bought unban that they would start anew. Indeed, over
the course of Era6 this was indeed the case with both groups working without opposition towards
each other. This however, changed, in Era7 with SkyAndAtomMC showing open hostilities
towards Arcadia. The reasons for this are only speculated, but it likely had to do with the fact
that SkyAndAtomMC saw Arcadia has a dying power, a grave mistake, and wished to take
advantage of it, or he saw Tonymai1s retirement of Admin as an opportunity to attack.
Regardless for Skys motives for aggression towards Arcadia, it was certainly
unprovoked. During the course of Era6 Arcadia had attempted to close the rift between him and
Arcadia despite his actions during the coup. Despite this, Sky showed open hostilities towards
Arcadia day in and day out through the course of his actions. Showing an extremely hostile
attitude towards new players it was not uncommon for him to invite someone to his faction and
repetitively kill them for all they had. Similarly he invited Cannayir whom had betrayed Arcadia
on amplified Voltz despite Arcadia saying it would mean war. His member MnEGames which
Sky refused to kicked also constantly showed aggression towards Arcadia. In the end there were
two major causes for a war on AztecGods.
The first of which was that SkyAndAtomMC had killed Arcadians. First he killed an
Arcadian Councilor whom, honestly, shouldnt have been in PvP in the first place. Secondly he
attacked Skandias PvP Base unprovoked which encouraged SkandiaPvP to go to war. For the
duration of the conflict however, Arcadia refused to go to war and get dragged into another
conflict. Secondly, he openly invited Cannayir again showing that he wished for war with
Arcadia, and knowing that Arcadia needed to live up to its threats, war was declared.

War on AztecGods

The war on AztecGods had three main phases. The first phase was to destroy as many
AztecGods bases as possible, and as Lonewolves was already at war with AztecGods, they
proved to be great allies during the course of the conflict. The second phase was to isolate
AztecGods by getting nobody to ally them and leaving the faction isolated. The hope was that
constantly being nuked and isolated by everyone, AztecGods would surrender. However, this
failed because SkyAndAtomMC had several faction leaders whom were close to him. This led
to the 3rd phase of the conflict in which Arcadia simply intended to ignore AztecGods.
This third phase of the war was not meant to destroy SkyAndAtomMC, but end the war
with Arcadia altogether. By this time, Arcadia had been fighting in the war for several weeks
and despite consistently blowing up AztecGods, they refused to surrender. Knowing this,
Arcadian Council decreed to simply ignore AztecGods and get them out of our lives since we
never wanted this war anyways. The only member to ever ignore the order was Neon_Sparks
who, down to the end of the war, sided with SkyAndAtomMC. However, before getting down to
how the war came to an end, it is better to first understand Skys allies during the conflict which
Arcadia was also fighting battles with.

Oct 13, 2014.

Aperture & AdvanTech

Skys primary allies during the conflict were Aperture and AdvanTech. Aperture was led
by MneGames after he left AztecGods after the war first again and agreed to stop supporting
Sky, of which, he never fulfilled. Aperture was Skys main ally during the war with MneGames
often acting as a propagandist for AztecGods and a spy to wretch info out of Arcadia.
Unbeknownst to him, he was consistently fed false info throughout the course of the war, while
much of the info gotten out of him as a result led to the destruction of numerous AztecGods
The second ally, although not as loyal, AztecGods had during the war belonged to
GhettoButta. AdvanTech was fighting against Arcadia to support SkyAndAtomMC, and
primarily because he was a member of the Arcadian Coup, which, was one of Skys major
motivations towards fighting with Arcadia. AdvanTech provided AztecGods with material
during the course of the conflict up until they were destroyed by Lonewolves whom, at the time,
was serving as a spy faction towards AztecGods for Arcadia to find and destroy bases.
Similarly SkyAndAtomMC received support internally in AztecGods from Recklas,
whom was an Ex-Arcadian whose loyalty is about as solid as melted butter. Constantly going
from faction to faction (Literally, not being in one for over 3days leaving a nuked base wherever
he left), Recklas proved more problematic for AztecGods than Sky likely believes. Similarly,
Jake and Leonellus whom were also members of AztecGods served as Skys primary members in
the war despite warnings from Arcadia that they would be abused, which, leonellus at least,
would testify as being true.

Phase 3 of Arcadian Conflict. AztecGods not receiving any attention from Arcadia

Spence & A Desperate Gamble

By the end of the conflict, SkyAndAtomMC was getting bold. The conflict which, had
been originally in his favor since he had delivered the first strike, had begun to go towards
Arcadias hands. Throughout the conflict SkyAndAtomMC and MneGames had successfully
managed to destroy SkandiaPvPs bases, however, Skandia had changed tactics as a result of
this. Moving towards unclaimed bases, and using Emorto to establish a 2nd PvP Subfaction, also
unclaimed, Skandia was able to produce the materials it needed, have a presence in PvP, and
attack SkyAndAtomMC without retaliation. Similarly, his own members were beginning to
grow discontent, and his allies were getting completely destroyed by Arcadian attacks.
Similarly, PandaSquad PvP Operations skyrocketed and Cannayir was invited allowing for
additional pressure on SkyAndAtomMC as Arcadia received greater access to weapons and
material. Economically, Arcadia had gained control of PvEShop and PvPShop and was able to
fund its factions need for materials & money while Sky having to rapidly move was getting cut
short of his economic supplies.
With this in mind, Spence was brought into the equation and given leadership of
AztecGods, which in itself was a fatal mistake. What should have been obvious to Sky &
Spence obviously had not been, and that was simply that Spence was not loved in Staff. Not by
Arcadian Staff, not by Mithotysm, not by Mephalpha, he had, by abusing his mod for the specific
reason he did, managed to make enemies with all of staff, and of course, this led to the order of
Ban him. It was a very simple solution towards Spences removal in-game, not that he hadnt
been directing SkyAndAtomMC off-game, and with Sky losing control over AztecGods with a
banned leader, his gamble had completely failed. Unable to do anything but make a new faction,
and realizing that his position had only gotten worse over the past 24hrs, he surrendered the next


Formal Surrender

Following Spence being banned Sky surrendered AztecGods to Arcadia. The terms of
the surrender were as thus:

A halt to killing new Players.

Recruiting, Killing, and then Destroying a Player's Base of his Faction.
Attacks on Allied Members such as Ghetto will not be considered against the Ceasefire
Leonellus is booted from AztecGods as part of this agreement
All Allies hostile to Arcadia during this conflict are not allowed to join AztecGods
without breaking the Ceasefire.

Similarly, the factions of Aperture & AdvanTech surrendered either the same day or the day after
to Arcadia under the agreement that Assisting Arcadian Enemies will result in the immediate
termination of this peace and mean war with the Alliance. The surrenders marked an end to the
Aztec war with Arcadia in what many hope will be the last war the alliance will have to face.
Throughout the course of the conflict Arcadia managed to defeat several of its historical
enemies. SkyAndAtomMC participated in the Arcadian Coup long ago which never broke out
into a war between him and Arcadia since he was banned, but was a war that was planned by
Spences side. MneGames attacked Arcadia on a Voltz server (of which Cannayir was blamed
for), and Riderx26 joined SkandiaPvP by the end of the war becoming a Skandian again.
It marked a future where Arcadias past enemies which had never been defeated whether
because they failed to go to war with Arcadia or other things (Bans) were preventing them from
occurring. It marked an end to the coup at long last, it marked the beginning of a new future.

United Arcadia
Arcadian Might

It has already been discussed that Arcadia was a very closely united entity in Era7, far
more than in any of the other eras. Similarly, this led to a rise of Arcadia once again on DNT.
With the addition of Arcadian Territories and the growth of factions such as Void and Skandia,
Arcadia became a far more common sight. The massive population growth of Arcadia allowed
for Arcadia to gain power once again, the only difference was unlike before Arcadia intended to
use it towards making its own land a better place.
This does not mean to say that Arcadia did not get involved in foreign affairs, as this was
obviously the case, but it does mean to say that Arcadia for the most part improved life at home
rather than abroad. Arcadia became a land of innovation and beauty as it was always meant to
be, and technology and goods were shared across all the territories. Meanwhile in foreign affairs
Arcadia gave aid where it could and attempted to make alliances with other factions that could
one day join Arcadia.
A classic example of this would be Arcadia & Lonewolves. Following the Aztec War,
Arcadia and Lonewolves began to clash more and more, and as neep grew less and less active,
his members began to leave. Arcadia had always found interest in Lonewolves PvE members,
and as such, made good relations with those who left, specifically, Tekknic. To put it simply,
Tekknic harbored several Arcadian ideals and was friendly towards Arcadia. He personally sold
a massive extreme-hills island to Arcadia and in return Arcadia gave 32RM a week (Although
the island was free) to help him and his faction out. Arcadia may have changed its policy to be
less active with foreign powers, but it made sure to continue and try and make allies where it

Top Factions
#1: Skandia
#4: PandaSquad
#5: Void

Rise of PandaSquad

Pandasquad was founded by Krypto and Co-led by Jesus_Troll & MrLacis. Both Krypto
and Jesus_Troll were Arcadian and MrLacis was considered a friend to Arcadia due to him
owning the largest faction pre-Skandian times, and being the Admin in charge of the Arcadian
Mods up until a week before the coup (Not Coincidental). As such, when Jesus_Troll showed
interest in joining Arcadia as a territory, they were accepted without hesitation. Regardless of
the territorial status however, PandaSquad followed many of the Arcadian Faction rules and
served and worked as a devoted Arcadian Faction.
They made sure to keep up economically with Arcadia, and help with many of the
objectives set in place. The faction grew to become the 4th largest on the server, at one point
being the 3rd largest. PandaSquad operated on more of a free-recruiting policy than Skandia and
was able to expand faster as a result, and because of their lifestyle in a village rather than a city it
allowed newer members to adapt more easily to the environment. Although many in
PandaSquad never truly knew what it meant to be Arcadian, the factions leaders did and
represented that on their goal. Although there has been no thought into it as the server reset
before any could be considered, PandaSquad could become an Arcadian Faction in Era8 and
begin converging with the rest of Arcadia like Void was.

ERA-4 Map of Arcadian Factions post Arcadian Coup (As shown by Void Territories).

Return of NOL

NOL became the next and last territory to join Arcadia in Era7. Unbeknownst at the time
they were invited to join Arcadia, their leader X3n0m1n3r had been an Arcadian in the faction
Ilirea under the name XxRavadaxX (Officer). Similarly, although already known at the time,
many of his members were already known Arcadians which led to another unanimous vote in
Council. Unlike the PandaSquad though, two of the five factions voting waited days watching
NOL before coming to a decision, and only two days later because it had been learned they were
being led by an Arcadian.
NOL similarly to PandaSquad offered their fully fledged support to Arcadia. They made
sure to help establish themselves on PvP during the war to help fight if necessary, and also
(although they already had one) made a store in PvEshop & negotiated with Arcadians over the
prices further strengthening Arcadias economic dominance. Following the induction of NOL to
Arcadia, council came to the decision to let Territorial Representatives enter Arcadian Council,
although they still could not vote. The reasoning behind this was to ensure that even Territories
could see what was going on in Arcadias leadership so that all factions & territories, although
not equally represented voting-wise, could be when it came to their opinions being heard.

Bridge from Arcadia City to Void Industrial District (300+ Blocks)

Skandia & PvP

One of the things weve yet to cover in Era7 however, although mentioning it briefly,
was Skandias presence in PvP. At the start of Era7 it was already planned for Skandia to split
into SkandiaPvP and Skandia as a result of the problems in Era6 where land-claiming cost was at
$30,000 each. The goal of splitting was to give Skandian PvPers a tad more freedom, while not
leaving them restricted by faction costs. Later the faction Emorto was added to this list as it was
led by Ace00025 and Boy519 whom were both Skandian but always made their own faction as
well. This led to Skandia having two purely PvP Factions in order to accomplish anything it
needed there.
It is often confused, and rightfully so, when Arcadia claims it can never have a PvP
Presence and its factions can. Essentially the idea of the phrase is to make it so PvP Factions can
never join Arcadia, and similarly so that Arcadia as an entity or council wont ever move into
PvP. Although it could easily be said that individual factions could do just that and it would
have the same effect, because Arcadias leadership is censored from being a PvP Presence, the
factions wouldnt have a single leadership for any PvP Operations. The fact that factions werent
completely barred from PvP was due to two main reasons.
First of which was that in times of war Arcadia needed to have someone ready in PvP.
The second reason was that Skandia, specifically, had a historical presence in PvP with half of its
members PvP and half of it PvE. Barring factions entirely from PvP simply wouldve crippled
Arcadia and several of the factions inside of it, and despite PvP and PvE being split across
worlds; it was not across factions which was a primary motivator towards not bothering to
remove Skandias PvP presence entirely.

Republic of Arcadia

To simply wrap Era7 up, Arcadia became the Republic it wanted to become months ago
in Era7. Council was in full control of the alliance and despite repeating a conflict with the
people who orchestrated the Arcadian Coup from long ago, Arcadia didnt go into a recession as
a result but came out far stronger. Similarly putting amends to all of Arcadias old enemies /
defeating them, and moving towards the future and refusing to allow the conflicts to drag
Arcadia back; Arcadia managed to become a Republic.
True, not everything was as grand and luxurious as hoped, and Arcadia still had plenty of
problems to contend with, but for the most part, the alliance was healthy for the first in a long
string of wars and conflicts. The factions were trading with each other, growing in size, and
bonding with both old and new members. To put it in simple terms, Arcadia was moving
towards better times.


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