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Part A

Name- Alex Conwell

Date and Time- November 5th 6:30-8:30 pm
Members- Nidal Redpath
Description- The workshop was to inform and educate us about how to deal with difficult people
in the work force as well as the different types of different situations that can be presented.
After going to this event, it opened my eyes to the different type of difficulties people can
resemble. In any work environment there is going to be conflict and dispute. However, the way
people handle these situations differs from person to person. For example, someone might be
considered an exploder. An exploder is someone who holds in a little bit of stress over a
long period of time. Having the amount of stress build up for so long can be easily set off by
something completely irrelevant to the source of stress and is all released at once. The event
expanded my knowledge by knowing the different ways to handle conflict. Its more efficient to
stay calm and talk in a relaxed voice rather than yelling in an aggressive voice trying to get your
point across. Different cultures makes conflict even more likely to happen since there can be a
communication barrier. Patience and appropriate communication can be used to handle people
that come from different cultures and have different thoughts. Knowledge that I gained from the
event can help me in my future jobs and classes because Ill know how to properly handle
conflict. Even though the event was only 2 hours long and it only scratched the surface of proper
conflict management, I believe that I have benefited an extreme amount. In a group setting and
people are trying to figure out their roles for the assignment, conflict will arise. Attending this

class will help me be able to solve the conflict and direct the group into the direction to complete
the assignment.
Part B
Name- Alex Conwell
Date and Time- November 10th 5-6pm
Member Nidal Redpath
Description This event was to be informative about diversity in the work field and how to
develop inclusive leadership.
This event was very informative and in only a short hour, I became much more away of
the different levels of diversity in the work field. In the event, they talked about the diversity in a
small circle such as your age, race, ethnicity, and gender. Outside of this circle moves to more
broad examples such as marital status, Geographics, and political views. The different levels of
diversity can make a manager or leader make the company more successful in that the leader has
different viewpoints, experiences and ideas to pull from. If a company was ran by the same type
of people that had the same ideas then that company would fall short of a company with a vast
collection of experiences and people from a diverse background. Diverse experiences and ideas
help a company or business come up with the best idea. Different cultures bring in all of the
different ideas and cultures. For example, someone with experience in living in the USA
compared to someone living in China will have two completely different ways of thinking and if
put together, they can come up with a plan more efficiently than two people from the USA or

solely from China. The old saying, two heads are better than one connects with this in that two
different experiences, ideas or backgrounds is better than one.
Part C
1) Attending the SNG events and taking this class helped me become more knowledgeable
of the different resources available to me. I wasnt aware of the different classes and
lectures that can benefit me in become more networked and building my way to a job for
the future. Going to the events such as the How to deal with difficult people actually
helped me deal with difficult people in a job or class. Its better to be calm and collected
rather than being rash and aggressive.
2) I have learned about myself that sometimes I am a little quick to build a temper or to raise
conflict in a work environment but I became aware to take a breath and relax if a
situation occurs. The group has been supportive in the semester. Through being able to
text or call other members to attending the different SNG events with them, the group has
helped me network with other students and teachers.
3) Yes, diversity is VERY valuable in a business organization. Different ideas, experiences,
backgrounds, opinions and so much more help a company function. Different ideas mean
different paths to solving a problem or coming up with a new invention or product.
4) My definition of diversity is different characteristics in an environment that work
together. Diversity is important because it offers various viewpoints and opinions.

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