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WWC Intervention Report


What Works Clearinghouse

Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities

Awareness Training

June 2012
Report Contents

Program Description1
Phonological awareness, or the ability to detect or manipulate the
sounds in words independent of meaning, has been identified as a
key early literacy skill and precursor to reading. For the purposes of
this review, phonological awareness training refers to any practice
targeting young childrens phonological awareness abilities.
Phonological awareness training can involve various activities that
focus on teaching children to identify, detect, delete, segment, or
blend segments of spoken words (i.e., words, syllables, onsets and
rimes, phonemes) or to identify, detect, or produce rhyme or alliteration. Phonologic awareness training can occur in both regular and
special education classrooms. Various curricula are available to support this training.



p. 1

Program Information

p. 2

Research Summary

p. 3

Effectiveness Summary

p. 5


p. 6

Research Details for Each Study

p. 24

Outcome Measures for

Each Domain

p. 31

Findings Included in the Rating

for Each Outcome Domain

p. 33

Supplemental Findings for Each

Outcome Domain

p. 35

Supplemental Single-Case
Design Studies

p. 38


p. 39

Four studies of phonological awareness training that fall within the

Rating Criteria
p. 41
scope of the Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children
Glossary of Terms
p. 42
with Disabilities review protocol meet What Works Clearinghouse
(WWC) evidence standards without reservations. The four studies
included 78 children with disabilities or developmental delays attending
preschool in four locations across the United States. Based on these four studies, the WWC considers the extent
of evidence of phonological awareness training on children with learning disabilities in early education settings
to be small for one domain: communication/language competencies. Six other domains are not reported in this
intervention report. (See the Effectiveness Summary for further description of all domains.)

Phonological awareness training was found to have potentially positive effects on communication/language competencies for children with learning disabilities in early education settings.

Table 1. Summary of findings3

Improvement index (percentile points)
Outcome domain

Rating of
Potentially positive

Phonological Awareness Training June 2012



of studies

Number of

Extent of


16 to +46



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WWC Intervention Report

Program Information
Phonological awareness training does not have a single developer responsible for providing information or materials. The interventions described in this report were developed by the study authors and are not available for
distribution through a common developer. However, many online resources are available for readers interested in
using phonological awareness training practices. A list of examples follows, although these sources have not been
reviewed or endorsed by the WWC:
Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org
Foundations of Reading: Effective Phonological Awareness Instruction and Progress Monitoring:
Ideas and Activities for Developing Phonological Awareness Skills: A Teacher Resource Supplement to the
Virginia Early Intervention Reading Initiative: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/response_intervention/
Improving Reading Fluency: Phonological Awareness Training: http://www.speechpathology.com/Articles/
National Reading Panel: http://www.nationalreadingpanel.org
Phonological Awareness: Instructional and Assessment Guidelines: http://www.ldonline.org/article/6254
Phonological Awareness Skills and Spelling Skills: http://cla.calpoly.edu/~jrubba/phon/phonaware.html
Reading Recovery Council of North America: Phonics: http://www.readingrecovery.org/reading_recovery/
Reading Rockets: Teacher ToolboxPhonological Awareness: The Phive Phones of Reading:
Target the Problem! Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: http://www.readingrockets.org/helping/target/
University of OregonCenter on Teaching and Learning: Big Ideas in Beginning Reading: http://reading.uoregon.edu/

Program details
Phonological awareness training practices vary in their scope and may include a variety of activities that are
intended to enable children to detect and understand sounds in language.4 In particular, phonological awareness
training practices tend to focus on teaching children to rhyme or to detect alliteration in language. Examples of
these activities include:
rhyme detection training (e.g., teachers engage children in a game involving rhyming words and questions about
which word in a series of three does not sound like the others),
blending training (e.g., teachers say three sounds and teach children how to blend the sounds together to make
a word), and
segmentation training (e.g., teachers say a short word such as cat and teach children how to separate the
word into the three sounds that make up the word) at the phoneme, syllable, or word level.
Phonological awareness training practices can be used by teachers or practitioners with children individually, in
pairs, or in small groups. These practices may be part of the core curriculum or used as a supplement to the regular
classroom curriculum, and they have been used with specific subpopulations of children, such as those with developmental delays and speech/language or learning disabilities.

Information is not available about the costs of teacher or practitioner training and implementation of phonological
awareness training practices.
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WWC Intervention Report

Research Summary
Two hundred twenty-five studies reviewed by the WWC investigated
the effects of phonological awareness training on children with learning disabilities in early education settings. Four studies (OConnor,
Jenkins, Leicester, & Slocum, 1993; Sweat, 2003; Tyler, Lewis,
Haskill, & Tolbert, 2003; Tyler, Gillon, Macrae, & Johnson, 2011) are
randomized controlled trials that meet WWC evidence standards
without reservations. Those four studies are summarized in this
report. The remaining 221 studies do not meet either WWC eligibility
screens or evidence standards. (See references beginning on p. 6
for citations for all 225 studies.)

Table 2. Scope of reviewed research



Delivery method

Individual/Small group

Program type


Studies reviewed


Meets WWC standards

without reservations

4 studies

Meets WWC standards

with reservations

0 studies

Four additional studies were reviewed against the pilot Single-Case Design standards. One study met the
pilot Single-Case Design standards without reservations, no studies met the pilot Single-Case Design standards with reservations, and three did not meet pilot Single-Case Design standards. Studies reviewed against
pilot Single-Case Design standards are listed in Appendix E and do not contribute to the interventions rating
of effectiveness.

Summary of studies meeting WWC evidence standards without reservations

OConnor et al. (1993) examined the effects of phonological awareness training on 22 children ages 4 to 6 with
developmental delays in a university preschool. The study used a randomized block design, stratifying children by
age and whether they were in a morning or afternoon class, and ranking them by a cognitive pretest. Children were
assigned to one of three types of phonological awareness training or a no-treatment comparison group, but only
one set of contrasts across the groups met WWC standards: phonological awareness training with a blending focus
versus the comparison group.5 Children in the phonological awareness training with a blending focus group participated in small groups (three to five children) for 10 minutes a day, four times a week, for seven weeks.
Sweat (2003) randomly assigned 20 children ages 3 to 5 with morphological and phonological impairments to one
of two groups. Children in the intervention group received phonological awareness training, and children in the
comparison group participated in a morphosyntactic intervention, which focused on finite morphemes (e.g., /s/
as in sleeps or /d/ as in happened). Both interventions included weekly individual and group sessions over a
12-week period. The children in the sample attended one of four preschools.
Tyler et al. (2003) examined the effects of phonological awareness training (relative to a morphosyntactic intervention) in a sample of 20 children ages 3 to 5 with co-occurring speech and language impairments. Children in
the intervention group received phonological awareness training, which included goal attack strategies related to
awareness of target sounds, differences and similarities between target sounds, and production practice. Children
in the comparison group received a morphosyntactic intervention, which included goal attack strategies related to
awareness of morphosyntactic targets in the context of childrens books and songs, focused stimulation, and elicited production of target morphemes. Both of the interventions included weekly individual and group sessions over
a 12-week period.
Tyler et al. (2011) randomly assigned children ages 3 to 5 with co-occurring speech and language impairments,
using a matched pairs design. The children attended preschool in one of two sites, either the United States or New
Zealand; this WWC review includes 16 children attending the US site.6 Children in the intervention group received
a phonemic awareness intervention, with an integrated direct speech focus. Children in the comparison group
received a morphosyntactic intervention, focusing on morphophonemic interactions and finite morphemes. Each

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group received its assigned intervention in a small-group setting, with instruction totaling 24 hours administered
over 12 weeks separated into two blocks.

Summary of studies meeting WWC evidence standards with reservations

No studies of phonological awareness training meet WWC evidence standards with reservations.

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WWC Intervention Report

Effectiveness Summary
The WWC review of interventions for Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities
addresses student outcomes in seven domains: cognitive development, communication/language competencies,
literacy, math achievement, social-emotional development and behavior, functional abilities, and physical wellbeing. The four studies that contribute to the effectiveness rating in this report cover one domain: communication/
language competencies. The findings below present the authors estimates and WWC-calculated estimates of the
size and statistical significance of the effects of phonological awareness training on children with learning disabilities
in early education settings. For a more detailed description of the rating of effectiveness and extent of evidence
criteria, see the WWC Rating Criteria on p. 41.

Summary of effectiveness for the communication/language competencies domain

Four studies reported findings in the communication/language competencies domain.
OConnor et al. (1993) found, and the WWC confirmed, three statistically significant positive differences between
the intervention (phonological awareness training with a blending focus) and comparison groups on outcomes
targeting blending knowledge in the communication/language competencies domain. Because there were three
statistically significant positive impacts and no statistically significant negative impacts, this study is characterized
as having statistically significant positive effects.
Sweat (2003) found two statistically significant differences between the intervention and comparison groups.7
However, according to WWC calculations, neither of these differences was statistically significant. The average
effect size across all findings is large enough to be considered substantively important. Therefore, the study is
characterized as having substantively important positive effects according to WWC criteria (that is, at least 0.25
standard deviation).
Tyler et al. (2003) found, and the WWC confirmed, no statistically significant differences between the intervention
and comparison groups. According to WWC criteria, this study is characterized as having an indeterminate effect.
Tyler et al. (2011) found, and the WWC confirmed, no statistically significant differences between the intervention
and comparison groups. According to WWC criteria, this study is characterized as having an indeterminate effect.
Thus, for the communication/language competencies domain, one study showed a statistically significant positive
effect, one study showed a substantively important positive effect, no studies showed a statistically significant or
substantively important negative effect, and two studies showed an indeterminate effect. This results in a rating of
potentially positive effects, with a small extent of evidence.

Table 3. Rating of effectiveness and extent of evidence for the communication/language competencies domain
Rating of effectiveness

Criteria met

Potentially positive effects

Evidence of a positive effect with
no overriding contrary evidence.

The review of phonological awareness training in the communication/language competencies domain had one
study showing a statistically significant positive effect, one study showing a substantively important positive
effect, no studies showing a statistically significant or substantively important negative effect, and two studies
showing an indeterminate effect.

Extent of evidence

Criteria met


The review of phonological awareness training in the communication/language competencies domain was based
on four studies that included 10 locations and 78 children.

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Studies that meet WWC evidence standards without reservations
OConnor, R. E., Jenkins, J. R., Leicester, N., & Slocum, T. A. (1993). Teaching phonological awareness to young
children with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 59(6), 532546.
Sweat, L. M. (2003). Comparing the effects of morphosyntax and phonology intervention on final consonant clusters in finite morphemes and final consonant inventories. Masters Abstracts International, 42(01), 31-231.
Tyler, A. A., Gillon, G., Macrae, T., & Johnson, R. L. (2011). Direct and indirect effects of stimulating phoneme
awareness vs. other linguistic skills in preschoolers with co-occurring speech and language impairments.
Topics in Language Disorders, 31(2), 128144.
Tyler, A. A., Lewis, K. E., Haskill, A., & Tolbert, L. C. (2003). Outcomes of different speech and language goal attack
strategies. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46(5), 10771094.

Studies that do not meet WWC evidence standards

Klein, E. S. (1996). Phonological/traditional approaches to articulation therapy: A retrospective group comparison.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 27(4), 314323. The study does not meet WWC evidence standards because it uses a quasi-experimental design in which the analytic intervention and comparison groups are not shown to be equivalent.
Laing, S. P., & Espeland, W. (2005). Low intensity phonological awareness training in a preschool classroom for children with communication impairments. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38(1), 6582. The study does not
meet WWC evidence standards because it uses a quasi-experimental design in which the analytic intervention
and comparison groups are not shown to be equivalent.
Tyler, A. A., Lewis, K. E., Haskill, A., & Tolbert, L. C. (2002). Efficacy and cross-domain effects of a morphosyntax
and a phonology intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 33(1), 5266. The study
does not meet WWC evidence standards because it uses a quasi-experimental design in which the analytic
intervention and comparison groups are not shown to be equivalent.
Tyler, A. A., & Watterson, K. H. (1991). Effects of phonological versus language intervention in preschoolers with
both phonological and language impairment. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 7(2), 141. The study does
not meet WWC evidence standards because it is a randomized controlled trial in which the combination of
overall and differential attrition rates exceeds WWC standards for this area, and the subsequent analytic intervention and comparison groups are not shown to be equivalent.
Van Kleeck, A., Gillam, R. B., & McFadden, T. U. (1998). A study of classroom-based phonological awareness training for preschoolers with speech and/or language disorders. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 7(3), 6576. The study does not meet WWC evidence standards because it uses a quasi-experimental
design in which the analytic intervention and comparison groups are not shown to be equivalent.
Wolfe, V., Presley, C., & Mesaris, J. (2003). The importance of sound identification training in phonological intervention. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 12(3), 282288. The study does not meet WWC evidence standards because the measures of effectiveness cannot be attributed solely to the interventionthere
was only one unit assigned to one or both conditions.

Studies that are ineligible for review using the Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities Evidence Review Protocol
Abadzi, H. (2003). Teaching adults to read better and faster: Results from an experiment in Burkina Faso (Policy
Research Working Paper Series: 3057). Washington, DC: The World Bank. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.

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Abshire, S. A. (2006). Exploring implicit versus explicit methods of teaching phonemic awareness instruction to kindergarten students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Adema, S. S. (1998). An examination of phonological awareness training and kindergarten childrens spelling
(Unpublished masters thesis). Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Alexander, A. W., Andersen, H. G., Heilman, P. C., & Voeller, K. K. (1991). Phonological awareness training and
remediation of analytic decoding deficits in a group of severe dyslexics. Annals of Dyslexia, 41, 193206. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not
within the specified age or grade range.
Almost, D., & Rosenbaum, P. (1998). Effectiveness of speech intervention for phonological disorders: A randomized
controlled trial. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 40(5), 319325. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Al Otaiba, S., Puranik, C. S., Ziolkowski, R. A., & Montgomery, T. M. (2009). Effectiveness of early phonological
awareness interventions for students with speech or language impairments. Journal of Special Education,
43(2), 107128. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an
intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Aoyama, K., Peters, A. M., & Winchester, K. S. (2010). Phonological changes during the transition from one-word
to productive word combination. Journal of Child Language, 37(1), 145157. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Arrow, A. W. (2007). Potential precursors to the development of phonological awareness in preschool children
(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Auckland, New Zealand. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Asfendis, G. (2009). Phonemic awareness and early intervention: An evaluation of a pilot phonemic awareness program. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69(8-A), 3027. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Atwill, K., Blanchard, J., Christie, J., Gorin, J. S., & Garcia, H. S. (2010). English-language learners: Implications of
limited vocabulary for cross-language transfer of phonemic awareness with kindergartners. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9(2), 104129. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Barker, T., & Torgesen, J. K. (1995). An evaluation of computer-assisted instruction in phonological awareness with
below average readers. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13(1), 89103. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Barron, R. W., Golden, J. O., Seldon, D. M., & Tait, C. F. (1992). Teaching prereading skills with a talking computer:
Letter-sound knowledge and print feedback facilitate nonreaders phonological awareness training. Reading
and Writing, 4(2), 179204. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Beach, D. W. (2004). The effects of a school districts kindergarten readiness summer program on phonological
awareness skills of at-risk prekindergarten students: A regression discontinuity analysis (Unpublished doctoral
dissertation). Utah State University, Logan. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or
more than 50% students with autism.
Bennett, L. S. M. (1998). Teaching phonological awareness with an emphasis on linkage to reading. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 60(06A), 211-1962. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
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Bentin, S., & Leshem, H. (1993). On the interaction between phonological awareness and reading acquisition: Its
a two-way street. Annals of Dyslexia, 43, 125148. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take
place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Berninger, V. W., Vaughan, K. B., Abbott, R. D., Abbott, S. P., Rogan, L. W., Brooks, A.,Graham, S. (1997). Treatment of handwriting problems in beginning writers: Transfer from handwriting to composition. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 89(4), 652666. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Bianco, M., Bressoux, P., Doyen, A., Lambert, E., Lima, L., Pellenq, C., & Zorman, M. (2010). Early training in oral
comprehension and phonological skills: Results of a three-year longitudinal study. Scientific Studies of Reading, 14(3), 211246. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area
specified in the protocol.
Biwer, D. L. (2002). Effects of three phonological awareness programs on kindergarten students identified as at risk
for reading failure. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63(06A), 140-2106. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Blachman, B. A. (1991). Early intervention for childrens reading problems: Clinical applications of the research
in phonological awareness. Topics in Language Disorders, 12(1), 5165. The study is ineligible for review
because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research
literature review.
Blachman, B. A. (1994). What we have learned from longitudinal studies of phonological processing and reading,
and some unanswered questions: A response to Torgesen, Wagner, and Roshotte. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(5), 287291. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Blachman, B. A., Tangel, D. M., Ball, E. W., Black, R., & McGraw, C. K. (1999). Developing phonological awareness
and word recognition skills: A two-year intervention with low-income, inner-city children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 11(3), 239273. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Blumsack, J. B. (1998). Teaching phonological awareness to children with language impairments. Dissertation
Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 58(7-A), 2587. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not disaggregate findings for the age or grade range specified in the protocol.
Bod, S., & Content, A. (2011). Phonological awareness in kindergarten: A field study in Luxembourgish schools.
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(1), 109128. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Bowers, P. N., Kirby, J. R., & Deacon, S. H. (2010). The effects of morphological instruction on literacy skills: A
systematic review of the literature. Review of Educational Research, 80(2), 144179. The study is ineligible for
review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or
research literature review.
Bowyer-Crane, C., Snowling, M. J., Duff, F. J., Fieldsend, E., Carroll, J. M., Miles, J.Hulme, C. (2008). Improving early language and literacy skills: Differential effects of an oral language versus a phonology with reading
intervention. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 49(4), 422432. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Brady, S., Fowler, A., Stone, B., & Winbury, N. (1994). Training phonological awareness: A study with inner-city kindergarten children. Annals of Dyslexia, 44, 2659. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Brennan, F., & Ireson, J. (1997). Training phonological awareness: A study to evaluate the effects of a program of
metalinguistic games in kindergarten. Reading and Writing, 9(4), 241263. The study is ineligible for review

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because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Brooks, G. (1999). What works for slow readers? Support for Learning, 14(1), 27. The study is ineligible for review
because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research
literature review.
Burrows, C., Marinac, J. V., & Pitty, K. (2009). Phonological awareness training for high schools (PATHS). San Diego,
CA: Plural Publishing. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Bus, A. G., & van Ijzendoorn, M. H. (1999). Phonological awareness and early reading: A meta-analysis of experimental training studies. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(3), 403414. The study is ineligible for review
because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research
literature review.
Butler, K. G. (1999). From oracy to literacy: Changing clinical perceptions. Topics in Language Disorders, 20(1),
1432. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Cardoso-Martins, C., Mesquita, T. C. L., & Ehri, L. (2011). Letter names and phonological awareness help children
to learn letter-sound relations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109(1), 2538. The study is ineligible
for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Casalis, S., & Cole, P. (2009). On the relationship between morphological and phonological awareness: Effects of
training in kindergarten and in first-grade reading. First Language, 29(1), 113142. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Chen, S. (2004). Identifying reading disabilities in Taiwanese aboriginal students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in
the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Chen, Y. (2005). The role of phonological and morphological awareness in early Chinese reading of young children
who are deaf or hard of hearing in Taiwan. Dissertation Abstracts International, 66(05A), 152-1712. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not examine an intervention conducted in English.
Chera, P., & Wood, C. (2003). Animated multimedia talking books can promote phonological awareness in children beginning to read. Learning and Instruction, 13(1), 3352. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Chih-Hsin, L. (2006). The role of phonological awareness in Taiwanese students English reading and pronunciation
acquisition (Unpublished masters thesis). National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu City, Taiwan. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Claessen, M., Heath, S., Fletcher, J., Hogben, J., & Leitao, S. (2009). Quality of phonological representations: A
window into the lexicon? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 44(2), 121144. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Cologon, K., Cupples, L., & Wyver, S. R. (2006). Phonological awareness and silent reading: The benefits of intervention and early intervention in reading for children who have Down syndrome (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take
place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Colon, E. P. (2006). Utility of the Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing Program (LiPS) for classroom-based reading
instruction. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67(1-A), 131. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Constantine, J. L. (2001). Integrating thematic-fantasy play and phonological awareness activities in a speechlanguage preschool environment. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 28(1), 914. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
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Conway, T. W. (2003). Measuring phonological processing and phonological working memory in adults with developmental dyslexia: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Florida, Gainesville. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with
the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Cooke, N. L., Galloway, T. W., Kretlow, A. G., & Helf, S. (2011). Impact of the script in a supplemental reading program on instructional opportunities for student practice of specified skills. The Journal of Special Education,
45(1), 2842. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Dahlen, K. (2008). Aptitude, rehearsal, and skin conductance response in foreign vocabulary learning. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 69(01A), 177-199. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Davis, C. A., Lane, K. L., Sutherland, K., Gunter, P. L., Denny, R. K., Pickens, P., & Wehby, J. (2004). Differentiating curriculum and instruction on behalf of students with emotional and behavioral disorders within general
education settings. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children. The study is ineligible for review because
it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature
de Jong, P. F. (2007). Phonological awareness and the use of phonological similarity in letter-sound learning. Journal
of Experimental Child Psychology, 98(3), 131152. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Denne, M., Langdown, N., Pring, T., & Roy, P. (2005). Treating children with expressive phonological disorders: Does
phonological awareness therapy work in the clinic? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 40(4), 493504. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area
specified in the protocol.
Desmond, S. K. (2008). The effects of rhyme on phonological sensitivities. Dissertation Abstracts International,
69(08A), 108. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with
Dodd, B., & Gillon, G. (2001). Exploring the relationship between phonological awareness, speech impairment, and
literacy. Advances in Speech Language Pathology, 3(2), 139147. The study is ineligible for review because it
is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature
Dodd, B., McCormack, P., & Woodyatt, G. (1993). Evaluation of an intervention program: Relation between childrens phonology and parents communicative behavior. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 98(5),
632645. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in
the protocol.
Dwyer, J. E., & Rule, D. L. (1997). The effects of a kindergarten prevention program on special education referrals,
classifications and retentions (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 406 806). The study is ineligible
for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified
age or grade range.
Edwards, L. L. (2000). The role of spelling and handwriting in kindergarten instruction: An examination of the effects
of two beginning reading instructional interventions on the reading and spelling achievement of kindergarten
students at-risk of reading disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61(09A), 223-3512. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Elbert, M., Dinnsen, D., Swartzlander, P., & Chin, S. (1990). Generalization to conversational speech. Journal of
Speech and Hearing Disorders, 55(4), 694699. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
comparison group design or a single-case design.
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Elbert, M., Powell, T., & Swartzlander, P. (1991). Toward a technology of generalization: How many exemplars are
sufficient? Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 34(1), 8187. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Elbro, C., & Petersen, D. K. (2004). Long-term effects of phoneme awareness and letter sound training: An intervention study with children at risk for dyslexia. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(4), 660670. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Ennemoser, M., Kuspert, P., Roth, E., & Schneider, W. (1999). Kindergarten prevention of dyslexia: Does training in
phonological awareness work for everybody? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32(5), 429436. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Epstein, J. N. (1995). Accelerating the literacy development of disadvantaged preschool children: An experimental
evaluation of a Head Start emergent literacy curriculum. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55(11-B), 5065.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample
either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Fisher Modin, N. G. (1991). The effect of extended-day and phonological awareness training on reading readiness
skills of kindergarten children in at-risk schools. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53(02A), 93-453. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not
within the specified age or grade range.
Floyd, S. W. (1999). Does phonological awareness predict reading acquisition? A comparison of scores on auditory
subtests of the Phonological Awareness Test to scores on the Slosson Oral Reading Test and the grade
2 Scott Foresman Class Placement Test: Comprehension Subtest. Dissertation Abstracts International,
60(04B), 111-1568. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Foster, K. C., Erickson, G. C., Foster, D. F., & Brinkman, D. (1994). Computer administered instruction in phonological awareness: Evaluation of the Daisy Quest program. Journal of Research & Development in Education,
27(2), 126137. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with
Fowler, A., Stone, B., & Winbury, N. (1994). Training phonological awareness: A study with inner-city kindergarten
children. Annals of Dyslexia, 44(1), 2659. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Frederickson, N., & Wilson, J. (1996). Phonological awareness training: A new approach to phonics teaching. Dyslexia, 2(2), 101120. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area
specified in the protocol.
Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Thompson, A., Al Otaiba, S., Yen, L., Yang, N. J., & OConnor, R. E. (2001). Is reading
important in reading-readiness programs? A randomized field trial with teachers as program implementers.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(2), 251267. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use
a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Thompson, A., Al Otaiba, S., Yen, L., Yang, N. J.,OConnor, R. E. (2002). Exploring the
importance of reading programs for kindergartners with disabilities in mainstream classrooms. Exceptional
Children, 68(3), 295311. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Gabig, C. S. (2010). Phonological awareness and word recognition in reading by children with autism. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 31(2), 6785. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.

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Gierut, J. A., & Morrisette, M. L. (2010). Phonological learning and lexicality of treated stimuli. Clinical Linguistics
& Phonetics, 24(2), 122140. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with
the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50%
students with autism.
Gillam, R. B., & Butler, K. G. (1996). Working memory and language impairment: New perspectives. Frederick, MD:
Aspen Publishers. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of
an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Gillam, R. B., & van Kleeck, A. (1996). Phonological awareness training and short-term working memory: Clinical
implications. Topics in Language Disorders, 17(1), 7281. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Gillam, S. L., Fargo, J., Foley, B., & Olszewski, A. (2011). A nonverbal phoneme deletion task administered in a
dynamic assessment format. Journal of Communication Disorders, 44(2), 236245. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Gillon, G. T. (2005). Facilitating phoneme awareness development in 3- and 4-year-old children with speech impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 36(4), 308324. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Gillon, G. T. (2007). Phonological awareness: From research to practice. New York: Guilford Publications. The study
is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a
meta-analysis or research literature review.
Girbau, D., & Schwartz, R. G. (2007). Non-word repetition in Spanish-speaking children with specific language
impairment (SLI). International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 42(1), 5975. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not examine an intervention conducted in English.
Glaspey, A. M., & Stoel-Gammon, C. (2005). Dynamic assessment in phonological disorders: The scaffolding scale
of stimulability. Topics in Language Disorders, 25(3), 220230. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Goldstein, B., & Iglesias, A. (1991, November). The development and treatment of phonological processes in Spanish speaking children. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association, Atlanta, GA. The study is ineligible for review because it does not examine an intervention conducted in English.
Goldsworthy, C. L. (2003). Developmental reading disabilities: A language based treatment approach (2nd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomas Delmar Learning. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of
the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Additional source:
Goldsworthy, C. L. (1996). Developmental reading disabilities: A language based treatment approach. San
Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Group.
Gonzalez, J. E., & Nelson, J. R. (2003). Stepping stones to literacy: A prevention-oriented phonological awareness
training program. Reading & Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 19(4), 393398. The study is
ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a metaanalysis or research literature review.
Gorman, B. K. (2006). The relationships between working memory, language, and phonological processing: Evidence from cross-language transfer in bilinguals (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas at
Austin. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe
sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Gross, J., & Garnett, J. (1994). Preventing reading difficulties: Rhyme and alliteration in the real world. Association
of Educational Psychologists Journal, 9(4), 235240. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take
place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
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Gruba, G. G. (1997). Evaluating dynamic and static measurement sensitivity to the effects of a phonological awareness intervention for kindergarten children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58(07A), 122-2530. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
Guidry, L. O. (2003). A phonological awareness intervention for at-risk preschoolers: The effects of supplemental, intensive, small-group instruction (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe
sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with
Gustafson, S., Samuelsson, S., & Rnnberg, J. (2000). Why do some resist phonological intervention? A Swedish
longitudinal study of poor readers in grade 4. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 44(2), 145162.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is
not within the specified age or grade range.
Hamre, B. K., Justice, L. M., Pianta, R. C., Kilday, C., Sweeney, B., Downer, J. T., & Leach, A. (2010). Implementation fidelity of My Teaching Partner literacy and language activities: Association with preschoolers language
and literacy growth. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25(3), 329347. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Harbers, H. M., Paden, E. P., & Halle, J. W. (1999). Phonological awareness and production: Changes during intervention. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 30(1), 5060. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Hatcher, P. J. (2000). Reading intervention need not be negligible: Response to Cossu (1999). Reading and Writing, 13(34), 349355. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area
specified in the protocol.
Hatcher, P. J. (2000). Sound links in reading and spelling with discrepancy-defined dyslexics and children with moderate learning difficulties. Reading and Writing, 13(34), 257272. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not disaggregate findings for the age or grade range specified in the protocol.
Hatcher, P. J., & Hulme, C. (1999). Phonemes, rhymes, and intelligence as predictors of childrens responsiveness
to remedial reading instruction: Evidence from a longitudinal intervention study. Journal of Experimental Child
Psychology, 72(2), 130. The study is ineligible for review because it does not disaggregate findings for the age
or grade range specified in the protocol.
Hatcher, P. J., Hulme, C., Miles, J. N., Carroll, J. M., Hatcher, J., Gibbs, S., & Snowling, M. J. (2006). Efficacy of
small group reading intervention for beginning readers with reading-delay: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 47(8), 820827. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Hatcher, P. J., Hulme, C., & Snowling, M. J. (2004). Explicit phoneme training combined with phonic reading instruction helps young children at risk of reading failure. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied
Disciplines, 45(2), 338358. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic
area specified in the protocol.
Hatfield, R. L. (2003). Comparisons of reading scores in two Tennessee elementary schools between students
receiving and not receiving specialized training in phonemic awareness (Unpublished doctoral dissertation).
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Hesketh, A., Adams, C., Nightingale, C., & Hall, R. (2000). Phonological awareness therapy and articulatory training
approaches for children with phonological disorders: A comparative outcome study. International Journal of
Language & Communication Disorders, 35(3), 337354. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
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Hesketh, A., Dima, E., & Nelson, V. (2007). Teaching phoneme awareness to pre-literate children with speech
disorder: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 42(3),
251271. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in
the protocol.
Hjelmquist, E., & von Euler, C. (2002). Dyslexia and literacy. London: Whurr Publishers. The study is ineligible for
review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or
research literature review.
Hoffman, P. R., Norris, J. A., & Monjure, J. (1990). Comparison of process targeting and whole language treatments
for phonologically delayed preschool children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 21(2),
102109. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a comparison group design or a singlecase design.
Hogan, T. P., Catts, H. W., & Little, T. D. (2005). The relationship between phonological awareness and reading:
Implications for the assessment of phonological awareness. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in
Schools, 36(4), 285293. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Hoien-Tengesdal, I. (2010). Is the simple view of reading too simple? Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
54(5), 451469. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Hsin, Y. (2007). Effects of phonological awareness instruction on pre-reading skills of preschool children at risk for
reading disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68(08A), 249-3344. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Hurry, J., & Sylva, K. (2007). Long-term outcomes of early reading intervention. Journal of Research in Reading,
30(3), 227248. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Jerger, M. A. (1996). Phoneme awareness and the role of the educator. Intervention in School and Clinic, 32(1),
513. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Johnson-Davis, C. (1993). The determinants of response to phonological awareness training. Dissertation Abstracts
International, 55(02A), 107-246. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned
with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than
50% students with autism.
Johnston, R. S., & Watson, J. E. (2004). Accelerating the development of reading, spelling and phonemic awareness
skills in initial readers. Reading and Writing, 17(4), 327357. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Justice, L. M., Kaderavek, J., Bowles, R., & Grimm, K. (2005). Language impairment, parent-child shared reading,
and phonological awareness: A feasibility study. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 25(3), 143156.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample
either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Keilmann, A., & Wintermeyer, M. (2008). Is a specialised training of phonological awareness indicated in every
preschool child? Folia Phoniatrica Et Logopaedica: Official Organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), 60(2), 7379. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Kennedy, E. J., & Flynn, M. C. (2003). Early phonological awareness and reading skills in children with Down syndrome. Downs Syndrome, Research and Practice: The Journal of the Sarah Duffen Centre, 8(3), 100109. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not
within the specified age or grade range.
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Kerr, J. M. (2001). The development of phonological awareness in African American inner-city kindergarten students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62(03A), 232-962. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Kerstholt, M. T., Van Bon, W. H. J., & Schreuder, R. (1997). Using visual support in preschool phonemic segmentation training. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 9(4), 265283. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Kjeldsen, A. C., Niemi, P., & Oloffson, A. (2003). Training phonological awareness in kindergarten level children:
Consistency is more important than quantity. Learning and Instruction, 13(4), 349365. The study is ineligible
for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified
age or grade range.
Kourea, L. (2007). Effects of a supplemental reading intervention package on the reading skills of English speakers and English language learners in three urban elementary schools: A follow-up investigation. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 68(06A), 327-2405. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Kozminsky, L., & Kozminsky, E. (1995). The effects of early phonological awareness training on reading success.
Learning & Instruction, 5(3), 187201. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Lachney, R. P. (2002). Adult-mediated reading instruction for third through fifth grade children with reading difficulties (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Lane, K. L., Fletcher, T., Carter, E. W., Dejud, C., & DeLorenzo, J. (2007). Paraprofessional-led phonological awareness training with youngsters at risk for reading and behavioral concerns. Remedial and Special Education,
28(5), 266276. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Lane, K. L., OShaughnessy, T. E., Lambros, K. M., Gresham, F. M., & Beebe-Frankenberger, M. E. (2001). The
efficacy of phonological awareness training with first-grade students who have behavior problems and reading difficulties. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 9(4), 219231. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Lang, K. B. (2008). Curbing the Matthew effect: A group-based intervention for improving rapid automatic naming skills. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68(11B), 249-7690. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Layton, L., Deeny, K., Upton, G., & Tall, G. (1998). A pre-school training programme for children with poor phonological awareness: Effects on reading and spelling. Journal of Research in Reading, 21(1), 3652. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Le Roux, S. G., Hugo, A. J., Muller, H., & Nel, N. M. (2007). Phonological awareness among grade 0 learners as
predictor of future reading success [Afrikaans]. Fonologiese bewustheid by graad 0-leerders as voorspeller
van latere lees, sukses. Tydskrif Vir Geesteswetenskappe, 47(3), 373385. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Leafstedt, J. M., Richards, C. R., & Gerber, M. M. (2004). Effectiveness of explicit phonological-awareness instruction for at-risk English learners. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 19(4), 252261. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
League, M. B. (2001). The effects of the intensity of phonological awareness instruction on the acquisition of literacy
skills. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62(10A), 196-3299. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
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Leask, A., & Hinchliffe, F. (2007). The effect of phonological awareness intervention on non-word spelling ability
in school-aged children: An analysis of qualitative change. Advances in Speech Language Pathology, 9(3),
226241. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe
sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Leitao, S., & Fletcher, J. (2004). Literacy outcomes for students with speech impairment: Long-term follow-up.
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 39(2), 245256. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Lemons, C. J. (2010). Exploring the effectiveness of phonics-based instruction for children with Down syndrome.
Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 70(7-A), 2459. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Longwell, J. L. K. (2009). Effects of three early literacy interventions in the preschool classroom comparing phonological awareness training, dialogic reading, and a combination condition in small groups (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified
disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Lonigan, C. J. (2006). Development, assessment, and promotion of preliteracy skills. Early Education and Development, 17(1), 91114. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness
of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Lonigan, C. J., Driscoll, K., Phillips, B., Cantor, B., Anthony, J., & Goldstein, H. (2003). A computer-assisted instruction phonological sensitivity program for preschool children at-risk for reading problems. Journal of Early
Intervention, 25(4), 248262. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with
the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50%
students with autism.
Lundberg, I. (1988). Preschool prevention of reading failures: Does training in phonological awareness work? In R.
Masland & M. Masland (Eds.), Preschool prevention of reading failure (pp. 163176). Parkton, MD: York Press.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not occur within the time frame specified in the protocol.
Lyster, S. H. (1998). Preventing reading failure: A follow-up study. Dyslexia, 4(3), 132144. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Lyster, S. H. (2002). The effects of morphological versus phonological awareness training in kindergarten on reading development. Reading and Writing, 15(34), 261294. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Macaruso, P., & Rodman, A. (2011). Efficacy of computer-assisted instruction for the development of early literacy
skills in young children. Reading Psychology, 32(2), 172196. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified
disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
MacRoy-Higgins, M. (2009). Word learning and phonological representations in children who are late talkers. Dissertation Abstracts International, 70(02B), 116-977. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Majsterek, D. J., Shorr, D. N., & Erion, V. L. (2000). Promoting early literacy through rhyme detection activities during
Head Start circle-time. Child Study Journal, 30(3), 143. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Martin, M. E., & Byrne, B. (2002). Teaching children to recognize rhyme does not directly promote phonemic awareness. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 72(4), 561572. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
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Marvel, R. (2005). The utility of rhythmic and lyrical song structure in the phonological awareness training of children
with reading disability. Philadelphia, PA: Drexel University, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Creative
Arts in Therapy Program. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Maslanka, P., & Joseph, L. (2002). A comparison of two phonological awareness techniques between samples of
preschool children. Reading Psychology, 23(4), 271288. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified
disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Maynard, K. L., Pullen, P. C., & Coyne, M. D. (2010). Teaching vocabulary to first-grade students through repeated
shared storybook reading: A comparison of rich and basic instruction to incidental exposure. Literacy
Research and Instruction, 49(3), 209242. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
McDowell, K. D. (2004). Examining relations among expressive phonology, phonological processing, and early
decoding skills in children (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Florida State University, Tallahassee. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
McNeill, B. C., Gillon, G. T., & Dodd, B. (2009). Effectiveness of an integrated phonological awareness approach for
children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 25(3), 341366. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Morgan, S. T. (1991). The effects of two types of phonological awareness training on word learning in kindergarten
children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(09A), 132-3226. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Moxley, R. A., & Warash, B. (1989). Some spelling strategies of young children on the microcomputer. Morgantown:
West Virginia University. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a comparison group design
or a single-case design.
Munro, N., Lee, K., & Baker, E. (2008). Building vocabulary knowledge and phonological awareness skills in children
with specific language impairment through hybrid language intervention: A feasibility study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 43(6), 662682. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Musti-Rao, S. (2005). The effects of a supplemental early reading intervention with urban kindergarten and firstgrade students: A preventive approach (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ohio State University, Columbus.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is
not within the specified age or grade range.
Nancollis, A., Lawrie, B., & Dodd, B. (2005). Phonological awareness intervention and the acquisition of literacy
skills in children from deprived social backgrounds. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools,
36(4), 325335. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Nelson, J. R., Lane, K. L., Benner, G. J., & Kim, O. (2011). A best evidence synthesis of literacy instruction on the
social adjustment of students with or at-risk for behavior disorders. Education & Treatment of Children, 34(1),
141162. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
OBrien, A. G. (2006). Parent-delivered instruction in phoneme identification: Effects on phonemic awareness and
letter knowledge of preschool-aged children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67(04A), 176-1224. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either
includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.

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OConnor, R. E., Bocian, K., Beebe-Frankenberger, M., & Linklater, D. L. (2010). Responsiveness of students with
language difficulties to early intervention in reading. The Journal of Special Education, 43(4), 220235. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not
within the specified age or grade range.
OConnor, R. E., Fulmer, D., Harty, K., & Bell, K. (2001, April). Total awareness: Reducing the severity of reading
disability. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle,
WA. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample
is not within the specified age or grade range.
OShaughnessy, T. E. (1997). A comparison of two reading interventions for children with or at-risk for reading disabilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58(11A), 104-4187. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
OShaughnessy, T. E., & Swanson, H. L. (2000). A comparison of two reading interventions for children with reading
disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33(3), 257277. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Oudeans, M. K. (2000). Integration of letter-sound correspondences and phonological awareness skills of blending and segmenting: An examination of the effects of instructional sequence on word reading for kindergarten
children with low phonological awareness. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61(09A), 163-3505. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
Oudeans, M. K. (2003). Integration of letter-sound correspondences and phonological awareness skills of blending
and segmenting: A pilot study examining the effects of instructional sequence on word reading for kindergarten children with low phonological awareness. Learning Disability Quarterly, 26(4), 258280. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Pascoe, M., Stackhouse, J., & Wells, B. (2005). Phonological therapy within a psycholinguistic framework: Promoting change in a child with persisting speech difficulties. International Journal of Language & Communication
Disorders, 40(2), 189220. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Phillips, B. M., Clancy-Menchetti, J., & Lonigan, C. J. (2008). Successful phonological awareness instruction with
preschool children: Lessons from the classroom. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 28(1), 317.
The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention,
such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Pianta, R. C., Hamre, B. K., & Downer, J. (2011). Aligning measures of quality with professional development goals
and goals for childrens development. In M. Zaslow, I. Martinez-Beck, K. Tout, & T. Halle (Eds.), Quality measurement in early childhood settings (pp. 297315). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing. The study is
ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a metaanalysis or research literature review.
Pogorzelski, S., & Wheldall, K. (2002). Do differences in phonological processing performance predict gains made
by older low-progress readers following intensive literacy intervention? Educational Psychology, 22(4), 413
427. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the
Qi, X. (1997). Effectiveness of phonological awareness training for low-skilled kindergartners: A comparison of two
different phonological training approaches. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59(01A), 118-79. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.

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Quiroga, T., LemosBritton, Z., Mostafapour, E., Abbott, R. D., & Berninger, V. W. (2002). Phonological awareness
and beginning reading in Spanish-speaking ESL first graders: Research into practice. Journal of School Psychology, 40(1), 85111. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Robertson, K. L. (1998). Phonological awareness and reading achievement of children from differing socio-economic status backgrounds. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences,
58(8-A), 3066. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Robinson, S. (2011). The effects of embedded phonological awareness training on the reading and spelling skills
of kindergarten students (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
(UMI No. 3435015). The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Royer, J. M., Abadzi, H., & Kinda, J. (2004). The impact of phonological-awareness and rapid-reading training on
the reading skills of adolescent and adult neoliterates. International Review of Education, 50(1), 5371. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Rvachew, S., & Nowak, M. (2001). The effect of target-selection strategy on phonological learning. Journal of
Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44(3), 610623. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Savage, R., Carless, S., & Erten, O. (2009). The longer-term effects of reading interventions delivered by experienced teaching assistants. Support for Learning, 24(2), 95100. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Schneider, W., Ennemoser, M., Roth, E., & Kuspert, P. (1999). Kindergarten prevention of dyslexia: Does training in
phonological awareness work for everybody? Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32(5), 429436. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Schneider, W., Kuspert, P., Roth, E., & Vise, M. (1997). Short- and long-term effects of training phonological awareness in kindergarten: Evidence from two German studies. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 66(3),
311340. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe
sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Schneider, W., Roth, E., & Ennemoser, M. (2000). Training phonological skills and letter knowledge in children at risk
for dyslexia: A comparison of three kindergarten intervention programs. Journal of Educational Psychology,
92(2), 284295. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocol
the sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Scholes, R. J. (1997, March). The case against phonemic awareness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Chicago, IL. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Schuster, B. V. (2000). The role of phonological memory in vocabulary development in ESL children (Unpublished
doctoral dissertation). University of Toronto, Canada. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Scott, V. J. G. (1995). The effects of phonological awareness training on word recognition and decoding skills of
students with a reading disability. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56(11A), 119-4355. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Segers, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2004). Computer-supported phonological awareness intervention for kindergarten children with specific language impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 35(3), 229239.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is
not within the specified age or grade range.

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Segers, E., & Verhoeven, L. (2005). Long-term effects of computer training of phonological awareness in kindergarten. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21(1), 1727. The study is ineligible for review because it does
not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Segers, P. C. J. (2003). Multimedia support of language learning in kindergarten (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Nijmegen, Netherlands. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Shepard, M. J., & Uhry, J. K. (1997). Teaching phonological recoding to young children with phonological processing deficits: The effect on sight-vocabulary acquisition. Learning Disability Quarterly, 20(2), 104125. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
Skelton, S. L. (2004). Concurrent task sequencing in single-phoneme phonologic treatment and generalization.
Journal of Communication Disorders, 37(2), 131155. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use
a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Skibbe, L., Behnke, M., & Justice, L. M. (2005). Parental scaffolding of childrens phonological awareness skills:
Interactions between mothers and their preschoolers with language difficulties. Communication Disorders
Quarterly, 25(4), 189203. The study is ineligible for review because it does not include a student outcome.
Slocum, T. A., & OConnor, R. E. (1993). Transfer among phonological manipulation skills. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 85(4), 618. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50%
students with autism.
Smith, J., Downs, M., & Mogford-Bevan, K. (1998). Can phonological awareness training facilitate minimal pair
therapy? International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 33(1), 463468. The study is ineligible
for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Smith, S. B. (1996). An examination of the efficacy and the efficiency of phonological awareness instruction for prereaders at-risk of reading failure (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Oregon, Eugene. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
Snowling, M. J. (1996). Contemporary approaches to the teaching of reading. Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, 37(2), 139148. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Sodoro, J., Allinder, R. M., & Rankin-Erickson, J. L. (2002). Assessment of phonological awareness: Review of
methods and tools. Educational Psychology Review, 14(3), 223260. The study is ineligible for review because
it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature
Sodoro, J. L. (2000). Effects of phonological awareness training upon onset rime and phoneme segmentation ability of kindergarten children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61(07A), 261-2661. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Solari, E. J. (2006). Effects of listening comprehension versus phonological awareness interventions for kindergarten English learners. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67(12A), 199-4513. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Soriano, M., Miranda, A., Soriano, E., Nievas, F., & Felix, V. (2011). Examining the efficacy of an intervention to
improve fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish children with reading disabilities. International Journal
of Disability, Development and Education, 58(1), 4759. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.

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Suggate, S. P. (2010). Why what we teach depends on when: Grade and reading intervention modality moderate
effect size. Developmental Psychology, 46(6), 15561579. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Sun, K. K., & Kemp, C. (2006). The acquisition of phonological awareness and its relationship to reading in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 30(1), 8699. The study is ineligible
for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis
or research literature review.
Swanson, H. L. (1999). Has the importance of phonological awareness training been greatly overstated? Issues in
Education, 5(1), 125. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness
of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Thatcher, K. L. (2010). The development of phonological awareness with specific language-impaired and typical
children. Psychology in the Schools, 47(5), 467480. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use
a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Tobin, K. G. (2003). The effects of the Horizons reading program and prior phonological awareness training on
the reading skills of first graders. Journal of Direct Instruction, 3(1), 116. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Torgesen, J. K., & Davis, C. (1996). Individual difference variables that predict response to training in phonological
awareness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 63(1), 121. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Torgesen, J. K., Morgan, S. T., & Davis, C. (1992). Effects of two types of phonological awareness training on word
learning in kindergarten children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84(3), 364370. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Torgesen, J. K., Wagner, R. K., & Rashotte, C. A. (1994). Longitudinal studies of phonological processing and reading. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 27(5), 276286. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Torgesen, J. K., Wagner, R. K., & Rashotte, C. A. (1997). Prevention and remediation of severe reading disabilities: Keeping the end in mind. Scientific Studies of Reading, 1(3), 217234. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Torgesen, J. K., Wagner, R. K., Rashotte, C. A., Rose, E., Lindamood, P., Conway, T., & Garvan, C. (1999). Preventing reading failure in young children with phonological processing disabilities: Group and individual responses
to instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(4), 579593. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Treutlein, A., Zller, I., Roos, J., & Schler, H. (2008). Effects of phonological awareness training on reading achievement. Written Language & Literacy, 11(2), 147166. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take
place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Troia, G. A. (1999). Phonological awareness intervention research: A critical review of the experimental methodology. Reading Research Quarterly, 34(1), 2852. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary
analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Tyler, A. A., Lewis, K. E., & Welch, C. M. (2003). Predictors of phonological change following intervention. American
Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 12(3), 289298. The study is ineligible for review because it does not
use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Uhry, J. K., & Shepherd, M. J. (1997). Teaching phonological recoding to young children with phonological processing deficits: The effect on sight-vocabulary acquisition. Learning Disability Quarterly, 20(2), 104125. The study

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is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
University of Queensland. (2010). Phonological awareness training for high schools (PATHS). San Diego, CA: Plural
Publishing. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe
sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Valliath, S. C. (2002). An evaluation of a computer-based phonological awareness training program: Effects on phonological awareness, reading and spelling. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63(04A), 152-1291. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within
the specified age or grade range.
Van Bysterveldt, A. K., Gillon, G. T., & Moran, C. (2006). Enhancing phonological awareness and letter knowledge in
preschool children with Down syndrome. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 53(3),
301329. The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in
the protocol.
VanDerHeyden, A. M., Snyder, P. A., Broussard, C., & Ramsdell, K. (2008). Measuring response to early literacy
intervention with preschoolers at risk. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 27(4), 232249. The study
is ineligible for review because it does not use a comparison group design or a single-case design.
Verhoeven, L., Reitsma, P., & Siegel, L. S. (2011). Cognitive and linguistic factors in reading acquisition. Reading
and Writing, 24(4), 387394. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention, such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Wanzek, J., Dickson, S., Bursuck, W. D., & White, J. M. (2000). Teaching phonological awareness to students at risk
for reading failure: An analysis of four instructional programs. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 15(4),
226239. The study is ineligible for review because it does not include an outcome within a domain specified
in the protocol.
Watts, J. L. (2002). The structure and development of phonological awareness: A guide for finding more effective
training methods. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64(11A), 167-3996. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Weaver, C. (1998). Reconsidering a balanced approach to reading. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. The study is ineligible for review because it is a secondary analysis of the effectiveness of an intervention,
such as a meta-analysis or research literature review.
Wehby, J. H., Lane, K. L., & Falk, K. B. (2005). An inclusive approach to improving early literacy skills of students
with emotional and behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 155169. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Wei, Y. (2005). The relationship between phonological awareness and reading ability of Thai students in English and
Thai in primary schools of Thailand (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Maryland, College Park.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Weiss, S., Grabner, R. H., Kargl, R., Purgstaller, C., & Fink, A. (2010). Behavioral and neurophysiological effects of
morphological awareness training on spelling and reading. Reading and Writing, 23(6), 645671. The study is
ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the
specified age or grade range.
Wilson, J., & Frederickson, N. (1995). Phonological awareness training: An evaluation. Educational and Child Psychology, 12(1), 6879. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the
protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.

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Wise, B. W., & Olson, R. K. (1998). Studies of computer-aided remediation for reading disabilities. In C. Hulme & M.
Joshi (Eds.), Reading and spelling: Development and disorders (pp. 473487). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Wise, B. W., Ring, J., & Olson, R. K. (1999). Training phonological awareness with and without explicit attention
to articulation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 72(4), 271304. The study is ineligible for review
because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or
grade range.
Wise, B. W., Ring, J., Sessions, L., & Olson, R. K. (1997). Phonological awareness with and without articulation: A
preliminary study. Learning Disability Quarterly, 20(3), 211225. The study is ineligible for review because it
does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Wise, J. C. (2005). The growth of phonological awareness: Response to reading intervention by children with reading disabilities who exhibit typical or below-average language skills. Dissertation Abstracts International Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, 66(6-B), 3447. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use
a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Wolz, J. M. (1999). Reading recovery and a developmental approach to phonological processing. Dissertation
Abstracts International, 60(04A), 191-1084. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample
aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Yazejian, N., & Peisner-Feinberg, E. (2009). Effects of a preschool music and movement curriculum on childrens
language skills. NHSA Dialog: A Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Intervention Field, 12(4), 327341.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample
either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.
Yeh, S. S. (2003). An evaluation of two approaches for teaching phonemic awareness to children in Head Start.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 18(4), 513. The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a
sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Yeung, L. L. M. (2007). On the effect of Cantonese (L1) phonological awareness on the acquisition of English (L2)
phonology among primary students in Hong Kong. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69(10A), 1-3886. The
study is ineligible for review because it does not take place in the geographic area specified in the protocol.
Young, R. M. (1999). The impact of concrete phonemic representations on phonological awareness acquisition
of at-risk kindergarteners. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60(12A), 216-4367. The study is ineligible for
review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age
or grade range.
Zeuschner, M. S. (2005). Phonemic awareness through fluent auditory discrimination and the effects on decoding
skills of learning disabled student (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses
database. (UMI No. 0808602). The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with
the protocolthe sample is not within the specified age or grade range.
Ziolkowski, R. A., & Goldstein, H. (2008). Effects of an embedded phonological awareness intervention during
repeated book reading on preschool children with language delays. Journal of Early Intervention, 31(1), 6790.
The study is ineligible for review because it does not use a sample aligned with the protocolthe sample
either includes less than 50% students with identified disabilities or more than 50% students with autism.

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Appendix A.1: Research details for OConnor et al., 1993

OConnor, R. E., Jenkins, J. R., Leicester, N., & Slocum, T. A. (1993). Teaching phonological awareness
to young children with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 59(6), 532546.

Table A1. Summary of findings

Meets WWC evidence standards without reservations

Study findings

Outcome domain

Study sample

Sample size

Average improvement index

(percentile points)

Statistically significant

1 school/22 children



The study was conducted in six preschool classrooms in the Experimental Education Unit at
the University of Washington.
Fifty-five children aged 46 with developmental delays were pretested for the study. The
authors excluded four children who scored 30% or better on a phonological pretest and
one child with autism, who was nonverbal.8 Children were stratified by class (morning or
afternoon), age, and the results of the cognitive ability pretest. Within strata, children were
randomly assigned to either one of three phonological awareness training conditions or a comparison group. Only one comparison, phonological awareness training with a blending focus
versus the comparison group, meets WWC standards and is included in this report.9 Twelve
children were randomly assigned to the phonological awareness training with a blending focus
condition and 13 to the comparison group, but three children left the program before the
completion of the study, leaving an analytic sample of 22 children (11 each in the intervention
and comparison groups). For the whole sample (including all three phonological awareness
training conditions), 80% of the children had significant language delays and some physical
handicaps, behavioral disorders, or an intellectual disability.


Children met in groups of three to five for 10-minute sessions, four times a week. Instruction
lasted seven weeks. In the first three weeks, children in the blending focused (intervention) condition practiced blending two to three phonemes in elongated words with continuous sounds.
For example, Ill say words the slow way. Youll say them fast. Ssseeeeennnn. What word?
(p. 536). At the end of the three weeks, children were tested on the set of phonological skills
that was taught and one that was not taught (e.g., blending and segmentation). During the last
four weeks, the skills were reviewed and instruction was extended to other tasks. Children were
taught to blend words beginning with stop sounds, all sounds separated, and onset-rime.


Children participated in routine preschool activities, such as listening to stories read by the
teacher or circle time oral language activities. The authors were concerned that children in
the intervention group would have more experience with sounds in isolation than children in
the comparison group, which could result in the outcome measures favoring the intervention
groups. To address this, the researchers met with each comparison group child twice during
the implementation period to practice the isolated sounds used in training. For example, the
researcher would say, Today were going to practice saying sounds. Say this sound. The
researcher would model, and the children would then repeat the sounds.

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Outcomes and

Nine subtests of auditory phonological skills (three each for rhyming, blending, and segmenting) were developed by the study team. The blending outcomes were continuous phonemes,
onset-rime, and separate sounds. The segmenting outcomes were all sounds, onset-rime, and
first sound. The rhyming outcomes were production, oddity, and recognition. Children were
tested in the week prior to the start of the study and directly after the cessation of instruction
for the intervention groups. For a more detailed description of these outcome measures, see
Appendix B.

Support for

The intervention was conducted by three graduate students, all of whom had teaching experience. Each graduate student teacher led all three interventions to minimize potential teacher
effects. Each Monday, the three teachers practiced the formats to be used for the week with
the first author. The teachers met daily to discuss and resolve problems. In addition, the teachers were randomly audiotaped to ensure that protocols were being implemented as designed.

Appendix A.2: Research details for Sweat, 2003

Sweat, L. M. (2003). Comparing the effects of morphosyntax and phonology intervention on final consonant clusters in finite morphemes and final consonant inventories. Masters Abstracts International, 42(01), 31-231.

Table A2. Summary of findings

Meets WWC evidence standards without reservations

Study findings

Outcome domain

Study sample

Sample size

Average improvement index

(percentile points)

Statistically significant

4 schools/20 children



The study was conducted in early childhood programs in four elementary schools in the
Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada.
The study included 3- to 5-year-old children with morphosyntax and phonological impairments.
To be eligible, the children had to meet the following criteria:
(a) speech performance at least one standard deviation below the mean on the BanksonBernthal Test of Phonology;
(b) expressive language scores at least one standard deviation below the mean on the
Preschool Language Scale 3 or the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals
Preschool, or a score for mean length of utterances in morphemes greater than one
and one-half standard deviations below the mean;
(c) nonverbal cognitive functioning within one and one-half standard deviations from the
mean on the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale;
(d) normal functioning on oral motor assessment; and
(e) normal functioning on neurological, behavioral, hearing, and motor skills.10
Twenty children (18 boys and two girls) were randomly assigned to either phonological awareness training or a morphosyntactic intervention.

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Children in the intervention group received phonological awareness training in weekly 30-minute
individual and 45-minute group sessions with clinicians over a 12-week period. Children were
given four goals based on their initial speech and language results (e.g., phonetic inventory,
sound classes affected). The goals were rotated and targeted three times over the 12-week
period. The intervention included auditory awareness activities (such as listening to word
lists and books that frequently used a targeted sound), conceptual activities (contrasting
and classifying sounds), production practice (drills and imitation of phonetic placement), and
phonological awareness activities (rhyme, sound identification). The intervention also included
naturalistic activities, in which the clinician provided the child with opportunities to produce
targeted sounds during conversations. The information in this report examined the children at
the end of the 12-week block. As part of a larger study, children were then given the opposite
intervention for another 12-week period (i.e., children receiving the phonological awareness
training program in the first 12 weeks received the morphosyntactic intervention in the second
12-week period). The information for this additional contrast is not reported in this report, as
this would only demonstrate intervention ordering effects. That is, the assessment at the 24-week
period would only illustrate the effects of receiving the phonological awareness training first
and then the morphosyntactic intervention second, relative to receiving morphosyntactic
training first and then phonological awareness training second, and would only illustrate the
effectiveness of the ordering of the interventions, not the independent effects of the interventions themselves.


Children in the comparison group received the morphosyntactic intervention over the same
12-week period, with weekly 30-minute individual and 45-minute group sessions with clinicians. As with the intervention condition, children were given four goals, which were rotated
and targeted three times during the 12-week period. For the morphosyntactic intervention, the
goals were based on morphemes that the child produced with less than 50% accuracy during
pretest. However, preference was given to goals that were similar for all children in the group, so
the 50% accuracy rule was not always followed. The comparison group program used themes
of food, animals, and water. The comparison condition included auditory awareness activities
(books and songs with opportunities to produce the target sounds), focused stimulation activities (expansions of the childrens utterances), and elicited production activities (to encourage the
use of target morphemes). Clinicians decreased their support over the 12-week period.

Outcomes and

Three eligible outcomes of childrens language were used. Two of the measures were based
on the final consonant clusters: regular past tense and contractible copula. The third measure
was an inventory of final consonants. For a more detailed description of these outcome measures, see Appendix B.

Support for

Both the phonological awareness training and morphosyntactic interventions were led by four
graduate student interns and four certified speech-language pathologists. No other information is provided.

Phonological Awareness Training June 2012

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Appendix A.3: Research details for Tyler et al., 2003

Tyler, A. A., Lewis, K. E., Haskill, A., & Tolbert, L. C. (2003). Outcomes of different speech and language
goal attack strategies. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 46(5), 10771094.

Table A3. Summary of findings

Meets WWC evidence standards without reservations

Study findings

Outcome domain

Sample size

Average improvement index

(percentile points)

Statistically significant

4 sites/20 children


Setting The study was conducted in early childhood programs in four elementary schools in the
Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada, and in an early education clinic at the University of Nevada, Reno. Participants in the two groups included in the WWC review were located
in four of these five sites.11

Study sample The study sample included 47 preschoolers between ages 3 years and 5 years 11 months who
had received speech-language evaluations and were identified as eligible for speech-language
services by the speech-language pathologist.
Eligibility criteria included:
(a) documentation of expressive language scores at least one standard deviation below the
mean on the Preschool Language Scale3 (PLS-3) or the Clinical Evaluation of Language
FundamentalsPreschool (CELF-P) or mean length of utterance in morphemes (MLUm)
greater than one and one-half standard deviations below the mean based on Leadholm
and Millers normative data;
(b) documentation of speech performance at least one standard deviation below the mean
on the Bankson-Bernthal Test of Phonology (BBTOP);
(c) documentation of nonverbal cognitive functioning within one and one-half standard deviations of the mean on the Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS);
(d) normal hearing, as indicated by pure-tone screening;
(e) normal functioning on oral motor assessment; and
(f) neurological, behavioral, and motor skills reported within normal limits in assessment results.10
Forty children were randomly assigned to four intervention groups, and the remaining seven
children were placed in a no-treatment comparison group.
The four interventions being compared were:
(a) phonology instruction for 12 weeks, followed by morphosyntactic instruction for 12 weeks;
(b) morphosyntactic instruction for 12 weeks, followed by phonology instruction for 12 weeks;
(c) instruction in phonology and morphosyntactic goals that alternated from one topic to the
other on a weekly basis for 24 weeks; and
(d) simultaneous instruction in both phonology and morphosyntactic goals, whereby both
types of instruction occurred each day for the 24-week period.
For the purposes of this review, the only comparisons that were considered eligible were
between the phonology first condition (Group A) and the morphosyntax first condition (Group
B), for which assessment occurred at the 12-week midpoint (before the experiences of the
groups changed).12 These groups are referred to as the intervention group and the comparison group in the remainder of this appendix.
Phonological Awareness Training June 2012

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The phonological intervention was a 12-week program designed for this study that addressed
both segmental and syllable structure forms. It focused on four goals for phonology for each
child; one goal was targeted during each week in a four-week cycle, and then the sequence
(cycle) was repeated twice.
The intervention included four components:
(a) auditory awareness activities designed to heighten childrens awareness of target
sounds and direct their attention to the sounds auditory-acoustic attributes;
(b) conceptual activities designed to develop childrens awareness of the difference and
similarities between target sounds and their contrasts;
(c) production practice activities, both drill play and naturalistic, designed to help establish
production of a new sound, to facilitate practice of that sound in communicative contexts, and to increase awareness of the success-failure in communicating an intended
message; and
(d) one phonological awareness activity designed to stimulate preliteracy skills by increasing
awareness of the speech sound system.
Children received these services in one 30-minute individual session and one 45-minute group
session per week.


Children in the comparison condition were assigned to the morphosyntax-first group. They
participated in a program that addressed finite morphemes and focused on four goals for
morphology for each child. One goal was targeted during each week in a four-week cycle.
Then the sequence (cycle) was repeated twice.
Morphosyntax activities included:
(a) auditory awareness activities, to increase childrens awareness of the morphosyntactic
targets in the context of childrens books and songs that were read and sung in each
(b) focused stimulation activities, designed to provide children with multiple models of
target structures in naturalistic communicative context; and
(c) elicited production activities, with the goal of eliciting 20 to 30 productions of each
targeted morpheme.
Children received these services in one 30-minute individual session and one 45-minute group
session per week.

Outcomes and

Support for

The study includes two outcomes obtained from analysis of a spontaneous language sample
and a single word citation sample obtained from the BBTOP. This was supplemented with 15
additional words to ensure that the 24 consonants occurred a minimum of three times each in
initial and final word positions. These outcomes include the finite morpheme composite (FMC)
and the target generalization composite (TGC). For a more detailed description of these outcome measures, see Appendix B.
Sessions for both the intervention and comparison groups were provided by graduate students under the supervision of the early childhood or university programs speech-language
pathologists. Interns attended a training session in which they viewed videotapes of intervention procedures and were provided with a comprehensive manual explaining the procedures
and containing instructions for their implementation.

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Appendix A.4: Research details for Tyler et al., 2011

Tyler, A. A., Gillon, G., Macrae, T., & Johnson, R. L. (2011). Direct and indirect effects of stimulating phoneme awareness vs. other linguistic skills in preschoolers with co-occurring speech and language
impairments. Topics in Language Disorders, 31(2), 128144.

Table A4. Summary of findings

Meets WWC evidence standards without reservations

Study findings

Outcome domain

Sample size

Average improvement index

(percentile points)

Statistically significant

1 school/16 children




The study was conducted in two preschools in the United States and New Zealand. This WWC
review includes only children attending the US site. The authors do not describe the location
or setting of the US preschool site.

Study sample

The children participating in the study were between 3.1 and 5.2 years of age and all displayed
co-occurring speech and language impairments, including:
(a) a speech sound disorder (SSD) confirmed by a score of at least one standard deviation
below the mean on the Goldman-Fristoe Test of ArticulationSecond Edition (GFTA-2);
(b) documentation of an expressive language score of at least one standard deviation
below the mean on the Structured Photographic Expressive Language TestPreschool
2 (SPELT-P2) and/or one and one-half standard deviations below the mean MLU for the
childs age based on Miller and Chapmans (2000) normative data;
(c) age-appropriate receptive vocabulary, as confirmed by a score within one and one-half
standard deviations of the mean on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary TestThird Edition
(d) normal functioning on oral motor assessment; and
(e) neurological, behavioral, hearing, and motor skills reported within normal limits.13
Children in each geographic location were matched in pairs based on age and severity of
speech disorder (receptive vocabulary and gender also were considered). One child in each
pair was assigned to the intervention group, and the other was assigned to the comparison
group. One pair that spanned two cohorts was excluded from this review because the children
in this pair were not randomly assigned to conditions.


Children assigned to a phonemic awareness intervention participated in two six-week blocks

of instruction, separated by a six- to seven-week break from the intervention. The intervention
included twice-weekly 60-minute instructional sessions in small-group settings, for a total
of 24 hours of instruction. The intervention involved phoneme awareness and letter/sound
knowledge, integrated with speech sound production. The intervention embedded phoneme
awareness and letter knowledge activities into clinician-directed play activities. Intervention
materials included an instructional manual, scripted lessons, material lists and patterns, stimulus
pictures, and activity books.

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Outcomes and

Children in the comparison group received a morphosyntactic intervention and a speech

sound intervention provided in alternate weeks. The morphosyntactic intervention included
auditory awareness activities, focused stimulation activities, and elicited production activities.
The speech sound intervention included auditory awareness activities and production practice
in drill play and naturalistic activities. It did not target phoneme awareness or letter/sound
production directly. The time frame, time of instruction, and instructional setting were identical
to those in the intervention group. Intervention materials included an instructional manual,
scripted lessons, material lists and patterns, stimulus pictures, and activity books.
There were six outcomes used in the study:
(a) finite morpheme composite (FMC),
(b) letter name (LN),
(c) mean length of utterance in morphemes (MLUm),
(d) percent consonant correct (PCC),
(e) phoneme identity (PID), and
(f) /s/-cluster accuracy.
Baseline data were collected two weeks prior to the start of the interventions, and outcome
data were collected within two weeks following the conclusion of the second instructional
block. Data also were collected during the break period between the two instructional blocks,
but these intermediate outcomes are not considered in this review, since the full intervention
had not been implemented. For a more detailed description of these outcome measures, see
Appendix B.

Support for

The instructional sessions for both intervention and comparison students were taught by
undergraduate senior or masters-level speech-language pathology students. They were
supervised by certified doctoral students or professional speech-language pathologists. The
study authors trained staff to implement and supervise the interventions through reviews of
instructional manuals and videotaped examples of instructional sessions.

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Appendix B: Outcome measures for each domain14

Communication/language competencies
Blending: Continuous

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to blend stretched sounds; for example, Ssssaaaammm. Each
subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective feedback and 10 scored items on
which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the test. None of the items on the subtests was used
during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in OConnor et al., 1993).

Blending: Onset-rime

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to blend onset-rime; for example, S (pause)
-am. Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective feedback and 10
scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the test. None of the items on the
subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in OConnor et al., 1993).

Blending: Separate sounds

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to blend separated sounds; for example, S (pause) -a (pause)
-m. Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective feedback and 10
scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the test. None of the items on the
subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in OConnor et al., 1993).

Final consonant clusters:

Contractible copula

This measure indicates the difference in the percentage correct at pre- and posttest of contractible copula consonant
clusters at the end of words. The outcomes are based on spontaneous language samples of at least 200 utterances,
collected during a conversation between the child and researcher, while the child was playing with a toy house or
looking at pictures in a book. Samples were transcribed and coded according to the guidelines of the Kansas Language
Transcription Database manual and analyzed with the SALT program (as cited in Sweat, 2003).

Final consonant clusters:

Regular past tense

This measure indicates the difference in the percentage correct at pre- and posttest of past tense consonant clusters at
the end of words. The outcomes are based on spontaneous language samples of at least 200 utterances, collected during
a conversation between the child and researcher, while the child was playing with a toy house or looking at pictures in a
book. Samples were transcribed and coded according to the guidelines of the Kansas Language Transcription Database
manual and analyzed with the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) program (as cited in Sweat, 2003).

Finite morpheme composite

Spontaneous language samples of at least 200 utterances were obtained from conversations between a research
assistant and child. The utterances were transcribed and coded using guidelines from the Kansas Language Transcription
Database manual to enable subsequent analysis with the SALT program. A finite morpheme composite was calculated
by determining the percentage of correct usage of the following finite morphemes: regular past tense ed, third person
singular regular s, contractible and uncontractible copula be verbs, and uncontractible and contractible auxiliary be
verbs (as cited in Tyler et al., 2003; Tyler et al., 2011).

Letter name

Letter name knowledge refers to a childs ability to differentiate between letters and to identify letters. Child performance
in letter name knowledge was measured using a 12-item assessment (as cited in Tyler et al., 2011).

Mean length of utterance in

morphemes (MLUm)

The data for the MLUm outcome were obtained from spontaneous language samples that were collected during an
interactive narrative retelling of the wordless picture book Carl Goes Shopping (Carl series by Alexandra Day, 1995). The
script that was used during the retelling of the book provided opportunities for children to produce morphemes of interest,
and these utterances were coded using the SALT program described earlier (as cited in Tyler et al., 2011).

Percent consonants correct

Participant responses from the Goldman-Fristoe Test of ArticulationSecond Edition (a speech assessment used to
screen children in the study for speech sound disorder) and 25 additional words were transcribed and then analyzed via
computer and assessed for the percentage of consonants spoken correctly (as cited in Tyler et al., 2011).

Percentage added sounds to

the final consonant inventory

The inventory of sounds was based on spontaneous language samples described earlier and the Bankson-Bernthal Test
of Phonology (BBTOP), supplemented with 15 additional words so that all 24 consonants occurred at least three times
both in the initial and final positions of words. The number of final consonants the child uttered in the spontaneous language and the BBTOP was divided by the total number of final consonants in the English language. The reported outcome
is the difference in the pre- and posttest percentages (as cited in Sweat, 2003).

Phoneme identity

Phoneme identity is determined by having children identify similar sounds across words. This skill was measured using
a 10-item assessment that included tasks both with and without printed words (as cited in Tyler et al., 2011).

Rhyming: Oddity

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to identify words that do not rhyme; for example, cat, hat,
bell. Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective feedback and 10
scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the test. None of the items on the
subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in OConnor et al., 1993).

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Rhyming: Production

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to recognize rhyme; for example, dime/time: do these
words rhyme? Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective
feedback and 10 scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the
test. None of the items on the subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in
OConnor et al., 1993).

Rhyming: Recognition

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to produce rhyme; for example, tell me a word that
rhymes with land. Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective
feedback and 10 scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the
test. None of the items on the subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in
OConnor et al., 1993).

/s/-cluster accuracy

Participants were administered a cluster probe consisting of 15 single words selected to provide five opportunities
each for production of initial /sp-, st-, sl-/ clusters (as cited in Tyler et al., 2011).

Segmenting: All sounds

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to segment phoneme words; for example, say all
the bits of mob. Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective
feedback and 10 scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the
test. None of the items on the subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in
OConnor et al., 1993).

Segmenting: First sound

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to identify the first sound in a word; for example, say
the first sound in mob. Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective feedback and 10 scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue
the test. None of the items on the subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited
in OConnor et al., 1993).

Segmenting: Onset-rime

This author-developed subtest measured childrens ability to separate words into onset-rime; for example, M -ob.
Each subtest began with three non-scored examples on which subjects were given corrective feedback and 10
scored items on which no feedback was provided beyond encouragement to continue the test. None of the items
on the subtests was used during training, although the formats were similar (as cited in OConnor et al., 1993).

Target generalization composite

The BBTOP was used to elicit a sample of single words in which each of the 24 consonants occurred at least
three times in the initial and final word positions. Broad transcriptions were made online during administration of
the BBTOP and then checked from audiotape replay. Transcriptions were entered into the Interactive System for
Phonological Analysis (ISPA). The target generalization composite was a percentage reflecting the accuracy of
target and generalization sounds selected for each child from the total number of opportunities for these sounds,
in the positions targeted on the BBTOP (as cited in Tyler et al., 2003).

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Appendix C: Findings included in the rating for the communication/language competencies domain
(standard deviation)

WWC calculations









Blending: Continuous

4- to

1 school/
22 children






< 0.05

Blending: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
22 children






< 0.05

Blending: Separate sounds

4- to

1 school/
22 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Oddity

4- to

1 school/
22 children







Rhyming: Production

4- to

1 school/
22 children







Rhyming: Recognition

4- to

1 school/
22 children






> 0.05

Segmenting: All sounds

4- to

1 school/
22 children






Segmenting: First sound

4- to

1 school/
22 children






Segmenting: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
22 children








Outcome measure
OConnor et al., 1993a

Domain average for communication/language competencies (OConnor et al., 1993)


Sweat, 2003b
Final consonant clusters:
Contractible copula

3- to

4 schools/
20 children







Final consonant clusters:

Regular past tense

3- to

4 schools/
20 children







Percentage added sounds to

the final consonant inventory

3- to

4 schools/
20 children






> 0.05




Domain average for communication/language competencies (Sweat, 2003)

Tyler et al., 2003c

Finite morpheme composite

3- to

4 schools/
20 children






> 0.05

Target generalization

3- to

4 schools/
20 children





> 0.05



Domain average for communication/language competencies (Tyler et al., 2003)

Phonological Awareness Training June 2012

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WWC Intervention Report

(standard deviation)

WWC calculations









Finite morpheme composite

3- to

1 school/
16 children






> 0.05

Letter name

3- to

1 school/
16 children






> 0.05

Mean length of utterance in

morphemes (MLUm)

3- to

1 school/
16 children






> 0.05

Percent consonants correct

3- to

1 school/
16 children






> 0.05

Phoneme identity

3- to

1 school/
16 children






> 0.05

/s/-cluster accuracy

3- to

1 school/
16 children






> 0.05

Domain average for communication/language competencies (Tyler et al., 2011)




Domain average for communication/language competencies across all studies




Outcome measure
Tyler et al.,


Table Notes: Positive results for mean difference, effect size, and improvement index favor the intervention group; negative results favor the comparison group. The effect size is
a standardized measure of the effect of an intervention on student outcomes, representing the change (measured in standard deviations) in an average students outcome that can
be expected if the student is given the intervention. The improvement index is an alternate presentation of the effect size, reflecting the change in an average students percentile
rank that can be expected if the student is given the intervention. The WWC-computed average effect size is a simple average rounded to two decimal places; the average improvement
index is calculated from the average effect size. The statistical significance of the studys domain average was determined by the WWC. This appendix reports findings considered
for the effectiveness rating and the average improvement indices for the communication/language competencies domain. na = not applicable. nr = not reported.

Comparisons of the three phonological awareness training conditions to one another from OConnor et al. (1993) are not included in these ratings but are reported in Appendix D.
For OConnor et al. (1993), a correction for multiple comparisons was needed but did not affect significance levels. The p-values presented here were reported in the original study.
The WWC calculated the program group mean using a difference-in-differences approach (see the WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Appendix B) by adding the impact of
the program (i.e., difference in mean gains between the intervention and comparison groups) to the unadjusted comparison group posttest means. The WWC did not find that any of
the nr contrasts were statistically significant. The article presents slightly different baseline results for the groups in Table 1 (p. 535) and Figures 24 (pp. 539541). We have used
the results from Figures 24 in these calculations since they also included the posttest results.

b For Sweat (2003), a correction for multiple comparisons was needed and results in significance levels that differ from those in the original study. The p-values presented here were
reported in the original study. Due to the multiple comparisons adjustment, the p-values of 0.04 for Final consonant clusters: Regular past tense and 0.04 for Final consonant clusters:
Contractible copula were higher than the critical p-values for statistical significance; therefore, the WWC does not find these results to be statistically significant. The author compares
the difference in change scores in the percentage correct between pre- and posttest. The WWC effect size is calculated from a t-statistic that compares the means of the intervention
and comparison groups.

For Tyler et al. (2003), no corrections for clustering or multiple comparisons were needed. The authors appear to have only presented statistically significant findings in the prose
of the article, and these contrasts were not mentioned as statistically significant. The WWC confirmed that the groups were not significantly different on either outcome. The WWC
calculated the program group mean using a difference-in-differences approach (see the WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Appendix B) by adding the impact of the program
(i.e., difference in mean gains between the intervention and comparison groups) to the unadjusted comparison group posttest means. The study reported gain scores and gain score
standard deviations. In order to properly calculate effect sizes, the WWC obtained raw means and standard deviations from the study authors, which are reported here.

d For Tyler et al. (2011), no corrections for clustering or multiple comparisons were needed. The p-values presented here were reported in the original study. The statistical tests
reported by the author used the full sample for the Letter name, Percent consonants correct, Phoneme identity, and /s / cluster accuracy, and only the US sample for the Mean length
of utterance in morphemes and Finite morpheme composite. The WWC calculated the program group mean using a difference-in-differences approach (see the WWC Procedures and
Standards Handbook, Appendix B) by adding the impact of the program (i.e., difference in mean gains between the intervention and comparison groups) to the unadjusted comparison
group posttest means. The WWC obtained raw means and standard deviations from the study authors for the 16 children that had an appropriate random assignment process (see
endnote 6) and used those data for WWC calculations.

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Appendix D: Summary of findings comparing different types of phonological awareness training for the
communication/language competencies domain
(standard deviation)
Outcome measure



OConnor et al., 1993 (Blending versus Rhyming)

WWC calculations







Blending: Continuous

4- to

1 school/
23 children






< 0.05

Blending: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
23 children






< 0.05

Blending: Separate sounds

4- to

1 school/
23 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Oddity

4- to

1 school/
23 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Production

4- to

1 school/
23 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Recognition

4- to

1 school/
23 children






> 0.05

Segmenting: All sounds

4- to

1 school/
23 children







Segmenting: First sound

4- to

1 school/
23 children







Segmenting: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
23 children







OConnor et al., 1993 (Blending versus Segmenting)a

Blending: Continuous

4- to

1 school/
24 children






> 0.05

Blending: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
24 children






< 0.05

Blending: Separate sounds

4- to

1 school/
24 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Oddity

4- to

1 school/
24 children







Rhyming: Production

4- to

1 school/
24 children






Rhyming: Recognition

4- to

1 school/
24 children






> 0.05

Segmenting: All sounds

4- to

1 school/
24 children






< 0.05

Segmenting: First sound

4- to

1 school/
24 children






< 0.05

Segmenting: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
24 children






< 0.05

Phonological Awareness Training June 2012

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WWC Intervention Report

(standard deviation)
Outcome measure



OConnor et al., 1993 (Rhyming versus Segmenting)

WWC calculations







Blending: Continuous

4- to

1 school/
25 children






< 0.05

Blending: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
25 children







Blending: Separate sounds

4- to

1 school/
25 children







Rhyming: Oddity

4- to

1 school/
25 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Production

4- to

1 school/
25 children






< 0.05

Rhyming: Recognition

4- to

1 school/
25 children






> 0.05

Segmenting: All sounds

4- to

1 school/
25 children






< 0.05

Segmenting: First sound

4- to

1 school/
25 children






< 0.05

Segmenting: Onset-rime

4- to

1 school/
25 children






< 0.05

Tyler et al., 2003 (Phonology first versus Alternating)b

Finite morpheme composite

3- to

4 schools/
21 children






> 0.05

Target generalization

3- to

4 schools/
21 children





> 0.05

Tyler et al., 2003 (Phonology first versus Simultaneous)b

Finite morpheme composite

3- to

4 schools/
19 children





> 0.05

Target generalization

3- to

4 schools/
19 children





> 0.05

Tyler et al., 2003 (Morphological first versus Alternating)b

Finite morpheme composite

3- to

4 schools/
21 children






> 0.05

Target generalization

3- to

4 schools/
21 children





> 0.05

Tyler et al., 2003 (Morphological first versus Simultaneous)b

Finite morpheme composite

3- to

4 schools/
19 children






> 0.05

Target generalization

3- to

4 schools/
19 children






> 0.05

Phonological Awareness Training June 2012

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WWC Intervention Report

(standard deviation)
Outcome measure


Tyler et al., 2003 (Alternating versus


WWC calculations








Finite morpheme composite

3- to

4 schools/
20 children






> 0.05

Target generalization

3- to

4 schools/
20 children





> 0.05

Table Notes: The supplemental findings presented in this table are additional findings from the studies in this report that do not factor into the determination of the intervention
rating. Positive results for mean difference, effect size, and improvement index favor the intervention group; negative results favor the comparison group. The effect size is a
standardized measure of the effect of an intervention on student outcomes, representing the change (measured in standard deviations) in an average students outcome that can
be expected if the student is given the intervention. The improvement index is an alternate presentation of the effect size, reflecting the change in an average students percentile
rank that can be expected if the student is given the intervention. nr = not reported.

For OConnor et al. (1993), a correction for multiple comparisons was needed and results in significance levels that differ from those in the original study. The p-values presented
here were reported in the original study. In the comparison of the Blending group against the Rhyming group, none of the contrasts that were reported as statistically significant by
the authors was found to be statistically significant by the WWC due to a multiple comparison adjustment. In the comparison of the Blending group against the Segmenting group,
the contrast of Segmenting: First sound was not found to be statistically significant by the WWC due to a multiple comparison adjustment. In the comparison of the Rhyming group
against the Segmenting group, the following contrasts were not found to be significant by the WWC due to a multiple comparison adjustment: Segmenting: All sounds, Segmenting:
Onset-rime, Segmenting: First sound, Rhyming: Production, Rhyming: Oddity. The WWC calculated the program group mean using a difference-in-differences approach (see the WWC
Procedures and Standards Handbook, Appendix B) by adding the impact of the program (i.e., difference in mean gains between the intervention and comparison groups) to the unadjusted comparison group posttest means. The WWC did not find that any of the nr contrasts were statistically significant. The article presents slightly different baseline results for the
groups in Table 1 (p. 535) and Figures 24 (pp. 539541). We have used the results from Figures 24 in these calculations since they also included the posttest results.

b For Tyler et al. (2003), no corrections for clustering or multiple comparisons were needed. The authors appear to have only presented statistically significant findings in the prose
of the article, and these contrasts were not mentioned as statistically significant. The WWC confirmed that the groups were not significantly different on either outcome. The WWC
calculated the program group mean using a difference-in-differences approach (see the WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Appendix B) by adding the impact of the program
(i.e., difference in mean gains between the intervention and comparison groups) to the unadjusted comparison group posttest means. The study reported gain scores and gain score
standard deviations. In order to properly calculate effect sizes, the WWC obtained raw means and standard deviations from the study authors, which are reported here.

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Appendix E: Single-case design studies reviewed for this intervention

Study citation

Study disposition

Gierut, J. A. (1990). Differential learning of phonological oppositions. Journal

of Speech and Hearing Research, 33(3), 540549.

Meets WWC pilot Single-Case Design standards

Gierut, J. A., Morrisette, M. L., & Champion, A. H. (1999). Lexical constraints The study does not meet WWC pilot Single-Case Design standards because
in phonological acquisition. Journal of Child Language, 26(2), 261294.
inter-assessor agreement was not measured at least once in each phase and
on at least 20% of the data points in each condition.
Tyler, A. A., & Sandoval, K. T. (1994). Preschoolers with phonological and
language disorders: Treating different linguistic domains. Language, Speech,
and Hearing Services in Schools, 25(4), 215234.

The study does not meet WWC pilot Single-Case Design standards because
it does not have at least three attempts to demonstrate an intervention effect
at three different points in time.

Ziolkowski, R. A. (2004). Effects of an emergent literacy intervention for children with language impairments from low income environments (Unpublished
doctoral dissertation). Florida State University, Tallahassee.

The study does not meet WWC pilot Single-Case Design standards because
inter-assessor agreement was not measured at least once in each phase and
on at least 20% of the data points in each condition.

Table Notes: The supplemental studies presented in this table do not factor in the determination of the intervention rating.

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Phonological awareness training does not have a single developer or official description. The descriptive information for this program
was adapted from publicly available sources: descriptions of this practice (see the websites listed under Program Information) and
research articles (OConnor et al., 1993; Sweat, 2003; Tyler et al., 2003; Tyler et al., 2011). Further verification of the accuracy of the
descriptive information for this program is beyond the scope of this review. The literature search for this report includes group design
and single-case design studies publicly available by September 2011.

The studies in this report were reviewed using WWC Evidence Standards, version 2.1, as described in the Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities review protocol, version 2.0. The evidence presented in this report is based on available research. Findings and conclusions may change as new research becomes available. Four WWC intervention reports in the Early
Childhood Education topic area review phonological awareness training alone or in combination with other practices, as well as two
curricula that focus on phonological awareness: Daisy Quest and Sound Foundations.

For criteria used in the determination of the rating of effectiveness and extent of evidence, see the WWC Rating Criteria on p. 41. These
improvement index numbers show the average and range of student-level improvement indices for all findings across the studies.

Readers who are unfamiliar with the terminology related to phonological awareness training and the development of reading may find
it helpful to consult the glossary of terms available from the National Literacy Information and Communication System (http://lincs.
ed.gov/research/researchdef.html) and the definitions of outcome measures in Appendix B.

The other intervention groups had high differential attrition when compared to the comparison group and were not equivalent to the
comparison group at baseline. This report includes the comparison of the three phonological awareness training conditions to one
another in Appendix D.

There were a total of 30 children randomly assigned to intervention or comparison groups; 18 were from the United States and 12
were from New Zealand (and were therefore not included in this review). Random assignment in the study was conducted using a
matched pairs design, which occurred on a rolling basis. In one case in the United States sample, the random assignment process
spanned two cohorts, because there were an odd number of children in the first cohort of the study. In this instance, one child in the
first cohort was randomly assigned to a group, and when a match was identified in the next cohort, that matched child was assigned
to the opposite condition. The WWC determined that this process did not constitute random assignment in accordance with the
matched pair design, and as such, only the data from the remaining 16 children in the eight uncompromised pairs were included in
this review. Specifically, the issue flagged by the WWC was that the child in the second cohort was selected into a pair and thus was
assigned to a condition based on their demographic similarity to the child in the first cohort, and not based on a random process.

One outcome from Sweat (2003)final consonant clusters, third person singularwas excluded because of high attrition and lack
of established baseline equivalence.

Information provided by the study author at the WWCs request.

The other intervention groups were excluded because of high differential attrition when compared to the comparison group and lack
of baseline equivalence. This report includes the comparison of the three phonological awareness training conditions to one another in
Appendix D.

The observed scores on the Bankson-Bernthal Test of Phonology at baseline demonstrated that the sample was eligible for the
Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities review.

The information that the two groups of children included in this intervention report came from four of the five sites was obtained
through an author query.

Comparisons of all four intervention groups against the comparison group did not meet evidence standards because of a lack of
baseline equivalence. Although the comparisons of the four intervention groups against one another meet WWC standards, it was
determined that the most meaningful and interpretable contrast for the purposes of this report was to compare phonological instruction against morphosyntax instruction. This contrast could be accomplished by comparing Group A and Group B at 12 weeks and is
the only contrast included as providing evidence of the effect of phonological awareness training in Appendix C. The other five contrasts that met WWC evidence standards are included in Appendix D for transparency.

The observed scores on the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation and Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test at baseline demonstrated that the sample was eligible for the Early Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities review.


All of the eligible outcomes measured in the four studies that meet WWC evidence standards have been included, even though
some outcomes might appear to be overaligned to the interventions being delivered. With interventions that are practices targeted at
young populations (as is the case in this report), researchers will commonly measure outcomes that are directly being taught during

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the intervention (e.g., when teaching young children to count to 10, assessing their ability to count to 10 can be considered a reasonable outcome). In this report, a consistent approach of including all eligible outcomes was applied, given the type of intervention being
examined and the age of the population of interest.

Recommended Citation
U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse. (2012, June). Early
Childhood Education Interventions for Children with Disabilities intervention report: Phonological awareness
training. Retrieved from http://whatworks.ed.gov.

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WWC Rating Criteria

Criteria used to determine the rating of a study
Study rating


Meets WWC evidence standards

without reservations

A study that provides strong evidence for an interventions effectiveness, such as a well-implemented RCT.

Meets WWC evidence standards

with reservations

A study that provides weaker evidence for an interventions effectiveness, such as a QED or an RCT with high attrition that has established equivalence of the analytic samples.

Criteria used to determine the rating of effectiveness for an intervention

Rating of effectiveness


Positive effects

Two or more studies show statistically significant positive effects, at least one of which met WWC evidence
standards for a strong design, AND
No studies show statistically significant or substantively important negative effects.

Potentially positive effects

At least one study shows a statistically significant or substantively important positive effect, AND
No studies show a statistically significant or substantively important negative effect AND fewer or the same number
of studies show indeterminate effects than show statistically significant or substantively important positive effects.

Mixed effects

At least one study shows a statistically significant or substantively important positive effect AND at least one study
shows a statistically significant or substantively important negative effect, but no more such studies than the number
showing a statistically significant or substantively important positive effect, OR
At least one study shows a statistically significant or substantively important effect AND more studies show an
indeterminate effect than show a statistically significant or substantively important effect.

Potentially negative effects

One study shows a statistically significant or substantively important negative effect and no studies show
a statistically significant or substantively important positive effect, OR
Two or more studies show statistically significant or substantively important negative effects, at least one study
shows a statistically significant or substantively important positive effect, and more studies show statistically
significant or substantively important negative effects than show statistically significant or substantively important
positive effects.

Negative effects

Two or more studies show statistically significant negative effects, at least one of which met WWC evidence
standards for a strong design, AND
No studies show statistically significant or substantively important positive effects.

No discernible effects

None of the studies shows a statistically significant or substantively important effect, either positive or negative.

Criteria used to determine the extent of evidence for an intervention

Extent of evidence


Medium to large

The domain includes more than one study, AND

The domain includes more than one school, AND
The domain findings are based on a total sample size of at least 350 students, OR, assuming 25 students in a class,
a total of at least 14 classrooms across studies.


The domain includes only one study, OR

The domain includes only one school, OR
The domain findings are based on a total sample size of fewer than 350 students, AND, assuming 25 students
in a class, a total of fewer than 14 classrooms across studies.

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Glossary of Terms
Attrition Attrition occurs when an outcome variable is not available for all participants initially assigned
to the intervention and comparison groups. The WWC considers the total attrition rate and
the difference in attrition rates across groups within a study.

Clustering adjustment If intervention assignment is made at a cluster level and the analysis is conducted at the student
level, the WWC will adjust the statistical significance to account for this mismatch, if necessary.

Confounding factor A confounding factor is a component of a study that is completely aligned with one of the
study conditions, making it impossible to separate how much of the observed effect was
due to the intervention and how much was due to the factor.

Design The design of a study is the method by which intervention and comparison groups were assigned.
Domain A domain is a group of closely related outcomes.
Effect size The effect size is a measure of the magnitude of an effect. The WWC uses a standardized
measure to facilitate comparisons across studies and outcomes.

Eligibility A study is eligible for review and inclusion in this report if it falls within the scope of the

review protocol and uses either an experimental or matched comparison group design.

Equivalence A demonstration that the analysis sample groups are similar on observed characteristics
defined in the review area protocol.

Extent of evidence An indication of how much evidence supports the findings. The criteria for the extent
of evidence levels are given in the WWC Rating Criteria on p. 41.

Improvement index Along a percentile distribution of students, the improvement index represents the gain

or loss of the average student due to the intervention. As the average student starts at
the 50th percentile, the measure ranges from 50 to +50.

Multiple comparison When a study includes multiple outcomes or comparison groups, the WWC will adjust
adjustment the statistical significance to account for the multiple comparisons, if necessary.
Quasi-experimental A quasi-experimental design (QED) is a research design in which subjects are assigned
design (QED) to intervention and comparison groups through a process that is not random.
Randomized controlled A randomized controlled trial (RCT) is an experiment in which investigators randomly assign
trial (RCT) eligible participants into intervention and comparison groups.
Rating of effectiveness The WWC rates the effects of an intervention in each domain based on the quality of the

research design and the magnitude, statistical significance, and consistency in findings. The
criteria for the ratings of effectiveness are given in the WWC Rating Criteria on p. 41.

Single-case design A research approach in which an outcome variable is measured repeatedly within and

across different conditions that are defined by the presence or absence of an intervention.

Standard deviation The standard deviation of a measure shows how much variation exists across observations
in the sample. A low standard deviation indicates that the observations in the sample tend
to be very close to the mean; a high standard deviation indicates that the observations in
the sample tend to be spread out over a large range of values.

Statistical significance Statistical significance is the probability that the difference between groups is a result of

chance rather than a real difference between the groups. The WWC labels a finding statistically
significant if the likelihood that the difference is due to chance is less than 5% (p < 0.05).

Substantively important A substantively important finding is one that has an effect size of 0.25 or greater, regardless
of statistical significance.

Please see the WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook (version 2.1) for additional details.
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