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Let me explain how saints are born, in very simple terms.

As the Kundalini Shakthi continues to rise, the

consciousness continues to expand. In the seventh life, the Kundalini reaches the Sahastrasaar or the
Chakra which means the consciousness has expanded 100% or the term that is used is that the person
attained enlightenment or achieved Nirvana. Such souls, when they are born the eighth time are born
out of
their own free will. They choose when they have to be born and they choose when they have
to depart.
Humanity simply creates situations for these great souls to be born. Whenever universe has faced
times, these souls have come to the earth and restored the balance of the universe. Be it Lord Krishna,
Christ, Gautam Buddha, Mahavir, Prophet Mohammad or Nityananda, they came as children of God and
out His orders for our Benefit.

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