AgroHomeopathy Tidbits - Alan v. Schmukler - 2008

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AgroHomeopathy Tidbits
Posted By Alan V. Schmukler On July 16, 2008 @ 6:24 pm In Agro Homeopathy - Agriculture &
Farming with Homeopathy,General Papers | 1 Comment

One of the challenges made to homeopathy, is that it only works by placebo. What better way to
dispel that notion, than by showing that plants respond to the remedies. Here we reference three
studies using homeopathic preparations on plants, plus an anecdotal report on homeopathic
preparations being used as fertilizer nutrients and to protect plants from pests.
Also in this issue, be sure to read Mark Moodies article, Homeopathy for Plants and the book
review of Homeopathy for Farm and Garden.

Homeopathically prepared gibberellic acid and barley seed germination

B Hamman,1, G Koning1 and K Him Lok2
1 Department of Botany, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
2 Department of Homoeopathy, Technikon of Natal, Durban, South Africa
The potentisation process by which homeopathic preparations are produced raises the concern
that these medicines have placebo effects only, since they theoretically no longer contain active
molecules of the diluted substance. Plant models offer a method of examining the efficacy of
homeopathically prepared solutions. This study examined the effects of homeopathically prepared
gibberellic acid (HGA3) on the germination performance of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seeds.
The effect of HGA3 (4200 cH) on seed germination rate and seedling development was compared
to that of the most commonly used form of gibberellic acid (GA3), 0.5 g l-1, and control (distilled
water). The extent and type of response was dependent on the vigour level of the seedlot.
Treating seeds from three vigour groups in HGA3 consistently resulted in larger seedlings.
High-vigour seeds treated with HGA3 4, 30 and 200 cH germinated faster, and roots of mediumvigour seedlots treated in HGA3 15 cH were longer. Biphasic effects of HGA3 were also
demonstrated. As a plant model, germinating barley seeds successfully demonstrated the ability
of HGA3 to produce a biological response.
Homeopathy. 2003 Oct;92(4):195-202.

Effects of homeopathic arsenic on tobacco plant resistance to tobacco mosaic virus.

Theoretical suggestions about system variability, based on a large experimental data
Betti L, Lazzarato L, Trebbi G, Brizzi M, Calzoni GL, Borghini F, Nani D.
Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Bologna
University, Italy.
CONTEXT: This research aimed at verifying the efficacy of homeopathic treatments by
plant-based bioassays, which may be suitable for basic research, because they lack placebo
effects and provide large datasets for statistical analyses. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of
homeopathic treatments of arsenic trioxide (As2O3) on tobacco plants subjected to tobacco
mosaic virus (TMV) inoculation as biotic stress. DESIGN: Blind, randomized experiment using
tobacco leaf disks. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cultivar
Samsun) carrying the TMV resistance gene N. TMV inoculated leaf disks were floated for 3 days in
the following: Distilled water (control). H2O 5 and 45 decimal and centesimal potencies. As2O3 5
and 45 decimal and centesimal potencies. The main outcome measures is the number of
hypersensitive lesions observed in a leaf disk. RESULTS: Homeopathic treatments of arsenic
induce two effects on the plant: (i) increased resistance to TMV; (ii) decrease variability between
experiments (system variability). CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental model two actions of
homeopathic treatment were detected: decrease in system variability and enhancement of the
natural tendency of the system towards an equilibrium point.
PMID: 14587686 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

04.02.2011 17:45

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Homoeopathy for healthy farm produce

Pankaj Jaiswal, Hindustan Times
Lucknow, July 17, 2007
Homoeopathy works wonders on the human body. But apparently, it has the same effect on
plants too, as an ascetic in Allahabad has proven. Over 400 farmers have shifted from chemical
fertilizers and insecticides to his homoeopathic drugs and claim their crops have never been
For the last five years, Swami Paramananda has been using his mixtures on farm produce with
great success. He has formulated six mixtures Homoeo Amrit, Sanjeevani, Rakshak, Sudha,
Jeevan and Vardaan. While the first two eliminate the need for DAP and urea, two widely used
fertilizers, the others protect against a variety of plant disease and pests. Potatoes grown using
my mixtures dont shrivel up even months after harvesting. They dont require cold storage too,
he says. Farmers find these (mixtures) economical, effective and healthy. One little snag is that
spraying can be laborious.
Whats more, they are good for the environment too, Paramananda says. Chemicals are
damaging our soil. These medicines protect and conserve the soil, and increases yield.
A government-appointed committee comprising the director general, Uttar Pradesh Council of
Agriculture Research; director of agriculture management, UP; director of research, Allahabad
Agriculture University; and two other scientists verified the results. UPCAR deputy director
general Dr R.S. Rathore said: We saw some visible effects and the farmers were satisfied. But
we will give out the results only after three years of testing. However, we did see that
homoeopathically-grown potatoes have a longer shelf life.
Interestingly, Paramananda seems to believe the way to winning over the farmers is through
their stomach. He has been holding community feasts that serve baati-chokha (stuffed
wheat-flour balls and vegetables) made from homoeopathically-grown produce. The idea seems
to be working too.

A team of Italian researchers, led by C. Cardella, observed the effects of homeopathic

diluted weed-killer on lentils sprouting.
The researchers found that, based on a total of 68 observations, those lentils that were given a
8CH of the weed- killer had a tendency to sprout in greater numbers than those lentils given a
Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath and educator. He is the author of Homeopathy: An A to Z
Home Handbook. You can visit his website at Questions and comments are
welcome at

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04.02.2011 17:45

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