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Career Journal

1. Name: Emma Brennan

2. Date: 10/8/14
3. When I was younger I wanted to be a(n)
a. Veterinarian
4. What interested me most about being this was: Come up with 2 things
I loved animals and science
5. Today if I could be anything I want, I would be:
a. Vet Tech
b. Large animal vet
6. What interests me the most about being this is:
I love animals and I love working with my horse.
7. Take a look at what interested you when you were young and what interests you
now about a career. How are the answers alike and how are they different?
Please explain in a paragraph or two.
Ever since I was little I always wanted to work with animals. I currently show dairy cattle
and work will large equine animals. When I was little I just wanted to be a vet in general,
but now I have narrowed it down to a vet tech or large animal vet. The reason I want to
be large animal vet is that there is a real shortage of large animal vet and I love working
with animals that weight tons more than me.

8. My favorite subjects in school are:

a. Most Favorite: Biology
Why: I love learning about cells and animals.
b. Second Favorite: Culinary Arts
Why: I love cooking, making your own recipes and learning about what
flour or yeast does in a recipe.
c. Third Favorite: Math
Why: Figuring out problems is fun to me.
d. Least Favorite American Government

Why: I cant stand learning about what happened in the past, yes I am
curious on how we got here, but I am more curious on biology content for
example like what makes are fingers move.

9. Two things I like to do in my spare time:

a. Equestrian (dressage)
b. Basketball
c. Working on a Dairy Farm (4H)
10. What I do best is:
Equestrian (dressage)
11. When you are doing things you like, or in a class you enjoy think about what you
are like. Below right down 3 characteristics you have when you are doing
something you like to do.
a. Hard Working
b. Strong
c. Patient
12. My friends think I am very good at:
a. Basketball
b. Dressage
c. Cooking
13. My teachers think Im very good at:
a. Turing assignment in on time
b. Paying attention
14. My parents think Im good at:
a. Biology
b. Dressage
15. Two skills that I know Im good at are:
a. Biology
b. Cooking
16. A skill I would like to get better at is:
Writing and Spelling
17. The two skills Ill most likely use in the career Im thinking about are:
a. My Biology education.

b. My Equine and animal experience.

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