History 2

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Monday September 19, 11

Negotiating colonialism

Common goals for colonial powers: append as little as possible, extract

wealth, maintain order, maintain European prestige
Colonialism on the cheap required African cooperation and participation in
the colonial system
Variation in colonial systems: direct rule (primarily French) and indirect rule
(primarily British) another complicating factor was governance in settler
colonies where white settlers held considerable political power
Belgians ruled through the Tutsi over the Hutu. The genocide in Rwanda can
be linked back to colonialism.
Lack of people on the ground to make administrative decisions.
Women used colonial law to give them rights not seen before.
Do it cheaply for Europeans, Maintain European prestige,
Assimilation the idea that Africans could be Europeanized
The bulk of the population was not assimilated and was not put under the
same abiding laws.
British colonies practiced indirect rule.
The Belgiums had the most murderous example of colonialism.
Ruling by force became very expensive for Europeans; they started to offer
rewards and penalties.
Colonial police: Black African man. Poor wages but had many perks.
Continue to use preexisting hierarchies as long as the excepted British
overrule, French however created systems of rule by drafting Africans
sometimes chiefs but not necessarily.
During the Mau Mau rebellion 32 British died(mostly in vehicle related
accidents) , a minimum of 20 000 Africans died
Colonialism was establish in 1910 and decolonization started in 1960s

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