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The Failures of the Department of Veterans Affairs

Ivan Ruben Mora

The University of Texas El Paso

In April of 2014 a major scandal unfolded in regards to the Department of Veterans
Affairs. Primarily the scandal revealed that veterans using the medical services, at several VA
facilities, had not received adequate health care. Also that perhaps others had not only suffered,
but perhaps died as a result of the inadequacies. The Office of the Inspector General, in their
investigations, unearthed not very favorable numbers. Primarily long wait times for vets at
several facilities. In addition to long wait times, but data indicating that a few veterans may have
died as a result of the lengthy wait times. These results were damning, to the extent that it
resulted in changes in administration, including the Head of the Department Secretary Shinsekis
resignation. Thorough investigations were made to see the weakest links, and point in the
department after the whistle blowers called the issues to attention.


When it comes to the operation of a government entity, the people that entity serves hold
it to a certain standard. Due to its service to the people, the entity must generally be held
accountable for its actions to a higher degree, based on its direct relation to the people it serves.
Such is the case with the Department of Veterans Affairs (here on referred to as VA). The VA is
responsible for providing assorted resources to active and retired military services, such as health
care, help with education, financing, burial assistance and other services. In April of 2014, news
broke that several VA facilities were not providing adequate health care, and that as a result may
have lead to injuries, and possibly deaths of veterans VA Health Scandal (2014). After the
debacle, four main questions need to be asked.
1. What challenges face the VA, after falling under such scrutiny?
2. How do veterans currently view the department, and do they feel confident enough in
receiving their medical need from them now?
3. How many veterans died, or perhaps were left unattended?
4. How effective and efficient is the VA?

What challenges face the VA, after falling under such scrutiny?
The VA serves both active and retired military personnel, across the United States.
Challenges facing the VA post scandal include, but are not limited to, damage control, reassuring
the public that they are indeed competent and capable, as well as keeping their staff morale up.

The hardest hit facility, according to the Office of the Inspector General, was in Phoenix
Arizona. Here there were 225 allegations in regards to health care, and nearly 450 allegations in
regards to manipulated wait times at other facilities. (Dept.VA OIG 2014).

How do veterans currently view the department, and do they feel confident enough in
receiving their medical need from them now?
Undoubtedly there are mixed views on VA before, and certainly after the scandal.
However a surprising issue, and viewpoint found, was veterans angry, specifically not
necessarily with the VA, but rather with the media itself, for its lack of coverage of the issue.
VA scandal awareness is slipping from the public consciousness according to an article on, Krause B (2014). Locally, in an interview conducted with a retired Colonel, he
feels confident and remains so, in the care he receives from the local VA clinic (T. White Col.
Ret., personal communication, Nov 2, 2014)

How many veterans died, or perhaps were left unattended?

In a report filed from the Office of the Inspector General, their report concluded that an
alleged 40 veterans died as a result of the lapses in care at the VA (Dept VA OIG) according to
a whistleblower. However, more concretely, however the report finds that 6 veterans died as a
result of delays (Dept VA OIG). Overall delays were said to have been felt all over the
country, with the Phoenix facility being among the most problematic, and recording the worst

How effective and efficient is the VA?

The dept appears to have lost serious focus in many instances, sacrificing patient welfare
for other goals instead. Advancement opportunities, bonuses and other assorted perks depended
on favorable wait times Roy (2014). These sacrifices for care erupted into, scandal,
investigations, restructure, and resignation of Secretary Shinseki.

(VA Admin Health Scandal 2014) n.d.

Questions and Answers Review of Alleged Patient Deaths, Patient Wait Times, and Scheduling
Practices at the Phoenix VA Health Care System. (2014, August 26). Retrieved October 10,
2014, from
Krause, B. (2014, June 11). Veterans Speak Out As VA Scandal News Coverage Fades Read
more: Http:// Retrieved October 14, 2014,
VA hospital scandal: 5 things to know. (2014, July 25). AZcentral. Retrieved October 14, 2014,
Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014. (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 14, 2014,
T. White Col. Ret., personal communication, Nov 2, 2014

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