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Citigroup model of

GBS relationship
Group No. 8
Abhishek Mudgal - 238

1998Citicorp + travellers = Citigroup
1st modern American universal bank (comprehensive banking,
securities, insurance services)
Superior ability to withstand financial shocks due to broadly
diversified activities

Merger against all odds

Existing rules allowed Citigroup to own the Travelers
insurance underwriting business for two years before
either divestment or FRB approval.
tremendous pressure on Congress to authorize
universal banking.
Received advance clearance from regulatory and political
leaders especially FRB chairman Alan Greenspan,
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, and President Clinton
Congress repealed Sections 20 and 32 of the GlassSteagall Act of 1933 and modified Section 4 of the Bank
Holding Company Act of 1956 (BHC Act) to allow
citigroup to form.

Bold Statements

We are creating the model financial

institution of the future . . . .
In a world thats changing very
rapidly, we will be able to withstand
the storms.
Travelers chairman Sanford
(Sandy) Weill

Not even God himself could sink this ship.

White Star Line employee at the launch of Titanic

On November 17, 2008, Citigroup announced plans for about
52,000 new job cuts, resulting from four quarters of
consecutive losses and reports that it was unlikely to be in
profit again before 2010. The same day on Wall Street markets
responded, with shares falling and dropping the company's
market capitalization to $6 billion, down from $300 billion two
years prior.
Federal government injected $45 billion of new capital into
the bank and provided the bank with $500 billion of additional
help in the form of asset guarantees, debt guarantees and
liquidity assistance.

Blot of Shame
Citigroups Involvement with Enron and
Citigroups Tainted Research Advice and
European Bond Trading (DR. Evil) and Japanese
Private Banking

As can be seen in case study research there was dominance of
business and government in citigroup since its inception which
were working hand in hand for their gain and some powerful
people personalities influenced working of the organization.
So, we conclude that dominance model of GBS relationship
applies in citigroup.

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