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Good Lives Leaders Project

What did we do?

Together we designed the project and looked at
Why we were doing it
What we wanted to achieve
What we could and couldnt do

Together we came up with the documents to use:

Getting to know me sheets/One page profile explaining who we are
Information pack (explains what we do)
Reporting sheet (recording what we think)

Scott from Inclusion North hosted 6, 1 day sessions, including 2 days training

Who helped design the project

Inclusion North
Lead Elected Member for learning
People with learning disabilities
Family carers
Service providers
In-house providers
Joint Commissioning Service
Adult Social Care Contracts Team
Clinical Commissioning Group

What is it about?
We check that people with learning disabilities have good lives

A good places to live

That they are valued in their community or where they work

That they have relationships

We are not inspectors we are checkers

How does it work in practice?

Each Good Lives Leader is supported by an organisation (Leeds
Advocacy, Connect in the North or Better Action for Families)

The support organisation arranges with providers for us to talk to

people who use their service
We visit after Sandras team have been

Before we go we decide what to talk to people about

The support organisations write the reports for us (We tell

them what to write). We send the reports to Sandra Twitchett

How does it work in practice?

I can claim expenses

I commit about a day per service

I do as much as I want to

I can get access to training

How have we made a difference?

We have visited about 11 services in Leeds
so far
We have spoken about what we thought was
working / not working and if people are
having a good life.
Our reports have been sent to the provider
The provider will need to take action on the
points we raised

Why are we doing it?

Because we are either a person with a learning
disability or a family carer of a person with a
learning disability

We want to make a difference

Its just the beginning and we are still finding
our feet

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