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Assess the implications of J.

K Rowlings speech in relation to

The text The fringe benefits of failure by J.K Rowling has embedded themes and concepts
relating to discovery. As a result, the most effective way to unearth this link is through a
thematic exploration of the text. What can be said, is that, in the text, the composer points
out the value of the imagination and failure. Although this in itself can be said to link to
discovery, many other themes conducive to the study of discovery emerge.
A concept emerging from the text is that the ability to discover is limited or hindered by the
limits individuals place on themselves. This can only be transcended through discovery of
the deeper meaning of life. J.K Rowling, through anecdotes, supplements and supports her
point of view which is best encapsulated through her line what we achieve inwardly will
change our outer reality meaning that whatever is achieved will effect perceptions of the
world and existence. This is linked directly to discovery and, as a result, Rowling speech
implies that discovery is shaped by achievement.
Furthermore, the speech reinforces the potentially paradoxical and quixotic nature of
discovery. In itself, the title is inherently paradoxical, with benefit and failure contrasting
and incongruous. However, given the insights provided, discovery of failure teachesto
value imagination. The paradoxical, in this case, becomes complementary. Through this,
Rowlings speech implies that discovery can indeed be paradoxical, but the insights gained
are still valuable.

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