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BORE ceg Pecks Sa acd (A) Ontst November, 2000 Ceo ue (©) On 15th August, 2001 (ORR Ee taa 1) Te eR Cec CMDR Curia (©) Into Arabian Sea OM a Cy TE CT Dard (CVs CMOS) (©) InMandia (D) InBetul ea ae) Oe accu CR Mod (Or mS U es en Ppa gee reer CRC oie etc nu (CME) (©) 201 persons per square km (D) None of these eo ec) Neeser kd (A) 1957 (B) 1968 (© 1964 (0) 1970 The ‘Urja Rajdhani’ (Energy Capi- PN ar ee (A) Sidhi —(®) Jabalpur (OR COLL ee cc) Deere EE Ed Oc nog (Cece anaes MCU Rac Oc cd rT} 1" rs cE ry 15. TS Which of the following is a not ere ins (Neca co yma) Roca (Orca Tac mC Due cum) Ceres mL) (B) 1980 oma) (ered PER Cem Dae (ieee s Cee Tere toscamt es (eR Cr) mc Matatila Dam was constructed on Rea CCS) (eC mem eu Where are the ‘Sal’ forest mainly Ces (NCC Mer Ome eS er em eC nue) oe CN cued ey ee Cee Reo) scheduled castes eee Which division of Madhya Pee ced mC mcg Coe) ret Which Geographical line passes ee eee (Nea) eros cre Te Ty Pam (C) Equatorial ny In which year was Madhya Pra- eeu aioe ee MOC aca (Vee ec ac} (CMe ae} (C) 19th January, 1994 ORR CU aaa) Oe National Kalidas Award in the eee aan Nee CV CO UC) CU eu Oye enya Te SIC dary ck Veg een Omar eect) Nee eau y line of the Kaurava rulers ? Vea Cu (Om Which building was designed by Se Re ae ae DO Cd Var EU CRC (C) Legislative Assembly Pier Oty Which city of Madhya Pradesh is called ‘Sanskardhani' ? CV Cn (C) Jabalpur (D) Bhopal Me ec tae) CO ood Cea Comoe OL) cc) ee Ere Ey cr Ce ae Pe eC cg i UC on (A) Iqbal Samman Ce uke ORS ULL OTe uu Rar ey eee aes eee Training College Dehra Dun prec eed Mmmm (C) Bhopal (0) Pachmarhi Meee ey Ce ue been implemented in Kanha-Kisli Pere menue Cea (C) Switzerland Om Oe ues) Sa) according to the decision of the fees Seen CCNY ceed mars Onn er Ce Meee eo) Peta eI) Coeceed (A) Baiga (8) Gond CO: CLT ean ae od ee ee Cr) ‘among the young boys and girls ? eae) COM RCE For which of the following arts is Peni teenie a Ree Rees On es Mare Ozone (©) Music Oo nus Cun aU Der ee ene eo TOs (A) 1972 (8) 1980 aL oy Evy 33, Era EEy ET Era cr 39, Na Tee UC unease) RRC! Ben CRC RUCm Rey nie Deen) On ase rar) ORC anu) Cea eee d De CC Veer ma ac) Dra oad Ce (B) 21 ea ed Ae ead Se EER etek) Dae cn od (een (©) Neemuch (Mandsaur) Ou) oR UCL SNE MCU and OS nC og (©) Jabalpur (0) Bhopal RST aa Se mae uke Ce uae Cerca Ec (COM cucc cos (Omar Oona Aaa Emer ee Ran ey es CeCe I) (ROO Te Me a on Cetera CCC cy Crane ct OMe ane Oe pees Pu ac sed Coss (Ceci COM cay (Oma ery at. ers ry rT a Se ed anes Coca aoc) (Ca Oy ae SRR Ron Enc nCaes CCR ae Ea (8). To safeguard the public pro- coy nme) Pe ea er ud can nl Dera See Ee Cn CD mm (C) Uganda (D) South Attica In which year did Gabriel Lipp- ee mcs a Pia CVn Cog (oa aD Sea ect Cad ee) (earners Ou) SR eR eae CV Mee mea (C) Sir Girja Shankar Bajpai CACC SR Ra Der ee Roe Pet eer eC (A) Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore (8) Ranjan Sodhi ee Oyen See ecu Sa cu Okc pik eC) mie (Mc Cel cr cr) EY By Eo Ex} Eo Eo Aue ne rete cage Pe CAR Rea) ad Oe me (©) Poland (0) Spain Tue Ca Cd directed the film ‘Train To ea mera cae Cee (©) Richard Attenborough ON a BO ead Prot ccs ae neta Cet ad Omega NNR DCR RC ucued relating to Analog Computer is Ceci CM eR RL) digital form (B)_ Input is never converted into digital form Oe ese Lc a Og) Who invented the high level Pareto ere Cea Ome ema Reet RR en Rees ena Nes een ea) CMe een ay (©) 110th of the Total Members OR Ne eC ca) Re ge ad (OMe ueary Cm Om Re sy ONAL Ur What is the length and breadth of a football field ? CnC Cnet een CORE ROE eri) OR neta a 56. ca 58. oo) 60. 61. Ce x3 Se ae Sr eMC Cue acs mk RRC RUC Pe ee transferred to Pakistan in 1947 Be en tue (Oe Su le Meera) (ORS Sue CT Moe cence (NNO (mee) Pe Rn Cee a (A) Shiva (B) Lakshmi (ONO Pen ue) was selected for Dhyanchand Deen aed Neo ye eee oe Ca DU ee Pea a cus Saas Ses one Cas SR eke no Peete aR me nad more children’s tickets were sold Cee nea (A) 30 (eo (0) 60 (D) 90 See ke CoC Pena CMe (Cou ket Rue (0) McDowells Challenge Cup Sn ae en eae (EOC Pc (8) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel eS Ce“ UC AE (OA une ee) 65. 66. 67. Co LO ” ‘Who amongst the following is most benefited from inflation ? (Seer Cera Ue une eed Oe ent eae SU any Ces aur eS ee (no) el (melo Dee Ee RCTs Tei un ecu TSN Cera (men ao ae Docume Cog eae) ee UC) era (Neu ecus cea) COC me mu Oud Ot uu CUA Coca Se ee ue See ee Cee ear ema Ree eke ane ek ny 8 Ci ee Which one of the following is the main task of the Planning Com- eed (NC) CMe tena (Mae tkeia () Both (A) and (8) SU tC Rn its sour taste is due to— Occ) mene (mere (0) Tartaric acid DR ed International Court of Justice Aes Nec UC OM C ORR es ce Zs cs 76. 7A 78. ce Pe a Reece cc eke ae on Cuoco) (8) Paper and Iron Oona u rt Oar uu kes Se OM eee na CA Cac (8) Gujarat OMCurEy (D) Tamil Nadu Pn Roe a a) eee Mee aR a CRs Sena (B) Roorkee Engineering Coll- eae) (©) IT, Kharagpur (D) IIT, BHU Varanasi TRU ere ged the Supreme Court of India lie ? CR ae ene (Cie Ree Tan) CM eee (D) The Union Ministry of Law ee ee) Beene no ma ea (OE a eeu) od Sa RE Tele Peet) tan 6= ot is ary J ns (Oe 12 rd Coe © % eee eee ee ee) Bae Reel PAU RL) eee ae Cae ae (OM ee ae eta RR ee Pee en RC mun) Ce ee De R ete e na ae) eee me ce cy co cea cs cr cs VEO Cee mT Com R CCE oC) CORE) 3 See eRe ay ree eee eon ee any eC ie aneeet aT i ae a ee Lor ene (0) metre oe ee ne) tan x Pier eae re ane ro Oa (8) sinx (Ours meu Ce Ce eS Rm) ro nec CR coe CNet (Ceca a kd eat SD Comoe Det Sol Set 2d el ee ae ee oa) on es om (er men er The rate of wheat increased by EU a Reece ng ee uc eee) ees ye ()d (Co) a CE Ue Cua) Sere SD uae Ee uae) twice as many as left with you.” SEC aC) area eR thrice as many as left with you.” Me ome) Cee (Qe CUR Ter mS eed cA con Oma DELS OR CURRED UR RRL) Eau) home along the same route at 30 Cece rena (A) 40 km/hour CMC ng Omar Omang De ee eR Ue ee ea Cee ne are) marks of the total marks and Ce) ee ae Comer) eee ec ic sary for passing is— Ce Oe ee eum Rd 150 men for 45 days. After 10 days 25 men left the fort. How eu Renu a Peck CCA (C) 35days (0) 55 days Te Re Un Ce Rae Re eu) Cama mae work ? RLM (C) 8days —(D) 10 days Tue interest became double in 20 years. The time period for becom- eg OME CE Bet OM nme ORC Se Re aS ST Re ee) Ur) become equal after 2, 3 and 4 years respectively. The ratio bet- ee ee aoe haan (A) 10:15:20 (8) 110: 115:120 el REE ee Sr hn Ea) to] aC CMC ee ee MRM Ren mee en) 96. co certain sum of money for 2 years Peace eu cose) een aa eed Ce Re mn interest p.a. are— (VM SRR RL) emg ena CSR emmy eee men ai (Er unm iS Dea ea (Oe xO Rm aL emergent Bee ceo ad Raa eT Ca Rae) ERS Conc Cae Se nme cn Deen setae RACES ES) (B) % 150, 760, %30 (Oma aCe ee) OR aT) TO ee) POR cee es eee) Pte ees SE mn se ed Neorg mers ome RTs ae oD Ser emma while buying and selling. In this Rare a mec is— en (os a en Cee Ce ee ad Sam tea) Ce RR is— (A) %500 (8) %375 (oe td Te ee ee Les Te ee of ais— eal el Cy er a7 es real oe Mer, co) 100, TT 102, 103, cls algebraic expressions are (x +3) Oe eee a Cee Rea eed Se a is— Cero) eee eey (eee Ora) Te meee Rr) eR ae) OME) (©) 31188 (0) 38138 Te RU ao Oe e Cen em Cea eros (CYS od om een Ete TE eae PCR m a end eae eer) bisectors of all the four interior See a Cat) sd cer RC ee uae aaa) Bese Rese geae) meets RS in O, the 2POQ is Ca Ce lo ee Te OR CCU ey co CNG cue ao Coen ey rey (C) Right-angled Isosceles tri- eae ee ona wey TR eR Rea eee ul Pee cee) rere OR ea) (Omer 105. cm a Tc cr} at} one TAR ee PUR ed CA and CB in the ratio 1 : 2, eae aa eno Tig pee OR aaa ET BAN) Oa aOR ee ale a) triangle ABC such that ZBOC = rae a ee7 Ce Ok Oo Soe Ree ier) Ce eee CUR eMC oat PUR Mmmm eC) ee eo) ME oa) (om ePxou) (0) 246m, 6/5cm SLeRe mic esac) Ce ean Ca RL OE Tu (A) 16 metre (B) 17 metre (C) 18 metre (D) 29 metre a Um Se a! Br ER Bes faethe Or Te) Re Tu) omer rn) ORs ou) SOC CR CeCe Te) Paenea ae e eee rsa) ee Ru Renee Oe cmd RU a (VEE ere ce uy (OMe omen (D) Cannot be determined ee CRC Le utc ued Penta eae n ers Pecee rane M(elha oy) erent aS Es neers Oe ieee ic ee) COC (0) their charity eee enue COU AKC (Ort) Se eed ores (A) invest (6) investing (©) invested (0) investiture ae 118. Which expression (A), (8), (C) COON ee a Pca aed ee eR CUR en Creney fetes Rice geht rs Mere eee nC eee Oreo 114. Which phrase (A), (8), (C) or (D) Pee eee) Pens eee een) whois all the time trying to find eno) Lui (Creed Ome OR uty Dee CSR Po ee ey Question No. 115 to 119 based on its CCAIR Rn Pee Ree ma the passage. For a very long time the Nomads of North Central Asia had eee ea ae mg Ce Uae Cee Scud eae esd graze. Their true home had been the Cea mect er LM Rar eg DE acre My Clee Re a od eet ae Se eee ere ae td CeCe ue MOA Rune cs Ree ene Ce ae aoe Ree eC kn ed PRN es Cee a) Ce Cem em ed DearS Ream orcs SC a Ce Cee Coen aaron a eC UCn Cem Corer Oeenn erie ee Mey em ee ee eee eee een wa RRC Pe UCU ene CUM es Sead Pe Ee Un RC ORME CS ead CM cy CMCC) Core MO Cu) Central Asia CREE Rc Deh Gea Ce en Rr a CN ed ee Cen Reet (A), (B), (C) oF (D)— (A)_ The nomads were certainly Cee CR nn re oo CCC Cee Cts Ree Perens aed SUT CR )nelkeg Reece eel the nomads of Gentral Asia ? oC rz or (Ven) Ad Cement) Ss een en Ram Cy cy CMC em Ce RNs ca) eee RU Re Cd (A), (B), (C) or (D) that best eC Rea ea) Coa De Cd Sea) eet eRe Eg) Cea rr) ar) a re 123. ce ee OO Eo cg ces (C) they very much lacked the EU gey Reco) Oe amy een PIR RU Reem) CRC om Rama underlined in the following Sed eS CUE Micon a ee aay OC RRO Ea CLS Be eae (MO een ee Pena cay (C) One who starts or organ- eee en) OR ue auc maar Which definition (A), (B), (C) ORR Ray Coed COM Re meer Ome eeu (0) Animals and birds normally nm Pe Ces a(S) CaO ee Ne CIE) een (C) has been stolen (Omron Ree Rue ee Co rer ordinate conjunction (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the sentence below ? NORIO Ry fT we started late. Oo Cy (©) because (D) though Pee a) er ee (D) is not in direct speech ? eee enced (8) “I cannot do this now,” said ea OMe Cog Reece a) eas Which preposition (A), (B), (C) or (D) is appropriate in the ee ed OLS Ed Tue Cm (Coat © in omy Pee aS (Sg ORE cn Recand Sed CVC een Lar) eee Ce neg Cd OM ec merc TCS) eg (D) | did not think it fit to reply Pos 127. Which word (A), (B), (C) oF (D) a aR era (A) distress (8) disease Rt nO RT Cuan CE) oe OSes td mu oa) omy (D) mine Cae Oa COM Cond CMR eMC eed (©) Have you laid the papers a Ona 1. Which word (A), (B), (C) oF (D) ee eS De eae CC Ry (Oe ORC) ee bed eae OR CR al ome Ome Dc Ce ed Sik td crm ORCI s Rui ecu ike Ce ea (0) OR oeT ued Cis iis ms ORs CR alae OOS OS enc al CM LC Coe ta eo ee CeCe Re ig eC ems CE Eco wet SCR cd Takei ce SRA Sebek IR kia! Saas ace CR Caco Eociad UR ee Rint ed MCR ear eM le cea Re eae ORCC Rs (Oe mm Rd aka Pll COR CRC Moms 2 OR Ce COR Sha SR ee CET Cac acc ue) Co et a a Mah id UE Cote VRS ae (mss (D) 7 ry 140. arr ar) aL} ee CR ACURU TC a oe (eal TCE Ice Oe emus Rs ee RRC a CULS eee Coos (mC mma Oe ea Ree Pe Rhee Ome eR Cok Le ed (8) 4 om) (ya) Sake Rca Po aa (8) 2 om [eyes el Oe aod ao Nee ec ec MoM COR OM Ci ec Ce uae Coe eR Cm rica el CR eR ame Pr amen mC ei Ahh ed Ree a Oe mR Ce eee ao eC Oe a RSC Sat Clas ORs mas mins a CR eee Me) Pr os OmGCoCE al (Ol

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