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PINUS (Pine)

Names & family

His name in another lenguages:

Spanish: Pino.
Italian: Pino.
French: Pin.
English: Pine.
Portugues: Pinheiro.
Basque lenguaje: Piua.


Scientific name
Pinus maritima

Comun name & Origin

Comun name:
Pine Maritime.
Black Pine.
Resinist Pine.

He occupates a very extensive area in the countries of western
Mediterranean, the french Atlantic zone and Portugal.

Pinus, classic name in latin of Pino.
Pinaster, pinus of latin, Pino and
termination Aster, that he indicate
the similar but of rank lower, probably,
comparate with Pine Pion.

Therapeutic uses
Balsamic, emollient very powerful,
illness respiratory, antiasthmatic,
general tonic, antiseptic,
antiinflamations, diuretic, blood tonic,
articulations or musculations pains,
external uses like conditioning,
rubefacient, antirheumatic and
skin disease.


Albar pine (pinus silvestrys)
Shoot tender (yolk), resin.

They have 30m long, with clare crown and bearing irregular and clumsy.
Brown and red and cracking thikness rind. they leaf are vey sharp and they are
special because they are not a normal leaf, they are narrow like a toothpick. This
tree have a resin and their fruit or plant are the pine nut.


Used much for the use of wood, although it does not have much quality.At
other times of much used to take very used in restocking forestales. The
pine, specifically the maritime pine, is an evergreen tree that can measure
up to 30 m in height, found in marine coastal areas and sea level measuring
1,500 m. his glass pyramid-shaped but to the old pine trees of this type is
rounded them tip and the crust is les oscurece.son of the pines that have
blades longer than about 25 cm .in spring flowers grow you and differentiate
into male and wood is used for construction and joinery, its resin
for the chemical industry. its source is in the Western Mediterranean, they
tend to be in Europe and cold sites and temperate America.

For the medicinal uses of pine is most suitable to purchase parts or preparations
in specialized establishments, since one of them is complicated homemade, for
example turpentine essence.


There are many kinds of pine trees, but the only ones that are used
medicinally are maritime pines. This type of pine produces turpentine is a
substance oleoresinosa found in outbreaks or yolks and also in crusts.It
contains hydrocarbon pinene, the substance is more rich of turpentine, and
also colosina.sirve for many things, both for materials, medicines in the
medical case is very useful for types of respiratory, asthma, bronchitis,
colds... Treatment can be applied in the form of friction, mouth or hot
baths.The termentina also is anti-inflammatory. Also used for muscle aches,
spasms and bruising.Its stimulating capacity of the adrenal glands, makes it
especially useful cone tonic and revitalising.Also is extracted from pine tar or
tar plant. It has external inflammations Chronicles, for example psoriasis or
skin conditions and skin softener.

Infusion of pine to several various inmates, such as respiratory infections, balsamic, diuretic, depurative,
antirheumatic...For the internal application you can be in infusion mode, four times a day.
External applications:
bath: are well-suited for what it contains. It is made with half a kilo of buds of pine and two liters of
water for half an hour, after straining the liquid hot water is added to the bath, it can substitute for
turpentine, making water drops 50.
Steam: The more indicated for respiratory conditions, cone asthma and bronchitis, used in mode of
bathroom as in the other case, but this time it is more usual to use turpentine, leans the a bowl of
hot liquid and vapors deeply, covering with a towel and drew in the head are inhaled for absorption.
Frictions: they are usual in muscle aches or joint. To cure this a gauze with turpentine is used and
spreads all until chest get reddish skin. Normally applies in painful areas.

Caution: Parts of pine in decoction steam combustion can occur, so it does not put the pot in the
heat, or in its effect to use the electric stove.



PITIS (Mosaic of Edward Calvert 1850 /

Bitish Museum)

The Greek mythology, Sinis (), was a giant of extraordinary strength,
son of Poseidon. His nickname was "the pines Bender", because I had habit
of folding pine trees and tying them to travelers who arrested, then
abruptly blew the tree chopping at his victim. SINIS was one of the
bandits killed by Taseo along the isthmus of Corinth, when they headed to
Athens from Troezen to be recognized by their father Aegean. SINIS had
a daughter, Perigune, who had hidden in a plantation of asparagus when
Taseo killed his father.


Pitis, in Greek mythology, was a nymph whose love disputed Pan and Boreas. Pitis prefered to Pan,
and Boreas, crash against a rock in a breath. Gea, compadecida converted in the pine tree. There
is another version of the myth, and this is Pan which kills Pitis. Well the metamorphosis occurs
while Pitis huia's bread, and this Take it like attribute her Crown and wreaths of pine in his
memory.Pitys, () is a pine in the Greek language, and that name carries them also the
Pitiusas Islands.

Homerus Lliada XIII, 389; XVI,239
Dioscorides, I, 69, 72
Teofrasto H.P. III, 9, 4
Virgiglio, Egloga, VII, 57
Marcial, XII, 50
Plinio S. N. H. XVI, 38; XV, 35; XXIII, 142

Peregrinae tum videbantur, quoniam non erant
suburbanae, pinus atque abies omnesque, quae picem

(The pines) were considered to be exotic because they were only a few
trees wich produce resin.

Plinius S. N.H. XVI, 38-46

BY: Lorea Ilgesias Leconte.


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