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Mathematics T Semester 3 [ Probability]

1. [STPM 2005 MT P2 Q8]

A four-digit number, in the range 0000 to 9999 inclusive, is formed. Find the probability that
(a) the number begins or ends with 0, [3 marks]
(b) the number contains exactly two non-zero, digits. [3 marks]
2. [STPM 2006 MT P2 Q7]
Two archers A and B take turns to shot, with archer A taking the first shot. The probabilities of
A and B hitting the bull's eye in each shot are 1/6 and 1/5 respectively. Show that the
probability of archer A hitting the bull-eye first is 1/2. [4 marks]
3. [STPM 2006 MT P2 Q8]
The probability that it rains in a certain area is 1/5. The probability that an accident occurs at a
particular corner of a road in that area is 1/20 if it rains and 1/50 if it does not rain. Find the
probability that it rains if an accident occurs at the corner. [4 marks]
4. [STPM 2007 MT P2 Q10]
Two events A and B are such that P(A) = 3/8, P(B) = 1/4 and P(A|B) =1/6.
(a) Show that the events A and B are neither independent nor mutually exclusive. [2 marks]
(b) Find the probability that at least one of the events A and B occurs. [3 marks]
(c) Find the probability that either one of the events A and B occurs. [4 marks]
5. [STPM 2008 MT P2 Q7]
There are 12 towels, two of which are red. If five towels are chosen at random, find the
probability that at least one is red. [4 marks]
6. [STPM 2008 MT P2 Q9]
In a basket of mangoes and papayas, 70% of mangoes and 60% of papayas are ripe. If 40% of
the fruits in the basket are mangoes,
(a) find the percentage of the fruits which are ripe, [3 marks]
(b) find the percentage of the ripe fruits which are mangoes. [4 marks]
7. [STPM 2009 MT P2 Q7]
There are 20 doctors and 15 engineers attending a conference. The number of women doctors
and that of women engineers are 12 and 5 respectively. Four participants from this group are
selected randomly to chair some sessions of panel discussion.
(a) Find the probability that three doctors are selected. [2 marks]
(b) Given that two women are selected, find the probability that both of them are doctors. [2]
8. [STPM 2010 MT P2 Q7]
The probability that it rains in a day is 0.25, and the probability that a student carries an
umbrella is 0.6. The probability that it rains or the student does not carry an umbrella is 0.5. If it
rains on a particular day, find the probability that the student does not carry an umbrella. [4]

Mathematics T Semester 3 [ Probability]

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