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Where in the Russian Federation would you find Chechnya?

Chechens are mainly found in the northern caucasus region in Russia.

2. How are the Chechens different from the Russians?

Chechens are different from the Russians because they resist Russian rule and want to be

3. Did the Chechens gain independence from tsars Russia after the 1917
Russian Revolution? Explain.
They joined other ethnic groups after the Russian Revolution of 1917 to form the Mountain
Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic but then the Soviet Union took over Chechnya and turned
it into a Soviet province called the Chechen Autonomous Oblast.

4. What did Stalin do to the Chechens during WWII? Why did he do this?
Stalin accused the Chechens of collaborating with the Nazis. He then disbanded the Republic in
Chechen and forcefully deported the entire population to Siberia and Kazakhstan.

5. Who, and how was their fate changed?

There fate when Stalin successor, Nikita Khrushchev, restored their province.

6. What was the first Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why?
the first Chechen War was in 1994 and ended in 1996. It started because Yeltsin opposed their
independence because he thought they were an integral part of Russia. in 1996, Yeltsin signed a
ceasefire and they agreed on a peace treaty the next year.

7. When was the second Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why?
Three years later in 1999, Chechens invades the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan. The
following months, ten bombs dropped over a period of a couple days and the government blamed
Chechens for that. These things made Russia launch its Second Chechen War. Russia got a hold
of its capital in 2000 and since then outbreaks have diminished.

8. Prior to his death in 2006, the separatist Basayev was deemed to be

responsible for the most notorious event to that point in time. Identify this
event. How many deceased militants in this event were NOT Chechen? Why
might this be a significant change in the Chechen Wars?

This was an attack on a school in Beslan. Almost 300 people died in this and most of them were
children. All of the militants were russian except for three or four of them.

9. According to the American ambassador to Russia, what terrorist group is

assisting the Chechan rebels? How/why might Americans who were once
sympathetic to the Chechen cause for independence from the Russian
Federation have changed?
al-Queda is supporting the Chechen rebels. The American ambassador has said that the leader of
the Chechens met with Osama bin laden and this would change Americans views on them
because Osama is the main person to the attacks in the US and main person to 911.

10. Do you believe the Russians should grant Chechnya their independence?
Why or why not? [Answer this question in paragraph format (minimum of
six sentences).]
I dont believe that the Russians should grant the Chechens their independence because they
havent proved to them that they are stable and able to control themselves. They have made
terrorist attacks in different places in Russia and even met with Osama before he died which
upset America. They havent formed any good alliances with people and have shown everyone
that they should be controlled rather than be independent.

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