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Name:Holly Smith

Age: 11
Teacher: Nichole Ruggles
Petersham Center School
31 Spring St Petersham MA 01366

People Continue to look for the monster of Loch Ness because British
scientists have studied the lake of Loch Ness using sonour satellites.
They want to find out more about this possible monster and they can
do that by looking in this water. People also look for this animal
because they want to find out what kind of animal it is, that is if it
truly exists. Is it a mammal,a giant fish,a dinosaur,or is this creature
not even real? This giant creature was somewhere between 12 and
16 feet long, about the size of a elephant according to sightings.
In 1960 Tim Dinsdale captured 2 minutes of the monster on
film, hoping to prove that this creature was a dinosaur called a
plesiosaur. The image was blurry but he was convinced that it was
the creature. He brought this tape to the British government they
thought this was real so they searched for the creature and all they
found were logs and branches of trees.
Who knows maybe they are real after all. All I know is that I
hope someone finds out.

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