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Infectious Diseases Interdisciplinary IB Project

Science/Math Your task is to research and report on an infectious disease that had a widespread impact.
Your role is a modern day medical researcher working at a teaching hospital. Your audience is medical
students that are learning to diagnose patients with infectious diseases. The challenge involves relaying
information not only about the scientific impact and the mathematical data, but also the societal implications
of the disease. You will create a doctors medical chart that includes summaries of the scientific information, a
graphical and written report of the mathematical data and calculations, and societal implications in order to
present to the medical students. Your product must meet the following standards
SCIENCE TASK: For your chosen disease, you will:
(1) research reliable resources,
(2) summarize/paraphrase in several well written paragraphs (NOT BULLETED LISTS) relevant scientific
information and
(3) describe and analyze the implications (societal, moral, ethical, economic, political, cultural and/or
environmental) of science as it applies to the treatment and/or prevention of the infectious disease.
Example: As a result of medical research linking lung cancer to smoking and subsequent public
awareness campaigns, the percentage of smokers has decreased from greater than 5o% in the 1950s to
less than 20% currently. **Note: This was written in my OWN words, NOT copied and pasted but
references accurate/relevant research that is sited in the bibliography.
Triple Grade (Science) = 50 pts
PRE-AP MATH/ALGEBRA TASK: For your chosen disease, you will:
(1) create a table of the data to be used for the researched disease.
(2) create a scatterplot on grid paper of the statistical data for the disease and
(3) draw and calculate the line of best fit to find trends within the disease.
(4) use Excel to generate scatterplots of the statistical data and generate the line of best fit.
(5) create a bar graph and calculate the percent of change. [Pre-AP Math only]
(6) compare your line of best fit and the line generated by the Excel program.
(7) interpolate and extrapolate data on the disease using the line of best fit.
Pre-AP Math Double Grade = 100 pts
Algebra Single Grade = 100 pts
MYP MATH TASK: For your chosen disease, you will:
(1) create a table of the data to be used for the researched disease.
(2) create a bar graph and calculate the percent of change.
MYP Math Single Grade = 100 pts
History/Literacy Your task is to research and write a historical fiction about an infectious disease that had
a widespread impact. You or someone you know has been personally affected by the disease. You are
journaling your experiences and your observations of the diseases impact on society. You are documenting
the economic, social, political, and environmental effects of the disease during a time period in which the
disease became an epidemic. You will create an ESPN chart, map, timeline, and journal entries to document
your experience for future historians. Your product must meet the following standards

HISTORY TASK: For your chosen disease, you will:

(1) research the historical impacts of the disease from reliable resources and
(2) organize research into an ESPN chart to show the diseases economic, social, political, and
environmental implications.
(3) sequence the epidemics throughout history by creating a timeline and
(4) map the outbreaks of the disease over time using the world map template provided. [Vanguard only]
Double Grade (History) = 80 pts
LITERACY TASK: For your chosen disease, you will:
(1) choose a perspective of someone associated with the disease,
(2) review your historical and scientific research and synthesize your factual information into
(3) an original, well written first-person historical narrative detailing their life, the disease, the time period,
and the epidemic.
Double Grade (Literacy) = 100 pts
Note: Students will submit two copies of their final product, one to the subject teacher and one attached to the
interdisciplinary file folder. Students will be required cite all references and resources in a correctly
formatted MLA bibliography. Any violations of Laniers academic honesty policy (plagiarism) will be
handled according to the consequences outlined on page 6 of the student planner. Written components,
including the bibliography, will be submitted to
Science November 20th and 21st
In-class Workdays: Laptop carts will be provided most days, but we strongly encourage students to
bring their own devices.
Science November 24th and 25th
Math November 24th and 25th
Math December 1st and 2nd
Science December 1st and 2nd
History December 3rd and 4th
History December 5th and 8th
Literacy December 5th and 8th
Literacy December 9th and 10th
Final Project Due:
Early submission December 11th and 12th
Final due dates December 15th and 16th

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