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Where in the Russian Federation would you find Chechnya?

Chechnya is located in Russias Caucasus Region.


How are the Chechens different from the Russians?

The Chechens have a large minority of ethnic Muslims who resist

Russian ruling.
3. Did the Chechens gain independence from tsarist Russia after
the 1917 Russian Revolution? Explain.
They experienced independence shortly but soon after Russia
seized control over them again.

What did Stalin do to the Chechens during WWII? Why did he do

this? He accused the Chechens of plotting with the Nazis and as a result
he sent thousands away to places like Siberia.
5. Who changed their fate, and how was their fate changed?
Boris Yeltsin stated that Chechens were integral part of the Russian
society. He helped free them and return them home.
6. What was the first Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why?
Results?] Starting in 1994 The Russians fought the Chechens this was
known as the first Chechen war. Yeltsin signed a ceasefire and eventually
a peace treaty

When was the second Chechen War? [Who started it? When? Why?

Results?] The second war happened in 2000. Russia recaptured the

Chechen Capital Grozny. Thousands of soldiers died and thousands of
civilians were hurt.

8. Prior to his death in 2006, the separatist Basayev was deemed to be

responsible for the most notorious event to that point in
time. Identify this event. How many deceased militants in this event
were NOT Chechen? Why might this be a significant change in the
Chechen Wars?
Basayev was a cruel terrorist. More than three hundred people died in the
three-day siege, most of them children. There were thirty-two militants, though
only three to four were Chechens. So about 29 non- Chechen militants were killed.

9. According to the American ambassador to Russia, what terrorist

group is assisting the Chechen rebels? How/why might Americans who
were once sympathetic to the Chechen cause for independence from the
Russian Federation have changed?
Americans used to be sympathetic to the Chechen but they will no longer be
sympathetic because they are linked with al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Two terrorist
groups the U.S. Doesnt like. Americans know that the al-Qaeda and the Taliban are
linked with the events that happened on September, 11. As a result Americans
dont want to be involved with anyone who is involved with al-Qaeda and Taliban

10. Do you believe the Russians should grant Chechnya their

independence? Why or why not? [Answer this question in paragraph
format (minimum of six sentences
Chechnya deserves their freedom. They have had to fight for a
while and have only experienced it for a short period of time. They need
time to be able to make their own decisions. When they do this they will
be able to find out what is best for the people of Chechnya.

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