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Siagha 1

Joshua Siagha
Mr. Griffin
Tech Prep 12
18 November 2014
"My Papa's Waltz"
By Theodore Roethke
The Whiskey on your breath

Commented [JS1]: This word makes me think about men

asking the bartender for a whiskey after a hard days work.

Could make a small boy dizzy;

Commented [JS2]: This word makes me think about someone

spinning on ride.

But I hung on like death:

Commented [JS3]: This word makes me think about being at a


Such waltzing was not easy.

Commented [JS4]: This word makes me think about rich

people at a ballroom party.

We romped until the pans

Commented [JS5]: This word makes me think about bumping

into something.

Slid from the kitchen shelf;

Commented [JS6]: This word makes me think about someone

in baseball sliding to home plate.

My mother's countenance

Commented [JS7]: This word makes me think about a mother

smiling to her son.

Could not unfrown itself.

Commented [JS8]: This word makes me think about a clown at

a boys birthday party.

The hand that held my wrist

Commented [JS9]: This word makes me think about a person

holding something they love.

Was battered on one knuckle;

Commented [JS10]: This word makes me think about someone

being completely beaten at something.

At every step you missed

Commented [JS11]: This word makes me think about a person

missing an important appointment.

My right ear scraped a buckle.

Commented [JS12]: This word makes me think about someone

working on the street.

You beat time on my head

Commented [JS13]: This word makes me think about the

future and what it holds for me.

With a palm caked hard by dirt,

Commented [JS14]: This word makes me think about a baby

playing with his dads hand.

Then waltzed me off to bed

Commented [JS15]: This word makes me think about being so

tired that you just fall in your bed.

Still clinging to your shirt.

Commented [JS16]: This word makes me think about a bug or

animal hanging onto a tree or branch for life.

Siagha 2

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