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Abbreviations and Definitions

Months and Days........................................................................................................ 2

Global Indicators......................................................................................................... 2
Geographical codes.................................................................................................... 2
Miscellaneous Abbreviations ...................................................................................... 3
Symbols...................................................................................................................... 6
Time............................................................................................................................ 6
Definitions................................................................................................................... 6
Areas ........................................................................................................................ 45
Tariff Coordinating Conference Sub-areas ............................................................... 46
Other sub-groupings ................................................................................................. 51

Months and Days





Global Indicators


between Area 2 and 3 via the Atlantic and the Pacific

between Area 1 and 2/3 via the Atlantic (other than SA)
between Area 2 and 3 via Eastern Hemisphere (other than TS/RU/FE)
Within Area 2 or within Area 3
between Russia (Europe), Ukraine and Area 3 with non-stop service between
Russia /Ukraine and Area 3 other than Japan, Korea
between Area 3 and Area 1 via Pacific (other than between SWP and South
America via North America and North/Central Pacific; other than PN) -not
applicable for routings on non-stop services between Canada/USA and South
Asian Subcontinent
between South America and South West Pacific via North America but not via
Area 3 except SWP
between Russia (Europe) and Area 3 with non-stop service between Russia
and Japan, Korea, not via another country (ies) in Europe
between Argentina/Brazil/Chile/Paraguay/Uruguay and South East Asia /
south Asian Subcontinent via the Atlantic and only via point(s) in Central
Africa, Southern Africa, Indian Ocean Islands only or via direct services
between Area 2 and 3 (Trans Siberian route) with a sector having non-stop
service between Europe and Japan, Korea
within the Western Hemisphere (within Area 1)

Geographical codes


Miscellaneous Abbreviations

Additional collection
Advance Purchase Period
Applicable fare
Agentenfrderprogramm (incentive program for travel agents)
AuenOrganisation (field office)
Air transport Association of America
Automated ticket and boarding pass
Air travel card
Accountable Traffic Document (e.g. ticket, MCO)
Airline Tariff Publishing Company is an independent data distribution
agency in WAS. Airlines use them for their data distribution into different
CRSs. (
Authorized Booking Level (= maximum number of booked seats
including the biased allowed overbooking
Animal in Hold
Air waybill
Board of Airline Representatives (for the country concerned)
Bankers buying rate
One way backhaul check
Bilateral Interline Traffic Agreement (governs the issuance and
acceptance of traffic documents between two airlines
Business Management Team (the legislative board of LH
Bundesministerium fr Verkehr (= German Ministry of Transport)
Billing and settlement plan
Bankers selling rate
Capacity Allocation Value
Currency of country of payment
Constructed fare
Corporate Net Rate
Country of commencement of international travel/transportation
Country of payment check
Common point minimum check
Computer Reservation System
Circle trip
Circle trip minimum check
Denied Boarding Compensation
Directional minimum check
Double normal fare open jaw
US Department of Transportation
Equivalent fare paid
Extra mileage allowance
Electronic miscellaneous charge order
Excess mileage surcharge
Fare Break Point the terminal point of a fare component
Fare Calculation Mode Indicator
Fare construction point
Fixed Conversion Rate


Flight Interruption Manifest

Form o f Passenger Check-in Identification
Free of Charge
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Global Distribution System
Group IT fare
Groups- Reservations- Information- Prognoses- Controlling (=Steering)System
Higher Intermediate Fare
Higher Intermediate Fare from Unit Origin to a Stopover Point
Higher intermediate fare check
International Air Transport Association
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Individual IT fare
IATA Rate of Exchange
International standard organisation
Inclusive tour
Local currency fare
Low NUC in backhaul check
Miscellaneous charges order
Marketing Information Data Transfer: offers airlines the monitoring of
agents booking data
Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreement: the filing by IATA-MITA allows
the use of an airlines tariff/charge to all IATA carriers
Multilateral Prorate Agreement
Multiple purpose document
Maximum permitted mileage
Minimum tour price
No additional collection
Normal fare open jaw
Canadian National Transportation Agency (air)
Normal Tariff Passenger
Neutral unit of construction
Other Airline
Origin and Destination
Open jaw for special fares
Origin normal fare open jaw
Off Premise Automated Ticket and Boarding Pass
Off premise transitional automated ticket
Online travel portal as joint venture of AF/AY/AZ/BA/EI/IB/KL/OS and
LH ( )
Origin open jaw
One way subjourney check for normal fares
One way
Pay as you Fly
Pet in Cabin
Passenger facility charge
Passenger name record
Passenger Revenue Optimization System
Passenger Service Charge

TFC (s)

Prepaid ticket advice

Problem Tracking Report
Pricing unit
a journey or part of a journey which is priced as a separate entitiy, e.g.
is capable of being ticketed separately
Pricing unit concept
Reservations/booking designator
Reason for issuance code (MCO)
Rate of exchange; NUC conversion rate
Return subjourney check for normal fares
Round trip
Round the world minimum check
Settlement Authorisation Code
South Asian Subcontinent Sub-area
Special Administrative Region of China
South East Asia Sub-Area
Sales Incentive Agreement
Similar contract between airlines : One airline sells tickets of another
airline and therefore receives commission.
Sale inside Ticket inside in the country of transportation.
Eff. 15JAN05: no more existing
Sale inside ticket outside is made in the country of commencement of
Eff. 15JAN05: no more existing
Single open jaw
Sale outside ticket inside the country of commencement of
Eff. 15JAN05: no more existing
Sale outside - ticket outside the country of commencement of
Eff. 15JAN05: no more existing
Special Prorate Agreement
Bilateral specified prorate agreement between two airlines. The
agreement is not agreed through IATA
Special Tariff Passenger
Straight Rate Prorate
interline prorating according to weighted miles.
Subtotal NUC
Return travel restriction used in connection with certain special fares
wholly within Europe
Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats: is used as a market
analysis tool
South West Pacific
Transitional automated ticket
Tariff Conference
Taxes, fees and charges
Tarif Gruppe Luftverkehr = the department of the German transport
ministry in charge of tariff filings and government approvals
Ticket number


Turnaround normal fare open jaw
Ticket on Departure = prepaid ticket deposited at an airport for routes
commencing in the country of payment
Ticketed point mileage
Travel without visa
Universal air travel plan
Universal Federation of Travel Agents Associations
Unilateral Interline Traffic Agreement
One sided traffic agreement: one carrier may issue tickets for another
carrier, but the other carrier may not issue tickets for the first one
Value added tax


Class (as Y-CL, F-CL, but only in tables)

kilogram (in priority to lb/pound)
Centimetre (in priority to inches)
Feet or foot
Per cent


Definition for local hour time e.g. 07:20h = 07 20 hours local time
Hours Definition for duration of time, e.g. 24 hours

When used for children and infant fares the child/infant must be accompanied by an
adult paying an applicable adult fare or travelling at industry free or reduced fare
An amount used only to construct an unspecified throughfare or a mileage distance
used to construct an unspecified maximum permitted mileage
Adjacent cities
Two or more relatively adjacent airports, which for the purpose of these fares, will be
considered the same point
Adult = ADT
A person who has reached his/her 12th birthday at the date of commencement of

Any limitations on advertising shall not preclude the quoting of such fares in company
tariffs, system timetables and air guides.
An entity appointed by the carrier to make sales on its behalf.
Agent, authorised
A passenger sales agent who has been appointed by the carrier to represent such
carrier in the sale of air passenger transportation over the services of that carrier and,
when authorised, over the services of other air carriers.
Agents refund voucher
A voucher used by all approved/accredited Passenger Sales Agents when a refund is
due in the reissuance of an accountable traffic document or issuance of a ticket(s)
against a PTA. The Voucher shall be a document of the same airline as that of the
new ticket(s). It shall be drawn on the airline whose traffic document was originally
issued and that airline will be responsible for arranging interline adjustments with the
carrying and/or reissuing airline(s).
Advance purchase period = ADVP
The minimum period before departure (including the day of departure) by which
reservations, full payment and ticketing must be completed
An entity appointed by the carrier to make sales on its behalf
Airline, issuing
See carrier issuing
Airline designator code
The two-characters or three letters which identify particular air carriers
Alliance {RP1008}
Three or more airlines participating in a commercial relationship or joint venture,
a joint and commonly identifiable product is marketed under a single
commercial name or brand;
this commercial name or brand is promoted to the public through the airlines
participating in the alliance and its agents; and
the commercial name or brand is used to identify the alliance services at
airports and other service delivery points.

Allowance, free baggage

The baggage which may be carried without payment of a charge in addition to the
Anti-Trust Immunity governmental allowance for airlines to negotiate multilateral
and interlineable tariffs, inner Europe: Gruppenfreistellung
Applicable fare
The normal or special fare to be applied by taking into account all conditions relating
to the passenger and his/her travel
Assembly point
A point in the itinerary where the entire qualifying group assembles and Commences
transportation as a group
Automated ticket
A form of Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check designed for issue in various
printing devices for which data is computer generated.
Automated ticket/boarding pass (ATB)
The form of automated ticket and boarding pass. It is a single copy non-carbonised
ticket (normally on card stock) with each coupon imprinted separately. Each coupon
used for air transport is comprised of a flight coupon and a detachable passenger
coupon and boarding pass for a specific flight. One coupon is issued as the
passenger receipt which together with all passenger coupons and boarding passes
builds up the passenger copy of the passenger ticket and baggage check. {RP1008
Back End Compensation
Commissions that are paid at the end of a contract period based on flown revenues,
see also Kickback.
The equivalent to the term "luggage" defines such articles, effects and other personal
property of a passenger necessary or appropriate for wear, use, comfort or
convenience in related to his trip. Unless otherwise specified, it includes both
checked and unchecked baggage of the passenger
Baggage check
The box of the ticket where free baggage allowance and actual checked baggage
have to be registered and which are issued by carrier as a receipt for the passengers
checked baggage
Baggage, checked
The equivalent to "registered luggage" means baggage of which the carrier takes
sole custody and for which carrier has issued a baggage check

Baggage, excess
The part of baggage which is in excess of the free baggage allowance
Baggage tag
A document issued by the carrier solely for identification of checked baggage,
consisting of the baggage tag portion which is attached by the carrier to a particular
article of checked baggage and the baggage tag portion which is given to the
Baggage, unchecked
Baggage which remains in a passengers custody
Bankers buying rate (BBR)
The rate at which, for the purpose of the transfer of funds through banking channels
(i.e. other than transactions in bank notes, travellers cheques an similar banking
instruments), a bank will purchase a given amount of foreign currency in exchange
for one unit (or units) of the national currency of the country in which the exchange
transaction takes place.
Bankers selling rate (BSR)
The rate at which, for the purpose of the transfer of funds through banking channels
(i.e. other than transactions in bank notes, travellers cheques and similar banking
instruments), a bank will sell a given amount of foreign currency in exchange for one
unit (or units) of the national currency of the country in which the exchange
transaction takes place
Bar Code
Machine readable coding system using black lines of varios thicknesses, alternating
with blank spaces
The setting of standards
Either in one or in the other direction between two given places or areas = vice versa
Influencing the presentation in CRS, fare quote offer or flight itinerary by a change of
Bid Price
A regulating value: represents the minimum amount for which the next seat on board
will be sold. Bid price is calculated per flight/leg/compartment and has to be
compared with the CAV laid down in NetLine. As a consequence a seat reservation is
confirmed or not
Bid Pricing
Allocation of capacity per origin and destination according to the point of sale

Billing and Settlement

A method of providing and issuing traffic documents and of accounting and settling
accounts between airlines and travel agents.
Blacklisted document
An accountable traffic document that cannot be honoured because they have been
reported lost, stolen, fraudulent or otherwise suspicious. Any carrier which honours
such document after notification (including endorsed documents) shall not be entitled
to payment of the fares and charges due in connection therewith, provided that the
documents concerned fulfilled the document security requirements.
Bilateral Interline Traffic Agreement = governs the issuance and acceptance of traffic
documents between two airlines.
Blackout Period/Dates
Certain days or periods when travel at specified fares is not permitted, unless
otherwise stated
Blocked Seat Agreement
One airline buys a number of seats on another airlines plane. The economic risk is
on the side of the seat buying carrier
See reservation
Booking Class
The letter(s) inserted after the flight number in a reservation. It is used for yield
management and inventory control. Booking class is usually the first letter of the fare
basis code.
Billing and Settlement Plan: a standardized procedure for the issuance and the accounting of
neutral flight documents. Only when a document is issued a relation to the issuing carrier is
established. The accounting and settling accounts between airlines and travel agents
proceeds via a clearing house which also is in charge of the collection

Business class fare

The full fare established for normal, regular or usual service, the application of which
is not dependent upon any specifically limited period or ticket validity or other special
Business Plan
Standardized and automated marketing plan for every managing director
Capacity Allocation Value (CAV)
lowest net net-level per flight class or respectively the average going fare per O&D


The equivalent to the term "transportation" means carriage of passengers and/or
baggage by air, gratuitously or for hire
Carriage international
Except for the purpose of the Warsaw convention, the carriage in which, according to
the contract of carriage, the place of departure and any place of landing are situated
in more than one state. As used in this definition, the term "state" includes all territory
subject to the
sovereignty, suzerainty, mandate, authority or trusteeship thereof
The air carrier issuing the ticket and all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry the
passenger and/or his baggage thereunder or to perform any other services related to
such air carriage.
first carrier
the participating carrier over whose air routes the first section of carriage is
undertaken or performed
issuing carrier
the equivalent to issuing airline, is the carrier whose ticket is issued
last carrier
the participating carrier over whose air routes the last section of carriage under
the ticket is undertaken or performed
operating carrier
the airline actually providing carriage or other services incidental to such air
carriage. The operating carrier may be different from the marketing carrier in
situations where bilateral agreements exist, e.g. code share agreement.
participating carrier
a carrier over whose routes one or more sections of carriage under the ticket is
undertaken or performed
Carrier Fare
A carrier owned unilateral tariff normally not interlineable (in contrast to an IATA fare
which is interlineable). Interlining may be established through price-harmonization or
Carrier, forwarding
Carrier responsible for the condition which creates a need for involuntary change in
the passengers journey; on missed connections the carrier on whose flight a
passenger is originally ticketed to be carried to a connection point is the forwarding
Carrier Identification Plate
(sometimes referred to as Identification Plate) means a plate supplied by an airline
to an agent for use in the issue of traffic documents under a Billing and Settlement
Carrier, issuing
The equivalent to Airline, Issuing, is the carrier whose Air Waybill or Ticket is issued.


Carrier, new receiving

A new carrying carrier selected for onward carriage by the forwarding carrier from the
point where involuntary change of routing becomes necessary.
Carrier, operating
The airline actually providing carriage or other services incidental to such air carriage.
The operating carrier may be different from the Marketing Carrier in situations where
bilateral agreements exist, e.g. code share agreement.
Carrier, original receiving
The carrier on whose flight a passenger is originally ticketed to be carried from a
connection point.
Carrier, participating
A carrier over whose routes one or more sections of carriage under the Air Waybill or
Ticket is undertaken or performed.
Cat 25: Fare by Rule ( in ATPCO)
Rules category which contains the eligibility requirements for a fare by rule and
defines the passenger type and the desired discount. The discount(s) is/are based
on the amount of the starting fare and automatically shows the discounted fare in
the fare display. (This is the difference to the already applied eligibility categories CD
and OD: Here the discounted fare is recently shown after pricing functionalities.)
Cat 35: Negotiated Fare Restrictions (in ATPCO)
Rules category which allows the automated processing of BSP revenue calculation
methods as a percentage or flat amount to create net and/or selling fares for the
BSP revenue
Certified (death or illness)
Substantiated by death/medical certificate
Change of Equipment
A scheduled change of aircraft, occurring at least once enroute, that is identified by
one airline designator/flight number between the station of origin and destination
Change of Gauge
See change of equipment
Change of Version
The number/allocation of seats of an aircraft is changed. The aircraft remains the
An amount to be paid for carriage of goods or excess baggage based on the
applicable rate for such carriage or an amount to be paid for a special or incidental
service in connection with the carriage of a passenger or baggage


Charge, cancellation
The service charge made by reason of failure of a passenger to use reserved
accommodation without having cancelled such accommodation prior to the latest
appropriate time for cancellation specified by the carrier
Charge, excess baggage
A charge for the carriage of excess baggage
Charge, joint
A charge which applies for carriage over the lines of a single carrier
Charge, local {RP1008}
A charge which applies for carriage over the lines of a single carrier.
Charge, published
A charge, the amount of which is specifically set forth in the carrier fares or rates tariff
Charge, through
The total charge from point of departure to point of destination. It may be a joint
charge or a combination of charges
Charge, valuation
A charge for carriage of baggage, based on the declared value for carriage of such
Charges, combination of
An amount which is obtained by combining two or more charges
The hire of an aircraft
Check digit
A digit added to a given number to check the accuracy of the number. The modulus 7
check digit used with document numbers is the remainder of the division of the
number to be checked by 7.
A person who has reached the second birthday but not the 12th birthday as of the
date of commencement of travel
Closed FareContrary to public available fare closed fares are open to selected channels or
A written demand for compensation, prepared and signed by or on behalf of the
passenger, and in the case of baggage, containing an itemised list and value of
goods for which compensation is being requested.

Clearing Bank
The bank or other organisation appointed under BSP to perform all or some of the
following functions:
to receive Sales Transmittals from Agents,
to extract and process data therefrom,
to render billings to Agents,
to receive remittances from Agents and
to perform such other functions as are prescribed in the BSP rules.
Clearing Bank also means Processing Centre where the context so permits.
Airlines share ones partners plane under own flight numbers and independently sell
seats until the flight is fully booked. The revenue amount belongs in total to the
operating carrier.
Flight offer with airline code of both code sharing partners in order to offer an
additional choice without offering an additional product (neighborhood-traffic) and/or
to be able to offer a continuous flight connection (beyond code share); in most cases
the operating carrier will bear the economic risk, e.g. LH-TG, LH-UA
Combination (of fares)
Whenever 2 or more OW or RT or half RT fares are used and shown separately in a
fare calculation. Combination are only permitted with fares which by their own terms
are combinable. Fares used in combination are to be shown separately on the ticket
Common interest group
Adult passengers who have a bona fide common interest in travelling together by the
same routing to the same destination. The common interest must be other than that
of qualifying for the discount
Identical tariffication for different origins/destinations
IATA crossover rules and regulations; e.g. tariff rules, baggage, special charges
Composite flight
A flight composed of two or more member flights of any type, that is identified by an
airline designator/flight number combination different from any from any of the
member flights.
Example: AC Flight xxx, from A to C, is the composite flight of AC flight YY from A to
B, plus AC flight ZZ from B to C.
Computer generated document number
A document number that is computer generated and printed on the document at the
time of issue. The airline code and form code may be pre-printed, with the serial
number being computer generated.


Computer Reservation System = CRS

Computerized system containing information about schedules, availability, fares and
related services, e.g.
1A = Amadeus, 1S= Sabre, 1G = Galileo, 1P = Worldspan
Conditions of carriage
The terms and conditions established by a carrier in respect to its carriage
Conditions of contract
The terms and conditions shown on the passenger ticket and baggage check
Connecting carrier
A carrier to whose service the passenger and his baggage are to be transferred for
onward connecting transportation
Conjunction ticket
Two or more tickets concurrently issued to a passenger and which together constitute
a single contract of carriage
Consecutive pricing units
2 or more pricing units of the same type in a linear direction
Consequential damages
Damages which are reasonable out of pocket expenses and other provable damages
incurred by the passenger as consequence of the loss/demage/delay in the delivery
of such personal property
Ticket wholesaler who in his main office acts as IATA agent. His affiliates are NonIATA agents without any access to CRSs. In order to provide these Non-IATA
affiliates with airline rules and tariffs, LH exports their data via Consolidator
Distribution to the consolidators to allow an automatic fare display and pricing in their
in-house system
Constructed fare
Unspecified through fares created by the use of add-on amounts, or two or more
fares shown as a single amount in a fare calculation and shown as "C/"
Contiguous pricing units
2 or more pricing units of the same type sharing the same fare break point but
separated by a different pricing unit type
The convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by
air, signed at Warsaw, Oct 12, 1929, or that convention as amended by the Hague
Protocol, 1955, whichever may be applicable to the carriage hereunder


Two or more relatively adjacent airports, which for the purpose of these fares, will be
considered the same point.
EXCEPTION: via AA/BA: Specified cities which may be considered the same point
for determination of journey type.
Counterfeit document
One which is represented to have been printed on behalf of and authorised by a
carrier, but which has not been printed on behalf of or authorised by the carrier
named or shown thereon as the issuing carrier, including counterfeited neutral
documents showing a carriers name. If, in good faith, a carrier honours a genuine
document issued against a counterfeited document or part thereof, such carrier is
entitled to all interline payments attached to the reissued genuine document.
Corporate Contract
General contract between LH and a company where a specification must be undertaken, e.g.
FIF, excess baggage agreement, preferred carrier-contract

Country of commencement of transportation

The country from which travel on the first international sector takes place
Country of payment
The country where payment is made by the purchaser to the carrier or its agent.
Payment by cheque, credit card or other banking instruments shall be deemed to
have been made at the place where such instrument is accepted by the carrier or its
Country of unit origin
The country in which the unit origin is situated
Coupon, flight
That portion of a ticket annotated "good for passage" or a segment(s) of an electronic
Coupon, passenger
The portion of the passenger ticket and baggage check that constitutes the
passengers written evidence of the contract of carriage
CRS subscriber
A person or entity other than an airlines using a CRS under contract from a CRS
Supplier for the sale of air transportation products and/or other related services
CRS supplier
Any entity and its affiliates that own in whole or in part a CRS.
Currency of the country of payment
The currency in which international fares from that country are denominated. {Reso


Currency of the country of payment

The currency in which international fares from the country are denominated
Full calendar days, including Sundays and legal holidays, provided that, for the
purpose of notification, the balance of the day upon which notice is dispatched shall
not be counted; and that for purposes of determining duration of validity, the balance
of the day upon which the ticket is issued or flight has commenced shall not be
Reservation: the minimum/maximum number of days/months before the day of
departure by which reservations must be confirmed.
Ticketing: the minimum/maximum number of days/months before the day of
departure or the minimum/maximum number of hours/days after reservation by which
payment and ticketing must be completed; issue date of a PTA constitutes the
ticketing date
When deadline is used in paragraphs other than Reservations and Ticketing,
the term refers to the deadline for reservations and ticketing. When different
deadlines apply, the relevant deadline will be indicated e. g. , before ticketing
Before deadline includes transactions made also on the deadline date.
(Only applicable when specifically referred to in a Fare Rule) Where this date
falls on a weekend/ public holiday, the last preceding business day becomes
the deadline.
Death Certificate
A death certificate or copy thereof duly executed by the competent authorities, i.e.
those designated to issue death certificates by the applicable laws of the country
concerned, in the country in which death occurred. The death certificate or copy
thereof shall remain on the carriers files for a period of not less than two years.
Declared value for carriage
The value of goods or baggage declared to the carrier by the passenger for the
purposes of determining charges or of establishing the limit of the carriers liability for
loss, damage or delay
DecrementingTerminology of PROS. Incrementing the number of overbookings by the number of
expected cancellations before the day of departure.
Denied Boarding
Rejecting the boarding of a full fare passenger with a confirmed seat reservation
Denied Boarding Compensation (DBC)
Compensation which is offered to a passenger who, in spite of his confirmed
reservation, was not checked in due to overbooking of the flight

The day/time of the flight on which the passenger is booked/ticketed to travel.
1. Before departure: the definition refers to the first international flight of the pricing
2. After departure: the definition refers to subsequent flights of the pricing unit
A person who had legally been admitted to a country by its authorities or who had
entered a country illegally, and who at some later time is formally ordered by the
authorities to be removed from that country
The ultimate stopping place of the journey as shown on the passenger ticket
Direct route
The shortest all year route operated by a carrier in both directions between ticketed
points at which it exercises traffic rights
Direct route fare
The fare over the direct route between two points. When no direct route fare exists
between two ticketed points a fare must be established by combination over a
ticketed point on the itinerary.
Direct rouinge
The shortest route operated by any carrier in both directions between two ticketed
Direct route fare
The fare over the direct route between two points. When no direct route fare exists
between 2 ticketed points a fare must be established by combination over a ticketed
point on the itinerary
Direct routing
The shortest all year route operated by any carrier in both directions between 2
ticketed points
Document number
The unique identification number of a traffic document comprised of the airline code,
form code, serial number and, in some cases, a check digit.
Domestic carriage
Travel in which, according to the contract of carriage, the points of departure,
stopover and destination are within one sovereign state
Domestic fare
A fare applicable between points in the same country


Domestic transfer
A change from the domestic service of one carrier to another domestic service of the
same carrier (online transfer) or to the domestic service of another carrier (interline
Economy Class Fare
The full fare established for normal/regular or usual service, the application of which
is not dependent on any specifically limited period of ticket validity or other special
Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport.
Educational establishment
A school/academy/college/university offering full-time educational/ vocational/
technical courses for a school year. Does not include a commercial office, industrial/
military establishment or hospital at which a student is serving an apprenticeship
unless such apprenticeship is part of the school curriculum at the educational
establishment at which the student is enrolled.
Electronic coupon
An electronic Flight Coupon or other value document held in Carriers database.
Electronic miscellaneous document (EMD)
An electronic record issued by an airline or its authorised agent, in accordance with
applicable tariffs, for the issuance of the Excess Baggage Ticket, MCO. EMDs issued
in conjunction shall be considered a single electronic record.
Electronic ticket (ET)
Itinerary/Receipt issued by or on behalf of the carrier, the Electronic Coupons and, if
applicable, a boarding document.
For BSP: An electronic record issued by an approved location, in accordance with
applicable tariffs for the issuance of the passenger ticket.
Electronic ticketing
a method to document the sale of passenger transportation (electronic ticket) and
related services (electronic miscellaneous documents) without requiring the issuance
of paper value documents.
Electronic ticketing data elements glossary
A document that defines each of the data elements used in Electronic Ticketing
EDIFACT messages.
Electronic ticketing system
an automated method, including equipment, programmes and procedures, which
has access to airline PNR data, stored in a CRS or airline reservation system for
the issuance of electronic tickets.


Encoded Rules
The transformation of pricing - / text parameters in a fixed computer format which
allows the automatic pricing and the rules display in CRSs
End-on combination
Combination of 2 or more fares which could be ticketed separately at a fare
construction point (not applicable to combination of fares between the same points)
The written authority from a carrier to transfer an ATP (accountable traffic document)
or individual coupons thereof to another carrier
Endorsement Waiver Agreement
Carriers concerned mutually agree not to require execution of the standard interline
traffic agreement and passengers can change from one to the other airline
participating in the endorsement waiver agreement without a formal, written
Equipment Change
Operation of another aircraft/equipment than originally planned
Equity Exchange
Form of cooperation and interconnection by the exchange of shares
The value of one document moved to another document in accordance with the rules
on Voluntary Reroutings for totally unused tickets.
Exchange order
A document issued by a carrier or its agents requesting issue of an appropriate
passenger ticket and baggage check or provision of services to the person named in
such document
Extraterritorial trip
Between Canada and Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands: Any trip which includes
via one or more carriers within the area consisting of Continental USA and
Canada; and
via commercial air (not including charter services or military air services to or
from any point outside such area).
Extra Section
Unscheduled special flight
The amount charged by the carrier for the carriage of a passenger and his allowable
free baggage


Fare, applicable
For fare construction purposes, a fare which is established after the application of all
fare construction calculations, e.g. excess mileage fare, higher intermediate fare, etc.
Fare Audit
Supervision of tickets issued by travel agents, other airlines or LH in order to check
the correct application of tariffs/rules
Fare Break points
See "Fare Construction Points"
Fare component
A portion of an itinerary between two consecutive fare construction points. If the
journey has only one fare component, the points of origin and destination are the only
fare construction points
Fare construction points
The terminal points of a fare component. These are also termed Fare Break Points
Fare Basis Code (FBC)
The same as Fare Class Code = FCC regarding the content but without the prime
Fare Break Point (FBP)
The terminal point of fare component
Fare Basis Ticked Designator (FBTD)
According to HAM LRS: string compiling FCC and TD.
Fare Class Code (FCC)
IATA industry standard, based on an 8 character code. FCC usually indicates the
class of service and also serves as a bridge between the fare and the rule provisions
with regards to sales aspects.
Fare Type Class (FTCL )
Combines different FTEs into a bundle and can be identical to the FTE.
Fare Type Element (FTE )
Part of a FBTD/FCC without any meaning to the fare type itself (LH specific).
Fare, direct
For fare construction purposes, a fare between 2 points without the application of fare
construction calculations
Fare, local
A fare which applies over the lines of a single carrier
Fare, joint
A fare which applies over the lines of 2 or more carriers and which is published as a
single amount

Fare, proportional
A fare published for use only in combination with other fares for carriage from, to or
through a specified point
Fare, published
A fare, the amount of which is specifically set forth in the carriers fares tariff
Fare, sectional
A fare for travel by one class of service which is established and used by (a)
scheduled air carrier (s) (including any individual joint fares) for a section of a through
Fare, special
A fare other than the normal fare
Fare, specified
The fare specifically set out in a tariff
Fare, combination of
An amount which is obtained by combining 2 or more fares
Request of approval of a tariff with the appropriate government authority
A procedure whereby a carrier at a boarding point contacts passengers holding
definite reservations to ensure that they actually intend using this space
Flight coupon
That portion of a ticket annotated good for passage or a segment(s) of an Electronic
Flight, inaugural
(a) operation of an air service over an entirely new route;
(b) operation of an air service over an existing route with an extension at either the
origin and/or destination points;
(c) operation of an air service to a new intermediate point; or
(d) operation of a new type of aircraft different from that previously operated by the
carrier on the route.
Flight interruption
This occurs en route when a flight diverts to a city which is not a published/scheduled
landing of the flight in question.
Flight interruption manifest (FIM)
A document which may be issued when it is necessary to reroute passengers on an
involuntary basis and time or circumstances do not permit the reissuance of the
original flight coupon(s) at the point where the involuntary rerouting takes place.


Flight number
The numerical designation of a flight
Footnote controls first/last travel- or selling day in a fare rule
Force majeure
Unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond ones control, the consequences
of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.
Foreign air transportation
(Except via JL) Transportation between a point in the USA and a point outside
Form of cooperation where one franchise-receiving partner bears the economic risk
and the franchise-giving partner offers his name and image. The franchise-receiving
partner pays a fixed charge per passenger to the franchise-giving partner (e.g. IQ is a
franchise partner of LH on intra German routes)
Free Baggage Allowance
The baggage which may be carried without payment of charge in addition to the fare
Freedoms of the Air/ Freiheiten der Luft
Specific rights entitling an airline to transport passengers/cargo/mail over/via/between
sovereign territories.
Currently there are generally considered to be nine freedoms of the air. Although
these operations are called "freedoms", they are not necessarily available to an
airline. Most nations of the world exchange first and second freedoms through the
International Air Services Transit Agreement. The other freedoms, to the extent that
they are available, are usually exchanged between countries in bilateral or
multilateral air services agreements. The eight and ninth freedoms (cabotage) have
been exchanged only in limited instances.
Under current law, and especially the 1944 Chicago Agreement, international air
transport is governed by the principle of national sovereignty, and this places legal
restrictions on air traffic. To remove these restrictions, liberalization involves
establishing a number of "freedoms", as defined in legal literature and, in some case,
international agreements. These freedoms are usually identified by an ordinal
number, rising according to the degree of liberalization.
The technical freedoms established by the international agreement on the transit of
air services (Chicago, 07DEC44) are:

First freedom - the right to pass over the territory of the signatory States
without landing.
Example: JL flies from Japan over Russia en route to the United Kingdom.

Second freedom - the right to land in the territory of the signatory States for
non-commercial reasons such as refueling without boarding or deplaning
Example: PR flies from the Philippines and lands to refuel in Guam en route
to the San Francisco.

Commercial freedoms laid down bilateral or multilateral agreements

Third freedom - the right to set down passengers, mail and freight taken up in
the territory of the State in which the aircraft is registered. This means that the
airline from one country may land in a different country and deplane
passengers coming from the airlines own country.
Example: QF flies from Australia to Singapore.

Fourth freedom - the right to take on passengers, mail and freight destined for
the territory of the State in which the aircraft is registered. In this case an
airline from one country may land in a different country and board passengers
traveling to the airlines own country.
Example: KE carries passengers from Hong Kong to Korea.

Fifth freedom - sometimes referred to as "beyond rights". It is the right to take

on passengers, mail and freight destined for the territory of any other
contracting State and the right to set down passengers, mail and freight
originating in the territory of any other contracting State. This also means the
right to enplane traffic at one foreign point and deplane it in another foreign
point as part of continuous operation also serving the airlines homeland
Example: SQ has fifth freedom rights to carry traffic between Singapore and
Los Angeles, on services which stop at Korea enroute between Singapore and
Los Angeles.

Freedoms defined by legal literature:

Sixth freedom - the right to provide transport services between two countries
other than the country in which the aircraft is registered across the territory of
that country. This means the right to carry traffic from one state through the
home country to a third state. (Sixth freedom can also be viewed as a
combination of fourth and third freedoms secured by the country of registry
producing the same effects as the 5th freedom vis--vis both foreign
Example: SA carries sixth-freedom traffic between New York and Perth via
Johannesburg by carrying passengers traveling from New York to
Johannesburg and then on to Australia.

Seventh freedom - the right to operate completely outside the territory of the
state of registration and to set down or take on passengers, mail or freight
originating in or destined for a third State which is not the State of registration.

In other words, this is the right to carry traffic from one state to another state
without going through the home country.
LA operates between Lima and Los Angeles without serving Chile.

Eighth freedom - also called cabotage and almost no country permits it. Airline
cabotage is the carriage of air traffic that originates and terminates within the
boundaries of a given country by an air carrier of another country.
Example: MNL PR HNL PR SFO where travel on PR between HNL and SFO
is 8th freedom traffic.

Additional unofficial freedom of the air:

Ninth freedom - the right or privilege of transporting cabotage traffic of the

granting country on a service performed entirely within the territory of the
granting state (also known as "stand alone cabotage"). This is different from
the eight freedom because the eighth freedom is tied in to an international leg
whereas ninth freedom is purely cabotage or domestic travel.
Actually (in 2006) no example exists.

Most countries such as the USA prohibit cabotage operations by foreign airlines.
Freely associated states
Republic of Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia (along with
Republic of Palau) are constitutional governments "in free association" with the US
(also known as "freely associated states"). They are independent of U.S., except
notably for defence matters, and relations with these two States are handled by State
Dept. Any IATA fares/rates agreement involving Marshall Islands or Micronesia would
be considered non-US related.
Freesale Agreement on any Carrier
Bi- or multilateral agreement between airlines or between airlines and CRSs which
permits an immediate confirmation of space in accordance with terms of agreement
without the necessity of maintaining space availability information until the respective
carrier closes the flight sale
Freesale on Code Share Partners
Code share often in connection with a special prorate agreement. Both the code
sharing partners may sell seats up to the last available space
Frontend = Upfront
Incentive payment when ticket is bought
Execution of an order, with respect to ticketing processes: the issue of a ticket
document or in case of Etix the inclusion of an account number in the passenger`s


The unflown part of an itinerary involving transportation by means other than a
scheduled service
First point of arrival or last point of departure in a country or an area
General sales agent (GSA)
Any person to whom a carrier has delegated general authority to represent it for
purposes of sales of passenger and/or cargo air transportation in a defined territory
and who is remunerated accordingly.
Anything given gratuitously by a carrier, whether or not paid for by the carrier, to a
passenger, other than air carriage from airport of departure to airport of destination
Global indicator
The global routing applicable to the fare as shown in the fares book. (e.g.
Going Fare
The going fare is the publicly available fare per compartment that is used for the
most part. It is often the lowest fare.
A revenue passenger who presents himself at a designated check-in location and
who is prepared to accept space subject to availability as he made no reservation for
this flight
Government Approval
Government requirement for an airline for the application of tariffs for the flights
between two countries:
Double approval = the fare must be approved in country of departure and in
country of arrival.
Unilateral approval = the fare must be approved in country of departure or in
country of arrival.
Disapproval: One or both countries disapprove the fare/rule conditions
Ground transportation
Bus, limousine, taxi or train service between air terminal and airport
Half RT fare {Reso 012}
Half of a specified or constructed round trip normal or special fare. In the absence of
a specified or constructed round trip normal fare, the one way normal fare is
considered to be a half round trip normal fare. If a specified or constructed one way
special fare may be doubled to establish a round trip special fare, the one way
special fare is considered to be a half round trip special fare.


Admittance/confinement to a hospital on an inpatient basis of at least one night
Note: Out-patient care does not constitute hospitalization.
Hot spot carbon {RP1008 (3)}
A type of carbon used to produce the image on the flight, exchange and passenger
coupons of traffic documents.
Higher Intermediate Fares (changed form former Points) = HIP
According to a IATA Resolution : any direct route fare on sectors from fare origin to
destination and any point in this sector in the same class of service.
Hosted Airline/Carrier
Airline utilizing facilities of another system to process reservations and/or other
passenger related information on an inventory basis
IATA (International Air Transport Association)
World trade association of airlines which operate international services for the
purpose of interlining and coordinating their fares and conditions, headquarters in
GVA and YUL .
A IATA fare is a published fare. It is multilaterally agreed on IATA conferences. It
allows interlining among IATA airlines, see also YY-Fares.
International Civil Aviation Organisation = internatonal convention if the United
Nations dealing with all technical, operational and organizational aspects of civil
Immediate family
Spouse, children (including adopted children), parents, brothers, sisters,
grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-inlaw, daughters-in-law
Important notice
If a fare is restricted and such restrictions are not clearly evident from the required
entries on the ticket, such restrictions may be written, stamped or pre-printed in plain
language in the Endorsements/ Restrictions box of the applicable flight coupon(s)
and/ or attached to the ticket by use of an appropriate notice. In addition, where a
fare is restricted to time of travel or period of validity, a special fare notice, similar to
that shown below, may be used.
This is a SPECIAL FARE ticket which involves travel restrictions. When making or
changing reservations, please advise the airline or your travel agent of the special
fare so that they may assist you in complying with the restrictions. Failure to comply
with the restrictions may result in an increase in fare and/or additional cost to you. In
some cases there are fees for changing or cancelling special fare tickets.

1 This will not preclude any carrier from producing its own restricted fares notice if so
2 This Important Notice is only mandatory when specifically required by Paragraph
18, of a particular fare rule.

Inadmissible passenger (INAD)

A passenger who is refused admission to a country by authorities of such country, or
who is refused onward carriage by an airline or government authority at a point of
transfer, e.g. due to a lack of a visa, expired passport, etc. (PSC Reso 701)
Incapacitated passenger {PSC Reso 700)}
Those with physical or mental disability; or with a medical condition, who require
individual attention or assistance on enplaning/deplaning during flight and during
ground handling which is normally not extended to other passengers. This is
apparent from special requests made by the passengers and/or their family or by a
medical authority, or from obvious abnormal physical or mental conditions observed
and reported by airline personnel or industry-associated persons (travel agents, etc.)
Inclusive tour
A pre-arranged tour for groups or individuals consisting of air travel and surface
arrangements other than solely public transportation
Inclusive tour fare
A fare specifically established for the use of inclusive tours which conforms to certain
minimum standards
Indirect route
Any scheduled continuous air route other than a direct route
A person who has not reached his/her second birthday as of the date of
commencement of travel
LH-E-Commerce owned internet portal with fare information/offers and flight/tour
arrangements for LH and Thomas Cook (
A translating function between a user and a system or various systems or between
two or various systems
Interline Agreement
Bilateral or multilateral agreement between airlines for passenger- or freight services
Interline transfer
Transfer from the service of one carrier to the service of an other carrier

Interline transfer point (interlining)

Any point at which the passenger transfers from service of one carrier to the services
of another carrier
Interline transportation
Transportation on the services of more than one carrier
Interlining (through IATA)
Travel or potential travel involving multiple airlines on a single ticket, bought in one
single transaction and using a single currency offering through checked baggage and
high degree of flexibility as to timing, routing and carrier selection
Intermediate class
A class of service with seating standards which may be superior to those provided on
economy/tourist class but less liberal than first class
Travel between 2 or more sovereign states
International carriage
(Except when the Convention is applicable) carriage in which, according to the
contract of carriage, the place of departure, and any place of landing are situated in
more than one state. As used in this definition, the term state includes all territory
subject to the sovereignty, suzerainty, mandate, authority, or trusteeship thereof.
International carriage as defined by the Convention means any carriage in which,
according to the contract of carriage, the place of departure and the place of
destination, whether or not there be a break in the carriage or a transshipment, are
situated either within the territories of two High Contracting Parties to the Convention,
or within the territory of a single High Contracting Party to the Convention, if there is
an agreed stopping place within a territory subject to the sovereignty, suzertainty,
mandate or authority of another power even though that power is not a party to the
International Sale Indicator (ISI)
Not applicable to original ticket issues. A code used to identify where the sale and the
issuance of a ticket took place in relation to the country of commencement of
international transportation (COC). Applies only to tickets that have been issued and
travel commencing before 15JAN05 and are reissued after 15JAN05:

Sale and ticket issued inside COC

Sale outside COC, ticket issued inside COC
Sale inside COC and ticketed issued outside COC
Sale and ticketed outside COC

These codes are not applicable to wholly domestic transportation.

Scandinavia and US/Canada shall each be treated as a single country for purposes
of determining the ISI code.


International sector
A sector of uninterrupted air travel arrival and departure points are in 2 different
International transfer
A change from international service to another international service of the same
carrier (online transfer) or a different carrier (interline transfer)
International/domestic transfer
A change between the international service of one carrier and domestic service of the
same carrier (online transfer) or another carrier (interline transfer)
Intraline transportation
Transportation solely by the service of a single carrier
IATA rate of exchange published by IATA quarterly to convert local currency fares to
a neutral unit of construction (NUC) and to convert total NUC amounts to the
currency of the country of commencement of transportation
Joint Venture
More than one carrier participates in economic risks and revenues of a flight
Joint Venture Agreement
Bilateral code share agreement where both carriers share costs and revenues/the
economic risk, no matter which code share flight number is used
Origin to destination of the entire ticket. A journey may include 2 or more subjourneys
Key Account
High yield client
Retroactive incentive payment if contract has been fulfilled/flight coupons have been
The space between 2 consecutive scheduled touchdown points on any given flight
Local combination
Combination of 2 fare components between the same points to create a single pricing
Local currency fares
Fares and related charges expressed in the currency of the country of
commencement of travel; see currency rules for those countries where the us dollar
is used for local currency


The start/stop character used in conjunction with an OCR document number on flight
coupons to identify the 13-digit numbering scheme as opposed to the 12-digit
Machine readable
Acceptable by a system without manual input.
Magnetic stripe
A stripe of magnetic material affixed to the back of a Computer Ticket or an
Automated Ticket/Boarding Pass or Credit Card, on which most of the data relevant
to that document is magnetically encoded, and is machine readable.
Marketing Carrier
The airline whose designator and flight number are used for the distribution of a
product that is actually operated by another airline (= the operating carrier)
Market Fare
Carrier owned fare, normally non-interlineable, which has not been filed officially
through government or through IATA.
They can be filed in a CRS (e.g. Nego-Fares, Private Fares) or distributed to an
agent on paper (paper fare). They can be public available by intention or
closed/limited to certain user groups
Marketing Flight Number
The code share flight number of the non-operating carrier
The adoption of another carriers`s fare/rule in the LH-tariff system
Maximum permitted mileage (MPM)
The maximum which may be flown between two city pairs/a fare component
(transported direct miles plus 25%)
Maximum outside linear dimensions
The sum of the greatest outside depth plus the greatest outside height plus the
greatest outside length.
Medical certificate
1. In the case of illness, a note issued by a doctor on letterhead or prescription pad
2. In the case of hospitalisation, a copy of any document certifying hospitalisation
issued by the hospital administration involved.
Message construction matrix
A grid containing a master list of data elements that comprise each Electronic
Ticket/Miscellaneous Documents EDIFACT message.
Military agencies
The departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp, Coast Guard and their
respective training academies. The Reserve Officer Training Corps is not included.

Military passenger
Military personnel of the US military agencies who are on active duty status or who
have been discharged from active military service within 7 days of the date of travel.

Minimum group size

Minimum number of passengers required to qualify for a fare
Minimum tour price (MTP)
The minimum selling price for the tour calculated as the air fare plus an amount for
land arrangements
Means a person who has reached his/her second birthday but not his/her 18th
birthday as of the date of commencement of the travel
Miscellaneous charges order (MCO)
Document issued by carrier or agent requesting the issue of a flight ticket, baggage
check, refund or other provisions of service to the person named in such document.
A passenger who, due to late arrival or non-operation of his original delivery flight,
arrive at the interline point by his original delivering flight, an alternative flight, or
surface transportation, too late to board his original receiving flight.
Mutli-access system
A system which enables a user to have real-time direct access to a variety of airline
systems through a common switching centre and/or interface.
Multi-host system
A system that provides more than one airline with the facility to process, on an
inventory basis, reservations and other passenger related functions.
Multiple purpose document (MPD)
A form used for automated issuance of interline accountable traffic documents other
than the Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check such as an Excess Baggage Ticket,
Tour Order, Prepaid Ticket Advice, MCO (specified or unspecified) and Agents
Refund Voucher. It is a multi-copy carbonised form or a document issued coupon-bycoupon for use by carriers and travel agents.
Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreement = MITA
The filing by IATA-MITA allows the use of an airline`s tariff/charge to all IATA
Multilateral Prorate Agreement = MPA
Contract regulating the distribution of sector fares on a through fare between carriers
on basis of IATA industry standards


Multiple Purpose Document

Used as a replacement to an MCO for travel agents with semi-prepared and specified
items and only for specified use
A person who has the citizenship of a country either by birth or by naturalisation
Negotiated Fare = Nego Fares
LH market fares published through data distribution directly in Amadeus. Faredisplay
in 1A=Amadeus
e.g. access for all users: FQD FRASEL/R,N
for coporate net rates with a coporate number specifing a user:
e.g. FQD FRASEL/R,C001234
The physical gathering of class contingents according to their values in the available
booking classes. Depending on booking prognosis per flight such booking maximum
capacities are allocated for all classes by an optimization system. The resulting value
is then shown in the bid price as AUL = authorized booking level, see example.
BS LH782/09JAN 3-1
LT MUC 2035/1530+1 SIN
FORECAST: F:002 C:013 M:133
F MUC SIN 002 006 008
C MUC SIN 014 043 057
M MUC SIN 148 051 199
Ticket value
Is a software program importing fares and rules of defined carriers and thus allows
the monitoring of these competitors pricing. Any import only starts when a fare
record or rule has been amended. By implanting filters defined data may be selected
according to specified criteria
Net Net
Net-Fare less additional commission
Net Net Net
NetNet-Fare plus other incentives like Miles&More / credit card provisions/the pay off
for fees for CRSs etc. So called Triple Net
Net Rate
Net Rates are distinguished by discounts directly given to the customer like
Corporate Net Rates (CNR) and net rates given to certain sales channels, e.g. tour

Net Revenue
The value of the prorated sectors for the LH coupons on a ticket with different
participating carriers
Neutral Ticket
Form of an automated ticket for use of travel agents not bearing any preprinted
individual airline identity
Non affinity group
Members of a travel group who do not share a common affinity
Non-IATA Carrier {Reso 012}
Any carrier who is not a Member of IATA.
A member of IATA who has elected not to participate in traffic coordinating
Normal fare {Reso 012}
A fare established for intermediate, first or economy class service and any other fare
denominated and published as a normal fare (e.g. C2, F2, Y2). Childrens fares and
infants fares which are established as a percentage of the fares referred to above
are also considered to be normal fares.
The full fare established for a first, intermediate or economy/tourist class service and
any other fare denominated and published as a normal fare (e.g. C2/F2/Y2).
Childrens and infants fares which are established as a percentage of the fares
referred to above are also considered to be normal fares.
Normal Fare Open Jaw
Travel from one country and return thereto, comprising two international fare
components, only and where.
1. origin open jaw: the outward point of departure in the country of unit origin and the
inward point of arrival in the country of unit origin are different OR
2. turnaround open jaw: the outward point of arrival and the inward point of departure
are different OR
3. double open jaw: the outward point of departure in the country of unit origin and
the inward point of arrival in the country of unit origin are different (origin jaw) AND
the outward point of arrival and the inward point of departure are different
(turnaround open jaw)
Passenger who does not show up on his booked flight without former rebooking
/cancellation, who fails to use reserved accommodation for reason other than missed
No-show charge
The charge made by reason of the failure of a passenger to use reserved
accommodation, either through failure to arrive at the airport at the time fixed by the


carrier, or through arriving improperly documented or otherwise not ready to travel on

Defines the conditions for a fare, same as fare rule
Notice of Contract Terms Incorporated by Reference {RP1008}
The terms and conditions shown on the Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check
Neutral unit of construction
A common unit used to construct fares using different local currency fares
Off-premise ticket
A ticket intended for use by Travel Agents, whether or not this bears a preprinted
individual airline identity.
Off-premise transitional automated ticket (OPTAT)
Either form of automated ticket, normally issued by agents issued in an approved
location of a passenger sales agent or a commercial account. It is a multi-copy
carbonised ticket.
Within one airline or one system, or connected to a computer system.
On-line tariff data base
The remotely accessible on-line version, maintained by the filer, of (1) the
electronically filed tariff data submitted to the official D.O.T. tariff database, and (2)
the Departmental approvals, disapprovals and other actions, as well as Departmental
notations concerning such approvals, disapprovals or other actions, that Subpart W
of the proposed Part 221 requires the filer to maintain in its database. The term
official D.O.T. tariff database means those data records (as set forth in Sections
221.283 and 221.286 of the rule) which would be in the custody of, and maintained
by the Department of Transportation.

On-line transfer
Transfer from the service of one carrier to another service of the same carrier
On-line transfer point
Any point at which the passenger transfers from one service of a carrier to another
service of the same carrier but bearing a different flight number
One way subjourney
Part of a journey wherein travel from one country does not return to such country and
for which the fare is assessed as a single pricing unit using a OW fare


One way trips

A one-way trip is considered to be any journey which, for fare calculation purposes, is
not a complete round or circle trip entirely by air
Open Jaw
Travel from one country and return thereto comprising not more than 2 international
fare components with a domestic surface break in one country either at unit origin or
unit turnaround or a surface break at both unit origin and unit turnaround for which
the fare is assessed as a single pricing unit using 1/2 RT-fares.
single open jaw shall mean open jaw at origin or destination (SOJ)
double open jaw shall mean open jaw at origin and destination (DOJ)
turnaround open jaw shall mean where the outward point of arrival in the
country of unit turnaround and the inward point of departure in the country of
unit turnaround are different (TOJ)
origin open jaw shall mean where the outward point of departure in the country
of unit origin and the inward point of arrival in the country of unit origin are
different (OOJ)
For travel originating in Canada or USA, the surface break may be permitted
between countries in the European sub-area; provided travel in both directions
is via the Atlantic.
Canada, USA shall be considered as one country
Scandinavia shall be considered as one country
One Way Subjourney Check = OSC
(Consecutive) Oneway subjourney check: minimum fare for consecutive/contiguous
subjourney calculated with OW fares. For two or more consecutive one way pricing
units, do not undercut the published direct through fare
Exception: fares to/from/via USA
Operating Carrier
The airline actually providing the aircraft and crew operating the flight.
The initial starting place of the journey as shown on the ticket
Other charges
Charges with no relation to fares, such as taxes, fees, etc. excluding excess baggage
The transfer of company owned processes to another company
Partner Plus
Incentive program where retroactively a fare discount is given to a company in
relation to the revenue created on LH services.


Passenger = PSGR
Any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft with
the consent of the carrier
Passenger Name Record (PNR)
record of passenger requirements containing all information necessary to enable
reservation to be processed and controlled by the booking and participating airlines
Passenger Type Code = PTC
Description of certain type of passengers.
Passenger Type Class = PTCL
Combines different PTEs into a bundle and can be identical to the PTE.
Passenger Type Element = PTE
Part of a FCC/FBTD describing certain qualities like passenger type and percentage
of discount. It is also part of the ticket designator.
Pay as you Fly (PAF)
Virtual intra German domestic ticket on basis of a discounted fare on selected routes
similar to an Etix with following differences:
charge applies only after check-in procedure and use of the flight to special LHclients with a special credit card designed for the PAF-procedure. If passenger did
not make use of the flight he checked in for, the ticket will be automatically voided
and not charged for. Ticket is always a OW
Pitch, seat
The distance between the front edge of one seat in an aircraft and the front edge of
the seat immediately in front when both are in an upright position
Point of turnaround
The farthest geographical fare break (between 2 fare components) from the PU origin
Predesignated PTA point
The location to which PTA messages to specified airlines must be addressed.
Prepaid ticket advice (PTA)
The notification through an airline that one person in one city paid a ticket of another
person in another city. The document issued is an MCO
Pricing unit
A journey or a part of a journey which is priced as a separate entity, i.e. is capable of
being ticketed separately
Prime Code
First digit (letter) of FCC or FBTD string, usually equals booking class/ reservation
booking designator (RBD).


Private Fares
LH market fares published through data distribution in ATPCO to allow pricing and
ticketing in 1G=Galileo, 1S=Sabre, 1P=Wolrdspan and also in 1A=Amadeus.
e.g. access in Amadeus for all users: FQD FRASEL/R,U
for coporate net rates with a coporate number specifying a user:
e.g. FQD FRASEL/R,U001234
Proactive Pricing
Initiating the price/rule of a fare
Valuation of flight coupons/sectors flown on a through fare
Division of a joint fare, rate or charge between the carriers concerned on an agreed
Public Available Fare
The fare is not limited to a certain user group (corporate or single agents), but
internationally offered to the entire market (e.g. fare lists to all agents without any
limitation to the final user). It can be a published or market fare.
Published Fare
This fare is filed in a CRS and available to all with access to that CRS without any
limitation regarding the office IDs. These fares cannot be closed fares.
Public special fare
All special fares except IIT/GIT fares
A computer system which processes the input and gives a response immediately or
within seconds.
A change to the reservations data without a change of ticketed points.
Reactive Pricing
Matching the price/rules of another carriers fare
A requirement that passengers, under certain given circumstances, advise a carrier
of their intention to use the space reserved
The repayment to the purchaser of all or a portion of a fare rate or charge for unused
carriage or service


Refund, involuntary
A refund of an unused ticket or portion thereof or an unused MCO required where
because of safety or legal requirements or the condition or conduct of the passenger
carriage is refused.
Refund, voluntary
A refund of an unused ticket or portion thereof or an unused MCO other than an
involuntary refund.
An alteration to a ticket that cannot be done through revalidation and requires
issuance of a new ticket
Issuance of a new ticket against a previously issued ticket in accordance with the
provisions of Voluntary Reroutings for partly used pricing units.
Related charges
Charges such as cancellation penalties, non-refundable amounts, rebooking an
rerouting charges, stopover charges, weekend surcharges etc and xbag charges
To issue a new ticket covering transportation to the same destination, but via a
different routing than that designated on the ticket, or to honour the ticket held by the
passenger for transportation to the same destination but via a different routing
Change of routing and/or other changes which require ticket reissuance.
Equivalent to the term booking. The allotment in advance of seating or sleeping
accommodation for a passenger or of space or weight capacity for baggage or

Reservations booking designator (RBD)

The code used in reservation messages to denote the compartment in which
reservations are made
A person legally living in a country of which he/she is/is not a citizen, provided that a
more restricted definition may form part of a local agreement
Return subjourney
Part of a journey wherein travel is from a point/country and return thereto and for
which the fare is assessed as a single pricing unit using 1/2-RT-Fares. RT/CT, NOJ
also applicable to special fare open jaw returning to the same or another country.
Return Subjourney Check = RSC
(Consecutive) return subjourney check for normal fares. Minimum fare for
consecutive/contiguous subjourneys calculated with 1/2 RT fares (RT/CT/ONJ)

RSC does not apply to USA/Canada

The authorised stamping or writing upon the passenger ticket evidencing that it has
been officially altered by the carrier. Any changes on origin; destination; stopover
points or fare are forbidden.
The net amount earned
Round trip
Travel entirely by air from a point to another point and return to the original point
comprising two half round trip fare components only, for which the applicable half
round trip fare for each component, measured from the point of unit origin, is the
same for the routing traveled; provided that this definition shall not apply to round the
world travel. If the fares to be used differ through class of service/seasonality/day of
week/ carrier variations, the outbound fare shall be used also for the inbound fare
component for the purpose of determining if the pricing unit is a round trip
Travel from the point of origin and return thereto must include only one transatlantic
and one transpacific crossing
All sectors flown by a passenger from origin to destination. If a fare is based on a
routing, no other transfer/stopover points may be used. A routing overrules the
transfer/stopover conditions of the fare rule with respect to the airports named therein
Defines the conditions of a fare, same as fare note.
Rule = fare note in ATPCO, the standard conditions can be found in
When used in the context of sales restrictions for advertising and sales, sales shall
include the issuance of tickets, MCOs, MPDs and PTAs.
Sales Outlet
A companys link to the customer (e.g. callcenter, ticket office)
Satellite ticket printer (STP)
a device which is capable of printing traffic documents, but only at the direction of
and upon the transmission by a head office or branch office location from which a
satellite ticket printer is remotely controlled and to which it is electronically connected.
Scheduled Air Service
Service of an airline displayed in an official airline guide with two-character or threeletter airline designator operating between airports with three letter codes


School year
via AS: Means a period of 12 consecutive months less whatever interruptions for
vacations are normally granted by the education establishment at which the student
is enrolled; provided that where the official scholastic year is less than 12 months,
SCHOOL YEAR shall mean not less than a 6 month period less whatever
interruptions for vacations are normally granted at the educational establishment at
which the student is enrolled.
Seat Swap
Bilateral buying of a number of seats of carriers. The economic risk is on side of the
seat buying carrier
A portion of the journey comprised of legs or segments, usually used in reference to
fare construction
A portion of the journey between boarding and disembarkation points that may be
comprised of a leg or group of legs
Selling Fare
A negotiated fare including commissions and/or charges.
Servicing airline
An airline whose computer system is used to make reservations and print (or to
acquire ticketing data to print) neutral tickets either on its own behalf or on behalf of
other airlines. A servicing airline shall also act as a ticketing airline.
Shortest operated mileage (SOMS)
The shortest distance, using non-stop sector mileages between any pair of points
published in the IATA mileage manual
Side trip
Travel from and/or to an en-route point of a fare component
Side trip combination
Combination of a pricing unit at an en-route point of a fare component
Special drawing right (SDR)
A rate of currency exchange set by the international monetary fund
Special fare
Any other than a normal fare
Standard traffic document {RP1008 (3)}
Any Traffic document used or issued in an IATA BSP country/area.
Standby {RP1008/PSC 766 (1)}
Equivalent to "Go Show", means a potential revenue passenger at a designated
check-in location and who is prepared to accept space subject to availability

Standby passengers
Passengers who will board a flight subject to space availability
Special Prorate Agreement = SPA
Bilateral specified prorate agreement between two airlines. The agreement is not
agreed through IATA.
Stock control number
The unique identification number that is preprinted on automated tickets without
preprinted serial numbers, for control and blacklisting purposes.
When a passenger arrives at an intermediate point and is scheduled to depart later
than 24 hours after arrival. (Local time) For travel wholly within Central America or
between Central America and Panama: 6 hours
Straight Rate Prorate = SRP
Interline proration according to weighted miles.
Sunday rule
Return travel from the point of turnaround must not commence before 00:01 hours on
the Sunday following the day of outbound departure
Exception within Europe:
Return travel from the last fare construction point outside the country of unit origin
must not commence before 00:01 hours on the Sunday after the day of arrival at the
first fare construction point outside the country of unit origin
Sundry charges
Charges to passengers which shall include but not be limited to charges for change
of reservation(s); for change of routing. These charges shall not be prorated and will
accrue to the airline who issued the MCO/MPD.

Surface sector
A sector between two intermediate points of a fare component where travel is via
other than air transportation
The published fares, rates, charges and/or related conditions of a carrier
The applicable for travel between two consecutive fare construction points via an
intermediate point(s)
Either the document entitled "passenger ticket and baggage check" or an electronic
Ticket Designator

Contains Passenger Type with applicable percentage of discount, separated by . Or

/ from FCC
Ticket, conjunction
A ticket issued to a passenger concurrently with another ticket(s) which together
constitute a single contract of carriage
Ticket, excess baggage
A receipt issued by a carrier to a passenger for valuation charges
Ticketed point
Points shown in the "good for passage" section of the passenger ticket
Ticketed point mileage (TPM)
The distance between pairs of points published in the TPM-manual
Ticketing carrier selection rules
Rules governing the selection by the Travel Agent of the carrier to be designated as
the issuing carrier on a neutral ticket.
Ticketing system
The system which imprints the automated accountable document, which is
represented by a four character code.
Ticketing time limit
Means a time by which the passenger must secure his ticket for a confirmed
reservation as required by the carrier
Tour conductor
A person who is in charge of and/or who personally escorts a group of at least 10
passengers for all or part of the itinerary
Tour organiser
A tour operator or commissionable passenger, sales agent or in the case of tours
initiated by carrier, the person responsible for the travel arrangements of the inclusive
tour group
Traffic document
Ticket, MCO or any other accountable passenger traffic document
Transatlantic fares
Fares between points in Area 1 and points in Area 2 and 3 via the North, Mid or south
Atlantic Ocean and via polar routes
Transatlantic sector
(used in connection with North Atlantic fares): that portion of the journey covered by a
single flight coupon, from the last point of departure in Area 1, to the first point of
arrival in Area 2 and vice versa


A change from the service of one carrier to another service of the same Carrier
(online transfer) or to the service of another carrier (interline Transfer)
Transfer point
Any point at which the passenger transfers from the services of one carrier to another
service of the same carrier (bearing a different flight number) or to the service of
another carrier
Transportation between Area 1 and Area3 via the Pacific Ocean
Transpacific fares
Fares between points in Area 1 and points in Area 3 via the North/Central or South
Transpacific sector
The portion of travel covered by a single flight coupon from the point of departure in
Area 1 to the point of arrival in Area 3 and vice versa
Transit passengers
Passengers at an en route stop, or connecting passengers with a stopover, to/from
other scheduled flight(s)
The passenger routing identified by ticketed points and not the aircraft routing
The structure and/or individual fares are different on common O&Ds between
Types of Journey
OW = One Way, RT = Round Trip, CT = Circle Trip, OJ = Open Jaw in general,
ONOJ = Origin Normal Fare Open Jaw, OOJ = Origin Open Jaw, TOJ = Turn Around
Open Jaw, DOJ = Double Open Jaw , NOJ = Normal Fare Open Jaw, DNOJ =
Double Normal Fare Open Jaw
Unaccompanied Minor = UM
When used for children and infants fares this shall mean the child/infant is not
accompanied by an adult
Unchecked baggage
(equivalent to hand luggage) Baggage other than checked baggage
Unit destination
The ultimate stopping place of a pricing unit
Unit origin
The initial starting point of a pricing unit

The authorised stamping or writing upon the passenger ticket evidencing that it has
been officially issued by the carrier
Validating carrier
The issuing airline whose numeric airline code is reflected in the electronic
transaction for the flight/value coupon(s), The Validating Carrier shall be the
controlling and authorising entity for Electronic Ticketing transactions.
When used in conjunction with carrier two letter abbreviations means applicable to
the carrier when such carriers tariff is used
Waitlist segment
An unconfirmed segment for specific flight(s) for which seating was not available at
the time reservation were requested
A carrier leases plane and crew of onother airline and operates under his own flight
number with own economic risk
Year {PSC735 (5.3}
For the purpose of determining the duration of ticket validity, shall mean a period of
time from the date of ticket issue or the date of commencement of travel, as
applicable, to the corresponding date in the subsequent year
The average revenue, result of total earnings divided by the number of coupons
IATA fare as published in systems

Area 1
All of the North and South American Continents and the islands adjacent thereto,
Greenland, Bermuda, the West Indies and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea, the
Hawaiian Islands (including Midway and Palmyra)
Area 2
Europe (as defined below), Africa and the islands adjacent thereto, Ascension Island
and that part of Asia west of Ural mountains, including Iran and the Middle East as
defined below
Area 3
Asia and the islands adjacent thereto except the portion included in Area 2; the East
Indies, Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean except those
included in Area 1

Tariff Coordinating Conference Sub-areas

TC1 Mexico sub-area
between: Canada, USA (excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, US) and
TC1 Caribbean sub-area (see Note 1)
a) between: USA (excluding Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, US) and: Bermuda,
Bahamas, The Caribbean Islands, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
b) between: Canada, Mexico and: Bermuda, Bahamas, the Caribbean Islands
(including Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands), Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
c) i) within the area composed of Bermuda, Bahamas, The Caribbean Islands
(including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, US)
c) ii) between the area referred to in (i) above and Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana
TC1 Longhaul sub-area (see Note 1)
a) between: Canada, Mexico, USA and: Central America, South America
b) between: Bermuda, Bahamas, the Caribbean Islands, Guyana, Suriname, French
Guiana and: Central America, South America
c) between Central America and South America
d) within Central America
TC1 Within South America sub-area
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela.
TC2 Within Europe sub-area
Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland (Republic of), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Macedonia FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of), Malta, Monaco, Moldova
(Republic of), Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (including Azores and
Madeira), Romania, Russia (in Europe), San Marino, Serbia and Montenegro
(formerly Yugoslavia) Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including Canary Islands), Sweden,
Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
TC2 Within Middle East Sub-area
Bahrain, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates
(comprised of Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Umm al
Qaiwain), Yemen (Republic of).
TC2 Within Africa sub-area
Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon (Republic of), Cape
Verde (Republic of), Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville),
Congo (Kinshasa), Cte dIvoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya
Arab Jamahiriya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte,

Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Reunion, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe,
Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania
(United Republic of), Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
TC2 Europe Middle East sub-area
between the TC2 Within Europe sub-area and the TC2 Within Middle East sub-area
TC2 Europe Africa sub-area
between the TC2 Within Europe sub-area and the TC2 Within Africa sub-area
TC2 Middle East Africa sub-area
between the TC2 Within Middle East sub-area and the TC2 Within Africa sub-area
TC3 South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India (including Andaman Islands), Maldives,
Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
TC3 South East Asia sub-area
Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China (excluding Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR),
Chinese Taipei, Guam, Hong Kong SAR (China), Indonesia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Lao (Peoples Democratic Republic), Macao SAR (China), Malaysia,
Marshall Islands, Micronesia (includes Caroline Islands except Palau Islands Group),
Mongolia, Myanmar, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Philippines, Russia (in Asia),
Singapore, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor Leste, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
TC3 South West Pacific sub-area
American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati (Canton
and Enderbury Islands), Nauru, New Caledonia (including Loyalty Islands), New
Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa (Independent State of), Solomon Islands,
Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna Islands.
TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area
within the area composed of Japan and Korea
TC3 South Asian Subcontinent South East Asia sub-area
between the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent sub-area and the TC3 South East Asia
TC3 South Asian Subcontinent South West Pacific sub-area
between the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent sub-area and the TC3 South West
Pacific sub-area
TC3 South Asian Subcontinent Japan/Korea sub-area
between the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent sub-area and the TC3 Japan/Korea subarea
TC3 South East Asia South West Pacific sub-area
between the TC3 South East Asia sub-area and the TC3 South West Pacific subarea


TC3 South East Asia Japan/Korea sub-area

between the TC3 South East Asia sub-area and the TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area
TC3 South West Pacific - Japan/Korea sub-area
between the TC3 South West Pacific sub-area and the TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area
TC12 North AtlanticEurope sub-area
between: Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and the TC2 within
Europe sub-area
TC12 North Atlantic Middle East sub-area
between: Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and: the TC2 within
Middle East sub-area
TC12 North Atlantic Africa sub-area
between: Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and: the TC2 within
Africa sub-area
TC12 Mid Atlantic Europe sub-area
between: the TC2 Within Europe Sub-area and: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda,
Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, British Virgin Islands, Cayman
Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El
Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe (including St. Barthelemy and
Northern St. Martin), Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique,
Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, St. Kitts-Nevis, Saint
Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and
Caicos Islands, Venezuela
TC12 Mid Atlantic Middle East sub-area
between the TC1 area defined in the Mid AtlanticEurope sub-area and the TC2
within Middle East sub-area
TC12 Mid Atlantic Africa sub-area
between the TC1 area defined in the Mid AtlanticEurope sub-area and TC2 Within
Africa sub-area
TC12 South Atlantic Europe sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and the TC2 Within Europe
TC12 South Atlantic Middle East sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay
and TC2 Within Middle East sub-area
TC12 South Atlantic Africa sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and the TC2 Within Africa subarea


TC123 (via TC2) North Atlantic South Asian Subcontinent sub-area

Between Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and TC3 South
Asian Subcontinent sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) North Atlantic South East Asia sub-area
Between Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and TC3 South East
Asia sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) North Atlantic Japan/Korea sub-area
between Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and TC3
Japan/Korea sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) North Atlantic South West Pacific sub-area
between Canada, Mexico, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and TC3 South West
Pacific sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) Mid Atlantic South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
between the TC1 area defined in the TC12 Mid AtlanticEurope sub-area and TC3
South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) Mid Atlantic South East Asia sub-area
between the TC1 area defined in the TC12 Mid AtlanticEurope sub-area and TC3
South East Asia sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) Mid Atlantic Japan/Korea sub-area
between the TC1 area defined in the TC12 Mid AtlanticEurope sub-area and TC3
Japan/Korea sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) Mid Atlantic South West Pacific sub-area
between the TC1 area defined in the TC12 Mid AtlanticEurope sub-area and TC3
South West Pacific sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) South Atlantic South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and TC3 South Asian
Subcontinent sub-area
TC123 (via TC2) South Atlantic South East Asia sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and TC3 South East Asia subarea
TC123 (via TC2) South AtlanticJapan/Korea sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay an: the TC3 Japan/Korea subarea
TC123 (via TC2) South Atlantic South West Pacific sub-area
between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and TC3 South West Pacific


TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Europe South Asian Subcontinent sub-area

between the TC2 within Europe sub-area and the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Europe South East Asia sub-area
between the TC2 within Europe sub-area and the TC3 South East Asia sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Europe South West Pacific sub-area
between the TC2 Within Europe sub-area and the TC3 South West Pacific sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Europe Japan/Korea sub-area
between the TC2 Within Europe sub-area and the TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Middle East South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
between the TC2 within Middle East sub-area and the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Middle East South East Asia sub-area
between the TC2 Within Middle East sub-area and the TC3 South East Asia sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Middle East South West Pacific sub-area
between the TC2 Within Middle East sub-area and the TC3 South West Pacific subarea
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Middle East Japan/Korea sub-area
between the TC2 Within Middle East sub-area and the TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Africa South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
between the TC2 Within Africa sub-area and the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent subarea
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Africa South East Asia sub-area
between the TC2 Within Africa sub-area and the TC3 South East Asia sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Africa South West Pacific sub-area
between the TC2 Within Africa sub-area and the TC3 South West Pacific sub-area
TC23/TC123 (via TC1) Africa Japan/Korea sub-area
between the TC2 Within Africa sub-area and the TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area
TC31 North and Central Pacific South Asian Subcontinent sub-area(see Note
between all countries in TC1 and the TC3 South Asian Subcontinent sub-area
TC31 North and Central Pacific South East Asia sub-area (see Note 2)
between all countries in TC1 and the TC3 South East Asia sub-area
TC31 North and Central Pacific Japan/Korea sub-area (see Note 2)
between all countries in TC1 and the TC3 Japan/Korea sub-area

TC31 South Pacific sub-area (see Note 2)

between all countries in TC1 and the TC3 South West Pacific sub-area
Note 1
For the purpose of definition of the Caribbean and Longhaul sub-areas, 'The
Caribbean Islands', 'Central America' and 'South America' are defined as follows:
Caribbean Islands
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica,
Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat,
Netherlands Antilles, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines,
Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Virgin Islands (British).
Central America
Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua.
South America (Note)
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay, Venezuela.
Note 2
Unless otherwise specified the following definitions shall apply to the rules pertaining
to TC31 fares:
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman
Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe (including St.
Barthelemy and Northern St. Martin), Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat,
Netherlands Antilles, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines,
Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands
South America
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Other sub-groupings
ASEAN Countries
Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet
Baltic States
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.


Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
British Dependent Territories
Anguilla, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cayman
Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, St Helena and
Dependencies, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caicos
Islands, Virgin Islands (British).
Central Africa
Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
Continental USA
The 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia (this does not include Alaska
and Hawaii).
Common Monetary Area (CMA)
Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland
Eastern Africa
Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda.
ECAA (European Common Aviation Area) and related states
(IATA definition for tariff purposes)
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
EMU (European Economic and Monetary Union)
Austria, Belgium, Finland, France and French territories, Germany, Greece, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain
A Metropolitan France: Continental France and Corsica
B French Overseas Departments (DOM): French Guiana, Guadeloupe (including St.
Barthelemy, Northern St. Martin, Les Saints, La Desirade, Marie-Galante-Grand
Bourg), Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion, St. Pierre and Miquelon
C French Overseas Territories (TOM): New Caledonia (including Loyalty Islands),
French Polynesia (including Wallis and Futuna)
Gulf States
Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates.

IATA Conference Areas (see also map of IATA Traffic Conference Areas)
As explained under Areas above.
Iberian Peninsula
Gibraltar, Portugal including Azores and Madeira, Spain including Balearic and
Canary Islands.
Indian Ocean Islands
Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mayotte, Reunion, Seychelles.
Mid Atlantic countries
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda,
Bolivia, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada,
Guadeloupe (including St. Barthelemy and Northern St. Martin), Guatemala, Guyana,
Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicaragua,
Panama, Peru, St Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname,
Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Venezuela
North Amercia
Canada, Mexico, USA
North Atlantic countries
Canada, USA, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands
North Central Pacific
All of Area 3 except South West Pacific
See South Asian Subcontinent Sub-area
Denmark, Norway, Sweden.
See South East Asia Sub-area
South Atlantic countries
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay.
Southern Africa
Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland.
See South West Pacific Sub-area
Trust Territory, US
U.S. trust territory of the Pacific Islands which means the area comprising the
Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands and Marshall Islands.

United Kingdom
England, Wales, Scotland, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
The 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands (US).
US possessions Saipan, Wake Island and Puerto Rico
US territories
The overseas territories of the United States of America including but not limited to:
American Samoa, Baker Island, Guam, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll,
Kingman Reef, Micronesia, Midway Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau,
Palmyra Islands, Saipan, Swains Island, Wake Island.
Western Africa
Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic,
Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Cte dIvoire, Equatorial Guinea,
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger,
Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.


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