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November 19, 2014

Name: Mustafa Munir

1. What was the official British explanation for the uprising of 1857?
The official British explanation for the uprising of 1857 was that the Bengal

Native Army had alone mutinied, and any civil disturbances that occurred after,

were natural by-products of the collapse of law and order.

2. What does the term mutiny implies?

The term mutiny implies insubordination and rebellion within the military and
in order to evaluate this position we must discover if unrest and dissent were
limited to issues concerning and the actions of military elements.

3. What was the P-53 Enfield Rifle Cartridge Issue?

The issue was that the Cartridges were made with pig and cow grease and to

operate them you had to rip them with your teeth, so the Muslims and Hindus

had a conflict over that.

4. What was the impact of cartridge issue on the uprising of 1857?

It spread anarchy, and the soldiers started rebelling. It dissatisfied the soldiers.


November 19, 2014

Name: Mustafa Munir

5. How territorial conquest was the prime objective of Britain?

He went on an expansion rampage of the British State while concurrently

diminishing the sovereignty of the princely states. The British wanted more land

so they got greedy.

6. Who was the instigator of Territorial Conquest of Britain?

The instigator was Lord Dalhousie.

7. Which administration /administrator (1848-56) began an Annexation policy

called the Doctrine of Lapse and what did the doctrine proclaim?
Dalhousies administration (1848 1856) began an Annexation Policy called the

Doctrine of Lapse. The Doctrine proclaimed that any state with an incompetent

ruler or without a natural heir would be consolidated under British legislation to

safeguard against outside rule.


November 19, 2014

Name: Mustafa Munir

8. Leadership was deemed imperative to a successful uprising. Who was

employed for the job (a Maratha Indian leader)? Give name.
Nana Sahib (a Maratha Indian leader) was employed for the job.

9. What do we know about Kanpur Massacre and when did it occur?

The Kanpur Massacre occurs in June of 1857. Nana Sahib had to play catch-up in

organizing it.

10. When was the first successful anti colonial re-possession of Indian soil?
Independence was proclaimed in Kanpur on the 7th of June, and recorded as the
first successful anti-colonial re-possession on Indian soil.

11. During the revolt of 1857 the Muslims sought to reinstate whom/what, and
Hindus worked for whom/what to bring to power?
Muslims sought to reinstate the rule of Muslim princess, and Hindus wanted to

bring the Marathas back to rule.


November 19, 2014

Name: Mustafa Munir

12. What do you know about Misrule of the East India Company?

During its early rule economic exploitation resulted in the Bengal Famine of 1770 where

more than 1/3rd of the population died. The issue of taxation and exploitation

continued into 1857 and newly annexed states. The cultural and societal impact of

colonial rule and it contributed to unrest in religion.

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