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Name: _________________

Date: ____________

1. what is the biggest mistake you made in you

teenager life?
The biggest mistake I made in teenager life was
that when I just didnt care about my school and
played so much.
2. What did you parents expected you to be?
Well my parents wanted me to be a
businessman, and I didnt really have any idea
what I want to do so I just chose to be a
businessman. But after I made this decision I
got interested in business.
3. When was the moment that you thought you are
going to a wrong path?
It was when I saw my friend going back to their
own country. When I was young I lived in
different country, and most of my friends were
going back to their country to do what they
want to do. That was the moment when I
noticed that I shouldnt play anymore and study
hard to do what I want to do which was a
business man.
4. Was there any point where you chose what you
want to do in future?
Well, I decided to be a business man because
my parents wanted me to do. So I guess that,
that was a point where I decided my goal.
5. Who was your role model when you were

Name: _________________
Date: ____________

My mom was my role model. She was a

business woman. She didnt even have to eat.
All she did was just working. I was so sad, but
now I honor her.
6. What helped you the most?
The things that my mom was showing meing
and teaching me helped me the most because
she was running rent a car business and she
showed me what we have to do in oreder to run
a business.
7. Do you regret your Choice?
No. I have never regret my choice because my
moms goal was to make me a business man,
and I want to make my mother proud of me.
8. How do you know whether person is
responsible or not?
Well, I learned how to be responsible from my
mother. What my mom did was that she made
me wake up by myself to go to school. If I
dont wake up in time she didnt wake me up
just to teach me what responsibility was.

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