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HS Soeament Goweernement of Canada" dy Canada MEMORANDUM NOTE DE SERVICE ET RET ETE Assistant. Deputy Minister 1 Medical Services Branch SUR FRE WERE ATTENTION: Mr. M, Fillion 150-5-3-8 (3) SORE WROTE Regional Director Northvest?Territories Region The following figures are all the readings en water from Detah Indian Village that I have been able to extract from the files in this office. I cannot be sure vhy no records have been received since Hay 1972, but X am certain that there 1s no reason to consider the figures would be in any way different since there has been no deterforation in effluent handling methods at the mines since that tine. There is, therefore, absolutely no hazard from Arsenic at this Village. October 14, 1969 0,085 i October 26, 1959 0.008 October 31, 1969 9.002 November 12, 1969(1) 0.003 Novenber 12, 1969(2), 0.002 _ Novenber 17, 1969. 9.008 _ Deceaber 1, 9969 01005 March 17, 1970 0.002 April 6, "1970 02005 Sune 26, 1970 02005 dugust 31, 1970 0.004 october 13, 1970 02002 January 15, 1971 9.003 February 16,1971 0.091 March 2, 1971 9.992 april 14. 1973 0.006 May 28, 1972 0.019 august 16, 1972 01095 August 25, 1971 0.003 SeptenWk 252972 9.004 Depobexcd37,19712 9.007 Fobruary 8, 1972 9.019 April 28, 1972 1003 Nay 30, 1972 21009 Voahes RDP. Eaton, M.B., Chee, D-PM for Reglonal Director ‘000100 ; j SLAM eames Bc % PS0-S-K St ye? TANF GED th The 1969 study reported on during the CBC broadcast "As it Happens" January 8, 1974, was carried out as a result of a concern in the Yellowknife area and by the health authorities about the presence of arsenic in the local environment from mining operations in the area. It was apparently decided at the time that the report should not be made public bec. se it might cause alarm on the arsenic question, when there were doubts and uncertainties about the significance of the findings. For exanple, the report itself recognized that causes other than arsenic pollution were probably involved in the health conditions reported, and the report did not establish a relationship between arsenic pollution and the incidence of cancer. Indeed the report stated that deaths from cancer in Yellowknife seemed to be lover than elswhere in canada. Nevertheless there was and is @ proper concern about aay significant pollution problem, especially its long-range health implications. A number of steps were taken to control and monitor the problem, and especially to ensure a safe water supply. A new source of water for the town was put place in 1968-69 and has operated since then. Te has been continually monitored since, T am assured it has been free of pollution problens. Analysis vas done of arsenfe content in vegetables grow in the Yellovknife area end it ves found that if the vegetables were washed the%dontact was within the Linite established in the Food and Drug Regulations. The local population was informed of these results. In addition, I am told that there have been major inprovenents in the control of pollution in the operations of the mines. Effluent is contained in tailing ponds, and airborne waste is captural and bagged. 00101 % 4 ts The radio broadcast reported on the probiem of sone residents using the water from Yellowknife Bay rather then the protected town supply, and eating fish fron the Bay. This is a matter of concern to the health authorities, especially since significantly higher readings of contamination in the Bay were measured by the Department of the Environment after spills of mine tailings into the water in the Spring of 1974, The local health authorities warnedthe town of Yellovknife of the problem in July and posted signs to warn residents not, to use the water. The health authorities also consulted with the Department of the Environment and the decision was taken that DOE would launch the suit against the firm responsible since that Department possesses stronger legal powers in this connection. I am notified that there has been a considerable effort to monitor and control the problew in Yellowknife, but I have asked for certain further steps to be taken as well: 1, Local health officials will urge on the town of Yellowknife the need to ensure a supply of safe water from the town supply to all residents, notwithstanding their ability to pay for it. Indeed I have been told that the Territorial Government has already issued instructions that this be done. 2. There will be an increased campaign to inform residents of the dangers of the use of water from the Bay, through the activities of public health personnel and by information bulletins to the news media. We will discuss wi hN.W.T, authorities arrangements for carrying out a survey of arsenic levels in residents of Yellowknife. Persons found to have significant levels will be encouraged to undergo detailed clinical examination and thereafter will be followed up, on a regular basis, by the health authorities. 000102 oe 3 4. The health staff in Yukon willbe augmented to provide these services = °". > and ‘to: provide also an augmented environmental health inspection ws service a6 well as co-ordination and collection of all available data, arsenic levels in humans, fish, water and sofl etc. within the Yellowknife area, I have also asked urgently for a report on the findings to date of the continuing survey of incidence of {11nesses in YK area that might be attributed to arsenic in the environment, and a comparison of them to average Canadian rates. 000103

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