Middot and Mitzvot Chart

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Middot (Jewish Values) and Mitzvot (commandments or expectations)

Middot are taught as we model behavior and share teachable moments in the classroom. They are also
intentionally taught through their links to holidays and Torah. Middot explored include the ones in the
chart below and are often linked to certain holiday rituals or traditions. In grade two, mitzvot and
middot are also linked to the behavior of people in the Torah stories.
Middah (value) or Mitzvah

Middah/Mitzvah connects to
our study of. . .


Shalom Bayit (peace in the home)


Tzekakah (righteous giving)


When we spend time together with family

and friends, we can make this time
pleasant through our actions
It is traditional to give tzedakah before
Shabbat and we collect tzedakah each
Sunday morning in school.
We have many models for righteous
actions in our tradition.
To appreciate the blessings that we have
in life
It is important to bring joy to our lives and
celebrate our traditions
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur ask us to
make ourselves better. On Tu BShevat,
we recognize our part in repairing and
protecting our environment.
There are proper ways to behave in the
classroom, in the sanctuary, in the halls,
on the playground, in the library as well as
in all situations in life.
This is a Jewish value going back to

Simcha (happiness in celebration)

Righteous actions of people in our

Torah and holiday stories and our
own actions
Every time we say a blessing or we
receive something special
Our holidays and life cycle events

Tikun Olam (repair the world)

High Holidays, Tu BShevat

Derech Eretz (the way of the landproper behavior)

This middah applies to manners,

personal interactions and behavior
in everything we do.

Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming


We welcome people to our Sukkah

on Sukkot and to our holiday tables
and celebrations
Hamans words to the king in the
Purim story brought about the
decree to destroy the Jews. Evil
speech and gossip is something we
should avoid.
We need to treat others with
respect. The holiday of Shavuot
Reminds us of this and other
mitzvot/middot because we
connect it to receiving Gods laws.
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Purim,
Passover. Emet has much to do
with how other people perceive us.

and Tzedek (righteousness)

Hodayah (gratitude)

Shmirat Lashon (evil speech)

Kavod (honor or respect)

Emet (trustworthiness)

Bal Tashit (Do not destroy)

Talmud Torah (the study of Torah)

Tu BShevat
Every day!

Our words are important and can hurt


We should treat others with respect. On

Shavuot, we think of the 10
Commandments and honoring
During each of these holidays, we are
asked to better ourselves or we learn of
the consequences when others are not
trustworthya life lesson.
It is our responsibility to protect the world
It is said that the study of Torah leads to
righteous behavior.

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