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Meeting of the Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council

Thursday 18 September 2014 at 7:30pm

Sports Pavilion, King George V Park, Bonnyrigg
1. Community Councillors: Darius Namdaran (Chair), Elaine Ferguson (Treasurer), Mike Moore,
Brian Scott, Dougi Stewart, Moira Wilson.
2. Visitors- John Barton, George Barnes.
Welcome and Introductions
3. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Moira Wilson had agreed to be Minute
Secretary but the Community Council was still looking for a Correspondence Secretary, a
volunteer was sought.
4. Apologies were received from Jo Lee, Cam Scott, Gibby Scott, Ruth Scott, Councillor Ian
Baxter and Councillor Bob Constable.
Police Report
5. The Community Police were not represented and no written report was provided.
6. Two amendments to the 21 August 2014 minutes were intimated, 1) at paragraph 4 the word
Treasurer should be added after Elaine Ferguson and 2) at paragraph 10 the sum should read
20k not 72K. Subject to these amendments the minutes were proposed by Mike Moore,
seconded by Dougi Stewart and approved.
Matters arising
7. All matters arising were substantive agenda items.

Reports from Midlothian Councillors

8. Councillor Ian Baxter, Councillor Bob Constable and Councillor Derek Milligan did not attend
and no written reports were provided. However, in making his verbal apologies Councillor Ian
Baxter drew attention to a letter he had written to the Midlothian Advertiser about the
Bonnyrigg Leisure Centre decision.
Neighbourhood Plan Update
9. A meeting about the Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Neighbourhood Plan had taken place at St
Leonards Church at 7:00pm on 27 August 2014. Of the 134 different issues that people had
brought forward 25 had been prioritised.
However, disappointment was expressed by
Community Council representatives who attended the meeting about the lack of action and
engagement in the process on the part of Midlothian Council.
10. Despite this, it was agreed that it was worthwhile to continue with the consultation process as it
would identify neighbourhood needs and provide an evidence base on which to approach the
Council to seek action.
11. An extension of 6 months had been agreed to complete the process. The end result would be a
report identifying: need; agreed action points; lead organisations; and a timetable. Taking the
final plan forward once agreed would require the involvement of a variety of community
12. Details of the next meeting about the Neighbourhood Plan would be advised.
13. There were no planning issues reported to the meeting.
14. The Greenbelt Action Group reported that questionnaires had been sent to all residents in
Eskbank Road about the proposed Cala Homes development at the old golf practice ground
beside Mayshade. The Group had also written to all local Councillors and to the following
MSPs: Alison Johnston, Colin Beattie and David Hamilton. Letters of complaint about the
strategy had also been sent to Cala Homes, Duncan Robertson, Planning Officer and Janice
15. The Greenbelt Action Group expressed disappointment about the Community Council decision
taken at the last meeting, in their view, to backtrack on its stance against the proposal. The
Groups disappointment was noted and the Group were advised that the Community Council
had not backtracked as they suggested but had agreed to take a neutral stance seeking to reflect

the various views of those members of the public who had attended the public meeting on 10
July on the issue.
16. The Community Council agreed to meet the expenses incurred in holding the public meeting on
10 July, 115 (60 for printing and 55 delivery). This sum to be repaid to the Greenbelt Action
Group who had met the costs to date.
Skate Park Graffiti
17. Concern was expressed about graffiti at the new Skate Park and also about anti-social behaviour
that was beginning to take place there after dark. Some of this anti-social behaviour was
spilling out into the town centre.
18. The following action by the Community Council was agreed: to
write to Midlothian Council drawing attention to the problem asking what plans it had for
tackling the issue;
contact the Headmaster of Lasswade High School seeking his support in addressing the
problem with young people directly, perhaps as part of social education;
draw attention to the problem with the Community Police; and
seek to raise the public awareness of the problem via the Midlothian Advertiser.
Financial Report and Gift Group
19. The attached financial report was tabled.
20. Attention was drawn to Midlothian Councils new grant funding arrangements which required
an application for funding to be made by 10 October 2014.
21. It was confirmed that there was no funding available for administrative support to the
Community Council.
22. It was agreed that 2 poppy wreaths costing around 50 each would be purchased by the
Community Council one to be laid in Bonnyrigg and one in Lasswade. An alert would be
placed on the Community Council Facebook page a week before the services were due to be
23. There was no correspondence to report.

24. The letter to the Scottish Government protesting about the process and the outcome regarding
the old Leisure Centre had yet to be written.
25. It was agreed that a the Bonnyrigg and Lasswade Community Council Constitution, which was
7 years old, would be reviewed once Midlothian Council had completed its review of model
26. It was agreed to pursue the purchase and siting of a Community Council notice board within
Bonnyrigg town centre.
27. The Gift Group agreed to await a request from Eskvalley Trust for support.
28. It was reported that Bonnyrigg Funday had been a tremendous success with various grants and
sponsorship all adding to the success of the day.
29. The Wacky Races next event would be held in King George V Park on 2 November 2014.
30. It was agreed that the Community Council would continue to support action to protect the
31. The following agenda items were agreed for the next meeting:
Hillhead road repairs;
Houses being built at Hopefield above the old Polton Pit (lessons from Gorebridge);
Protecting the greenbelt; and
The Midlothian Advertiser Community Council page.
Date of next meeting
32. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held at 7:30pm, at the Sports Pavilion, King
George V Park, Bonnyrigg on Thursday 17 October 2014.

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