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It has five elements which is active learning, classroom arrangement, daily schedule, assessment
and curriculum. I learned that a daily routines supports active learning is planning time, key
developmental indicators, work time, cleanup time and recall time. I reflected on my own professional
goals and beliefs in relation to this approach because I love everything mostly on a schedule so I can
plan the rest of my day out and be more prepared for whatever comes my way.
This was founded on philosophy, procedures and materials developed by Maria Montessori. You
should respect the child. Give the child sensory experiences. The environment should be prepared and
controlled. Everything should be child sized. The role of the teacher should be respect children and their
learning, make children the center of learning, encourage childrens learning, observe children, prepare
learning environments and introduce learning materials and demonstrate lessons. Child involvement
involve three areas which is known as practical life, sensory materials as known as absorbed mind,
academic materials for writing, reading and practical life. Four types of exercises is care of the person,
care of the environment, social relations and analysis and control of movement. Training materials for
developing the sense have these characteristics are control of error, isolation of a single quality, active
involvement and attractiveness. I reflected on my professional goals and beliefs in relation to this
approach because you will always have to involve children when they are just learning and so they dont
feel left out in the dark. Respect for me is a key thing for anything because that means you appreciate
that person and learn together.
Reggio Emilia
This is a flowing curriculum, respectful. When you walk into this type of child care every wall
bursts with artwork. They have a very supportive environment. The curiosity is of the child. This
educational program was named after the town in Italy where it originated. This method emphasizes a

childs relationships with family, peers, teachers, and the wider community. They have small-group
interactions. Schedules are set by the childs personal rhythms. They have a visual arts program
coordinated by a specially trained atelienista which is a trained Reggio Emilia teacher trained in visual
arts who works with teachers, children, and families. The environment is the physical space. The atelier
is a special area or studio in a Reggio Emilia school for creating projects. The program practices is
documentation, learning modalities, teach face-to-face with their students and allow movement in their
classroom. I reflected on my professional goals and beliefs in relation to this approach because I like to
have that one to one help with the teacher.
Project Approach
This program encourages in-depth investigation by an individual student or small group of
students, or even by the whole class of a topic that students want to learn more about and
considerations. The teacher has some tips which is select a topic of interest to a child (ren) with
disabilities, provide resources, document the project, engage and inform families and involve the
community. I reflected on my professional goals and beliefs in relation to this approach because it would
be fun to take a day and explore something the children like to do.

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