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What is the Situation in the Ukraine?

1. What are the three core factors that led to the chaos, according
to the article?
The first core factor is President Viktor Yanukovych broke the
promise to his citizens by not agreeing to sign political and trade
agreements with the European Nations. The second factor the Kremlin
decided to expand the economic and military power in the west. And
the last factor is citizens protesting causing the government to use
brutal responses to the protesters.
2. Why does Russia feel threatened by Ukraine forming a closer
partnership with Europe?
Russians feel threatened because in Ukraine it has the oil pipeline
that carries Russias natural gases to Europe.
3. Why did many Ukrainians, especially in the Western part of the
country, want Ukraine to sign political and economic agreements
with the European Union?
Ukrainians wanted Ukraine to sign the agreements with the
European Union because they believed that it would help improve their
lives with reforms, economy and the justice system.
4. Why did street protests erupt in November 2013?

Yanukovych published a decree saying that the government will

work toward a signing an accord. And people started to protest after
they realized the Yanukovych wasnt working toward it.
5. What were some of the government missteps that helped further
fuel the protests?
Russia gave them $15 billion dollars in loans and natural gas
discounts for the missteps. But then ended back up where they left
off, leading them back into missteps again.
6. What additional questions do you have about whats going on in
Why did Yanukovych refuse to sign the political and trade agreement
with European Union?

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