Autumn 2014 Bush Telegraph

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Pte beam Te Hello Readers - welcome to our latest edition of the Bush aes Sooo ee aga Firstly you may have noticed that we have a new logo. The funding we received from the National Lottery has come to an end and we are indebted to the Community Relations Council (RO) for funds to enable us to continue for another year. CeO en ec CIS ‘Secondly, our production team has had a change Anderson who was originally given’ | ee ee oes ee ee Bob Hedley and myself has been joined by Sandra McVicker. Carol deserves a big vote of thanks for her hard work in PS eC ec ced white sheet (remember that?) to the professional product process, Peter Fall eau eae oad ‘who provide us with the articles in the first place. en Run anything to Vilas ood “news Pe ecu acu ‘does something special we will be delighted to hear from. co We hope you enjoy this issue as much as you've told us you enjoyed the last one. aed FORUM PROJECT ..UPDATE re ey Dunluce Presbyterian Girls’ Brigade “The Girls’ Brigade began this year on Friday Sth September, with a Registration evening for al girs. This year we have been blessed by the number of girls who have joined our company - almost 80 girls and 11 Officers and associate leaders .We have an especially large Explorer section, 3 -7 ‘year olds, with 53 girls currently registered. ‘The girls will be taking part in a variety of activities to cover the various section of their badge work the Explorers have been following the set scripture course, doing crafts and various games. Company section also follow the set scripture course and all will be taking part in a self defence course, The Juniors will also be doing baking and crafts, Seniors and Brigaders will be looking at cooking methods both here and overseas, and fashion. Our Enrolment Service is on Sunday the 23rd of November at 11.30am, with the girls taking part, reading, singing and lifting the offering. We will also take part in the Remembrance Day service at the Diamond on Sunday 9th November and parade up to Bushmills Presbyterina Church for the service there. On the last Friday before Christmas break - 13th December = we will be having partes for the girls of each section. We have still a lot of badge work to complete so it will be busy time for us all before we get to the Display in late ‘March but we aim to make the items interesting, enjoyable and fun for the girl. ‘Thanks to all the officers, and associate leaders for their support this year, we are very fortunate to have such a good group of leaders, which is vital for the size of our company. Thanks, Jeon, Every Lord's Day Breaking of Bread 1130am Sunday School 3pm (Sept-May) Gospel Meeting 7pm Monday 7.00pm Childrens Meeting (Oct- March) Contact 028 2073 1258 for transport. ge tex Wednesday 8.00pm Prayer Meeting & Bible Reading ‘The Bushmills Education Project (BEP) has grown from strength to strength over the last year due to the committment and work of the Bushmills Residents & Environmental Forum (BREF) and other supporting people, groups and organisations such as: parents, carers and young people; the schools; Sure Start; the churches; Education Welfare Service; Bushmills Locality Group amongst many others! Through the Seeds 21 Group, people came together over the year to share information, identify priority issues and work towards the Young Peoples Festival and Young People’s Charter on education. As part of its own commitment to involve and give the ‘community a voice in education, BREF started up the Bushmills Homework Club which has been running successfully once a week open to all primary school children from P4-P7; BREF is also starting up an education based Youth Club on 7th October for 8-14 year olds. Other activities as part of the Bushmills Education Project have included the successful delivery of the FAST programme in Bushmills PS, the Essential Skills courses run by the Further Education College in Dunluce School, the Bushmills Parents & Carers Café and the development of the Young People’s Charter on Education ensuring that young people’ voices are at the heart of education in Bushmills. ‘The successful Young People’ Festival in June 2014, hosted by Sarah Travers from UTV, was a celebration of all the work achieved and particularly the work, talents and skills ofso many young people in the area. The award to the most ‘Welcoming to Young People Trader’ of the year was also presented to Sammy and Anne from Sams Shop at the Festival with the event ending with the launch and signing of the Young People’s Charter on Education by Mervyn Storey, MLA. We would like to thank all those who have been involved in BEP and who are committed to improving education for young people. We would particularly like to thank all the volunteers, parents/carers and young people who have been and must continue to be at the heart of the project. If you would like more information on the Bushmills Education Project then please visit our Facebook Page — Bushmills Education Project and/ or contact BREF at 028 2073 0500 or by email err Charter on Ea tb Yb Pp Festa eid ‘On Wednesday 15th September the members held their annual Autumn Outing. The members made theirway by coach to Gracehill,a settlement founded by the Moravians in 1759 and Nuts first conservation area. After a most interesting walking tour and visit to the church, a lovely meal was enjoyed by all in the Millside Restaurant. ‘The members had a pleasant journey to Patterson's Spade Mill. It was interesting to see spades being made in the last working water driven spade mill in the British Isles, and to learn how expressions such as strike while the iron is hot’ originated. After all this, members returned to their meeting place, Bushfoot Golf Club, tired but happy! ee CRIT TTT BU) [ced s ‘We have been blessed with a warm and wonderful start to the autumn; however, with the end of the year approaching fast some attention needs to be paid to our Fee Sea eee en ar the last of the summer colours and delights Now is a good time to start thinking about planting. Pees cm ne ao pansies and polyanthus plants which will provide some colour during the cold winter days before they erupt BUSHMILLS BRANCH Saree ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Peer ee planning which tulips and daffodils to plant. Why not try putting a large pot to use and tightly planting the Five lca members were honoured tobe invited as quest to Coleraine Counds Puree ete cae MUD reception for the Queen vist in June. A significant, and humorous, incident Peto ee Seca Omen ts occured when one Bushmills lady was briefly spoken to by Her Majesty Pe ono eae and Prince Philip at the same moment (and looking atthe other Bushmills members asked the lady’ husband’ youn charge ofthese reprobates?” Don't forget to water your pots - even though we do get Saat) had a bref summer break before continuing with ther very busy programme. 4th August this year marked the centenary of the dedration of war and a single candle was it during a brief ceremony atthe war memorial to honour S cic Gi sr EWA Rat SEL AG aan Gp and Reems ecm UE en Teo ‘music in the Parish Centre recalled the events leading up to the outbreak of Ne dd ‘WAI. Later that evening a church service took place and during that the church much to take on why not try starting your own wee lights wee tured off one by one until the church was in complete darkness, Leia OEE INE Gao eee ly and the Branch President lt a candle at pede 1:00 pm, ~ one hundred peat maa hala Maden EEE Hs eats they ines te tedrclon eae in 1914 Ree esate Ld era ogen eet eren tenet Sone ner aera td The annual cream tea inthe Vilage Hall attracted lots of people and was a definite sucess. In July, a motor ike run to various localesin North Antrim was followed by a barbecue - an enjoyable afternoon, though ona ovey day such S e ee aan as that was there were many other entertainments to choose from and there x was only a moderate crowd in attendance for our BBQ. The evening of 20th July saw the annual wreath-laying ceremony at the CGuseway cliff tops memorial which honours the two WWII amen who perished thee, and attendance was again good. Members asisted atthe WWI exibition in the Parish Hall, serving tes and manning the door and generally helping out as needed, The event was very popular and Glenda Rodgers generously donated 50% of the funds raised from itto the Branch. ‘Ata military vice shown Portrush the Branch ran a stalling memorabilia, ‘At the Portrush ir Show we sold programmes and raised some funds, and we had outa outagain atthe Salmon and Whiskey Festival as wellas selling teas atthe Gymkhana, Smal efforts in themselves, perhaps, but they all contribute to our fund-alsing objective forthe Poppy Appel. ‘A Branch Youth Section had been talked about and planned for sometime, and ‘thas now come to futon, t meets atthe Vilage Hall on the 2nd and 4th Thursday ofeach month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Membership a present is 14 youths between the ages of 12-17 and we hope and plan for this to grow, Preparations are ongoing forthe Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Fesivalin Dunluce Schoo! on 7th November. Tickets ar aallable at £7 each and can be purchased from any Branch member or at Sams paper shop. The 1913/ 1914 Poppy Appeal raised £11, 880— the highest total ever. Sincere thanks to the residents of Bushmills and District for theit generosity, ‘was celebrated for the second year at the Causeway. Last time it w eee eee tenes series of large marquees, with outdoor displays of potato harvesting ‘machinery and the massive tractors required to pull them. One vintage potato spinner attached to a Massey 35 was located on the grass right up on top of the Visitors’ Centre ~ what a contrast to the Sr entnge tn ta The Festival was originally conceived as a tribute to John Clarke, a man from the Causeway area and someone who devoted many years to producing different varieties of potato, with ongoing research and Mae ieee ee cee ol expert on the science of potato breeding, producing dozens of varieties, some of which are still widely grown, He is honoured with a blue Ulster History Circle plaque at Innisfree Farm where he once lived and which now belongs to the National eect me Seen ea en Cao ee cera ete ese Ce Ur ee a Reena CO Cuneo rd coffee from a church group; knitwear; baked potatoes; hamburgers; Perea Pie ee eae to cater to just about every taste and desire, and considerable crowds of people thronged the Festival throughout the whole day. Inside the hotel itself, several stands promoted food technology Pee ent ame caer ome ee ac Pee ee cee ane cs guests. Topics were varied and interesting: the John Clatke story; David Langford, the noted potato variety collector, presented ‘Potato Varieties Galore’; Carol Hall from AFBI recommended growing your own, even if the spuds were only planted in a bucket; Donna Wi from the Loughry Campus lectured on the importance of potatoes Pert a Cookery demonstrations were given throughout the day in a large marquee devoted solely to that purpose — it was a very professionally set up arrangement reminiscent of a TV studio. Local chefs from hotels and restaurants prepared their specialty potato dishes and made them available for testing and tasting to the audience. Paula McIntyre had been on BBC radio that morning, talking about the Festival, and her afternoon cookery session and demonstration was very interesting Helicopter rides proved to be a popular feature, with several older ladies even going up for a second flight to make sure they had seen all the local scenery the way they wanted to. Model aircraft were on ana ete gem ee ons wind direction and the proximity to the chopper flight path. A vintage car parade drove very slowly through the site at one point aeRO an Rm mcm erent ‘Main sponsors of the Festival were the Northern Ireland regional Food Programme and UTV. The National Trust deserves special Pen roe en eR eRe ere Pe ene nae eae ars ‘The Northern Ireland Potato Festival Committee is grateful to all those who helped to make the day the success it undoubtedly was. Organisations at DUNLUCE PARISH CHURCH successfully start new season of activites. Thefollowing organisations meet weekly... Badminton Club (11-1718) Monday 6.30pm-10pm Contact: Nial Mehaffey 07713602191 ‘Indoor Bowling Cub Monday & Wednesday 7.30pm Contact: Mrs Maureen Batten 028 2073 2400 Anchor Boys Wednesday 6.30pm-Bpm Contact: George Ramage 07765503200 Youth Club (P4-Yr9) Thursday 6.30pm-8pm Contact: Grace Dunbar 028 20732915 ‘Boys’ Brigade junior & Senior Sections Friday730-9.30pm Contact George Ramage (Capt) 07765503200 Lighthouse Cub Sunday @ 11am Contact Kay Smyth 028 2073 0389 Ghoir Wednesday 7.30pm ‘Mothers’ Union monthly 2nd Tuesday 7.30pm Contact: Daphne Bustard 028 2073 1715 On Saturday 4th October, which was a peach of a day (a peach between two storms) the Bushmills Hospice Support Group held their annual Coffee Day in Portballintrae Village Hall. Our village group has been busy raising funds since its conception in 1988, care ‘The majority of funding to support NI Hospi ‘comes from local people as the government only funds half of the E6million annual running costs. At this time of looming government cuts we do worry if we will feel “the chop” to funds over the next few years. BUT, dont think that our little group is all doom and gloom! If you had been in the kitchen in the Village Hall today, you would certainly have enjoyed the “craic” amongst “the workers’. ‘They will certainly agree when I say we are not getting any younger, but wwe can still laugh at ourselves and have fun. Not only was there coffee/tea, scones, pancakes and tray bakes provided by contenders comparable to those on ‘The Great British Bake Off, but also we had on sale our usual Hospice Christmas cards and a beautiful selection of hand knitted items donated by Dawn and Hazel Graham, and ably helped by Rosemary Dunbar. ‘Thank you so much ladies! We really do appreciate your input to our fund raising efforts We also appreciate the help of Jimmy Wilmot, the hall caretaker, who is always very willing to help us, when needed, ‘Thank you Jimmy! Lastly we would like to thank all those who came and supported us during the day, or sent a donation, helping us to raise the wonderful sum of £1108. For those who couldn't make it, you missed the social event of “the season’, great baking and good craic. Jackie Cole were pleased to welcome this year’s new intake. Sixty pupils arrived from sixteen different local pemary schools ~ all raring to go! aT a) | tt i rT ' CORON SD) ee PERU acd rer EL BUSHMILLS PARENT AND TODDLERS’ GROUP has now been in operation for thirty years. For all that time the group has met in the Community Centre, one of the first local community groups ever to use it for ‘meetings - incredible to think that the Centre has been there for that length of time! es Juliet McMullan (above) has been involved right from the very beginning of the project, and she started it when the Toddler group that was once based in the Hamill Hall ceased to be. She identified a need and moved to fill that gap, and has been heavily involved ever since. Juliet, attends at the Centre four mornings a week when the group is in operation, and though the numbers vary from year to year the absolute need for such a facility is still very much present ‘The Bushmills group is afiliated to Early Years, a national body, and enjoys the support of that umbrella organisation, Providing liability Insurance is a significant and necessary expense each year and since the group has had very, very few grants of any kind over the years then they are obligated to raise funds for running the facility - mainly by selling tickets for Christmas and Easter Hamper draws. A small fee per family is charged for each child attending, though the money raised from this barely covers the hall rental and the group always has to make very careful use of whatever money they have available ‘The children can look forward to having a fuss made of them on their birthdays, and a group Christmas Dinner takes place each year in the community centre; a few days later Santa makes a vist. ‘The group is open to everyone in Bushmills and District, and disability facilities are also available if required. Anyone who wants to bring along a child or grandchild will be made very welcome. The hours, from Monday to ‘Thursday, are 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Look forward to seeing you! Bushmills and District Community Association meets on the third Tuesday of each month in The Bushmills Community Centre at 8pm. There are a number of planned events over the coming, ‘months and everyone is welcome to attend. Quiz Night Friday 21st November 2014 in The Causeway Hotel at Spm. Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch ‘Thursday 11th December 2014 in Dunluce Parish Centre at 1.00pm Flags and Emblems Talk ‘Tuesday 20th Jan. 2015 by Lyn Moffat BCRC in the Community Centre at 8.00 pm. Night at the Races Saturday 21st February 2015 - venue will be announced at a later date. Gospel and Ulster Scots Concert Friday 20th March 2015 Talk and Walk on Blackrock Strand followed by BBQ ‘Tuesday 16th June 2015. Annual Festival will be held in July 2015 ‘The Ivy Leaf Club for over 50s Keep Fit Exercises in The Community Centre each Tuesday from 12,30 to 1.30. This term activities in The Positive Steps Programme concentrated on Healthy Minds and is enjoyed by all participants ‘Anew programme will start in January 2015 on Friday mornings from 10,00am until 12.00. It is hoped to start the Luncheon Club in The Dunluce Parish Centre on 2nd Friday of each month at 12.30pm. starting January 2015. More details will be available closer to each event. DR Occ} OEE Largerange of Hand Crafted Gifts eect Pree anc oy Dae a Sy cai Peace pene er perry HOMEWORK Co-operative Book Table The used-book table in the Co-operative shopat the bottom of the town recently passed a significant milestone in their continued fund-raising activities. The magnificent sum of £20,000 has been raised and distributed to local charities, and since the books are sold at either 50p or £1 that means that many thousands of books have been stacked on and sold from that small table - probably up to 30,000 of them. All the receiving and handling and setting out on display of these thousands of books, all the added work of keeping the money received for them in a container separate from the tills, is done on an entirely voluntary basis by Co-operative staff. This has been going on for several years now and the ook table is a very popular feature with locals and with the visitors who throng our area in the summer months. Please continue to support this very worthwhile charity fund-raising effort. pty CAUSEWAY COAST PEACE GROUP Over 50 members of Causeway Coast Peace Group met in the ‘comfortable surroundings of Bushmills Presbyterian Church Hall, where they were welcomed by the Leader Eleanor Duff. She informed members that the theme for the year was ‘Welcome the Stranger’, and said new residents have a real role to play. Rev Noel McClean presented thought provoking devotions and was duly thanked by Eleanor, who in turn introduced our first speaker of the new season - Kate Carroll, widow of PC Steve Carroll who was killed in 2009 whilst serving in PSNI. Kate who emphasised she was not a victim, but a survivor, spoke in a moving way, about how essential it is to bring peace by the best of our ability, and wished she could have done something prior to Steve's killing, In a non judgmental ‘way and with no bitterness Kate said “despite our differences ‘we can live together” and quoted the wonderful example of Derry/Londonderry and their City of Culture Year success. Steve Carroll had had such a zest for life, and this is what prompted Kate to take a stance against the bitterness and hatred that, if not nipped in the bud now, will spread like wildfire throughout the communities. So to fulfil Steve's dream of a shared society, Kate founded the Steve Carroll Foundation in 2012 to provide a permanent memorial to her husband, with the following aims - to acknowledge and reward inspirational young peacemakers across N.Ireland who have demonstrated through sustained action their desire for a shared future, and to help people to help themselves, so that they in turn will be able to help others. Through the Foundation it is hoped people will live in a better and united society. Kate said “we have to move on - look into the past, and learn - and then move on” She emphasised we must listen and try to understand the other's point of view, and have the courage to compromise. “Hope will always triumph over despair” In the five and a half years since Steve's death she has endeavoured to help people get on in life, and feels she and her husband were a link in the chain of change for peace. She finished in a hushed room by asking everyone present to give the’'sign of peace’ ‘The next meeting of the Peace Group takes place on Tues 18th November, 10am, in the Mill Rest, with Guest Speaker, Peter Osborne, Chairman of Community Relations Council, everyone welcome, Bogus Callers and Rogue Traders SMe) CT-N MAE) i? Police Advice on Distraction Burglars ins ook ee dae in nd ako + all Qikceck 000012729 you war check acl is genie. indo teeter ARerarbe wht they ok he appearance, thing veil ee report spits prt or persons Plc immedi Trading Standards Offer This Advice vrs se roptable compass sd get wren uses rom lent 26°. rnd nd fay may abl ceca compares tat hy hare ever accep ffs rv yu witrow many Dentacep an offer toed tom yon yu don't kno cst yt hat jeu arto pressurised hand ovr money hop your oor Or cllny tte numbers ow ctaatnd ea aad Sondre 00131262 oe CALL THE a io pevcxnerorrs le 10.1 bee 0800 555 111 Ea | It is over two years since we opened our charity shop in Bushmills and it has been a real success story! Thanks to public donations of clothes, books, bric a brac, ete, we have been able to contribute 50,000 pounds to help vulnerable children in the UK and throughout the world Our shop is staffed by volunteers who give up their time to help sort, price and sell our wares... but we really need more help to run our busy shop! If you like meeting people and have a few hours to spare once a week , we would love to hear from you ‘Autumn is approaching and now is the time to sort out your wardrobes, draw ers, and kitchen cupboards. Please donate any unwanted items or clothes that no longer fit! And we will sell them to raise further funds for Save The Children A huge thank you to our customers, volunteers and donors, We couldn't do it without you ! ‘Our Christmas Fayre (including cake stall) will be held on Saturday 15th No- ‘vember at the Youth Hostel in Bushmills from 2 - 5pm, Why not come and buy your Christmas presents and support the work of Save the Children in the UK. ildren Thank you to the Community Relations Council for their sponsorship of the newsletter

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