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jinutes - Minute Minder Norris: Iwill manage the money | Judge: Who's going to write the contract? | Norris, Tm assuming we have an existing contract all wt some dollar amounts, | Ms, Williams: And you can't'really do an amendment; it calendar year. Iwill get something up to Marilee and Wilson: So Lorinda,ffother half a year then would be al Norris: No, it’s going to be approximately 16,000 Com spend, somewhere in that ball park. We will have to fig welll have to figure out what Mr. Walsh's salary is for the be what we have to pay Mr. Dugan. | Hodge: Walsh. That was the new DA Norris: the new deputy. And it's going to be in the ball Wilson. Hodge: Does that sound all right? Wilson: So 16,000 you're saying is, will get it through til Norris: What I'm sayi Wilson: Okay Ms. Williams: You can wait until you see the contract be Wilson: I'd rather do that Hodge: That's fine with me, you can probably have that lorrs: Well in the meantime you have some issues whet sanctions against the Sheriffs Office and I don’t have any iS. time bomb ticking for the Sherif's Office. Judge: Can't you fill in for him? Norris: 1 don’t have the ability to catch-up on that case. hours Judge Joyce. Judge: Thank you Nortis: Now, as long as we have a temporary authorizati can wait untill next week to get the paperwork done. judge:_Is Judge: Okay. Norris: Ijust need him to take care of a few fires. Hodge: I have no problem with it needs to be in the form of a motion then, fs. Williams: It will be fine, his contracts going to be’ backdated to January 1 anyway Page 8 of 19 need to do is change some dates and change has to be a new.contract from calendar year to can additional roughly 56,000 for Mr. Dugan issioner Wilson is how much money Thave to. ire out how much we've, well we've expended, remaining five months and the difference will park of approximately 16,000 Commissioner June 30th is that is the remainder of the $84,000 fore you have a motion 0 us by next week? \\ attorneys in the drug case are seeking = yone working on dealing with that issue. e And ye Dugan needs to be able to get back to work. iit would be hundreds and hundreds of wasted ion for Mr. Dugan to return to work we certain| 2. is that part of the motion, the original motion? |Tdon't mean to interrupt, perhaps, thinkit's Ya to all of you, you see the contract v 2 the full motion, today probably the only|motion is Mr. Dugan is temporarily authorized and } i : board. Con, ‘nding the . ; }-1/MinuteMinder/Minutes/View/282 12212014 /malheurco-de-1/Mint. vernsnscu/ MAEDUES/ V1 1 il 1 V1eWI282 | 77212014 | Hee snutes - Minute Minder Hodge: Wilson: Hodge: Wilson: Hodge: was going to say fora week yeah for a week that’s fine or ten days or something, Norris: {m going have him respond to those motions sq to pay monetary damages as soon as possible Hodge: Today? Starting today? Norris: He can do it from home, we are mobile. And I either excepted or rejected by the Court so we don't put! because if you reject it that will end his ability to work. Hodge: Yeah, but I think thele needs to be, we need to weeks, no later than a couple of weeks Norris: I like it in a couple days but I don't know what ‘your staff is very busy, I don't want to create fires for the} Hodge: Okay. I'll so move to that. Judge: Okay. Wilson: Second that. Judge: Second, all those in favor say Aye Judge, Hodge, Wilson: Aye Judge: Motion carries. Hodge: thank you Norris: thank you ORDER FOR SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTIES Treasurer Jennifer Forsyth met with the Court and preser at the County Land Sale. Cornmissioner Wilson moved ‘Commissioner Hodge seconded and the motion passed 2014. See instrument # 2014:0428 COURT MINUTES Judge Joyce moved to approve Court Minutes of February 5, 2014 as written. Commi seconded, to form only as he'was not present on Februa FAIR BOARD ‘The Cour discussed the fair Hoard membership, The Cou} and Cyndi Hoyt thanking them for their service on the fai to reappoint Leanna Elguezabal to the advisory board an board. Commissioner Wilson seconded and the motion ‘nding the bylaws to allow for seven voting members) /imalheurco-de-1/MinuteMinder/Minutes/View/282 Page 9 of 1D are you going to have him starting tomorrow or today that the Sheriff doesn't get tagged with having uld prefer that we do it until the contract is ourselves under an arbitrary time guideline, lave that contract in here within a couple u're capability is in getting it done. 1 know mn either. ted the list of properties to be offered for sale to approve Order No. GO-03-14: In the Matter Of the Sale of Properties Acquired by the County, Order f the Sale of County Properties. inanimously. The land sale will be April 29, | ner Wilson ty 5, 2014, and the motion passed unanimously. signed letters to board members Gary Boer advisory board, Commissioner Hodge moved to appoint Shad Hansen to the advisory assed unanimdusly. The Court discussed jon the board rather than the current five 772212014

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