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Veronica Victoria

Fernandez (lucy)
Personal Finance 2nd period

Describe the vision for your life: My vision of my
future life is hopefully im still alive. I honestly
want to be successful,have a degree a job, an
apartment or house. In california so i can rise my
future family where i grew up. i want to help
children in the future. I want my future to better
for myself and my parents i want to make them
proud of me.

Occupational Therapist
Reason i choose Occupational therapist, is
because i want to help children or adults with
special needs,to reach their success in any
problem they have, i want to help them fix their
speech,writing,reading,social skills. Teaching
them actives, so they will not feel like they can
not do anything. i want to help anyone to be like
the rest but there own unique way,I want
children to feel like they fit in school and outside

Observe student engagement in activity and provide strategies to facilitate all students' full

Reduce barriers that limit student access, participation, or progress during naturally occurring
activities and routines within the school environment.

Teach students technology to support student success.

Support the needs of students with significant challenges, when helping to determine methods for
alternative assessment to promote academic achievement, for example.

Collaborate with the educational team to provide service to the child and on behalf of the child to
promote functional, developmental, and academic performance.

Occupational Therapists
Last Update is 2012
2012 Median Pay
$75,400 per year
$36.25 per hour
Entry-Level Education
Masters degree
Number of Jobs, 2012
Job Outlook, 2012-22
29% (Much faster than average)
Employment Change, 2012-22

Levels of education and skills

Master's Degree Programs:: As master's-level students, future occupational therapists participate in skills
labs and clinical experiences.

Job Experience
All accredited occupational therapy programs require students to participate in six months of supervised clinical
experience. Many employers are open to hiring new graduates with no professional experience beyond the
requirements for course completion. In contrast, other organizations may require 1-2 years of experience.

Licenses and Certifications

All states require occupational therapists to be licensed. While specific requirements may vary, generally applicants for licensure must have
graduated from an accredited occupational therapy program and must pass a licensing exam. Workshops

and Seminars

Professional organizations, such as the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), offer educational conferences, which may last
for several days

What skills do you need/have?

Demanding job that requires stooping, bending, lifting, coordination and flexibility.

Ask yourself the following questions as you consider this field.

Do you like to be around and work with people?

Do you like science?

Do you like the field of medicine?

Can you work independently with little direct supervision?

Do you have patience?

Can you wait for extended periods of time before you see results of your work?

Do you like to work with your hands?

Are you creative and a good problem solver?

3Goal in 5 years
1. Ill be starting my first year of my job
2. have a nice car
3. go to school again to get another degree

Goal #1
The steps to accomplish this career is working
well with others and having patience, being
able to connect with others.
the opportunity cost is helping students.

Career Destination
what is your career destination?: At the end of
my job i want to be helping more students or
adults,anyone. Teach people how to interact
with people who struggle in life, I want to go to
school for eight years to get my PHD.

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