Newpapserby Aidan

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Other news:

-ice vessel Aqua flame

saves lucky passengers of
Ice shard
-protests of Zetta
-most wanted personal X
of Zetta gets captured
-leaked documents on the
government methods of
making people speak
-Internet rebooted- is it
really safe

The sinking of ice vessel- ice

On 18 of February 2079 11:38pm the ice vessel- ice shard sank. The
causes of the sinking were unknown. Raymond Blue was one of the lucky
ones to survive was luck to talk to us. The vessel was a thousand years
old, no wonder it sank, he said. Experts are clueless on how the vessel
sank. The vessel was an old aircraft carrier in of the war it was built to
withstand the forces of extreme nature, how this vessel had sunk is totally
impossible; said Susan Jones.
The ship housed 800,000 people from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes. About
707,000 died that night, most of them were 3rd and 4th classes. Death
count is massive bodies now washing up on our shores, the government
claims to have placed new safety laws. But more needs to be done, is the
government really help us?

-hundreds of pieces old

tech stolen

The Government all money no


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