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Subscriber Information
Company Name
Billing Address
Phone Fax Mobile
Finacial Contact Desig.
Phone Fax Mobile

Contract No. Date
Agreement No. Agreement Date

Product Information
Particulars No Of Units Unit Price Total
1. Firegate ( ) $ $
2. Site Preparation and Installation at Site ( ) $ $
Total $
In words US Dollars

Installation Information
Site Address
Site Contact Desig.
Phone Fax Mobile.

I / We kindly request Io Global Services Pvt. Ltd. to provide us Network Security Firewall - Firegate at the above
agreed prices. The terms and conditions for providing the service would be as per the Service Registration Form.

For For IO Global Services Pvt. Ltd.

Name Name Syed Mutahir Zaidi

Designation Designation Manager Sales
Date Date

IO Global Services Pvt. Limited, House No. 329, Lane No. 5, Street No. 15, Wazer Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan

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