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Jessica Vasquez RDG 323 9/25/14 In-Class Assignment 1, My mentor teacher doesn’t have literacy practices in her class because we are usually outside on the fields on in the gym. She does, however, have some good effective teaching practices. One of the practices she does is make sure the students are respectful and appropriate in her class, If they are not, she makes sure to solve that problem by talking to them immediately. Because of this the students are well managed in her class. Another effective practice she does is stay involved in the class and motivates students either by helping them or praising them. This lets students feel like they are apart of something. Her high energy let the students be comfortable around her and her class. They enjoy coming to her class to learn the new sport or activity but also have a good time and be active. 2. She could improve to be more effective by actually incorporating literacy in her curriculum, She doesn’t have it now but I think it could help her students learn more about physical education or health if they had more material to look off of. It doesn’t even need to be textbook; instead it can be magazines or articles that pertain to the information they are learning. 3. When I have my own class | will not have a classroom but instead a gym. What I plan on doing with itis if am the only P.E. teacher using it I will put up lots of visuals to let students see that P.E. isn't just about playing sports. If | happen to share a gym with another teacher or teachers I will make sure to have a designated space in the gym where students can see weekly posting of interesting facts about the body or about an activity. With the interesting facts I will display, this will let me include literacy to my teaching practices. This can give students a chance to read something that is related to physical education but also lets them learn something new and hopefully remember that fun fact even when they have stopped taking my class, Along with the interesting facts I will also include some readings. Readings can either be from a magazine or an article or newspaper. Again, this will be relating back to physical education so they are still learning something about the subject. would make the reading fun and interesting so they actually enjoy reading something in P.E. The way | want to set up my class is to not just make it about the sports. I want to make it about lifetime activities and how to make what I teach into something students can do with their friends or family members. I want to be able to target those students who may not like sports and show them other types of activities they can do so they can stay active. I also want to make sure they know about the health side and how it is beneficial for them to let them live longer. The thing | want most for them is to show that this isn’t a P.E. class that their parents took when they were young. Gael jcleoe avct Phoghh! / dpe you mate fla woastof your (ntervechisa PAIS Sagrastor anol learn tel Berth Eni G

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