Mandala Assignment Sheet and Rubric

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Name:____________________________ Team: ________________ Class:____

Students Assignment Page for the Culminating Activity

Essential Question of the Culminating Activity:
How will I make my personal mandala?

Paragraph Description of the Culminating Activity:

You will use your knowledge of the ancient art form of mandalas to create one that is personal to you by considering
who you are, taking aspects of your personality, and creating symbols to represent those aspects. Your project will
contain design principles taken directly from traditional artworks but will be created using sgraffito techniques.
Steps or Task Analysis of Culminating Activity (Include Graphic Organizers):
1. Prepare paper for sgraffito.
2. Choose or create a life quote.
3. Fill in a bubble map that describes aspects of your personality.
4. From the bubble map, choose and create at least five symbols with personal meaning.
5. Create a concentric design plan using the symbols and fillers.
6. Apply sgraffito techniques to surface.
7. Self-analysis
8. Critique
Graphic Organizers: bubble map, circle map

Culminating Activity/Project Rubric

Name: ________________________________ Team: _____________________ Class: _______


Personal Symbolism

Symbols are unique, creative, and

meaningful; imagery is thoughtful
and effective at conveying
meaning; life quote is significant;
clear attention to detail displayed
in work.




Symbols are appropriate but may

lack originality; imagery could use
more work; life quote lacks
originality; more attention to
detail needed.

Etching Marks

Paper fully colored and painted

evenly; some variety of etching
marks that enhance design;
mastery displayed in use of tools
and materials.

Radial balance is slightly off;

ineffective use of repetition;
picture plane not addressed; color
scheme could be stronger.

Use of Time

A couple of practice sketches

attempted; some class time used
wisely; student is mostly
dependent on teacher or peers;
drawing mostly complete.

Symbols lack originality or are

limited; imagery is not clear; life
quote is absent or lacks purpose;
much more attention to detail

Use of Picture Plane

Radial balance may be off slightly;

repetition is used; picture plane
not adequately addressed; color
scheme is adequate.

Complete Drawing



Some practice sketches

completed; most class time used
wisely; student is dependent on
teacher or peers some of the
time; drawing complete.

Surface Preparation

Paper fully colored and painted

evenly; a wide variety of etching
marks enhance design; full
mastery displayed in use of tools
and materials.


Radial balance maintained

throughout composition;
repetition used effectively
throughout; picture plane mostly
addressed; color scheme adds to
overall effect.

Prep Sketches

Several practice sketches

completed before final drawing;
all class time used wisely; student
is able to work independently;
drawing complete.

Symbols are unique and

meaningful; imagery is effective
and conveys meaning; life quote
is fitting; a little more attention to
detail needed.


Radial balance maintained

throughout composition;
repetition used effectively
throughout; picture plane fully
addressed; color scheme is
vibrant and adds to overall effect.

Work Process


Little attempt at sketching; class

time wasted; student overly
dependent on teacher or peers;
drawing incomplete.

Use of Tools

Paper mostly colored; paint may

be slightly uneven; little variety of
etching marks that may take away
from design; some mastery
displayed in use of tools and

Some attempt made at coloring

and painting paper; no variety in
etching marks or marks
inconsistent; more practice
needed in use of tools and

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