Ela Summary

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Pedro Sosa

ELA Summary
English language is an important subject to teach. This is known, but the building block
and foundation starts at kindergarten. Students must learn the basics early in order to
comprehend the complex instructions of the future grades. The task of California schools, then, is
to develop and deliver a language arts curriculum that is systematic and carefully articulated and
establish specific, continuing standards leading to competence and alignment with the English
Language Standard. Not only that, but the goal of developing lifelong readers and writers begins
early in students lives and represents a unique balance of competence, motivation, accessibility,
and experiences with print. These are the main goals that we as teachers should strive for and be
able to implement in our classrooms.
ELA does not have to be straight forward ELA. It should use all the subjects in order to
make the subject colorful and attractive to the students. Assessment should be based on the
previous learning and not a specific standard. All students dont learn alike and they should not
be graded the same as well. Phonetic awareness is needed and there are ways to make it
interesting. One way is to have the students make a phonetic book of their own and share it with
the table they sit in. I did this in my English 487 class and was blown away of how the kids
mispronounce sounds and how they blend them. If students were taught this earlier, the speech
they use would improve. Not only that, but their writing as well. The words they here would be
pronounced and written correctly. Kids enjoy building their own informational text. I was, and I
am a 25 year old man.
English is a subject that must be taught early and often. In order to accomplish this, the
early years should be emphasized. Students want to learn so as teacher we should make this fun.

This can be obtained by blending subjects. ELA can be combined with history and science and
that way time for all subjects can be achieved.

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