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Sunday 3rd of January 2010

Readings for the day

Morning: Psalm 89:19-38, Isaiah 43:6-end, Romans 15:8-21
Evening: Psalm 85, 87; Isaiah 60:13-end; 1 Corinthians 2:1-end

Prayer for the day

Eternal God, who by the shining of a star led the wise men to the
worship of your Son, guide by Jesus' light the nations of the earth, that
the whole world may behold Your glory: through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thought for the day: ARE YOU CHOSEN BY GOD?

In our passages for this morning, the common trend is that God chose
and anointed David (Psalm 89:20), God chose the Israelites (Isaiah
43:10) and gave grace to Paul to be a minister of Jesus Christ unto the
Gentiles (Romans 15:16).

You may now ask yourself, have God chosen me for a task? You must
know that God have called us all to preach His word to all nations,
draw men unto Him and be a light unto this world of darkness. If you
have not received any specific order, then get yourself ready to spread
the word of God.

Are you ready to do this? If you are afraid that you may not know how
to do it, pray that God should grant you His Spirit to empower you to
do so.

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