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Diana G.

Cris Longhurst
English 1010
November 20, 2014
Reflection Cover Letter

In English 1010 class I learned skills in writing to can help me to be successful in college.
The instructor teach how to analyze rhetorical situations through questions about the audience,
the writer, and the text, that means Who? Why? and What? An important tool that I need for be
an effective writing is the critical thinking that include analysis of the situation, synthesis,
evaluation and application. The instructor make me understand that thinking is the most
important pre-write activity.
An essential step in the writing process is to do a working thesis. In my first portfolio I
need to analyzed my options and make choices to find an appropriate way to communicate my
ideas. Questions help me to find the direction to clarify my concepts and establish my thesis. The
feedback with instructor and my classmates help me to have an objective point of view about my
ability in writing in the peer response sheet and I learned that I need to work hard improve my
The assignment in MLA citation style help me to learn the correct way to use this style. It
is a tool that will help me in my assignments in other classes. Other essential part of this class
was work in group. We need to select an issue and take a position together. Work in a group
supporting between us was a nice experience for me. The concepts that he instructor give us in
the class are valuables skills to can help me to be a successful writer in college.

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