Story Mountain 2

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Open your sentences with different words
!!moments laterfinally after that a few
Adjectives tear streaked looked blue

Story Mountain
The golden silk dress

Adverbs slowly curiously

Name - Alicia

Personality skinny, artistic and likes hiking smart

sometimes can be very curious

Description - 10 year old who loves art adventures

Like a glass of water spilling its

Description of the setting and the main characters
what is going on where and why?

Alicia was in her room and is looking for artefacts to

show at her end of term presentation.
She finds an old photo with a sad girl on it.

Use these at the start and in the middle
of your sentences

Moments later
After that

This is the most dramatic part of the story - the most
exciting part. What is happening how do the characters
She sees a girl that is stuck on a tree. The girl is crying.

Ambitious Vocabulary
Use adventurous words to make your
writing come to life

Alicia races to save the girl.

When Alicia runs to climb the tree, It starts raining fire
along with thunder,lightning and strong wind with lots of
rain. Wooden planks are every where and Sharp twigs and
thorns are sprawled on the floor.
Alicia ducks her head under and grabs the girl by the
A famillor burn mark is on her finger.

Beginning to know the characters: some action, building
up to the problem more detail about the scene,
building tension to the main issue!


With a curious eye, Alicia inspects the photo and

touches it. It feels hard.
Alicia is swooped in the photo with a gust of wind with a
twist and a turn.

Adverbs - slowly cautiously joyfully

Powerful verbs - tear streaked.

The problem is beginning to be solved. It might be part
one of a number of problems.

The girl gives her a silk robe with silver,fine thread with
gold printings on it.
It feels smooth and is luckily not destroyed. Alicia goes
and marches forward facing the tree.

All problems are solved. How do the characters feel?

Alicia is back in her room and realises that the girl she
saved was her older cousin and nows that by the burn mark
on her finger.

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