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Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Profs. Prades/ Santibez



Identify the methodology you employ in your classroom?

Task 2.
Which of the statements below do you think characterize
communicative language teaching?
1. People learn a language best when using it to do things rather than through
studying how language works and practicing rules. ______
2. Grammar is no longer important in language teaching. ______
3. People learn a language through communicating in it. ______
4. Errors are not important in speaking a language. ______
5. CLT is only concerned with teaching speaking. ______
6. Classroom activities should be meaningful and involve real
communication. ____
7. Dialogues are not used in CLT. ______
8. Both accuracy and fluency are goals in CLT. ______
9. CLT is usually described as a method of teaching. _______

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