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Project Charter

1.0 Project Background

Property (also referred as equipment or tangible asset) that is used in
the operations of a business. Example of property includes land, building,
devices, machines, tools and vehicles. The Property Management System
(PMS) is designed to simplify the management of all the properties that the
company owns. It is designed with a user-friendly interface that is easy to
work with. It enables to track down the property easily which allows to
categorize, search, filter and locate the property quickly. PMS preventive
maintenance tracking monitors the status of equipment whether it is in good
condition, under repair, in-used or disposed. It also provides notifications for
the property manager to be updated with the properties monthly or annual
dues. In such ways, the Property Management System (PMS), a
computerized system will improve the overall efficiency of the HR and the
logistics department.

1.1 Problem Opportunity Description

In this section, the proponents discussed the problems that can be
resolved by the computerized system which is the Property Management
System (PMS). These are the following:

No administrator control
Property management system is for administrator. Without the
property management system, the administrator cannot accept
approval request for new item or property. The property management
system manages or controls buying, selling, and junk of the property or
item. Risking without an administrator control can affect the companys
operations and maintenance.

Service Management System - Property Management System

Unable to track down the property easily

It is difficult to track down the properties on whom or where it
place or used. Since most of the company still store documents in their
spreadsheets and cabinets, it is a problem to search through folders
and filing cabinets to get the information needed on-time.

Delaying of payments
Rental, license, insurance, lease and other payments that are
needed to pay are sometimes forgotten. It is one of many cases due to
lack of reminders because of hectic and time-phased schedule of a
personnel. Sticky-notes may be helpful for some instances but it was
not as effective as it can be. Delaying of payments will result higher
damage cost or penalty for the company.

Not detailed monitoring

Property number, name, description, image and etc. are the
information that can be showed when viewing the property, but there is
no information added on when the property repaired or how many
times that item repaired or who are the persons who already used that
particular item. Dealing with unexpected lost cannot be monitored
easily. Lost occurs when an equipment or asset that is expected to be
available is nowhere to be found. It could occur because a piece of
equipment was left at a job site or was misplaced by an employee. It
could also occur if an employee takes home an item at home and
forgets to return it.

Service Management System - Property Management System

1.2 Benefits
Property Management System provides a way to keep a log of all
activities associated with the assets of the company. It is one among the
most effective tool a company can get. When PMS is used effectively, the
positive side effects trickle down throughout a company, from the
management level to the mid-level coordinators to the employees on the
ground floor. It also helps make life easier for everyone who works in an
office building, day in and day out. The following stated below are a number
of the most important edges of PMS to its beneficiaries:

The Property Administrator/Manager

Property administrator/manager is the one who works on a daily
basis to handle myriad tasks that go along with running their buildings,
overseeing everything from the allocation of space and supplies to the
management of files on the computers. Managing an office building is
a Herculean task so it is a must to have software that can make his
work palatable. PMS is basically designed for the people-in-charge. It
can help him assure the high quality of both the equipment condition
and its performance. So PMS is not just a means of controlling
maintenance. It is a primary tool for improving maintenance

The Employees
Every worker at every level of a company has a need to use
office resources efficiently, and PMS helps precisely with that. It will
increase productivity, by providing an easy to use, centralized point for
submitting requests for approval and automating the routing and
tracking process of property

Service Management System - Property Management System

It also helps to reduce time-consuming follow-up phone calls for request

status and more information. It can cut overtime significantly by reducing
the need for emergency maintenance and repairs. By scheduling
maintenance, maintenance staff can work more efficiently and effectively.

The Company
Computerized process lessens the work of the company
resulting to more comprehensive and reliable information. With the
help of passwords and other different safety options, PMS will able to
confirm that data has got to be confidential is kept confidential. Data is
compiled, stored, edited, and retrieved whenever needed. It lessens
paperwork, by which the PMS can capture the information instantly.
More benefits including less reliance on contractors, reduced
maintenance backlog, reduced cost per repair, improved morale,
better service and reduced follow-up required by supervisors.

The Proponents
PMS is a requirement for academic purposes that must be
created and developed by the proponents. It is a challenge for the
proponents on how will they to accomplish the task in the given date
and pass the subject. For the proponents it is not about the higher
grades they can get, but to create a functional and useful system to
develop their own programming, documentation skills and thinking
capabilities. The knowledge that the proponents learned from school
and perseverance they have had throughout the development is a
greater success for them to reach what they want in the IT industry.

Service Management System - Property Management System

1.3 Goals
This section describes the goals of the Property Management System
to be implemented, installed and addressed in finding the best solution to the
problem and these are the following:

Administrator (property / item)control function

The administrator function gets the control in managing
the approval of new item, disposal or for selling equipment
request. He can easily access the function needed.

Useful and reliable information

It will show all the needed information and categorize the
information depending on the users needs. It also has a history
record or report of the recent activities regarding the property.

Notification for payment

Avoid of delaying of payments. Monitor of the due date of
payments, the system will notify the user about the deadline of
payments before the due date happens

Detailed monitoring of property

All the information of the current property item should be
save, example of this is on where the item goes, the user
date, when the item repaired and until the item remove to
the company all the information involve in the company
was save.

Service Management System - Property Management System

Using the system and the database, the files are more secure
from unauthorized person. The needed information of property
is easy to locate or find by the personnel.

Property Management System is a monitoring system. It will show

all the needed information and categorize the information
depending on the users needs.

The proposed system automatically notifies the system user for

reminders like renewal of license and insurance to lessen the
delay of payments on the company.

1.4 Stakeholders and Clients

This section identifies the involvement of stakeholders and clients to
the project. They are the individuals, organizations and/or departments who
may have an interest in the outcome and will be affected by the project.

The Logistics Department

The logistics department is one of the stakeholders where the
proponents will be providing a computerized system, which is Property
Management System that can provide better tracking or monitoring of

The Property Administrator/Manager

The property administrator/manager is the person who manages
the property that a company owns. He has the power to manage, control
and approve request of items. With the help of property administrator, the
proponents got a chance to know the business process of PMS.

Service Management System - Property Management System

The User
The user of the PMS is an employee or anyone who is authorized
to use it for company purposes.

The proponents
The proponents are the project team who were given a
responsibility to develop an enhanced and updated PMS. The project
study will measure the proponents patience and perseverance to meet
the requirements needed in order to produce efficient system.

The Proponents Adviser

The proponents adviser acts as a consultant to develop right
strategies in making the project study possible. He checks the
documentations and processes of the PMS to ensure correctness and
proper project as possible.

The Proponents School/Institution

The proponents school/ institution give the opportunity to prove
that the education it catered can compete globally. Through the schools
support and supervision premises, the proponents can do the project
study for their own good and academic purposes.

All stakeholders are not equal, every stakeholder has his own
expectations, and requirements, and he should be handled the way he
expects. Knowing them, their needs, expectations, and requirements
increase the chance of a projects success. If any important stakeholder is










many difficulties e.g. causing a delay in project, cost overrun, and in the
most severe case the project may be terminated.

Service Management System - Property Management System

2. Project Scope
The Project Scope pertains to the work necessary to deliver a product.
The work and resources that go into the creation of the product or service are
essentially the things that frame the scope of the project. The scope of the
project outlines the objectives of the project and the goals that need to be met
to achieve a satisfactory result. To define the project scope of the PMS,
objectives, deliverables and out of scope are identified and described below.
2.1 Objectives
This section describes the components or parts of the Property
Management System to be accomplished. Objective statements on this
section will clarify and demonstrate the boundaries of the scope under the
Those figures below are the diagrams representing the processes
and functions of the Property Management System (PMS).

Service Management System - Property Management System

Figure 2.1.1 Property manager approval function

In Property Management System (PMS) there are two important
administrator functions where he can manage, control or monitor buying
and disposing of item or property.

New item request

The Procurement System (PS) manages the entire request
from them.

After that, PS will send the detailed report to the

property management system. Inside that report are the needed

item, who requested, purpose, item supplier, price and etc. If the
request has been approved by the property manager then the
purchase order request will be send to the billing system to pay that
particular item.

In disposal item, the report will be send by the Warehouse
Monitoring System (WMS). It manages the report about disposing
of item to the procurement. WMS will report the items or equipment
which are subject to or a candidate for disposal to property
management system. The report is being managed by the property
management if it is for selling or junk item. If the property manager
has decided to sell the item, Property Management System (PMS)
will send a report to procurement to report the billing. In junk item,
the property management will send a report to the procurement for
disposing the item.

Service Management System - Property Management System

Figure 2.1.2 Property maintenance and monitoring

Property management system (PMS) manage barrowing and

returning item, change the information in the database when taking
or giving back the item to the company.

Repair and Lost are also managed by the Property management

system (PMS). PMS send the report depending on what happen to

Rental, HR dog and etc., are still manage by the property

management even if the item or property is not own by the
company as long as the property is under the liabilities of the
company the Property management system (PMS) will manage it.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 3.Payment monitoring (assets and liability)

Monitoring of deadlines and other needed to pay that involves in the

property are still manage by the property management system. It will
notify or simply remind the user through notifications that will pop-up
days or week before the due date. Property management system is
responsible for the monitoring of due dates to lessen the penalties
when the deadline over.

Mobile Application of Property Management System

The Proponent will develop a mobile application for financial officer

or Property management Manager that will accept the request from
procurement process system. The mobile application will received
the information or request from the system and send the request
through internet connection. The mobile application will notify user
if she/he receive the request.

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.1.4 Property Management System (PMS) - Work Break Down Structure

Service Management System - Property Management System


The Work Breakdown Structure presented here represents all the

work required to complete this project which is the Property Management
System. The WBS for this project will be more aligned with the System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) rather than focusing on the project
management process groups. This WBS will help the proponents to
understand the overall picture of what is going to happen next, without
having to be familiar with the project management processes.

2.2 Deliverables

Service Management System - Property Management System


Objective 1 - Property manager approval function

Project Deliverable

Work Products/Description

Administrator approval

The administrator approval will determine

the request whether to disapprove or
approve it. This form control the supply of
company in buying and selling property

New item request

These are the request for new item or

equipment for the company. It can be
approved and sent to the billing for
process, it can be ignored by the property
manager or stay on pending request,
disapprove the request and deleted from
the list.


The part where the item or equipment is

needed to be disposed due to malfunction
or not being use for a long time. It can be
reported as disposal property but still the
report will be send to the Property
manager to approve it before the report is


If the Property manager approved the

report about selling that particular
property, those reports will be sent to the
procurement to find a buyer.

Objective 2 - Property maintenance and monitoring

Service Management System - Property Management System


Project Deliverable

Work Products/Description

Property maintenance

It involves the maintenance of item or

equipment. Such as return, repair and
lost. Monitor the information of property in
the database.

Maintenance and monitoring

Maintaining and monitoring the item or

property status, checking of records.

Objective 3 - Payment monitoring (assets and liability)

Project Deliverable

Work Products/Description

Yearly payment

These are the expenses that were

needed to pay annually. Avoiding the
delaying of payment this form show the
detail about the year payments which
involve to any property. Examples of
those payments are renewal of license,
insurance and etc.

Monthly payment

These are the expenses that were

needed to pay monthly. . Avoiding the
delaying of payment this form show the
detail about the monthly payments which
involve to any property. Example of those
payment are the monthly rental and
monthly maintenance or checking of the

2.3 Out of scope

Service Management System - Property Management System


This section describes the items or functions that may be related to

the Property Management System, but it will not be managed as part of the
project. The following items are defining the out of scope under the Property
Management System (PMS):

Dont have the list of suppliers and the price for item.
Property management system (PMS) doesnt have the lists of all
the suppliers and buyers of property. The procurement has it.

When it comes in buying and selling, the payments are not
under by the property management. Property management is about
the logistic or supply not about the financials.

Delivery monitoring
Any transaction before the item was saved in the database is
not managed by the Property management system. So the delivery
date and time and other information are not under by the property

Adding new property to the database

Warehouse can save information based on the request came in
the property, because they monitor the item after the transaction.

Assigning of property

Service Management System - Property Management System


Procurement and warehousing manage the request and save

new item information to the database then assign the property to the
user or giving any item to an employee.

`Stock monitoring
Since the procurement system manages about the request for
the company needed item and assigns the property to the user. They
are also responsible for the monitoring of stock in the company.

Managing and creating request

The procurement manages the request from the HR and creates
the detailed report if there is no available item in the database. Notify
the property manager for the new property item needed to buy.

3. Project Plan
The project plan defines the what, when, and who questions of system
development including all activities to be performed, the individuals, or
resources, who will perform the activities, and the time required to complete
each activity.

3.1 Approach and methodology

Service Management System - Property Management System


In this section, the proponents decide to use the System

Development Life Cycle (SDLC), primarily the waterfall approach that
must be considered and come together in order to develop a successful
project study. The SDLC is one approach to reduce the risk of failure. The
following are the phases which describe the methods used:
System Planning
In this phase, PMS is planned using a strategic approach. The
proponents evaluate the effectiveness in terms of meeting the entitys
mission and objectives. This process includes general guidelines for
system selection and systems budgeting. The plan will change in a few
months, but much evidence exists that such planning pays dividends in
terms of effective IT solutions over the long term. During this phase,
several documents will be generated. They include the long-term plan,
and short-term IT budget, as well as preliminary feasibility studies and
project authorizations. Project proposals should have been documented
when submitted to PEC.

System Analysis
In the system analysis phase, the proponents gather information
requirements for the PMS. Facts and samples to be used in the project
are gathered primarily from end users. A systems analyst or developer
then processes the requirements, producing a document that summarizes
the analysis of the project. The result is some kind of documentation, such
as a systems analysis report. In effect, systems analysis illustrates the
entitys ability to be thorough with its systems development.

System Design

Service Management System - Property Management System


During this phase the proponents analyze and design the system.
Using Diagram and other methods, it will show the blue print of the
system. Certain types of documentation created include use cases,
Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, entity relationship diagrams
(ERDs), relational models and normalized data diagrams. The proponents
did a walk-through of the software or system to see if any defects in the
system can be detected during development. That walk-through was also
documented. The proponents also identified the hardware and software
that will be using throughout the project. It is a requirement for the
proponents to use Java Programming Language for the front-end and MS
SQL for the back-end which is implemented by PEC.

System Implementation
During this phase the proponents are going to finalize the PMS,
prepare the executable or installer of system and database to be tested by
individuals or organization. If errors or bugs occur, it is the proponents
responsibility to refine the system. Implementation takes place after
performing test plan and condition. After passing the requirements, the
system is ready to be distributed to a company.

System Operation, Support and Maintenance

It is the final phase of the system development effort. Monitor and
support the new system to ensure it continues to meet the business goals.
The proponents are required to monitor the PMS at least once a month
after the implementation to make sure that it brings correct process and can
stay for a longer life span.

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.2 Project Timeline

Service Management System - Property Management System


Service Management System - Property Management System


3.3 Success Criteria

In this part of documentation, the proponents discussed the success
criteria that servers as a basis/ guide for the system to meet its goal and
objectives. It can be used to determine the success of the system and its
functionalities. Success criteria is the basis of good system it show the
characteristics of good system.
3.3.1 Accessibility- the system must be accessible for the authorize
personnel of the company such us admin and in charge Employee can do
when using it. It must be understandable or easy to manage by the user.
3.3.2 Accurate- Handles transaction correctly without discrepancies in any
form must be accurate.

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.3.3 Useful and timely information- the information must be up to date

whether daily weekly and monthly or even annually it can produce reliable
report for meeting or any case situation needs.
3.3.4 Efficient- the system must be fast and quality -assured. It should be
strong during employees peak hours to avoid disruption of work and
inconvenience to the customer.
3.3.5 User friendly- it means that the system must be easy to understand
and use whether the user is well knowledgeable
3.3.6 Reliable- the information shown in the system must be correct.
Theres a big problem if the information want to see by the user is different
from there what expected.
3.4 Issues and Policy Implementation
In developing an integrated system, there are issues that surely happened
before or during the finalization of the transaction between the other
3.4.1 Misinterpretation of system process- Probably the most common
issue that usually occurred. This is cause of unfamiliarity with the system
title itself thats why research is needed to be done to clarify what the
system for.
3.4.2 Distribution of transactions- In distribution of transaction to one
system to another it had been made a conflict situation on how will one or
two transactions affect the whole process of the system. It was decided
that every transaction that will be having the same role, connection or
function with other subsystem must undergo consultations and doublechecking.
3.4.3 Connectivity of subsystem to another subsystem- It is said to be
the complicated part of integration. This may vary from two to three
Service Management System - Property Management System


subsystems that are really connected by main of transaction testing the

highest possibility of errors during data and transaction sharing can trigger
the transaction process.
3.4.4 Data sharing- Subsystem shared one to two databases from one
server. This kind of integration was the challenging part for the proponents
of each group that must be critically plan before doing it on hand.

3.5 Risk Management Plan

Risk management plan identifies the factors that can affect the outcome of
the project including major dependencies on other events or actions. In this
section, the proponents identify the risks and its impact on the project.
Risk management plan
L Low 0 - 30%
M Moderate 31 70%
H High 71- 100%
Risk Factor
Negligence of
Financial problem
Wrong information

Probability Impact Risk management action


Contribution for the group activities

Analyze all gathered information

between the group
Delaying of plan

Properly manage and monitor the

member by the project manager





about the project and their task

Rescheduling the plan.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Aiming for a 100% correctness of

Adviser complaints

process to avoid the complains of

the adviser
Know all the process including small

Client complaints

and very important details to avoid

client complains

3.6 Service Transition

These are the requirements in using the propose system into the client

Client should have computer(s) to operate the system.

Clients computer must have higher specification in hardware and

software to avoid the problem in implementation process

Client must have knowledgeable user to run and manage the system

3.7 Options Analysis

In this section describe the alternative options that have been
considered as other approaches prior to the work that have been made any
importance between the client and the proponents.

The client has the right to decide whether they used the
Property Management System or still using the existing system.

If the system was rejected, the proponents have the authority to

sell it to other client/s prior to the rights and authorship of the

Service Management System - Property Management System


If the system met the requirements and did hit the project
budget, the cost savings will be settled according to the deal
between the client and the proponents.

If the system has been remarkably compared to other system

with lacking of the functionalities that has been expecting, the
client have the rights to question the system and it is the duty of
the proponents to fix the problem respectively.

4.0 Technical Features

In this section, the proponents identified the possible technical features
that will be needed to develop the Service Management System Property
Management System successfully. Technical features provide the possible
identification and description of the applications, software, hardware,
features, peripherals and some devices that will support the HRMS. The
following are the possible technical features under HRMS:

Front - End: Java Netbeans IDE 7.3 version

Java is one of the best programming languages for developing
system software. The proponents will use the Java Net beans 8.0 for
developing the front-end of the PMS. The PEC is requiring the proponents
for using only Java language for the PMS project.

Back End: MS SQL

The MS SQL will serve as the back-end of the PMS. This
application is the database of the HRMS that will store all of the data and
information coming from the front-end of the PMS. Although there are
many of the database application to choose from, the proponents will use
the MS SQL as a part of requirements given by the PEC panels.
Service Management System - Property Management System


Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit/ 32bit / Windows 8

The proponents will use Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating
system to develop the PMS. This is very commonly used operating system
today for desktops and laptops.

Memory Capacity: 2GB RAM

The memory capacity of the laptop or desktop must be at least 2GB
to avoid system error like loading of the applications.

HDD Capacity: 320GB

This is the capacity of the laptop that the proponents currently using
to develop the PMS. The applications like Java Netbeans and MS SQL
requires a huge amount of storage capacity.

5.0 Project Organization and Staffing


Project Manager


Ramos, Christian
Joseph De Ocampo


Manages the team

Planning Strategy

Project Initiation

Project Control

Risk Management

Resolving the issues

Budget the project

Service Management System - Property Management System


Handling of business

System Analyst

Amacio, Chanie De

System Design


Technology Analysis


Analyze the audience




Document Specialist

Visitacion, Clarisa L.

Craft the right message

Distil the message into

effective documents




Evaluate the results




Business Analyst

Bacay, Kenneth Ramos

Business plans








Service Management System - Property Management System


System Coding




Lead Programmer


Arizapa, Michelle





Develops programming


Correct errors on the

system coding

6.0 Project Budget





Transportation Fee of
member every meeting

P200 per week


Food of member every


P200 per week


Paper, Marker and etc.

P50 per week

Guide for creating the

Project manual book

document. Sample of

300 per member


Service Management System - Property Management System


Plan Execution



Interview Transportation

Transportation fee of
member that conducting
the interview

P100 per interview

Food For Interview

Meal or snack

P150 per interview

Meal or Snack

P50 per interview

Request letter and


P10 per interview




Proponent Transportation

Transportation fee of
member that conducting
the interview

P300 per week


Meal or snack

P200 per week


Meal or Snack

P50 per week

Printed Paper

Printed Documentation

P300 per copy of


Food for the Proponent


Printed Paper


Service Management System - Property Management System


Related Studies and Systems

2.0 Introduction
In this chapter, it will show the originality and relevance of the
proposed system from the systems that had been researched. It is important
for a project to have a review of related studies to highlight difference in
opinions, contradictory findings or evidence, and the different explanations
given for their conclusions and differences by different authors.

2.1 Foreign Studies

2.1.1 CAFM Explorer: Property Management Software
CAFM Explorer provides a solution that enables you to effectively
manage a wide range of services under your management thus providing
information to Facility Managers and Contractors to optimize their
operation. The Property app enables you to establish a comprehensive
database of property information for any location, at any level of the CAFM
Explorer hierarchy.
Key features include:

Ability to manage single or multiple companies within one database

Easy navigational tree ensure simple management and retrieval of

all facilities information

Lease renewal, break clause and rent renewal tracking

Management of Health & Safety equipment and service request

Dynamic Link to property related Planned Maintenance activities

Storage and maintenance of hazardous element data such as

asbestos which can be easily imported

Service Management System - Property Management System


Ability to track condition of building elements including structure,

fabric and mechanical

Monitoring of building lifecycle costs and energy efficiency

Storage of all property related documents such as contracts, lease

agreements and Health and Safety documents

Easy to navigate storage of all company and property contact

information, including Fire Officers, First Aiders and Facilities

Generation of property management reports

Date Published: 2012
2.1.2 Facilities Management Software
Managing assets is a critical component to the operations of any
facility or property. eMaint building maintenance software provides the
ability to identify, track, locate and analyze all of your corporate assets.
The asset explorer provides a user-definable "tree" view of assets, making
it easy to locate by the location, type, system or any other hierarchical
setting you choose. Keeping track of assets and their changing locations
is a challenge. eMaint gives you the ability to track asset locations so you
know where it is, where it's going and where it's been.
eMaint's web-based facilities maintenance software and property
maintenance software systems provide point and click access to all labor
and material costs right at the asset level. Gathering of all these costs is
accomplished through our powerful work order system.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Work Order Management

The eMaint Work Order center allows you to provide technicians
with a planned job, the proper procedures and the necessary parts and
tools they need to work without delays or interruptions. Labor, parts and
purchases are easily tracked on the work order, allowing you to quickly
analyze the costs associated with facility maintenance management.
With eMaint, you'll be able to calculate response time and
completion rates, track performance, and provide a feedback mechanism
to keep your internal customers aware of the status of their work requests.

Service Request and Maintenance Request Software

Work requests - whether from owners, tenants, staff, students,
teachers, customers -- are at the cornerstone of operations and facility
management. Let's face it: there shouldn't be a "one size fits all solution"
to managing work requests. For some organizations, simplicity is the key.
Our "You've got work" feature makes submitting work requests as easy as
sending an email. Other organizations require a more robust solution. The
"My Requests" feature not only provides a customizable form for detailed
entry of the request, it provides a requester control panel to view the
status of pending, open and past work.

Vendor Portal for Secure Access

The optional vendor portal feature makes it easy for vendors and
outside contractors to acknowledge receipt of work details assigned to
them, update labor, material and other costs upon completion of the work,
and attach documents and images to the work order.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Each vendor is assigned a unique login that grants them access

only to the information you choose to share with them in a fully
customizable view.

Key Performance Metrics

The Maintenance

Dashboards in





maintenance software provides up-to-the-minute information on the key

performance metrics critical to your building maintenance program:

New work orders in last 24 hours

Percentage of work completed last week

Year to date number of work orders open

YTD Number of work orders completed

YTD Labor hours

YTD Material costs

Percentage of work orders over estimate

Turnaround times on work

Facilities Maintenance
Features in X3 CMMS Software

Benefits for Facility Managers

Work Request Management

Improve workflow efficiency and customer

satisfaction by providing a fast and easy
tool for submitting facility work requests.
Maintain customer satisfaction with
automated alerts when customer requests
are approved, rejected and completed.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Email Request Module

Enables unlimited number of customers to

easily submit requests via email that are
automatically captured in your eMaint
Request Center

Asset Explorer

User-definable "tree" view of assets,

making it easy to locate by the location,
type, system or any other hierarchical
setting you choose.

Asset Work and Charges History

Point and click access to all labor and

material costs right at the asset level.

Multi-Form Capability

Easily capture the right information about

your assets, regardless of the various
types of assets that you manage.

Provide an environment of the highest

level of customer satisfaction and asset
Facilities Preventive Maintenance
availability. Facility preventive
(PM) Management with Automaintenance ensures equipment is
Generate Capability and
maintained regularly, not just repaired
scheduling based on any trigger when it breaks.
calendar, meter or conditionAutomatically produce and email
based monitoring.
preventive maintenance (PM) work orders
to ensure compliance and maintain
optimum equipment performance.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Planning and Scheduling Tools

The "Planner" interface lets you see the

work that needs to be performed and
assign it to available personnel. The tool
includes customizable filters to view work
by building, department, problem type,
trade, or any other criteria needed to suit
your business process.

Inventory Control Tools

Reduce inventory spend and ensure the

right parts are available at the right time

Workflow Manager

Powerful configuration tool that lets you

"define rules" - from auto-assigning work
requests, to routing work orders via email,
to calculating response time and
completion rates -- and customize the
CMMS functionality to match your specific
business processes.

Facilities maintenance management gains

instant access to the key performance
metrics critical to your operations,

Personalized Dashboards and


New work orders in last 24 hours

Percentage of work completed last
Year to date number of work orders
YTD Number of work orders
YTD Labor hours
YTD Material costs
Percentage of work orders over
Turnaround times on work

Service Management System - Property Management System


Cost Tracking and Repair


Easily capture labor, parts and materials

costs and measure maintenance spend by
building, department, customer, costcenter, line or any user-definable criteria.

Mobile solutions with bar coding


Perform inspection rounds, manage work

orders, and control inventory using a
handheld device in the field.

Vendor Portal with Secure Login

The optional feature allows vendors and

outside contractors to acknowledge receipt
of work details assigned to them, update
labor, material and other costs upon
completion of the work, and attach
documents and images to the work order
via a secure login.

Private Label Option

With this optional feature, we will rebrand

our software to include your company logo
and corporate branding.

Date Published: 2014

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.1.3 OpenMaint
Open source solution for the Property & Facility Management; an
application for the management of buildings, installations, movable assets
and related maintaining activities

openMAINT helps the managing authority to know, organize and

update those data related to the asset inventory, in order to support their
decision and operative procedures.
A complete ready-to-use solution, i.e. it is configured with all
necessary base files, processes, reports and dashboards.
Has been customized in order to shape over the environment
where it operates, usually made up of procedures, documents, roles and
responsibilities, technical restrictions, textual data and geo-references,
external systems to interact, etc.
Complying with the rule, it can also be gradually activated with
successive extensions.

openMAINT is available with the functionalities needed to solve the

common management needs of the Property & Facility Management
openMAINT is made of the following modules:

Space & Asset Inventory

Economic Management

Facility Maintenance

Energy & Environment

Logistic Management


Service Management System - Property Management System





openMAINT provides the following base features, which are common to

the various modules:

Web based user interface

Text and graphic browsing through the objects

Complete history of the changes on any data card (versioning)

Rapid and analytical searching functions for every card attribute

Definition of filters and views for an customized access to data

classifications and lookups which can be autonomously customized

document file used to match every kind of file with every kind of card

workflow engine integrated with a visual editor for the graphic design of

report engine integrated with the visual editor for the report design

possibility to define customized dashboards

complete outline of users, groups and permissions

interoperability with other applications through web service

CSV data import / export functionalities

possibility to configure and manage (task manager) automatic operations

possibility to configure connectors through external systems

possibility to autonomously model the data scheme:

creation of new typologies of objects (classes)

creation of new attributes on pre-existing objects (attributes)

creation of new typologies of relations among objects (domains)

openMAINT is based on CMDBuild software
It was developed by applying the most advanced planning
guidelines and the best technologies:

Service Management System - Property Management System


Service Oriented Architecture, organized in components and

services that cooperate also with external applications through web
Ajax user interface (Ext JS libraries) which grant intuitiveness in the
use of the application, interaction with ergonomics, fast slew rate and
minimal latency
Server components realized with Java, which does not depend on
the platform, is solid, scalable and largely used by big organizations that
want to develop web enterprise applications also thanks to the validity of
the J2EE specifications and to the libraries and products of third parties
which realize its services

PostgreSQL, the most advanced and secure open source database

the workflow engine Enhydra Shark

the report engine JasperReports

the document file Alfresco

the intranet portal Liferay



OpenLayers for






BIMServer and BIMsurfer for the support of BIM functionalities

Date Published: 2014

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.1.4 SimplifyEM Property Management Software

Property Management Software by TReXGlobal has never been
simpler than This FREE property management software
is easier to use than spreadsheets or other bloated financial software.
Property managers and landlords can save time and money through the
intuitive, simple design of SimplifyEM Property Management Software.
Many features such as automated tracking of rental income and
expenses, one-click Schedule E generation, a rent reminder page and
many others cannot be found on other rental property management
software. Property management company TReXGlobal is continuing to
add new features that its customers have asked for such as automated
mass emails for rent notifications, lease renewals and rent receipts. Tired
of filing cabinets overflowing with paper receipts, complex spreadsheets,
and expensive property management software? In just seconds, you can
enter leases, send invoices to tenants, track billing history, and charge late
fees. SimplifyEm Property Management Software eliminates hours wasted
on performing repetitive tasks like collecting rents and bookkeeping, so
you can spend more time saving money.
What's new in this version:
Version 2.0 adds Tenant Center. Lease Renewal, Rent Reminders and
Late Rent Pages, Mass Rent Reminders and Rent Receipt Emails.
Author: T-Rex Global
Date Published: May 12, 2012


Service Management System - Property Management System


2.1.5 Property and Asset Management

If your organization needs to hold and maintain an accurate record
of information on any aspect of its property portfolio, Manhattan offers a
world-class property management software solution.
Manhattan Property and Asset Management is the core of the
Manhattan property investment management solution. It provides the
capability to handle either simple or complex property data structures;
incorporating owner, landlord, site, land, property, tenant, customer,
occupier, lease and agent relationships. Setup is extremely flexible, with
users having the ability to modify or edit fields and configure screens
around data types.
For transaction management, Manhattan property management
has comprehensive, project based acquisition and disposals functionality.
While an event-driven diary management system that helps manage
common critical dates such as rent review, allows user-defined warning
periods and is compatible with third party email applications.
Property Management Software Benefits

Maximize income and reduced expenditure

Never miss an important event, such as break

dates, lease renewals and rent review with
comprehensive diary management

Streamline reporting and data presentation






stakeholders with web portals

Easily monitor supplier Service Level Agreements

(SLAs) with automated alerts and processes

Automate key business processes within-built


Service Management System - Property Management System


Support cross-border portfolios with asset type

and country specific functionality


Core property database

User-defined field sets

Lease and rental management

Acquisitions and disposals

Diary System

Web portals

On-screen reporting

Search facilities

Document management

GIS integration

Executive dashboards

Date Published: 2014


Service Management System - Property Management System


2.2 Local Studies

2.2.1 Property Management System
For property traders, property maintenance and also management
ought to be of perfect significance if one desires to achieve optimum worth
in the market for their particular property. Nevertheless, numerous
proprietors tend to ignore the importance of property management either
because of insufficient knowledge about the problem or even they are
unable to garner adequate time to consider numerous aspects related to
the property. Several traders even tend to refrain from managing their own
property as they discover the job troublesome and demanding. In these
types of conditions, registering for a great online property management
system can be a helpful alternate.

In the last handful of decades, technical advancements have

performed a significant part in enhancing general effectiveness,
reorganizing procedures and also assisting property traders and property
administration firms obtain ideal control over their property management
problems. A property administration program can be merely understood to
be a software program designed and designed with the objective of
assisting clients handle and obtain optimum manage over every aspect
associated with their property. At the moment, property management
systems are now being utilized broadly in a number of sectors such as
real estate, consumer banking, hospitality, logistics, hotel management, as
well as managing intellectual property problems. Additionally, there are
various kinds of property management techniques available for sale,
thereby complicated users about which to pick.

Service Management System - Property Management System


On this regard, here are referred to some essential factors that will
help in selecting a property management system.

Exactly why do you want a PMS? : It is important to address this

problem and so as to choose software program that's aptly ideal for one's
requirements and needs. For instance, a PMS necessary for a hospitality
industry must have functions that can relieve out visitor reservation, help
fast check-in, improve efficiency and produce a much better visitor
encounter. Alternatively, a PMS ideal for a property proprietor should have
procedures where one can preserve tenant database and manage
problems related to property upkeep. An adequately chosen and set up
property administration program can easily simplify your business
procedures considerably, thereby making your lifetime simple and also
comfy. Additionally, it is possible to get rid of human mistakes and improve








Realize your requirements: Anytime you are planning to implement

a PMS within your business, it is necessary that you simply understand
what you actually need. Because of this, it is important to connect to all
those individuals who will be while using system straight or not directly. In
this way, one can obtain insight into their requirements and needs that
they really feel can improve their effectiveness and also make their own
jobs easy but fascinating. Additionally, one must actually take into account
viewpoints of individuals not really thinking about applying the system and
include their issues whilst looking out for a PMS. Furthermore, make sure
to consist of your technical personnel in these types of discussions as they
are the individuals concerned with the setup, integration and execution of
the system.
Service Management System - Property Management System


Make a checklist and obtain estimates: Make a summary of

functions that have been suggested. Generally, these types of lists usually
consist of a few features which are absolutely necessary, while others
may be very easily overlooked. Thus, whilst planning a summary of
requirements and needs, it is very important segregate features
depending on the needs. When the checklist is actually prepared, one can
right now proceed using the purchasing procedure. Because of this, one
has to consider choices which fulfill the needs you have and suits in your

Think about your budget: It is important to determine how a lot one

can manage on obtaining a property management system. Currently,
there are lots of property management techniques available in the market.
All these techniques vary from each other in terms of features provided.
Appropriately, the cost variety also differs. By identifying the budget,
choice becomes simpler as one can easily get rid of options which are
outside the range.

Jinisys Software offers 4 types of property management system








management system, cemetery or entombment management system and

parking management system.

Property Management System allows the company to keep track of

lots/units per property, their current value and their status. The system
provides a tool for the company to easily manage pricing, payments, and

Service Management System - Property Management System


sales of units/lots. Also, it keeps track of payables for broker commission

and receivables for monthly amortizations.

The property management system is divided into two parts: web

based and desktop application. The web based provides a real-time view
for broker on lots/units' current status per property while the desktop
application provides all other functionalities. The system will also be
integrated with another accounting or ERP back-office system.

System Requirement


Service Management System - Property Management System


Date Published: May 2014

2.2.2 OneSite Property Management Software

The RealPage multifamily property management suite gives you an
integrated, end-to-end workflow to smartly manage all your property
operations from prospects to residents to site and corporate operations
for enhanced productivity, reduced costs, and maximized revenue.
RealPages OneSite Leasing & Rents is an end-to-end, web-based
property management software solution used by various types of
multifamily property management companies to manage the complete
renter lifecycle.
It features powerful back office financial accounting and automates
property leasing, management, compliance and accounting activities. It
expedites and simplifies processes for leasing staff, like maintenance
requests, and serves as a powerful CRM tool for guest card management
and building relationships with prospects and residents.

Service Management System - Property Management System


OneSite also provides greater visibility into rental property

operations and financial activities for owners and managers. With
integrated document management, facilities, purchasing and central
reporting, OneSite is an essential system providing multifamily portfolios
all the resources they need for operational success, optimum efficiency at
the property and increased NOI.
OneSite Leasing & Rents Commercial is a powerful on-demand
management tool that gives owners and managers the ability to monitor,
analyze and execute standard policies and procedures for their
commercial office, retail, industrial, and mixed-use assets. It simplifies and
automates property management and lease administration, and helps
owners increase revenue and recovery potential by enabling the creation
of standardized or custom expense recovery methods for tenants.
Date Published: 2014

2.2.3 Optima Property Management System

Optima PMS is a world leading Windows based Property
Management System that incorporates the latest in advanced technology.
It is designed to provide all the features of a sophisticated Front Office
system linked with other computerized hotel applications on the same
relational SQL database.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Optima Property Management System places all the vital
information needed for optimum operation at the manager's fingertips. All
information can be viewed on-line, printed in a large variety of reports or
shown on graphs. Advanced icons and color-coding give the managers an
excellent overview of all hotel operations and allow them to maintain
precise management controls. It is a profitable marketing tool, as it
captures a wide range of data needed to make the correct marketing
analysis. Information analysis is simple and precise, emphasizing
revenues, budgets and yearly comparisons in combination with data of
occupancy, segmentation and other guest information.
Optima PMS enhances reservations management, streamlines all
accounting and billing, upgrades guest services, boosts staff productivity
and improves marketing and sales performance for all types of hotels. It
provides the hotels with all the tools necessary to give better, more
personal and more efficient service to the guests, the result being an
increase in the average price and the occupancy of the hotel, in an
environment that is constantly more demanding and more competitive.
Optima Property Management System has a unique open
architecture as a result of using standard industry development tools such
as Power Builder. The Windows Graphical User Interface helps simplify
data entry, management inquiries and financial reporting. The simple user
interfaces also makes learning and using the system easy and quick, no
matter how big your hotel.
Using any combination of keyboard, touch screen or mouse, the
user can easily enter any data into the system and retrieve all the
information easily, quickly and efficiently. Optima is designed for simple
Service Management System - Property Management System


operation and maximum flexibility in functionality and performance that

creates a profitable and smoother operation.
Optima PMS has a flexible, open architecture that makes it simple
to define according to each individual hotel requirements. The hotel may
define its rooms by their features, group them together into different
buildings, wings, room types and room categories. It may also define
unlimited number of user-defined packages and plans, connected to
different prices controlled by a sophisticated rate management. It handles
travel agents, tour operators, companies and other kinds of customers
each with its own contract and room allocation. Other services can be
easily defined in the system including fixed or flexible prices.
Accommodation rate tables are as flexible as they can be and can be
entered in different formats.
Optima Property Management System main advantage is that it is
designed to meet each hotel's needs and procedures and not vice versa.
Optima PMS includes some unique features such internal revenue
management tools, internal and central data warehouse, dynamic reports
and graphs, daily snapshot reports sent to selective managers and owners
by e-mail, advanced modules supporting high levels of guest service,
internal and external CRM modules and Guest Service Centre program.
Optima streamlines processes allowing staff to give more attention to the
guests on one hand and save labour costs on the other.

Service Management System - Property Management System



The reservation module
Room availability with drill down to a single reservation.
Direct reservation from price quotation.
Flexible rating and automatic calculation of the value of a reservation.
Sharing and group member invoicing.
Group Master accounts.
Easy blocking for guests special requests.
Comprehensive special services set-up, easily customized for each
VIP types and levels.
Partial or fully automatic allocations depending upon reservation.
Special requests automatically incorporated into the reservation from the
guest, group, agent or company history.
Automatic commissions management
The guest reception module
Clear, concise and quick check-in and walk procedures.
Comprehensive guest history including preferences and photo
Full primary and secondary agent history.
Service Management System - Property Management System


Agent and company contracts.

The accounting and billing module
Handles all aspects of multi-currency transactions and all types of V.A.T.
Invoicing for non-room folios.
Automatic cash flow calculation and control for each front desk agent at
any time.
Automatic night posting.
Advanced, easy to use city ledger (accounts receivable) module.
POS and telecommunication charges transferred instantaneously to the
guests account.
Automatic commissions deductions and reporting

Housekeeping and maintenance module

Housecleaning assignments are prepared quickly according to
predefined parameters of work.
Job orders are automatically sent to the maintenance department .

General system module.

Log book
Concierge information listing.
Service Management System - Property Management System


Guest message and guest locator modules.

Report module with an extensive report generator
Versatile reports for all levels of management.
Statistical reports
Occupancy and work assignment forecasting reports.
Date Published: 2010

2.2.4 Rent Manager

Comprehensive, Adaptive, Transformative Software
Rent Manager is a completely integrated property management,
accounting, contact manager, and facility maintenance software suite. You
get the sophistication your back office personnel require and the simplicity
your managers need to be more productive and efficient. Available as a
stand-alone or cloud-based product, Rent Manager is a proven solution for
companies that manage all types of multifamily, single-family, and
commercial properties.
Rent Manager provides a robust accounting system that includes
general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, budgeting, and
drill-down financial reports that integrate seamlessly with a powerful
property management/CRM database. Exceptionally customizable and
ideal for properties of every size, Rent Manager enables you to increase
Service Management System - Property Management System


your productivity by organizing rental and maintenance information,

reducing delinquent accounts, and automating all accounting and

Double-entry accounting

Keep your accounting in balance at all times.

Prospect and lease management

Manage potential customers, marketing campaigns, and leasing

agent performance.

Built-in work order management

Track items and inventory, manage projects, and create and print
work orders.

Follow residents through the entire lease cycle

Track everything you want to know about your tenants, roommates,

businesses, etc.

Integrated ACH and credit card processing

Receive electronic payments from residents and pay owners and

vendors online, in real-time.

Built-in marketing features








advertisements to Craigslist, Zillow, and Trulia with a few

clicks of the mouse.

Manage and reconcile CAM**

Charge and reconcile CAM expenses using a variety of distribution


Extensive permissions and security

Control what each user can see and do within the program.

Virtual Post Office (VPO)

Service Management System - Property Management System


With one mouse click, Rent Manager handles the printing, stuffing,
and mailing of letters and statements for you.

Integrated VoIP with NDT***

Make, receive, and record phone calls directly through Rent

Manager using our advanced Voice over Internet Protocol system.

Comprehensive utility billing features**

Handle meter reading, billing, and collection without paying a thirdparty vendor.

Bird's Eye View mapping**

Create aerial-view pictorial maps of your properties for visual


Integrated report writer**

Design your own reports with the information and calculations that
you need.

Manage owner-financed loans**

Track everything from loan terms, rates, and conditions to payment


More than 250 built-in reports

Examine and assess every aspect of your business with our

expansive reporting suite.

Drill-down reports

Click on a value in a report to trace its source and see how it was

Outlook and Google Calendar integration

Sync your personal calendar with the calendar in Rent Manager

and never miss another appointment.

Customizable screens, toolbars, and fields

Change the look-and-feel of Rent Manager to meet the needs of

each employee.

Custom document templates

Service Management System - Property Management System


Type keywords and Rent Manager searches its entire database for

Available as a stand-alone or cloud-based product

Choose the version that best fits your business needs.

Date Published: May 1, 2013

2.2.5 OnSite Property Manager

Affordable, professional rental property management software that
increases income, improves efficiency, and fills vacancies faster.


Paperless Office

Easy to Use

Saves Time

Increases Income

Safe And Secure

Office Mobility

Multi-User Access


Auto-Posting Charges



Owner Reporting


Paperless Work Orders

Expense Tracking

Preformatted Letters

Service Management System - Property Management System


Rent Roll Format

Vacancy Advertising


Variable Rental Terms


Here are just some of the newest features weve added in response to our
member requests:

Operating Statement - rolling 12 month report showing income,

expenses, and account balance(s)

Batch Payments - for recording multiple checks or payments at one


Tenant Highlighting - 5 colors for you to choose from and use for
your own purposes

Postcard Printing - so you can save money if you mail tenant


Rent Roll Filtering - new unit status icons and over 20 ways to filter
your Rent Roll page

Service Management System - Property Management System


Color Preferences - set your own colors for debits, credits, and
balances on the transaction page

Report Preferences - choose dates/periods, sort columns, email or

open in Excel with 1 click

Administrator Report - logs common tenant and financial actions

performed by users

International Date Formats - 9 different date formats to suit

countries around the globe

Date Published: 2014

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.3 Synthesis and Relevance to the Study (Matrix Comparative Analysis)

Foreign Related Studies
Easy navigation using
category to ensure simple
management and retrieval
of all properties
Service request and
maintenance request
Lease renewal, rent
renewal tracking
Portal with secure access
Storage of all property
related documents
Items, space and asset
Lease renewal, rent
payments, expiration
History recording
Generation of property
management reports
Preventive maintenance
management with
autogenerate capability
and scheduling based on
any trigger-calendar,
meter or condition-based
Rapid and analytical
searching functions
Definition of filters and
view for an customized
access to data
Log Trail Report
Data import/export
Email request Modules
Mobile solutions with
Web-based user interface





Service Management
Property Management

Local Related Studies





Service Management System - Property Management System


An analysis of related studies and systems can help the proponents to

understand many factors of a complex issue and at other times, such as analysis
can lead to a new possibility that can be researched upon in the current project.


Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management Plan


This section gives a general overview of the Risk Mitigation,
Monitoring and Management Plan for the subsystem Property
Management System (PMS)

Scope and Intent of RMMM activities

Risks on software development project must be
successful software system. Lack of defined approach to risk
management is one of the common causes for project
failure. To improve project chances for success, this work
investigates possible risk impact areas to perceive a
foundation that can be used to define a common approach to
software risk management.


Risk Management Organizational Role

Stakeholders who are involved in the system
development also have corresponding responsibilities or role
in managing the risk. If only if everyone did their role before
or during the system development.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Software development can avoid risk by determining what

really is included in the subsystem, product size and
clarifying what can the subsystem do for the user.

The proponents can avoid risk by keeping themselves

informed and knowledgeable about the project theyre
working into.

The company that had been interviewed can help avoid the
risk by providing all necessary information about the
business process of the system.

The proponents can avoid the risk by estimating earlier on

how much will it takes in making the project to provide
sufficient resources for it.


Risk Description
This section describes the risks that are likely to be encountered in
this project.

Risk Table

The following table describes the risks associated with the project.
The appropriate risk category, probability and impact are given.
2.1.1 Description of Risk m

Development Risk:
This risk involves problems such as insufficient resources
and misused of strategies that may occur during the
development of the subsystem. If the proponents fail to
be trigger and caused failure, also the financial problem.
Customers Risk

Service Management System - Property Management System


This risk involves misinterpretation about the system that

will be developing. If the company that has been
interviewed provide inaccurate information about the
business it will caused the proponents to be misled in the
size and scope of the subsystem
Process Risk
This risk is concern with the Advisers Complained where
the proponent has to change the done documentation
and software development in to a new process.
Business Risk
This risk involves the client complained where the
proponents must have to adjust in the client wants to
happen in the system or in the software development and
in the adviser advice.

Employee Risk:
It involves Negligence of the members where the
proponents did not perform their jobs that Cause delay in
terms of the development of the system.

Employee Risk:
This is the risk where concern is Miscommunication of
the group members especially when the proponents have
difficulties in the other members of the groups that Cause
delay in the development of the system.

2.1.2 Probability and Impact for Risk m

The following is the sorted version of the above table
by probability and impact:

Service Management System - Property Management System







Negligence of members



between the member


Delaying of plan


Financial problem


Wrong information


Adviser complained


Client complained

Table- Risk Table (sorted)

Impact Values






The table represents the risks that can be encountered in software

development. It is sorted by category and gives a brief description of risk

Service Management System - Property Management System


in Risk Column and also provides the probability of risk in Probability

Column and also the impact of the risk in the Impact column.

Risk Mitigation, Monitoring and Management

This section in detail describes Risk Mitigation, Monitoring
and Management for each of the possible risks. It will discuss the
ways on how to avoid, prevent, monitor and manage the risks.

Risk Mitigation for Risk m

In this section, six (6) possible software development
risks will be identified. To mitigate is to prevent from huge









consequences if only if the risks occurred.

3.1.1 Development Risk
To avoid the insufficiency of resources and
misuses of strategies, the proponents will make sure
that the plan they started have to meet its goals.

3.1.2 Customers Risk

In this risk the proponents going to analyze the
problems and identify the needed information before
gathered information about the client needs.
3.1.3 Process Risk
In this risk the proponents must to have a
weekly consultation to their adviser to monitor their
doings in every week so that the proponent must be






advisers advice and proponents side, also the

Service Management System - Property Management System


redundancies in terms of the development of the

3.1.4 Business Risk
In this risk the proponents must have to clarify
the client wants to happen in the development of the
system specially the process, the procedures and
then the features of the system.
3.1.5 Employee Risk
About the negligence of the members the
proponents must have to understand the side of the
others members of the group, also the Project
manager must have to remind the job of his






development of the system.

3.1.6 Employee Risk
In this risk in miscommunication of the
members the proponents must have to understand
the side of the others members of the group, also the
proponents must have to unite and bund when the
development of the system is started.

Risk Monitoring for Risk m

In this section, the proponents will discuss the risk on
how will it be monitor and determine ways to much likely to
reduce the existence of the risk.
3.2.1 Development Risk

Service Management System - Property Management System


For the monitoring of the risk, the proponents

will focus on the available resources and keep an eye
on new technology offered. The activities that have
been settled will be checked if the strategy that the
proponents used is effective or not. Keeping an eye to
the progress is applicable.

3.2.2 Customers Risk

In monitoring the risk, in case that the
information that we gather is not accurate in the
information that the proponent needed, the proponent
well be going to find alternative bases information that
we can include in to the development of the system
like comparing the process or procedure into the co
integrated system.
3.2.3 Process Risk
Inters in monitor the risk of the advisers

proponents will be going to check the

documentation and the other procedures of the

development weekly about the advisers complained
to minimize the possible problems that the proponent
my encountered.

3.2.4 Business Risk

In monitoring risk of the client need the
proponent have to monitor the client need in setting a
meeting to the client to identify what kind of process,
Service Management System - Property Management System


procedure and features the client what to happen in

the development of the system.
3.2.5 Employee Risk
In monitoring the Negligence of the members
the proponent must have to know there responsibility
in the development of the system, the project
manager must have to unite his proponent to make
sure that the relationship of his proponent is united as
one for the development of the system
3.2.6 Employee Risk






miscommunication of members the proponent

must have to know there responsibility in the






manager must have to unite his proponent to








proponent is united as one for the development

of the system

3.3 Risk Management for Risk m

3.3.1 Development risk
In the management phase, if the resources and
strategies used did not work out well in the software
development. The proponents will use another
approach or methods to finish the desired output of
the project.

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.3.2 Customer Risk

In managing the Risk, wrong information
process, the proponent must to analyze the risk then
change a possible problems that the proponents my
3.3.3 Process Risk
In Managing the process risk about the
advisers compile the proponents must have to
change said changes base on the complained of the
adviser for the development of the system.
3.3.4 Business Risk
To manage this risk the client complained, the
proponent must also have to change the system
based on the said changes that the client want for the
development of the system.
3.3.5 Employee Risk
As managing the risk of negligence of the
members, each proponents of the team must have to
set a meeting to talk about the recently happen in to
your team, and to make sure that in the next phase of
the development the problems that you encountered
will never happened again. Or simply the proponent
can handle it much better
3.3.6 Employee risk
In managing the miscommunication of the
members, the proponent must have discussion about
the process of the proposal system.
Service Management System - Property Management System


3.2 Software Configuration Management Plan

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scopes and Intent of SCM Activities
The purpose of SCM is to know the changes and upcoming
changes to the project. Determine the scope and out of scope of the
system. Guide us to lessen the mistakes. Any changes will result into a
big change to the output or small, it depends on the changes. Changes
into the project have a negative effect to the team. Example of this is
when you change your transition on system it cost time delay, budget
and added task to the member meaning to say SCM in a useful guide
for the developing team.
SCM activities are develop to

Identify change

Control chance

Make sure the change properly implement

Also have a way to document the change.

1.2 SCM Organizational Role

The person or organization involved in the changes, who lead to
the rightful process for developing the propose system.

Project Adviser: Sir Dennis Gonzales

School Professor: Sir Rico Bundoc
Agency or company: Malban and Matrix Security Agency
Team Member:

Service Management System - Property Management System


Ramos, Christian Joseph D.O - Project manager

Visitacion, Clarisa Llego

- Document Specialist

Amacio, Chanie De Guzman

-System analyst

Bacay, Kenneth Ramos

-Business analyst

Arizapa, Michelle Quintela

-Lead programmer

2.0 SCM Tasks

In this section the team will try to detailed all important SCM task will
assign for each member. Doing their own task will lessen the changes in the

Ramos, Christian Joseph D.o Project planner, initiating the plan,

manage the group and leader of the team.

Visitacion, Clarisa Llego

.- Document specialist grammar and

document expert

Amacio, Chanie De Guzman

- System analyst, transition ,design

and process

Bacay, Kenneth Ramos

- researcher, who gathered the


Arizapa, Michelle Q.

- Lead programmer , the coder for the


2.1 Identification
In this section, the proponents discussed about the software
configuration and identify the SCM plans
2.1.1 Description

Service Management System - Property Management System


Identify the changes- the proponents suggest changes in the

development of the system, gather information and more interviews
to identify what are the most important changes that we have to put
in the software development and to figure out if the changes are
necessary to do for the software development.
Approve changes the proponents think of having a control when
it comes to changes in the software development. In that way,
organizing the group members and giving them a specific role in
the software development is important for us. In this case your job
title is your only job in this development you cannot allow to change
something in the development unless if it is needed and important.
But before doing some changes you have to talk to the rest of the

Ensure the changes is being properly implemented in this

case if there are changes in the software development the
proponents must have to spend time to check and make sure that
the changes is

properly implemented to finalize the software

Document changes since the software have changes, the
proponents must also have to change the documentation
specifically the contents. Revision is also a consideration.

2.1.2 Work products and documentation

Identify the changes Once the changes are identified, a change
request form will be produced and will be sent to all proponents

Service Management System - Property Management System


Approve changes After evaluating the proponents, you have to

change the request form, change report from will be generated.
Ensure the changes are being properly implemented.
Document changes Once the changes are provided, the
proponents will document the changes in the library. And they will
change the software version number if it is necessary.
2.2 Configurationally control
2.2.1 Description
Steps in controlling the changes

Analyze the changes in the system.

By using Diagram show the new process.

Implementation to the system.

2.3 Version Control

2.3.1 Description
In this section it describes about the system changes. As we, the
proponents, innovations of system in every change are in our plan.
Encountering those changes will make the project perfect in the
2.3.2 Increasing Version number Back up existing file or project.

Bug Fix Minimal system component changes

Minor Updates Design Changes

Major Updates Process Changes

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.3.3 Work products and documentation

Documentation or reports of any changes for the project
study including the date and name of the person/s involved in
changes in the project.

2.4 Configuration Status Accounting (CSA)

There are two ways to communicate the developer two know the
unexpected changes in the project.
2.4.1 Description

Verbal communication Verbal communication between those

member or developer when reporting those changes

Mobile phone and social media network this method of

communicating the developer is when they are not in the same

2.4.2 Work products and documentation

Report all the changes using verbal or mobile phone

Analyze by the developer the situation.


Then documentation of changes.

3.3 Software Quality Assurance Plan

1.0 Introduction
In this section will discuss the Software Quality Assurance Plan
(SQA) for the Property Management System (PMS)

Service Management System - Property Management System


SQA is about the activities and issues in performing the

development process on time with the right process and more
useful to the client.

The SQA Plan by the developing team will lead the group for better
and more comprehensive develop Software to achieve the goal
perfectly and impress the client.

1.1 Scope and Intent of SQA activities

Objectives of SQA are:

Gather all information

Software documentation

Multi System testing.

Process refining.

1.2 SQA Organization Role

The proponents are in the small group, only 5 members. So
the group decided to use Ego-less structure.
SQA.Figure.1 Ego-less structure is a style of computer programming in
which personal factors are minimized so that quality may be improved. This style
suit for the proponents because the team have 5 members only

Service Management System - Property Management System


Project manager- Ramos, Christian Joseph De Ocampo

Document Specialist Visitacion, Clarisa Llego

System Analyst Amacio, Chanie De Guzman

Business Analyst Bacay, Kenneth Ramos

Lead programmer- Arizapa, Michelle Quintela

Small group advantage and disadvantage:

Easy to communicate among the group members because of
minimal member
Project manager can monitor all the works of the member

Service Management System - Property Management System



Too many task or role for each group member. For example
System analyst he/she also the designer and process analyst of the

Lack of funds

This statement shows the cost of correcting an error.

Initialization and Design: encounter errors (high)
Coding and Development process: encounter errors (moderate)
System client Test and Field Operation: encounter errors (zero

If SQA plan is executed perfectly it will lessen the group

errors or much better if the system had free for any errors. In the
First step the errors that the group in counter is high it is reasonable
but it will lessen during the second step of the process and the last
step definitely the system is free from error.

2.0 SQA Tasks

Task for the SQA

Interview to the possible client

Meetings and brainstorming of group ideas.

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.1 Task Over view

The task for the SQA describe above is the objective of group
needed to perform in order to save time, cost and design, minimizing
the errors in the system.
2.2 Standard, Practices and Conventions (SPC)
Interview to the possible client

Interview to the possible client meaning to say. Gather

information to the organization with the same process as your
project to get there process and featured.

In the interview will discuss the process ,problem and added

featured of their system





Matrix Agency

July 28 2014

8am to 12pm

-Company Process


Marban Agency

July 28 2014

1pm to 5pm

Company Process



Meeting and combine group ideas.

Giving your own opinion or idea to the project help the

project from less in the upcoming errors. Identify or combine
those ideas to know the best for the project.

Service Management System - Property Management System



Reviews and Audits

Formal technical review (FTR) is software quality assurance activity.

The object of FTR is the following.


Preventing and identifying errors before its coming.

Verification of system that meets the requirement.

Making the propose system manageable.

Generic Review Guidelines

3.1.1 Conducting a review

Team review, refining the propose system

Reviews of advisors helps a lot the team developer to

have a better ideas and conclusion to the project

Checking of Client or the system user

3.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities

As the proponents have started in 1.2 SQA Organization

Project manager- Monitor the group: Ramos,

Christian Joseph De Ocampo

Document Specialist Document all the information

Visitacion, Clarisa Llego

System Analyst analyze the process of system

Amacio, Chanie De Guzman

Business Analyst Gather all the important

information Bacay, Kenneth Ramos

Lead programmer- testing and debugging Arizapa,

Michelle Quintela

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.1.3 Review work and product

Every meeting the project manager assign a task to

each member


Detailed report for each member.

Planning for the system development


Team member need to comply all the task that the Project
manager give to them

Members reports of weekly task must be know by the Project


Changes in the plan must be know by all the member of the


4.0 Problem Reporting and Corrective Action/follow-up

In this section will discuss how to fix upcoming problem that the
team may encountered.
4.1 Reporting mechanism

Verbal reporting personally in the project manager or by the use of

online Social network and mobile phone then analyze and process
new ideas.

4.2 Responsibilities

Team Members:

Project manager-Ramos, Christian Joseph De Ocampo

Document Specialist Visitacion, Clarisa Llego

System Analyst Amacio, Chanie De Guzman

Business Analyst Bacay, Kenneth Ramos

Lead programmer Arizapa, Michelle Quintela

Service Management System - Property Management System


4.3 Data Collection and Valuation

Group meeting about how to gathered information.

Research in the internet

Conduct interview

Ask in the project adviser

3.4 System Specification

1.0 Introduction
This section gives a general overview of the Property Management
System (PMS)

Goals and Objectives

Accomplishing all task that given to the proponents and make the

project useful for the client. Make the user of the project system can
understand the process of the system and know the function of the
Property management to the Service management system

Administrator (property and item)control function

administrator manage the request for the new item and
disposal item or property the system will direct to the
administrator form to view and accept or not accept
before the request goes to the procurement system.

Detailed monitoring item of property

All the information of the current property item should be
save, example of this is on where the item goes, the user
date, when the item repaired and until the item remove to
the company all the information involve in the company
was save.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Notification for payment

Avoid of delaying of payments. Monitor of the due date of
payments, the system will notify the user about the
deadline of payments before the due date happen.

Useful and reliable information

It will show all the needed information and categorize the
information depending on the users needs.


System Statement of Scope

The general statement of the intent of the software (system)
should be provided here. What information is proposed, what major
functions are implemented and what data are provided as input to
property management
1.2.1 General Requirements
The following statements will discuss the features and
requirements of the proposed system, Property Management
System (PMS).

The propose system should have database to save the


The propose system should monitor the status of


The propose system should record the user of property

The propose system should remind or notify if theres a n

up coming due date or payments related in the property

Administrator function for approval of buying and selling

new item.

Service Management System - Property Management System


The propose system should categorize the report needed

base of the user need.

Interface Enhancements The project team create a simple but

functional design to make the system is easy to handle or to use by
the user but still all the process needed are in the system.


System Context
The proposed system of the proponents is still in developing
stage to make sure that the system is free from errors and capable
to do all the process needed by the user. The proposed system is
for academic purposes only.


Major Constraints
The proponents only have 4 months to finish the project
documents so the proponents will avoid unnecessary use of time.
The proponent maximize the time in constructing of the Detailed
Design Report (DDR) to make sure the system process is correct
and functional.
Funds are important to run the project without the funds the
project cannot be done. The proponent has limited funds so
budgeting plan is important for the group.
Man power

Service Management System - Property Management System


Each of the proponents has their own responsibility to the

project to accomplish the system. Considering that there are only
five members in the team, completion of tasks may be not a
hundred percent for some reasons like tardiness, unwanted
situations or sickness.


Functional Data Description

This section will discuss overall system function and the information
domain in which it operates.
2.1 System Architecture
Figure 1. Architecture Model

Service Management System - Property Management System


2.1.2 Subsystem Overview

Viewing of property information
This process is not a main function of the system. This
process is for viewing of detailed information of item.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Reply for disapprove reports.

The property manager or financial officer has a reply
process to the sender, it discuss about the reasons why the
report was disapprove.
Detailed monitoring of properties.
All the report about the property will be send to the property
and manage it. That informations comes from procurement and
warehouse. The information they reported will add to the involve

Data Description
2.2.1 Major Data Objects
Item information
F-item code
F- Item name
F- Category
F- Description
F- Quantity
F- Date
F- User
System User information
F-User id
F-User name
F- User position

Service Management System - Property Management System


Human Resources Information

F- HR id number
F- HR Name
F- HR Position

Procurement (new item)

F- Item name
F- Category
F- Description
F- Purpose
F- Quantity
F- Supplier
F- Price
Warehouse (Disposing report)
F-item code
F- Item name
F- Category
F- Description
F- Purpose
F- Quantity

Service Management System - Property Management System


F- Date
F- Reason

Figure.2 Relationship

Service Management System - Property Management System


Service Management System - Property Management System


2.3 Human Interface Description

Log in form - Security for unauthorized user. Also to
categorized the user base on their accessibility in the system. Property
management manager or financial officer and property management
staff have a different function theres a restriction base on their
Main home- This form is for the Property management
manager or financial officer of the company. This form is connected to
the important process that the Administrator can only operate or
manage it.
Home- Main process is for the Property management staff but
the PM Manager and financial officer can also operate or manager this
form. This form connected to the minor process of the Property
management system (PMS)
Approval for new property- This form linked from the main
home this process is important to the Property management system
(PMS). The process of this form is to approve or disapprove the
request from the procurement system. Only PM Manager or financial
officer can only operate this form.
Dispose changing the status to dispose. Dispose form
shows the status of a property. Dispose is divided into two categories
one is Junk and another is selling. After the administrator decided

Service Management System - Property Management System


about the particular item if its selling or junk the letter of approval will
be send
Report - Report form is for the reports about the HR issues like
if the items under their liabilities are destroyed needed to be repaired
or for worse if the item was lost. This report will be added to the
information of the involve property or item and send the also the report
to the case docket system about the penalties.
Payments Payment notification form is about the due date of
payment even if its rent or yearly payment this form handle that issue.
Process of payment after the notification of due date the system will
also notify the billing for upcoming payment to the company

Subsystem Description

Subsystem flow diagram

Figure 1.Viewing of property information

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 2.Reply for disapprove reports

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 3.Detailed monitoring of properties

4.0 Enhanced Interface prototyping


The following are the proposed prototype interface of the
Property Management System (PMS).

Figure1. Login form

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 2.Main Process

Figure 3.Request new property

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 4.Reports

Figure 5.payment

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.5 Software Requirements Specification


Goals and Objectives

Accomplishing all task that given to the proponents and make the

project useful for the client. Make the user of the project system can
understand the process of the system and know the function of the
Property management to the Service management system

Administrator (property and item)control function

administrator manage the request for the new item and
disposal item or property the system will direct to the
administrator form to view and accept or not accept
before the request goes to the procurement system.

Detailed monitoring item of property

Service Management System - Property Management System


All the information of the current property item should be

save, example of this is on where the item goes, the user
date, when the item repaired and until the item remove to
the company all the information involve in the company
was save.

Notification for payment

Avoid of delaying of payments. Monitor of the due date of
payments, the system will notify the user about the
deadline of payments before the due date happen.

Useful and reliable information

It will show all the needed information and categorize the
information depending on the users needs.


System Statement of Scope

The general statement of the intent of the software (system)
should be provided here. What information is proposed, what major
functions are implemented and what data are provided as input to
property management
1.2.1 General Requirements
The following statements will discuss the features and
requirements of the proposed system, Property Management
System (PMS).

The propose system should have database to save the


The propose system should monitor the status of


The propose system should record the user of property

Service Management System - Property Management System


The propose system should remind or notify if theres a n

up coming due date or payments related in the property

Administrator function for approval of buying and selling

new item.

The propose system should categorize the report needed

base of the user need.

Interface Enhancements The project team create a simple but

functional design to make the system is easy to handle or to use by
the user but still all the process needed are in the system.


System Context

The proposed system of the proponents is still in developing stage to make sure
that the system is free from errors and capable to do all the process needed by
the user. The proposed system is for academic purposes only.

Major Constraints
The proponents only have 4 months to finish the project documents so
the proponent will avoid un-necessaries use of time. The proponent
maximize the time in constructing of the Detailed Design Report (DDR) to
make sure the system process is correct and functional.
Funds are important to run the project without the funds the project
cannot be done. The proponent has limited funds so budgeting plan is
important for the group.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Man power
Each of the proponents has their own responsibility to the project
to accomplish the system. Considering that there are only five members in
the team, completion of tasks may be not a hundred percent for some
reasons like tardiness, unwanted situations or sickness.


Usage scenario

User Profile

There will be two levels of users:


Full control (Financial officer/ Property management Manager)

Read/write/modify all (Property management staff)

Use Cases
Read/Write/Modify All Users
This level of users can, remove and update data from the
system. this level can send letter for the report of lost, repair and
the payment for property.
Full Control Users
The administrative level has the full access in the system
and its setting. This level of users controls any process of the
system. The decision that comes from other subsystem will also
manage by the full control users.

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 1 use case diagram

3.0 Data Description

3.1 Data Description

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.1.1 Data Object and Dictionary

Item information
F-item code
F- Item name
F- Category
F- Description
F- Quantity
F- Date
F- User
System User information
F-User id
F-User name
F- User position

Human Resources Information

F- HR id number
F- HR Name
F- HR Position

Procurement (new item)

F- Item name

Service Management System - Property Management System


F- Category
F- Description
F- Purpose
F- Quantity
F- Supplier
F- Price
Warehouse (Disposing report)
F-item code
F- Item name
F- Category
F- Description
F- Purpose
F- Quantity
F- Date
F- Reason
3.1.2 Relationships

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure.2 Relationship

Service Management System - Property Management System


Service Management System - Property Management System



Functional Model and Description



Subsystem Flow Diagrams

Subsystem Description

Subsystem flow diagram

Figure 1.Viewing of property information

Service Management System - Property Management System


Figure 2.Reply for disapprove reports

Figure 3.Detailed monitoring of properties

Service Management System - Property Management System



Human Interface Description

Log in form - Security for unauthorized user. Also to
categorized the user base on their accessibility in the
system. Property management manager or financial officer
and property management staff have a different function
theres a restriction base on their position.
Main home- This form is for the Property management
manager or financial officer of the company. This form is
connected to the important process that the Administrator
can only operate or manage it.
Home- Main process is for the Property management staff
but the PM Manager and financial officer can also operate or
manager this form. This form connected to the minor
process of the Property management system (PMS)
Approval for new property- This form linked from the main
home this process is important to the Property management
system (PMS). The process of this form is to approve or
disapprove the request from the procurement system. Only
PM Manager or financial officer can only operate this form.
Dispose changing the status to dispose. Dispose form
shows the status of a property. Dispose is divided into two
categories one is Junk and another is selling. After the
administrator decided about the particular item if its selling
or junk the letter of approval will be send

Service Management System - Property Management System


Report - Report form is for the reports about the HR issues

like if the items under their liabilities are destroyed needed to
be repaired or for worse if the item was lost. This report will
be added to the information of the involve property or item
and send the also the report to the case docket system
about the penalties.
Payments Payment notification form is about the due date
of payment even if its rent or yearly payment this form
handle that issue. Process of payment after the notification
of due date the system will also notify the billing for
upcoming payment to the company


Restrictions, Limitations and Constraints

The proponents only have 4 months to finish the project so the project
team will avoid un-necessaries use of time.
Having enough funds for the development of the proposed system
is clearly one of the major constraints. Insufficiency of funds could affect
the system and to the proponents to continue.
Man power
Each of the proponents has their own task throughout the
development of the system. Considering that there are only five members
in the team, completion of tasks may be not a hundred percent for some
reasons like tardiness, unwanted situations or sickness.

Service Management System - Property Management System



Validation Criteria
The proponents validate information by testing the system and

database. Connection of database to system is the first checking. Access

of system to the database we use a pop up message that show the status
of connection of system to the database. The pop up message show
message depend if the connection successful or not. But if the connection
was field it show the errors and where the errors to configure it or debug
the codes and solve the problem.
The proponent validate also if the data from system is successfully
save to the database. Again the proponent use pop up message to locate
the error or show positive result. To clarify or make sure the data was
saved the proponent use table that show the whole information of
database for the user viewing
If theres a saving process there also a update and modify process to know the
validation the proponent also use the technique in saving data from database
This section gives a general overview of the Property Management
System (PMS)

Goals and Objectives

Accomplishing all task that given to the proponents and make the

project useful for the client. Make the user of the project system can

Service Management System - Property Management System


understand the process of the system and know the function of the
Property management to the Service management system

Administrator (property and item)control function

administrator manage the request for the new item and
disposal item or property the system will direct to the
administrator form to view and accept or not accept
before the request goes to the procurement system.

Detailed monitoring item of property

All the information of the current property item should be
save, example of this is on where the item goes, the user
date, when the item repaired and until the item remove to
the company all the information involve in the company
was save.

Notification for payment

Avoid of delaying of payments. Monitor of the due date of
payments, the system will notify the user about the
deadline of payments before the due date happen.

Useful and reliable information

It will show all the needed information and categorize the
information depending on the users needs.


System Statement of Scope

The general statement of the intent of the software (system)
should be provided here. What information is proposed, what major
functions are implemented and what data are provided as input to
property management
1.2.1 General Requirements

Service Management System - Property Management System


The following statements will discuss the features and

requirements of the proposed system, Property Management
System (PMS).

The propose system should have database to save the


The propose system should monitor the status of


The propose system should record the user of property

The propose system should remind or notify if theres a n

up coming due date or payments related in the property

Administrator function for approval of buying and selling

new item.

The propose system should categorize the report needed

base of the user need.

Interface Enhancements The project team create a simple but

functional design to make the system is easy to handle or to use by
the user but still all the process needed are in the system.


System Context

The proposed system of the proponents is still in developing stage to make sure
that the system is free from errors and capable to do all the process needed by
the user. The proposed system is for academic purposes only.

Major Constraints

Service Management System - Property Management System


The proponents only have 4 months to finish the project documents so

the proponent will avoid un-necessaries use of time. The proponent
maximize the time in constructing of the Detailed Design Report (DDR) to
make sure the system process is correct and functional.
Funds are important to run the project without the funds the project
cannot be done. The proponent has limited funds so budgeting plan is
important for the group.
Man power
Each of the proponents has their own responsibility to the project
to accomplish the system. Considering that there are only five members in
the team, completion of tasks may be not a hundred percent for some
reasons like tardiness, unwanted situations or sickness.

Data Design
2.1 Database Description

Service Management System - Property Management System



Architectural and Component- Level Design


Program Structure
3.1.1 Overall

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.1.2 Monitoring

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.1.3 Payment

Description for Components


Log in

Major Form: Log in

Major Action: confirm user login and user password

User Login
Object Name:TextfieldLog
This field accepts the user name of the user. It accept

User Password
Object Name:PasswordTextfieldLog


Object name: btnConfirm

Verify information from login and pass fields. Button that check if the
user name and password.

Service Management System - Property Management System



Major Form: Home form
Major Action: linkbuttons

Object name: btnPay
The purpose of this button is to link the Home to
another process which is Payment form. In that form show all
the information of due date payables. This form also can send
the information to the billing subsystem.

Object name: buttonReport
The purpose of this button is to link to another form. It

connects to the report form that manages about the reports of HR

problem such as repair and lost of an item/Property.
3.2.3 Main home
Major Form: Main home
Major Action: Link to another process.

New item request

Object name: buttonNew
The purpose on this button is to connect the new item request
form to the Main home form. New item request show the entire
request that needed manage by the administrator.

Object name: buttonDispose
This button link to the form dispose. It shows the report from
other subsystem about the disposal property in the company.

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.2.4 New item request

Major Form: Add new form
Major Action: link to MainHome, View, Send, delete, and Reply.

Object: button send
This action use when the request was approve by the
administrator. It will send a purchase order request to the billing
for the new item or property needed to buy.

Object: button delete
These action uses when the request was disapprove by the
administrator. It will be deleted to the list of new item request.

Object: button reply
These action uses when the request was disapprove. The
administrator can send a letter to the sender what is the reason
for the disapproval of request

Object: table
It show the list of request needed to be process by the
administrator of the system. The table shows the primary
information of requested item.



Major Form: Notification

Service Management System - Property Management System


Major Action: View, send and delete,

Object name:btnDelete
These action uses when the report was disapprove by the
administrator. It will be deleted to the list of disposal unit.

Object name:btnSnd
This action is used when the report was approved by the
administrator for selling or junks that specific item. It will send
the letter to procurement subsystem to complete the process of
disposing item.

Object name: Tview
It shows the list of disposal reports needed to be process by the
administrator of the system. The table shows the primary
information of disposing item.



Major Form: Report Form

Major Action: view, modify, save and send

Object name:btnSave

Object name:btnSave


Service Management System - Property Management System


Object name:btnSave

Object name:btnSave



Major Form: Payment form

Major Action: view, modify, save and send

Object name:btnSave

Object name:btnSave

Object name:btnSave

Object name:btnSave


User Interface Design

The propose system compose of many transitions of form

connected depend on the usage of system. Each of form analyze and design
perfectly by the proponent to make sure the system will be useful to the client

Description of the User Interface

Service Management System - Property Management System


Below are some of the forms in the program. After fire

up the program, the login screen will appear. If the users
enter the right username with the matching password, it will
immediately take them to the main interface.

Screen Image

Figure 1 Login form

Figure 2 Main home form

Service Management System - Property Management System


4.1.2 Objects and Actions

1. Login Form
Username can be ranged from 6-20 letters or







characters and space.

Password can be ranged from 6-20 letters and
numbers, as the industry standard. No special characters
and spaces.

Cancel Button
This button allows the user to exit into the system if
they wish to end transaction.
2. Main home
This form connected to another process the design in this form
is simple to make it easy to understand for the user of the
project system. It compose of buttons and some image for the
design of the project system

4.1 Interface Design Rules

Interface design focuses on three areas of concern:
1. The design of interfaces between software modules;
2. The design of interfaces between the software and other nonhuman
producers and consumers of information
3. The design of the interface a human and the computer
4. Easy to learn
5. Readability
6. Easy to navigate between interfaces

Service Management System - Property Management System


4.2 Components Available

The proponents are required to use the Java Programming
Language. For that matter, it is decided that the proponents will be using
Java Netbeans. So here is the following list of controls that the
proponents will be using for the PMS.
4.3.1 Java Swing Controls








4.2.1 Java Swing Menus

Menu Bar

Menu Item

Pop-up Menu


4.2.2 Java Swing Container



Service Management System - Property Management System



Restriction, Limitation and Constraints

Time is so far the biggest restriction or constraints for the proponents
to developed the proposed system. The proponents only have an
approximately five months to finish the entire project. It is very important
for the proponents to watch the time to spend over the phase of the
software development project. The proponents could have included many
components to the project like online HRMS but time restricts the project
team from doing so.

Employee Skills
Skills in computer programming and design skills are also one of
the restrictions. It does not have as big of an impact on the project as time
but it sure does limit the proponents from doing more addition to the
project functions and components.

Testing Issue
To validate the system we need to test it with another process.
During the testing of connection, the project team concerned about the
data from another process must be correct. Getting wrong data from other
process make the project system did not work properly.


Classes of test

System Interface
The proponents will create an interface easy to operate and
understand design must be compose of tables, buttons, text field
pictures and menus.

Service Management System - Property Management System


The proposed system is basically made up of major

components that the proponents are required to do so. It will use
Java Netbeans for front-end and MS SQL for back-end.
Login Form
Start of the process, in this form categorized the user of the
system, Login name and password Field must have correct
information to proceed to the next process based on the level user

Main home
Admin form shows the function that the admin of company
can do this Form link to many processes of system, main function
purchase order request, reports and management personnel.

Notification form shows all the reminders for payment it can
be yearly, monthly or weekly notification about the thing needed to pay for
example of this is the renewal of license gun and vehicle. The proposal project
automatically shows all the needed reminders about the property.

New item Request

This form is also the main process. Purchase Order Request
form is a letter for needed item need to buy and send it to
procurement process this process only manage by the admin.

Report form is the list of transaction of property management
it can generate needed reports and can only manage by the admin

Service Management System - Property Management System


Black Box Testing:

This is also known as Behavioral Testing, is software testing method in
which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested is not
known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though
usually functional.
This method of attempts to find errors in the following categories:

Incorrect or missing functions

Interface errors

Errors in data structures or external database access

Behavior or performance errors

Initialization and termination errors


Performance Bounds
The proponents have to setup a certain performance bounds or
criteria for the PMS so that by following those criteria, the proponents will
be able to maintain quality, user friendliness and usability of the software.

The user should be able to log on within 0.1 second

Save Function
Best Case Scenario Immediate
Worst Case Scenario 3 seconds

Search Function
Best Case Scenario Immediate
Worst Case Scenario 3 seconds

Print Function
Service Management System - Property Management System


Best Case Scenario Immediate

Worst Case Scenario 2 seconds

Browse Function
Best Case Scenario Immediate
Worst Case Scenario 2 seconds

Delete Function
Best Case Scenario Immediate
Worst Case Scenario 3 seconds

Exit Function
Best Case Scenario Immediate
Worst Case Scenario 3 seconds

Cancel Function
Best Case Scenario Immediate
Worst Case Scenario 2 seconds


Identification of Critical Components

User Access
The proponents will make sure that the accessibility of the system
is limited if only if the person is an authorized user for the system.
Print Generator
Making sure that the reports that can be generated into print-outs is
correct. The reports should generate right amount of data and can be
accessed in different type of document formats.

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.7 Test Specification.


This section gives a general overview of the test Specification for the
Property Management System (PMS).


Goals and Objectives

The objective of the PMS is to provide the user an easy and
convenient way to access their data and generate useful reports.
The goal of the proponents is to do the right thing, though
perfection is what everyone wants but to do the right thing for a
purpose is more powerful than anything.

Many constraints will be applied to the system. The testing

process for PMS has a number of goals and will be thoroughly
tested for logic errors and coding bugs. In addition to testing bugs,
PMS will also test the friendliness of the user interface to ensure
that it is of the utmost quality: efficient, powerful, and user-friendly.


Statement of Scope
An overall plan for integration of the software and a
description of specific tests are documented in this section. Below
are the different kinds of tests that the team will take to ensure the
quality of the software.

1. Unit Testing

MS SQL Database

PC Application

Java NetBeans

Service Management System - Property Management System


Unit test will be performed using black box testing methods.

2. Integration Testing

MS SQL Database

PC Application

Java Net Beans

3. Validation Testing

MS SQL Database


PC Application

4. High-order Testing


MS SQL Database


PC Application

Major Constraints
In this section the proponents discussed the related constraints that
can affect the testing.
1. The proponents has limited time to meet the clients for testing
2. The proponents may encounter insufficiencies of funds
3. The proponents only got five members in a group.


Testing Plan
The proponents want the PMS to be bug free and lesser error on
the processes. The proponents also want to make sure that there are no
defects in the system. This is the reason why the proponents have to
spend large amount of the total software development time on the testing.
The following are the description of the testing procedure and strategy.

Service Management System - Property Management System


The proponents also be presenting the timing and scheduled of the tests
to be carried out.

Software (SCIs) to be tested

2.1.1 Interfaces
Login form
For login project team set a restriction for login. Developer use
button in checking of verification of user
Menu bar (all process)

Help tips or information about the process using buttons to view

Sign out function of this button log out the user and back to the
log in process

Request Item

Generate letter by clicking this button it will show a table where

you can put your data on.

Save the function of this button is to save the letter into the

Send send the letter to the procurement to process.


Generate report by click this button the user can choose the
report he/she wants to view and print it.

Add new

Add using this button you can add the item from warehouse table
to request item table

Service Management System - Property Management System


Remove - using this button you can remove the item from request
item table to warehouse table

View view the transaction and save it.


Find using this function to find the Hr information.

Add this function is for adding the order uniform to the HR


Print verification print the verification and sent data information to

the warehouse.

Property maintenance


Repair this button change the status of property to repair.

Lost / un use this button change the status of property to repair

Change this button change the status of property to repair

Testing Strategy
In the following section, the proponents will describe the testing
strategy and will use four different methods to test the proposed system
2.2.1 Unit Testing
This type of testing is performed by the proponents before
the setup is handed over to the testing team to formally execute the
test cases. Unit testing is performed by the respective proponents
on the individual units of source code assigned areas. The
developers use test data that is separate from the test data of the
quality assurance team.

Service Management System - Property Management System


The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program

and show that individual parts are correct in terms of requirements
and functionality.
2.2.2 Integration Testing
The testing of combined parts of an application to determine
if they function correctly together is Integration testing. There are
two methods of doing Integration Testing Bottom-up Integration
testing and Top down Integration testing.
After all individual modules have been unit tested, and are properly
functioning, they will be put together to form a program. This
program will then be tested for general errors including compiler
and runtime errors, input errors, and efficiency. Any errors will be
corrected at this stage. If the program is inefficient in some
computation, the cause of the inefficiency will be isolated and fixed,
whether it be at the unit level or the integration level.
2.2.3 Validation Testing
As the program is starting to take shape, lead programmers
will make sure it adheres to customer guidelines. If any guideline
cannot be followed exactly, then the program will be modified to suit
the nearest reasonable alternative.
2.2.4 High-order Testing
PMS will be system tested to ensure that all programming
packages integrate with each other as intended, and that the final
software is integrated well into the native environment.
Alpha testing will follow, where the software interface will be
delivered to a few people to test. The alpha testers will use the
Service Management System - Property Management System


software as it was intended, to make sure no problems exist. Here

any issues with the interface, computation, or graphs will be fixed.
The software will then be tested for security and performance.
During security testing, we will attempt to run known exploits
against the interface and test security of the software. Security is
vital to a user interface, so as to keep user data confidential, and so
any security issues will be given special attention. During
performance testing we will test the runtime performance of the
software and make sure that the interface performs well in a variety
of conditions.
2.3 Testing Resources and Staffing
The proponents will use several different resources to carry
out the test on the PMS. Since the time is a part of project
constraint, the proponents will try to use help from everyone that is
essential to take the responsibility and evaluate the software during
the testing phase.
- The Company Staff
- The Proponents
- Laptop / Desktop
- Software Applications


Test Record Keeping

Test record keeping and test work products are described in
section 3.4 of the test specification document. For more information
regarding these topics, please refer to section 3.4 of the Test
specification Document.

Service Management System - Property Management System



Testing tools and Environment

Java Netbeans will be used as testing tools as well as the testing

environment. As stated above, a test date will be constructed for unit and
integration testing.

Test Schedule
Following is the tentative schedule for the testing of the PMS.
Project Test Plan

To be scheduled

System Testing

To be scheduled

Generating the test reports


To be scheduled

System Implementation


To be scheduled

Test Procedure

In this section the proponents will describe the test procedures in detail.


Software (SCIs) to be tested

For detailed list of the software component items please refer to
section 2.1 from Test Specification document.

Service Management System - Property Management System



Testing Procedure
In this section the proponents will try to describe overall software
specification and describe the methods for the different test to be
performed and will also declare the expected outputs.
Login form
For login project team set a restriction for login. Developer use button in
checking of verification of user
Menu bar (all process)

Help tips or information about the process using buttons to view

Sign out function of this button log out the user and back to the
log in process

Item request

Generate letter by clicking this button it will show a table where

you can put your data on.

Save the function of this button is to save the letter into the

Send send the letter to the procurement to process.


Generate report by click this button the user can choose the
report he/she wants to view and print it.

Add new

Add using this button you can add the item from warehouse table
to request item table

Service Management System - Property Management System


Remove - using this button you can remove the item from request
item table to warehouse table

View view the transaction and save it.

3.2.1 Unit Testing

3.2.1 Unit test cases Login
Test Case


Expected Result

Valid Login

Valid Username & Logged in to user


Invalid Login



Username Refresh login page

& Password




valid credentials Logout
Test Case


Expected Result


User clicks logout

Prompt Are you

sure you want to
logout? Help
Test Case


Select topic


Expected Result

a Display





Expected Result Report
Test Case

Service Management System - Property Management System


Specify function

Function, variables, Function



according to inputs


invalid Invalid



function, Prompt
variables, could

and/or data



generated due to
invalid inputs


Type of graph

Invalid Graph

Graph is displayed





3.2.2 Integration Testing

Test Case


Expected Result

Valid Login

Valid Username & Logged in to user


interface; taken to
main page, cookie

Invalid Login


Username Refresh login page

& Password




valid credentials
Select help topic

Help topic



Begin Report

Click New Report

Function page is

Specify function




variables, data

according to inputs


invalid Invalid



function, Prompt
variables, could

Service Management System - Property Management System



and/or data

generated due to
invalid inputs




graph, Graph is displayed


from function
Invalid Graph





Request Account

Username which is Prompt

already taken

Request Account


another username

shorter Prompt Password


specified too short

Request Account

Unique username, Account created

and valid password


User clicks logout

Prompt Are you

sure you want to

Links Correct

Click on each and Link goes to proper

every link


3.2.3 Validation Testing

Functionality Test









user interface;

& Password

taken to main






Service Management System - Property Management System








& Password

prompt for valid




Help topic








New Function page



is displayed
















Function could





generated due

and/or data







of Graph


graph, data displayed


Prompt Graph











is Choose







Service Management System - Property Management System



shorter than Password too













User clicks Prompt



you sure you




3.2.4 High Order Testing

The high-order testing procedure is specified. For each of the high
order tests specified below, the test procedure, test cases, purpose,
specialized requirements and pass/fail criteria are specified. It
should be noted that not all high-order test methods noted in
Sections 3.2.4. will be conducted for every project. Recovery testing
No recovery testing will be required. Since all the data are
accessed using a web browser, in the event of a system crash,
the user can always reboot their computer and log in to the
website again and reload everything. Security testing
Security will be tested thoroughly. Only registered and
authorized users should be allowed access to use the analysis
functions provided by PMS

Service Management System - Property Management System

139 Stress testing

Different sizes of data will be tested. Amount of user flow will
also be tested. The PMS should be able to allow a reasonable
amount of user to use the website at the same time without
causing any traffic and loading speed of the website. Performance testing
A timer will be set for each report generated. These times will be
recorded and studied to see if the software is sufficient enough
to handle all types of reports the users might request on
different size of data. Alpha/beta testing
Alpha testing will be based on the software developers.
Members of the team will each go through the website
thoroughly and use the analysis functions on a testing database
to ensure quality and correctness.
Beta testing will be public. Selected pre-registered users will be
given a username and password and their data will be loaded to
the database. They will each go through the website and submit
a report of any bugs, ease of use, and as well as their opinions
about the PMS. Pass/fail criterion for all validation tests
If there are many complaints and errors of the website, it will not
pass the test.

Service Management System - Property Management System


3.3 Testing Resources and Staffing

The proponents have a limited manpower to be able to test the
PMS properly. This is the reason why the proponents will use help
from several different people to be able to tests the functionalities of
the PMS. The following are the people that involves in this task.

1. Client Staff / Employees

The proponents ask for help to test the PMS with the
participation of the security agency personnel. The employees /
staff are allowed to use the full function of the PMS as part of its
validation testing. The employee tries to add the aspiring
applicant and then be able to save the info of the employee. The
employees are allowed to record any errors that they encounter
during the software testing on hand.

2. Handheld PC / Desktop / Laptop

The proponents will have to use the clients PC or laptops after
installing the PMS. This will allow the user / employee to test the
PMS with one or more tester at the same time. With this, the
data from one computer to the other are also identified through
the system integration functionalities of PMS.

3. Error Reporting
The proponents provide a reports manual on which the
employee and staff are required to list down the error and bugs
that they may encounter during the testing activity.
3.4 Test Record Keeping and Log
A test record keeping document will be used to evaluate immediate test
result for each of the testing. For example:

Service Management System - Property Management System


Test Record Form

Test Type :____________




Test Case

Test Report



Valid Login
Invalid Login


Begin Report
Specify function


Invalid Graph
Links correct
A test log will be kept to monitor the tests that have been applied. An
error, or bug log is kept to monitor any problems that have arisen during

Service Management System - Property Management System


Test Log


Defect report

Test Type

Test Case


Service Management System - Property Management System



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