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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY)

2010- 10- 24 12:10:00 Suresh Soni

T he Cabinet Commit t ee on Economic Af f airs (CCEA) has approved t he

implement at ion of Indira Gandhi Mat rit va Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) on pilot
basis in select ed 52 dist rict s during t he remaining period of 11t h f ive year plan
at a t ot al cost of ` 1,000 crore.
T he object ives of t he scheme are t o improve t he healt h and nut rit ion st at us
of pregnant , lact at ing women and inf ant s by promot ing appropriat e pract ices,
care and service ut ilizat ion during pregnancy, saf e delivery and lactation;
encouraging t he women t o f ollow (opt imal) Inf ant and Young Child Feeding
pract ices (IYCF), including early and exclusive breast f eeding f or t he f irst six
mont hs and cont ribut ing t o bet t er enabling environment by providing cash
incent ives f or improved healt h and nut rit ion t o pregnant and nursing mot hers.
Cash Incentive:
T his scheme envisages t he cash transf ers t o be made t o all pregnant and
lact at ing women as incent ives based on f ulf illment of specif ic condit ions
relat ing t o mot her and child healt h and nut rit ion.
In t his scheme each pregnant and lact at ing woman will receive a t ot al cash
incent ive of ` 4,000 in three installments f rom t he second t rimest er of
pregnancy t o t he child at t aining t he age of six mont hs
Benef iciaries:
T he benef iciaries would be pregnant women of 19 years of age and above
f or f irst two live births (benef it f or st ill birt hs will be as per t he norms of
Each benef iciary will be required t o open individual account (if she does
not have one already) in t he nearest bank or t he post of f ice f or cash
t ransf er.
T he scheme will be implement ed by using t he inf rast ruct ure, personnel,
syst ems and st ruct ures of Int egrat ed Child Development Services
(ICDS) including support of healt h syst ems along wit h t he addit ional
personnel on cont ract ual basis as approved in t he scheme.
T his scheme excludes all government or PSUs (Cent ral and st at e) employees
because t hey are ent it led f or paid mat ernit y leave.

T he scheme will be a 100% centrally sponsored scheme and ` 390 crore and
` 610 crore have been allocat ed f or 2010-11 and 2011-12 respect ively.
IGMSY will be implement ed in all t he Anganwadi Cent ers of t he select ed 52
districts f rom all the states or union territories. IGMSY will be implement ed
by t he st at e/UT s t hrough t he exist ing st at e and dist rict ICDS cell support ed
by addit ional cont ract ual st af f .
Incentives to Anganwadi Workers:
Anganwadi worker and Anganwadi helper will receive an incent ive of ` 200 and
` 100 respect ively per pregnant and lact at ing woman af t er all t he due cash
t ransf ers t o t he benef iciary are complet e. T here will be st eering and
monit oring commit t ees at all levels t o oversee implement at ion and monit or
t he progress.
An IGMSY cell wit hin t he Women and Child Development Minist ry will also
be set up.

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