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Animal Rights Activists

Sibei Tan
University Of Kentucky


Now, animal rights activists are becoming more and more important in the relationship
between humans and animals. They protect animals and struggle with people who damage
animals. This paper mainly introduces animal rights activists, to takes a deep view of why
and how animal rights activists get together to work on animal rights activities. How are they
getting stronger and developing better? What do animal rights activists do on diet, habits,
beliefs, even media, laws, and society for animal rights. What are the problems and
challenges that these animal rights activists meet? This paper also contains series events and
laws in histories about animal rights activists; some examples of communities and
organizations; two interviews to give further explanations about this culture. The purpose of
this paper is to lead readers to understand the formation, reasons, and the development
processes of animal rights activists. And what do they do in their lives for animal rights, what
problems and stereotypes they meet are.


Animal Rights activists

Now days, the relationship between human beings and animals are getting closer. In
the same time, the problems exist in this relationship is still on the rise. The phenomenon of
abusing animals by humans frequently appears, it makes abundant of animals are homeless,
get ill, even dead. Furthermore, lots of animals are slaughtered for food, or other financial
benefits caused some kinds of animals have been extinct. Thus, some people can not bear
these damages of animals; they want to change these situations, to against activities that are
harmful to animals make by humans. Some of them come from different places; they have
different cultures backgrounds and lives. All of these people called animal rights activists;
they get together for the same target, to protect animal rights. They believe animals are the
lives that are similar to the humans; all the lives are fair. Zhao said: Animal are lives similar
to human beings, there is no reason to hurt them when they are not harmful, just because we
are stronger than them. They need to be treated equally as humans as some way (personal
communication, September 8, 2014). Animal rights activists also believe that animals have
emotions, thoughts and feelings like humans do. You have a pet dog and play with it; it will
wag its tail, run around, bark and lick you. Animals do have brains and they will for sure
think. I would say their thinking process is similar to ours. Kendra said (personal
communication, September 8, 2014). Now that animals are similar to humans, animal rights
activists think that animals have rights same to humans do. Protect their selves from ills and
damages, keep health, happy, lives, and so on. Animals have rights to protect themselves
and to help. They have rights to have euthanasia when they are ill. Zhao said (personal
communication, September 8, 2014). According to these reasons, more and more animal


rights activists get together. They make many activities that are different from other cultures
include individual activities on habits, diets, beliefs; society activities even institutions and
communities, like media, laws to protect animals. And the process that they get together,
what problems and stereotypes they meet, how do they make this culture develop stronger
and stronger.
Before looking around animal rights activists activities, there is some information
to help understanding them better. The first known law that protects animals in Europe had
passed in Ireland in 1635. It prohibits pulling wool off sheep and the attaching of ploughs to
horses' tails. Because people think, these are cruel activities to animals. In England, The
object the dog was required to perform was pinning and holding, i.e. to seize the bull by the
nose and then not to leave go the hold (Luca, 2003). This description is a scene of bull
baiting, a sport of England during the middle ages. For preventing cruelty to animals and
stopping this sport, the first anti-cruelty bill was introduced in Parliament in 1800. In 1824,
Colonel Richard Martin organized the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(SPCA). These people struggled for animal rights relied on humanitarian that advanced
human rights, then they got together to against the activities that are harmful to animals, even
built communities. Subsequently, a great number of animal rights activists in different
countries started to get together, and to build more and more organizations to protect animals.
During the World War II, David Brower and some young people expanded the advocacy of
the American Humane Association, and it split from the AHA (American Humane
Association) in 1954. In 1980, people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) emerged
(David, 2008). According to these historical events, we can say that there are three important


things of the process that people to be an animal rights activist. Firstly, be a beneficent person.
Secondly, do everything in ones power to protect animals. Finally, call together people who
want to be an animal rights activist; it can bring more beneficial results of protecting animals.
Even now, more and more people put into animal rights movements to be a member
of animal rights activists. They work on animal rights activities on many different aspects.
For example, some individual activities relate to habits, diets, and beliefs. The only
difference between our best friends and animals killed for their fur is how we treat them
(Weiner, 2014). Some people have recognized the standard of best friends and animals killer.
So, they change their shopping habits, to refuse the productions of animal fur. Lots of
feminine activists refuse to buy clothes and shoes that are made by animal fur, like marten
coats. Because they realize that the harm to animals will exist if people continue to make
trades about animal fur, even these fur-products are so expensive. Illegal animal hunting is
still going on in some parts of the world because there are a number of people paying
thousands of dollars for animal furs. That makes matters worse Kendra said (personal
communication, September 8, 2014).

Figure1. The activists are against the

leather out of the exhibition. Note.
Photo Anonymous/ Wang Yi news

This picture (Figure. 1) shows that in 2012, Herms took 175 anniversary Leather Forever


exhibition in London, some members of local animal protecting organization against out of
the exhibition. They colored their bodies as the muscle of animals to express the protest about
using the animal leathers. Some people show their determinations to be animal rights activists
by being vegans. These people avoid eating meat, and the food that made by animals, even
eggs and milk. The total number of land animals killed and eaten by Americans decreased
by 300 million between 2008 and 2009 and by 600 million between 2006 and 2009 (Peta,
2010). This survey data shows the achievement of vegans; they save 198 animals a year.
Some people work on local animal rights companies; they meet other activists for work
requirement, business to make communication about animal rights, or just meet on the
Internet. Some activists organized activities regularly. Next individual activity that I will talk
is about beliefs and religions. The earlier Kagyu masters gave up meat, took up a vegetarian
diet, and developed pure love for sentient beings (Rinpoche, 2007). Animal rights activities
in Buddhism relate the pure love for sentient beings. In another word, the lives are fair. Its
similar to vegetarianism. These are some examples of different types individual activities
about animal rights.
Another type activity about protecting animals is related society. Like communities,
media, and laws. With the development of animal rights movements, more and more people
have become the members of the animal rights activists, and some of them organized
communities about animal rights. One of the communities in the world called International
Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). It is currently one of the largest animal welfare
organizations in the world. It was founded in 1969 by a small group people to stop the media
hunt for seal pups in Canada, and the mission is to rescue and protect animals


around world (Anonymous, n. d.). For example, to rescue the animals that have stranded; to
protect endangered animals; spread educations about protecting animals to people by
educating activities, and so on. There are many communities that are similar to IFAW, such as
Animal Liberation Front (ALF), British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV),
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (PETA), National Operation Anti Vivisection
(NOAV), and so on (Anonymous, n. d.). Of course, there are some organizes that different,
they aimed at some special animals such as panda, named Wolong Panda Club. It is an
organization that was founded in Sichuan of China (Anonymous, n. d.). The main assignment
of it is to give helps to panda, make research for panda, and give educations about panda to
people, make people know more about panda. The Wolong Panda Club has received help
from people all over the world including many government departments, companies, social
groups and individuals (Anonymous, n. d.). It is a special organization of animals; it works
for panda, a special type of animals that grew in Sichuan of China. With the increase of
numbers of animal rights activists, a great number of groups, organizations and communities
emerge. Community is one of the most important forms of activities about animal rights. It
can call on many people together to work on protecting animal rights, to make animals lives
After knowing about organizations, there are some media activities need to be
understood. Except for working in organizations, some animal rights activists work on animal
rights in other ways, Such as media publicity. We want to keep defenseless animals out of
the hands of known abusers, Peter said (2012). It comes from a magazine called The
Animals Advocate. As people known that magazines, books, newspapers, videos, music,


posters, advertisement, and films are common ways to deliver information. So, animal rights
activists have used these commercial channels to deliver the information about animal rights.
They can be a writer, to write articles and books about animals; they can be artists like
musicians, to create music about animal rights. Here I stand in Bressanone with the stars up
in the sky, Are they shining over Brenner and upon the other side? You would be a sweet
surrender; I must go the other way. And my train will carry me onward; though my heart
would surely stay, Wo, my heart would surely stay (Lien, 1995). It is a part of the lyric of
music named Bleeding Wolves. The musician Matthew Lien made this music for the theme
of protecting wild animals because in 1992. The government of Yukon in Canada made a
project of increasing the numbers of reindeer to protect the numbers of reindeer from
decreasing. There are also some films about animal rights; Babe is a comedy-drama film that
filmed in 1995 in America, this film told people a little pig Babe, who wants to be
a sheepdog.

Figure2. In the eyes of a

homeless animal, you

can be a hero. Note.
Photo Anonymous/

Figure 2 is a commercial poster for a website. It put three cats eyes and three dogs eyes
together, to make a big visual impact to people. The purpose of this website is to make people
know that these animals that need help. Some other commercial ways like public good


advertisements, speeches about animal rights, and actor performances. All of these are kinds
of commercial form for animal rights activists to protect animal rights in the society.
Follow to the animal rights activists efforts on communities and commercials, and
what is about laws? Humans have laws to protect humans rights, are there any effect laws to
protect animals? What kinds of laws are they? In the Swiss Canton of Zurich, a lawyer is
employed by the canton government to represent the interests of animals in animal cruelty
cases (Hickman, 2010). A growing numbers of areas have law committees, include America,
the laws about protecting animals have been taught into many schools. In Australia, One of
the more comprehensive academic works on animal law is authored by Ven. Alex Bruce.
New Yorker Elena Zakharova is suing a pet store. Because the chronic pain that her dog,
Umka, suffers from as a result of hip and knee problems, which she attributes to the
dogs puppy mill origins (Kretzer, 2012). Its a case of the legal rights of animals. Because
there are some problems of the dogs health, Elena Zakharova was suing a pet store to
protect the rights of dogs. This case is one of the applications of animal rights laws. Many
people are punished because they damage animals. But are laws can be effective on the
relationship between humans and animals? Mandatory of laws could act as a restriction of
humans inappropriate behavior. People would consider it as a restriction to themselves to
help them make friends with animals Zhao Chengxi said (personal communication,
September 8, 2014). So, we can see that so many kinds of ways that animal rights activists
can use to protect animal rights. Of course, with the increasing of the numbers of animal
rights activists, more and more people join into this culture and create new ways to protect
animal rights.



Finally, what are problems and stereotypes they meet? First, some animal rights activists who
have extreme enthusiasms on animal rights will make some extreme activities. They want to
express loves to animals. Even to hurt other people for releasing the anger of the animal
damages that are caused by humans. During the past two decades, radical environmental and
animal rights groups have claimed responsibility for hundreds of crimes and acts of terrorism.
Including arson, bombings, vandalism and harassment, causing more than $100 million in
damage(Anonymous, 2011). This case shows that sometimes, to protect the animal rights for
some activists who fevered easily will become terrorism activities. Thought they show a
strong idea of loving animals; they hurt other people, and even make huge damage of society
and money. Its a stereotype of animal rights activists. Second, some people think that animal
activists only pay attention to protect the little, or cute animals, like baby dogs, baby cats.
Especially girls that are more perceptual, when they see some little size animals, they are
interested in, and they have more sympathies about these little, cute animals. So, there is a
stereotype that people think animal activists only pay attention to protect the little or cute
animals. In fact, activists are often ridiculed for championing fish, flies, chickens or other
"non-cute" animals. Cute and non-cute are in quotes because cuteness is highly subjective
(Lin, n. d.). Third, Veganism is not healthy. Many people think that if they refuse to eat meat,
and other foods that made by animals, there will be not nutrition enough to support their
bodies. The American Dietetic Association supports vegan diets because they think vegan
diets are healthful. It provides health benefits in the prevention and treatment of diseases.
In sum, animal rights activists get together at first is to protect animals from



damaging by humans. Then, they start to make some individual activities to protect animal
rights. After that, more and more people begin to pay attention to animal rights, and more and
more people join this culture. They are writers, actors, artists, government members.
Different people in different situations take different activities to protect animals. So, there
are groups, and communities are built up by these animal rights activists, even many
large-scale communities emerge. They combine a large number of animal rights activists
come from different areas and countries to protect animals together. It is a strong culture with
huge human resources. Although there are many challenges and stereotypes of this work, the
groups of animal rights activists are larger, and with the efforts by animal rights activists, this
culture is developing stronger and stronger.



Luca, C. M. (2003). Bull Baiting. Retrieved from:

David, w. (2008). Animal rights movement. Retrieved from:

Weiner, J. (2014). Keltie Knight Says, If You Wouldnt Wear Your Dog, Please Dont Wear Any
Fur. Retrieved from:

Peta (2010). Vegans Save 198 Animals a Year. Retrieved from:

Rinpoche (2007). Gyalwang Karmapa's Advice on Vegetarianism. Retrieved from:



Peter, F. V. (2012). For the recorder. The Animals Advocate. 31(3), 2. Retrieved from:

Anonymous (n. d.). Intro. Wolong Panda Club. Retrieved from:

Lien, M. (1995). Bleeding Wolves. Retrieved from:

Hickman, L. (2010). The lawyer who defends animals. Animal Welfare. Retrieved from:

Kretzer (2012). Lawsuit: Dogs Are People Too. PETA. Retrieved from:



Lin, D. (n. d.). Top 12 Animal Rights Myths and Facts. About News. Retrieved from:

Anonymous (2011). Introduction: Animal Rights Extremists Target the University of

California. ADL. Retrieved from:

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